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周五 (3/5) 1. 為何失敗? 2.為何偶像重要?

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聚會時間:   PM 7:00--9:30
The Reasons We Fail in Life (And How to Change That)
Steve Mueller planetofsuccess
1. Lack of self-discipline
Success requires discipline. As such, exerting self-control over yourself is a central requirement for being successful. If you lack self-discipline, you’re more likely to give up too quickly when problems arise. Similarly, a lack of discipline makes you more likely to give in to short-term temptations that lead you nowhere. If you’re undisciplined, you see no reason in making sacrifices today in order to prosper tomorrow.
However, if you’re disciplined, avoiding temptations and distractions will be much easier for you. Self-control helps you be focused on the aims you pursue, even if that means temporal sacrifice, suffering and abstaining from temptations. In fact, you will see these temptations and distractions as what they truly are: Obstacles on the road to success.
How to overcome a lack of self-discipline?
The big problem with self-discipline is that it needs to be developed. Most people falsely assume some are born with it and others not. It’s a fatal belief. In actuality, laziness and a lack of inner strength are two major factors that prevent many from developing self-discipline. But how should we ever develop discipline, if we continue to avoid doing difficult things which require us to be persistent, strong-willed and determined?
Work on developing and increasing your self-discipline gradually. You can develop more self-discipline for instance by:
    Increasing your stress tolerance levels.
    Removing distractions.
    Breaking bad habits.
    Postponing unbeneficial behaviors.
    Making plans and rewarding yourself for accomplishing your goals.
    Tolerating a higher level of emotional discomfort.
    Exercising regularly.
Let’s continue with the second reason why people fail in life.
2. Lack of persistence
You can be talented and intelligent. But if you don’t combine these two with persistence, you’ll fail eventually. A lack of persistence is a great obstacle to success. There are so many incredibly talented and gifted people who fail time and time again because they rely too much on their talents. They are not willing to persist until they’ve completely mastered what they’re doing. Instead, they quit when the going gets tough.
If you think that a lack of persistence is causing your failures, find ways to stop giving up too quickly. While it’s certainly true that persisting when you’re stuck in a dead end will lead you nowhere, persistence is all about finding new approaches and making adjustments. Persist when you’re confronted with difficulties and problems. Continue fighting for the accomplishment of your dreams, even if it’s uncomfortable. And just because you’re stuck in a dead end does not mean that there are no other ways to reach your goals.
3. Unwillingness to swim against the current
It’s always easier to swim with the flow. But it will lead you where everyone else goes. It will only give you the same results everyone else accomplishes. Society is designed to make you swim with the current, even if you’re not good at it. It puts a great number of obstacles in the path of those who seek to strive for their own greatness by going against the current. People simply feel threatened by those who challenge prevailing opinions. At the same time, however, society greatly rewards many of those who successfully managed to go against the stream. Without these individuals, there would be no airplanes, electricity and computers.
Have the courage to meet decisions that go against existing opinions. Swim against the current if it’s in your nature to do so. Pursue those activities that align with your innate strengths and talents.
4. Lack of planning
If you don’t have a proper plan, you are less likely to succeed in life. It doesn’t matter if the plan is imperfect or if things are not going to work out exactly as planned. All that matters is that you have a plan. It will help you to steer all your actions in one direction. Without a clear plan, you’ll most likely go left, right, forwards and backwards, but you’ll never come closer to your goals. The importance of planning is supported by scientific research which highlighted that entrepreneurs are less likely to fail if they created a plan.
Develop attainable, measurable, specific and time-bound plans. Carefully think things through before you start pursuing a specific goal. Create plans on what to do next and how to respond when confronted with problems. Update your plans regularly and make adjustments if necessary.
5. Fear of failure
Being afraid of failure paralyzes us. It makes us reluctant to seize rewarding opportunities. We fear failure, which is why we don’t even try. But isn’t that the greatest failure of all? Isn’t not trying worse than failing?
    “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”
    Robert F. Kennedy
Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid of not having the courage to try. It’s important to realize that the fear of failure is a major obstacle on the road to success. By overcoming it you can take an important step in the right direction. Progress can only be accomplished by taking one step after the other. It doesn’t matter if you slip here and there. All that matters is that you get back up and continue walking.
Don’t see failure as something that is designed to punish you. Instead, use the lessons you’ve learned from all your failures to pursue your dreams with even greater determination.
6. Wanting too much too quickly
A great number of people dream of accomplishing the greatest things. They set themselves incredibly challenging goals, but are quickly intimidated once they realize how high the mountain they’re standing in front rises into the sky. Consequently, they quickly become discouraged because of a lack of results. These are the people that (figuratively) hike for an hour, only to realize that the distance to the mountaintop hasn’t become shorter, which is why they give up.
There’s no problem with aiming high and dreaming big. In some cases, you might be setting yourself up for a long and hard fall by aiming too high. But in general, it will encourage you to try hard and to strive for greatness. The real problem lies in aiming high without considering the dedication, effort and work it takes each day to come anywhere close to your goals. In line with this thinking, it’s a massive problem if we shoot for the stars, without thinking about developing a proper means of transportation that will get us there.
It’s a human tendency to seek instant results. For this reason, break your goals down to avoid becoming discouraged too quickly. If you set major and minor milestones on your path to the mountaintop, you keep your motivation at a high level during the whole journey.
7. Lack of belief in yourself
Intelligence and talent are not necessarily what separates successful people from unsuccessful ones. The major difference lies in the fact that successful individuals believe in themselves. They believe that they can accomplish the goals they set themselves. They believe in their ability to find solutions to the challenges they are confronted with. Their strong belief in the capacity to figure things out as they progress encourages them to seize opportunities that seem initially too big to tackle for them. Successful people understand that nothing will work for them if they are not absolutely convinced of it.
While unsuccessful people seek for reasons why things are not working for them, successful ones have the necessary determination to make things work for them. It’s therefore of the upmost importance to realize how essential it is to believe in what you do. If you believe in yourself, you will be less likely to give up prematurely. Instead, your conviction will fuel you to keep searching for a solution until you finally find one.
5 Reasons You Need A Role Model - REVA University
Having a role model is extremely important to have a positive influence on your outlook towards life. Your role model will be your motivation and it doesn’t matter whether your role model is a writer, poet, scientist, politician, sportsman or your parents. A role model in life also promotes us to lead the life in the same standard as they do and will also push us to work harder for our aim and become successful. These are the five crucial reasons why you need a role model:
Know about the personality traits of a successful person
The term ‘success’ has a certain subjectivity attached to it. So, if you consider someone your role model, it essentially means that the person has done something successful according to you. The achievements of your role model could be a win at the Olympics or the actor of an award-winning television series. By knowing about how your role model achieved their goals, if you have a similar target to achieve, it will be convenient for you to follow their footsteps.
Learn how to overcome adversity
Everyone in life faces obstacles at some point or the other. Successful people also have had their share of hurdles that they had to overcome. A role model teaches you how never to give up and how to deal with any future setbacks in your course of the journey to success.
Everyone makes mistakes
Yes, we are all humans and we tend to make mistakes here and there. Even your role model must have committed a mistake at some point of his or her life. However, our role models never got disappointed with their mistakes, rather, their mistakes taught them life lessons.
Be the best version of yourself
You get to learn plenty from your role models. This also helps you in persevering your goals and at the same time, advancing your skills as well as improving your personality. So, make the best use of their accomplishments as your guide to better yourself so that you can become someone else’s role model.
Setting higher aims
When you follow the principles of your role model who has faced hardships to become successful, you tend to motivate yourself to become like him or her. By following your role model’s principles, you will eventually become confident yourself and feel stimulated. The positive influence of role models also encourages you to set bigger goals in life.
A role model in your life is always a good idea to inspire yourself to achieve the zenith of success. Having a role model in life can help you improve your life and the attitude towards it. Emulating a person’s actions and values will serve as a guiding light for you when you have bigger goals to achieve in life. The teachings of your role model will also motivate you to spread their message and successful journey with others. Hence, you will be able to inspire others around you to lead a better life.
PM7:00   --9:30

周五 (2/26) 1. 過有意義的生活 2.有希望 一定能成功

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PM7:00   --9:30

Make Your Life More Meaningful - 9 Ways to Add Meaning and Significance to Your Life
by Marelisa
So, what is a meaningful life? According to a paper published in 2016 in the Review of General Psychology, a meaningful life contains three features:
    Purpose – having and trying to achieve life goals which you consider to be important and of significance.
    Comprehension – Making sense of the events that have taken place in your life and noticing how they weave into a coherent whole.
    Mattering – the belief that your existence is valuable.
That is, a meaningful life has purpose, coherence, and significance. Below you’ll find 9 ways to make your life more meaningful.
1. Make Your Life More Meaningful By Having a Purpose
As you can see from the three features of a meaningful life that I listed in this post’s introduction, you should strive to live a life on purpose. Emily Esfahani Smith, author of The Power of Meaning: Finding Fulfillment in a World Obsessed with Happiness, explains that to find your purpose you should do the following:
    Begin by identifying your strengths.
    Then, look for ways to use your strengths in a way that will serve and benefit others.
People with a meaningful life can answer this question: “What’s your purpose?” If you currently feel that you don’t have a purpose, get to work on finding one. Your life will immediately become more meaningful.
2. Reframe How You See Your Job/Occupation
In the Massive Open Online Course, “Science of Success: What Researchers Know that You Should Know“, Paula J. Caproni, Ph.D., explains that getting results at work isn’t enough. She adds that the years that you spend working will be much better spent if you believe that the work that you do matters.
Caproni indicates that researchers have found that when we’re engaged in what we believe to be meaningful work, all of the following happens:
    We take greater pride in our work.
    We feel more responsibility for work outcomes.
    We are better able to handle stress.
    We’re more likely to stay motivated.
If you currently don’t find your job meaningful, then look for ways to reframe how you see your job or occupation. Think of the well-known story of the NASA janitor. In 1962, then-President John F. Kennedy was visiting the NASA Space Center. He noticed a janitor sweeping the hallway and asked him, “What are you doing?”
The janitor responded as follows: “Well, Mr. President, I’m helping to put a man on the moon.” He wasn’t just cleaning, or earning a paycheck. Instead, this janitor saw himself as someone who was playing a role in the grand vision of sending a man to the moon.
I remember when I worked for the Panama Canal Authority (PCA)—the agency that began running the canal after the US transferred it to Panama in the year 2000—I felt that I was doing something meaningful. This is how I framed my job at the PCA:
    I was helping to prove that Panamanians could run the canal as well as, or even better than, the US could.
    In addition, I was helping to take care of Panama’s patrimony for future generations.
Stop for a moment and think of your current job or occupation. Then, ask yourself how you can think of it in a way that will make you feel that what you’re doing has meaning.
3. Choose Your Friends Wisely
Of course, our sense of self-worth should come from ourselves. However, human beings are social creatures, and how we feel about ourselves is often impacted by the way in which others treat us. Therefore, to make your life more meaningful, look to surround yourself with people who make you feel that you matter.
Cultivate relationships with those who value who you are.
4. Find a Balance Between Seeking Happiness and Meaning
A lot of the time it seems as if there’s a trade-off between seeking happiness and seeking meaning. After all, happiness often involves doing things that make you feel good in the moment. For example, going dancing; getting a massage; or buying yourself a new tech gadget.
On the other hand, meaningful activities usually involve making sacrifices. Some examples include the following: carrying boxes all weekend as you help your friend to move; studying hard to become a doctor; or saving to be able to pay for an important goal.
Notice that meaningful activities often involve effort and toil. However, meaning allows us to transcend those moments of hardship because we know that we’re pursuing something bigger:
    Strengthening our friendships;
    Gaining the ability to save lives; or
    Savoring the satisfaction of achieving an important goal.
A life that is only about pursuing hedonic happiness is ultimately an unfulfilling life. At the same time, a life that is solely about pursuing meaning—while neglecting the present moment—can be an unnecessarily austere life.
The key is to find that sweet spot between enjoying the present moment—which is often described as happiness–, and pushing on to achieve an important goal, in spite of the discomfort that it may entail, which is meaning.
有希望 一定能成功
 Where There is a Will There is a Way   toppr.com
Where there is a will there is a way is one of the most used proverbs to date. This proverb has a lot of meaning when we come to think of it. Its essential meaning is that if you set your mind to do something, you can easily do it. In other words, it shows us the importance of will power and how it can bring a change in someone’s life. Will power is the desire to achieve something. If you have the will power to do something, then nothing can stop you from doing so. This proverb is equally applicable in almost all aspects of life. Similarly, it holds utmost importance in various ways.
Where There’s A Will There’s A Way! You Can Make Your Success Happen!
Heidi Gottlieb
I grew up hearing my Mom often saying, “Where there’s a Will, there’s a way”. I’ve passed that expression onto my own kids, and I’m pretty sure they’ll pass it down to their kids when they have them. I was saying those words before I even really thought about them or knew what they meant. We hear about will often, but we don’t think too much about what that is; it’s the power of control the mind has over its actions. The irony about those words, “Where there’s a Will, there’s a way”, is after I got to be old enough to understand them, I realized that as empowering as they were then…as they are now, and as they can be to whomever I say them to, is what ultimately you choose to do with those words.
As frequent as my Mom expressed what seemed like that childhood mantra to me, it didn’t seem to fuel her the way it has fueled me. It is in the end, like everything else in life-what we do with what we been given. Regardless of the fact that my Mom continually repeated those amazing words, she may not have embraced them in the same way. She did me the tremendous favor however of sharing those words.
Having the concept of “Where there’s a Will, there’s a way” in my mind has gotten me through some very trying times. Your thoughts determine your actions, which determines your outcomes. This is why it’s so important for us to think positive thoughts about ourselves. If you notice yourself thinking negative thoughts, it’s essential that you let go of those thoughts and replace them with empowering positive thoughts. You need to think of yourself as a winner, your doing this has a snowball effect. Once you tell yourself the possibility of life and the pursuit of happiness, you will attract other positive people with positive thoughts and the percentage of positive things is more likely to occur.
We have choices in life. Yes, things do happen, but there are ways to look at things. Why not choose to think that things will turn out to the better side because you possess the ability to make it happen?
Those who say things can’t be done should get out of the way of those who are doing it”
Here’s a kick-starter to begin getting your Will going:
    I can do it
    I know there is a solution
    I am smart enough and strong enough to figure this out
    I know what I’m talking about
    It doesn’t matter if I fail – what matters is that I TRY
    I am loveable and capable
    I create anything I want
    I am able to solve any problem that comes my way
    I can handle anything that life hands me
    I have all the energy I need to do everything I want to do
    I am attracting all the right people into my life
    I see all the possibilities in my life
    I release myself from anger
    I choose to see each obstacle as an opportunity to grow
    I make a difference in the world

周六(10/2)1.日本式尋找生命意義 2.快樂由心

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周五 (2/5) 1.渣男/愛的老鼠 2.女人愛花? /櫻花季

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PM7:00   --9:30
How to catch a love rat
Mirror standardmedia
Of course, betrayals of the heart don’t just happen in celebland. Research suggests a shocking 30% of men cheat on their partners at some point.
But how can you tell if your man is straying? Arm yourself with this ­valuable information about the signs to watch out for...
The gift of intuition
If you’re suspicious but you can’t put your finger on specifics, your intuition is at work. Think of it ­as your sixth sense picking up a general vibe that something is different.
Author Allan Pease says: “When a person gets a new love interest on the side, the ­increased hormonal activity in the brain causes ­behavioral changes. These may ­include subtle changes to habits or ­creating new habits.”
Unless you have a history of jealousy you should trust this ­instinct. ­However, it could be something other than infidelity ­troubling him, so use ­intuition as a guide while ­considering other signs.
    1. Tips on how to build your confidence after a breakup
    2. 'I married again but I'm still in love with my teen sweetheart'
    3. Girl code: Listen, don’t turn your home into a prison
    4. Confessions: I got a scholarship to study abroad, should I leave my wife behind?
We are naturally tuned in to our ­partner’s way of ­speaking. So a good starting point is to listen very carefully to what he says.
He may mention going to new places for lunch, or drop an unfamiliar woman’s name into conversations.
Cheats will mention their secret lover as a reverse-psychology ploy to make their behavior sound ­innocent.
As he’s speaking, listen for the overload of detail. You’ll know from his normal speech patterns if suddenly he gives all sorts of information he wouldn’t normally when ­describing his day. Retain as much detail as possible ­as cheaters are often caught because they contradict their stories – they can’t remember the details they’ve given.
The voice speaks the truth
You’ll be used to the normal way he sounds ­compared to under ­pressure. Listen for vocal changes, including ­attempts to keep his voice stable. Some men develop a monotone when lying. Vocal chords ­constrict ­under ­pressure, so be aware of a rising pitch.
Have a big conversation
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You’re probably dying to have a go at him but that will fail to get the right response. ­Instead, plan your big “chat” and challenge him when he least expects it.
Timing is ­everything and body language expert Judi James says: “Liars tend to perform at their worst when ­accused out of the blue.
Never make ­accusations over the phone and ­always ensure he’s facing you.”
If they ask you ­questions about why you are ­challenging them, it ­may signal that they’re trying to deflect attention away from themselves.
Body language
Judi notes: “A practiced liar may not squirm in their chair but watch for other signs of anxiety such as tell-tale foot or finger tapping or hand wringing as they answer your questions. Lying places the brain under pressure.
The liar will have to suppress an honest response before acting out their ‘lie response’.
Under pressure we tend to ­overact, and often gesticulate too much – the body language version of verbal ­diarrhoea.
Knowing your partner well you should spot ­differences in behavior, which suggests lying.”
Research finds a liar might make eye contact for longer than is natural so beware of the “puppy dog eyes” look from him.
Notice whether he ­covers his mouth when he is speaking or crosses his arms over his chest when he answers – these are both ­defensive gestures.
New interests
There are many other key signs of cheating, such as an unexplained interest in updating his wardrobe, styling his hair and getting fitter. When first in love/lust you want to look your best. It’s no different for a man having an affair.
Or he might ­suddenly take an ­interest in learning a new hobby when ­previously he wasn’t interested.
Subtle changes
Their behavior may change despite them wanting things to appear the same. Pease says: “Look for ­changes in behavior that have been part of your life as a couple, like if a man starts ­doing his own washing, or locks drawers.
Don’t ignore changes in sexual ­behavior, such as subtle changes in regularity or style of doing the ­horizontal hula – they want to try things they’ve never done with you before.”
They may try justifying ­coming home late with excuses of new ­working hours. And technology has also changed our relationships and can provide clues.
Pease adds: “Your partner starts preferring to email you rather than ring. And when they ring conversations are kept short, end abruptly, or they use a barely audible voice – all signs that someone else may be present.
Or they start constantly going online, checking emails, and if you approach suddenly close the computer window. Also his phone is never left lying around anymore and their computer or phone has new passwords.”
What next?
When you do challenge him, Judi warns: “It’s possible to take a false reading, known as the Othello Error.
This is where a partner can look, sound and act in a way that suggests guilt when they’re merely showing the symptoms of ­someone that’s ­innocent but having problems being accused.”
Make sure you weigh the evidence up before deciding if he’s a cheat or behaving differently due to a reason like stress at work.
女人愛花? /櫻花季
Why Do Women Like Flowers? - Fig & Bloom
Sounds like a loaded question, doesn’t it?
Well, that’s because it is. Honestly, women like flowers for a number of reasons. Whether they simply like the colours of each individual flower or they like the various types of nature that flowers attract from the world. There are a number of reasons why women like flowers but we thought we would start with a few reasons why we believe women like flowers in hopes of giving you a bit more insight.
Pointlessness” Is Romantic
What’s the point of paying all this money for something that’s just going to die in a few days?” Don’t worry, if you’re someone who thinks flowers are pointless, you’re not alone. The irony here is that’s the part that women actually love about flowers. Though the idea of love is infinite, the gesture of giving a woman flowers is ephemeral and exciting. Even though it may seem to you that the money you just spent on those flowers will eventually go to waste, the feeling that you give that woman when you give her flowers will last much longer and the smile you put on her face when you surprise her with them will be of much more value.
There’s something about flowers that can also be quite representative of a woman’s beauty. While they can appear to be particularly delicate, they are also fully capable of showing you their edgy side, as well. And, while it can be hard to tell each apart from a distance, the closer you get the abler you are to see their distinct beauty, individuality and everything else that completely separates them from the rest of the crowd. Each has their own particular description, representation, and necessities for care, but a little tender, love, and genuine care will always go a long way.
Romantic Nature
Flowers are romantic. Period. Flowers are an inherently romantic gift and they’ve been that way since the beginning of time. Their fragrance and association with beauty and love make them the ideal gift if you are ever in the need for a way to show your affection for someone. Here’s the other thing; whether you are giving a woman an entire bouquet of her favourite flowers or you’re simply surprising her with a single rose on your first date, the sentiment is a no-fail romantic option and since flowers can sometimes be “too feminine” for a masculine purchase, when you show a woman that you’re not afraid to walk around with her favourite flower in-hand will also separate you from almost anyone she’s ever met prior to meeting you.
They’re Special, Just Like Them
Women are special. Which means they deserve special things. When a woman gets a beautiful bouquet of flowers delivered to her workplace, it’s almost like she has the spotlight on her for the day and, quite frankly, that’s how they should feel everyday. Or, if you decide to surprise her with a bundle of flowers waiting at her doorstep for her arrival at home, each person that passes her door will instantly know that she has someone that cares deeply and passionately for her. So, whether you want to brighten up her day at work, give her something new to decorate her home with, or you just simply want to remind her how much you care for her, there’s only one thing to do…
Significance of Sakura: Cherry Blossom Traditions in Japan
Spring has arrived! The cherry trees are starting to bloom again around the National Mall and Potomac Park in Washington, D.C. In Japan, cherry blossoms are called sakura, a special flower for the people and the country.
Cherry blossoms are a symbolic flower of the spring, a time of renewal, and the fleeting nature of life. Their life is very short. After their beauty peaks around two weeks, the blossoms start to fall.
During this season in Japan, people like to have cherry blossom parties with colleagues, friends, and family. A cherry blossom makes people merry. They enjoy eating, drinking, and barbecuing underneath the cherry blossoms. We call this custom hanami. Hanami literally means “watching blossoms,” and the tradition can be traced back at least a thousand years. We bring cooked meals, alcohol, snacks, and sweets, like a potluck party. Schools and offices hold welcome parties during hanami, a chance for people to bond and meet new friends.
Even at night, viewing spots are crowded with people enjoying the blossoms in a beautiful, romantic atmosphere. Couples go at night to enjoy the special mood created by cherry blossoms. Hanami at night is called yozakur