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How to Deal with Phony People   womenworking.com

I’ve dealt with a few phonies in my life and you probably have as well. Unless you are equipped to deal with them, they can be frustrating at best, and at worst they can wreak havoc in your life. Phonies can run the gamut of being gossips, liars, backstabbers, fair-weather friends, passive-aggressive, or they can be the person who always has to smile and tell you they “couldn’t be doing better,” when you know that’s not true.

Here are four ways to deal with phonies:

Trust your instinct
Is the new person at work trying too hard to be helpful or friendly because they’re just nervous—or are they just insincere? Did your relative just put you down in a comment disguised as a compliment? What does your gut say?

Two heads are better than one
Share your questions or concerns with someone you trust. If both of you suspect you’re dealing with a phony, you probably are. This isn’t fool-proof, but it’s better than dealing with a possible phony all by yourself and wondering if you’re being too critical and judgmental. Get a second opinion.

Be upfront with them
If you catch someone gossiping about you, revealing information you told them was confidential or if you’re the victim of backstabbing, go to that person and tell them up front you know what they did. Then tell them what your course of action will be if it happens again. If the offense is serious enough, tell them you’re taking action now, then do it.

Limit your interaction
Passive-aggressive people or fair-weather friends have toxic behavior. Stay completely away from them if you can—but if you can’t, limit your exposure to them. Even the person who is sporting that fake smile and telling you how wonderful things are (when you know they’re being a phony) can drain the life out of you. You deserve better–just stay away from them.

Set clear boundaries and enforce them
Phonies do what they do because no one stops them. If you’re worried about offending them, or if you’re concerned about disrupting the relationship, don’t. They’re not sitting around worrying about you or second-guessing themselves. Do what you have to do to protect yourself.
What Can Movies Teach Us?   huffingtonpost

Who doesn’t love movies? My guess is that almost everyone has his or her favorite type of a movie. There are so many different genres of movies, from classical ones to film noirs, - and so, everyone can choose a type of movie that best reflects one’s interests. Besides, with the advent of new technology, one could watch a good movie while traveling or on the way to work. One just has to choose the best movie app for streaming on one’s gadget. So, one can easily select from different types of movies and pick his or her favorite genre. But some people might get skeptical about filmmaking, though, claiming that movies are far-stretched from the reality. But can films teach us something or are they made for the sole purpose of entertainment, to help us get distracted from the harsh reality?

Of course, there are movies that are made with the aim to entertain us; these are mostly comedy and romantic movies. They can make us laugh, get emphatic with the main characters, - and, yes, they can help us forget about some problems if we have any and realize that life isn’t always black and white, and that some things can be taken with the humor. But not all the movies are like that. There are movies that hold the great power, the power to teach us something new and to look at ourselves and the life in general at a different angle. Movies can be viewed as contemporary strong myths, through which we are able to understand more the human nature, society, interaction between the individual and the society, morality, values, and so on.

For instance, one of his most famous movies, The Seventh Seal, deals with the all-time theme of the man’s search for the meaning of life. This process can be hard, disappointing, but it’s something we cater for, as everyone has the need to find his or her unique sense of life. Bergman’s other movie, Persona, deals with the similar questions, in a more subtle way. At times, it asks more questions than gives the answers, but that’s where the power of art comes. An artist can make us ask questions for ourselves and try to find our own unique answers to these questions. It can make us stop for a moment, take a breath from the everyday rush, and think for a moment: What do I really want to do with my life? What are my dreams and what should I do to follow them? Am I being myself, or am I acting out and betraying my true self? What choices in life do I make every day? How do they influence other people?

Good movies always give the viewers a lot of room for interpretations. They might not be direct or ‘give’ direct lessons like ‘don’t do this, don’t behave like that,’ but they can definitely help us understand more about our life and can push us to find the answers to our questions. There are numerous movies that hold the power and can change our small world.

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