週四(11/26)1.線上性騷擾 2. 如何解讀別人的心思

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「Sexual Harassment」的圖片搜尋結果
Understanding Online Sexual Harassment   employment.findlaw.com

Harassment does not have to occur in a face-to-face confrontation between two people. Harassing behavior can occur over a telephone line, in writing, and, thanks to modern technology, over the Internet. The following is a primer on online harassment and steps that can be taken to avoid it.

While at work, only use your employer's computer system for appropriate purposes. While you may not be prevented from viewing on-line pornography while at home, your employer can insist that you do not carry that activity into the workplace. If you view pornographic or sexually offensive online sites while at work, or if you download materials from those sites, print off materials from those sites, or allow anyone else to see you viewing it, not only could you face severe disciplinary action, but you could also find yourself the target of a sexual harassment lawsuit.

Note: Improper and unprofessional office Internet use is not limited merely to sexual or pornographic materials. If you use a work computer to access racially harassing materials, religiously harassing materials, or materials that are harassing to any other class or characteristic of individuals you can find yourself in similar hot water.

Offensive e-mails can also be harassing. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recently sued an employer for, among other things, not taking prompt or remedial action after an employee sent a department-wide e-mail that contained racially offensive jokes about "Ebonics."

What To Do if You are Being Harassed On-Line

Consider installing a filtering system on your computer that automatically screens and discards e-mail messages from identified individuals or subject matters. With this type of technology, you can effectively prevent your computer from "showing you" items sent from particular people or items concerning certain topics or subjects.

In real-time discussion forums, direct your computer to block messages being sent from any other user whom you find offensive or who you feel is harassing you.

If you are being harassed, report the behavior to the host of the website. You may be able to successfully have the harasser banned from that website.
What to do if you are being harassed on-line?
How to prevent from online sexual harassment?
How to Respond to a Harasser?
How to tell if you are harassed at work?
What are the ways to protect yourself from sexual harassment at work?
How to file a sexual harassment claim?
Do you know your rights at work: workplace sexual harassment?
Ways To Read Someone’s Mind Easily   By Jesse Herman   spiritscienceandmetaphysics.com

Many of us think of reading somebody else’s mind as a sort of control mechanism. If you can figure out their next move, you can manipulate them or anticipate their future actions.  In reality, it can be far more practical and personal.

1) Body Language

Body language is another clear indication as to what somebody is thinking. If their forehead is creased they are stressed. How are they sitting or standing; what is their posture?
You can learn a lot about a person’s mental state from their body language, posture, and energy levels.

2) Watch their breath

How are they breathing? If somebody breathes through the base of their spine it means they are relaxed. If ones breathe is shallow, they are tense. If you want to know someone’s mental state, observe their breath.

If their breathing is choppy, they are most likely nervous which means they don’t want you to know something.  They may be shy, anxious, or hiding something from you.  If someone has a relaxed breath, you know that their mental state is calm which typically means they are being truthful.

3) Read their eyes

The eyes can also be revealing. The pupil is said to be a portal to the mind. Some studies have shown that when one thinks hard, pupils dilate.  Interestingly, when the brain is overloaded the pupils will constrict.

Also with pupils, when you first meet someone they widen. If they widen but then constrict, it means they are not really interested in you. If the remain dilated, it means they are excited to be with you.

4) Listen to their tone of voice. Not the words, their tone.

The tone of voice can also tell everything. The speed of somebodies voice. Slow is calm, fast in nervous. The words are not as important as the energy behind them. This does not even need to be explained because you know what a certain tone means. But sometimes we must really tune in and listen to get answers.
What are the ways to read someone’s mind?
Do you want to read someone's mind?
Is good or bad if you could read someone’s mind?
What are the ways to read body language?
How to tell if someone is being honest?
How to deal with dishonest people?

做生意被騷擾 女店長壓力大




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