
今晚 Johnson 與 Billy 先探勘 單車行 路線 彩虹色的 新月橋很漂亮  還有 薩克斯風音樂

周日11/ 15 午3:30 說吧英文讀書會   新月橋單車活動
活動路線: 3:30 新埔捷運4號口集合 /出發/空檔時間下午茶或是新莊老街行/回程傍晚看星光新月橋 
(租借  需要優遊卡) 請先報名額 不需費用  自帶下午茶費用

板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉       聚會時間7:00pm--9:30pm
Why is entertainment important?

Entertainment is important as it brings people together and is a good way for the entire family to bond. It diverts people’s attention from their demanding lives and amuses them in their leisure time. Usually, entertainment is fun, enjoyable and pleasurable. Entertainment can take various forms including music, drama, storytelling, movie, sports, dance and traditional performances. 

As life gets increasingly busy, it becomes more difficult for people to spend time with their loved ones. Thus, it is necessary to keep everyone entertained to ensure a relaxing time when a family break does become feasible. Entertainment provides a way to break away from everyday humdrum activity and enjoy a refreshing moment together.

Entertainment brings happiness, which is a fundamental and powerful medicine that aids health and wellbeing. It is said “when you are happy, you have everything.” Happiness can even reduce stress and tension. Movies, music and TV series can all create joy in people’s lives. When watching or listening, members of the audience tend to forget the snags, miseries, worries and difficulties of their own lives.

With so many sources of entertainment now available, people have many options to choose from in their precious leisure time. Perhaps the best option is to focus on those forms of entertainment that are educational or inspiring, and which encourage people to achieve success amid their existing or perceived difficulties. (ask.com)
Why is entertainment important?
Entertainment: Good or Bad for You?
What you do in your leisure time?
How to Motivate Yourself?
What kind of Entertainment brings you happiness?
How to Relax? (Relaxation Techniques)
How to reduce stress and tension?


Taliban Stone Woman to Death for Eloping

A new video purportedly released by the Taliban in the Ghor Province of Afghanistan shows religious leaders and armed warlords stoning a woman named Rokhsahana to death.

Afghan media aired the 30-second clip that showed Rokhsahana, 19, stuck in a hole as men in turbans circled around her and threw stones at her head. As the stones are thrown, Rokhsahana can be heard reciting the shahada, or the Muslim testimony of faith.

The AFP reports:

    [Governor Seema] Joyenda, one of Afghanistan’s only two female governors, said that according to authorities’ information Rokhsahana’s family had “married her to someone against her will and she was eloping with a man her age”.

The region is notorious for its punishment of women who break Islamist social norms. The Daily Mail reports that “in March a woman named Farkhunda was savagely beaten and set ablaze in central Kabul” for allegedly burning a Quran and “in September a video from Ghor appeared to show a woman receiving lashes from a turbaned elder in front of a crowd of male spectators” for allegedly having sex outside of marriage.
What are your opinions about stoning the woman to death?
“She was eloping with a man” is eloping or having sex before marriage should be punished?
In your opinion, what punishments should be impose if one having sex outside of marriage?
Do you support the idea of honor killing?
Do you know any cruel and usual punishment?
What do you think about Muslim countries?



報導指出,該名少女名為羅莎娜(Rokhshana),她因為和23歲未婚夫高爾(Mohammad Gu


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