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(週六) 9/26 1.斷食有益健康 2.一拍即合

  聚會時間 晚上7:30-9:30

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉 


10 Benefits of Fasting That Will Surprise You

Nathan Hewitt


Is it a good thing to ‘starve’ yourself each day, or a few days of the week? Well, a tonne of evidence indicates that timed periods of fasting are a good thing.[1]


    Starvation literally means starvation. It doesn’t mean skipping a meal or not eating for 24 hours. Or not eating for three days even. The belief that meal skipping or short-term fasting causes “starvation mode” is so completely ridiculous and absurd that it makes me want to jump out the window. – Martin Berkhan


Fasting has become increasingly popular over the years, especially among the health community. Whilst most health practitioners are afraid to recommend eating less due to the stigma involved, it still doesn’t alleviate the incredible benefits of fasting when used sensibly.


In this article, we’ll explore 10 benefits of fasting that will surprise you, and how you can incorporate them into your own life.

1. Fasting Helps Weight Loss


Photo credit: Source


Fasting can be a safe way to lose weight as many studies have shown that intermittent fasting – fasting that is controlled within a set number of hours – allows the body to burn through fat cells more effectively than just regular dieting.


Intermittent fasting allows the body to use fat as it’s primary source of energy instead of sugar. Many athletes now use fasting as means to hitting low body fat percentages for competitions.[2]

2. Fasting Improves Insulin Sensitivity


Fasting has shown to have a positive effect on insulin sensitivity,[3] allowing you to tolerate carbohydrates (sugar) better than if you didn’t fast. A study showed that after periods of fasting, insulin becomes more effective in telling cells to take up glucose from blood.[4]

3. Fasting Speeds Up The Metabolism


Intermittent fasting gives your digestive system a rest, and this can energise your metabolism to burn through calories more efficiently. If your digestion is poor, this can effect your ability to metabolise food and burn fat. Intermittent fasts can regulate your digestion and promote healthy bowel function, thus improving your metabolic function.


4. Fasting Promotes Longevity


Believe it or not, the less you eat the longer you will live. Studies have shown how the lifespan of people in certain cultures increased due to their diets[5]


However, we don’t need to live amongst a foreign community to reap the benefits of fasting. One of the primary effects of ageing is a slower metabolism, the younger your body is, the faster and more efficient your metabolism. The less you eat, the less toll it takes on your digestive system.


5. Fasting Improves Hunger


Just think about this, can you actually experience real hunger if you eat a meal every 3-4 hours? Of course you can’t. In fact, to experience the true nature of hunger, this would take anything from 12 to even 24 hours.


Fasting helps to regulate the hormones in your body so that you experience what true hunger is. We know that obese individuals do not receive the correct signals to let them know they are full due excessive eating patterns.[6]


Think of fasting as a reset button: the longer you fast, the more your body can regulate itself to release the correct hormones, so that you can experience what real hunger is. Not to mention, when your hormones are working correctly, you get full quicker.[7]

6. Fasting Improves Your Eating Patterns


Fasting can be a helpful practice for those who suffer with binge eating disorders, and for those who find it difficult to establish a correct eating pattern due to work and other priorities.


With intermittent fasting going all afternoon without a meal is okay and it can allow you to eat at a set time that fits your lifestyle. Also, for anyone who wants to prevent binge eating, you can establish a set time in where you allow yourself to eat your daily amount of calories in one sitting, and then not eat till the following day.

7. Fasting Improves Your Brain Function


Fasting has shown to improve brain function because it boosts the production of a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF.)[8]


BDNF activates brain stem cells to convert into new neurons, and triggers numerous other chemicals that promote neural health. This protein also protects your brain cells from changes associated with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

8. Fasting Improves Your Immune System


Intermittent fasting improves the immune system because it reduces free radical damage, regulates inflammatory conditions in the body and starves off cancer cell formation.[9]


In nature, when animals get sick they stop eating and instead focus on resting. This is a primal instinct to reduce stress on their internal system so their body can fight off infection. We humans are the only species who look for food when we are ill, even when we do not need it.

9. Fasting Contributes To Self-Enlightenment


Fasting has helped many people feel more connected to life during the practices reading, meditation, yoga and martial arts etc. With no food in the digestive system, this makes room for more energy in the body – the digestive is one of the most energy absorbing systems in the body.


Fasting for self-enlightenment allows us to feel better both consciously and physically. With a lighter body and a clearer mind we become more aware and grateful for the things around us.

10. Fasting Helps Clear The Skin And Prevent Acne


Fasting can help clear the skin because with the body temporarily freed from digestion, it’s able to focus its regenerative energies on other systems.[10]


Not eating anything for just one day has shown to help the body clean up the toxins and regulate the functioning of other organs of the body like liver, kidneys and other parts.


How to Get Along With Everyone

Co-authored by Paul Chernyak, LPC Last Updated


In our day-to-day lives, we must interact with a wide variety of people. Some of them are easy to get along with, but others can be more challenging. It's impossible to like everyone, but sometimes we have to get along with people whether we like them or not. With the right attitude and good social skills, you really can get along with just about everyone (at least in small doses). Be positive and polite and you never know who might end up being a future friend.

Developing a Good Attitude


    Cultivate a positive outlook. People with a genuinely positive attitude are seen as more attractive and charming by others. The more you can cultivate this outlook in your own life, the more most people will like you.

        Don't worry if this doesn't come naturally to you — it is something you can learn through practice. Be conscious about smiling more. Accept compliments with gratitude and humility.

        When you find yourself thinking negative thoughts about situations or people, stop and try to think of a bright side or positive characteristic that can help you feel better about it.


    Respect differences between people. Accepting the fact that people are different from you, and that doesn't make them wrong, is part of having a positive attitude.[2] Whether the difference is in terms of behavior, culture, or opinion, remember that these differences are not only okay, they make life more interesting.

        It's easy to think "Other people would be happier if they were more like me," but remember that most people are happy being who they are, and that all people aren't made happy by the same exact things. Spending time with friends might make you happy, while spending time alone might make a different person just as happy.


    Seek to understand other people's perspectives. Make a habit of trying to put yourself in other people's shoes, even (or especially) those who you find difficult to understand or relate to.[4]

        Remember that there's at least two sides to every story. Make a genuine effort to see how other people have valid perspectives, even if they conflict with your own. Having an open mind will make nasty conflicts less likely.


    Know your own triggers. We all have "pet peeves," things that really bother us when other people do them. Think what yours are. Recognize that not everyone feels the same about these things.[5]

        Further, make plans to deal with these things when they come up. Does it drive you crazy when people whistle or drum their fingers? Having a practiced, polite response to these behaviors that lets others know you find it frustrating without being critical or combative can help you get along better with others.

        For example, you could say: "Excuse me, would it be okay if I asked you to stop whistling? No offense, but it really drives me crazy after a while!"


Having Positive Interactions with Others


    Be cheerful. Entering conversations with a good attitude will lead to more positive interactions with others and make it easier to get along. Smile and talk about positive things to the extent that you are able.[6]

        You don't need to fake happiness if your best friend has just died, but generally, try not to burden others with your problems, especially minor gripes.

        For example, if someone asks how you are, and you've just gotten in from a long, difficult commute, try to think of something good that happened that day that you can tell him or her about rather than immediately expressing your frustration with rush hour traffic.


    Take an interest in other people. Don't just talk about yourself when interacting with others. Find something genuinely interesting about what they have to say, and ask questions about them.

        This will make other people feel more important and valued by you.[7]

        Be a good listener. People want to feel that what they have to say is heard by others. This will make people enjoy talking to you more and reduce conflict in your day-to-day conversations.[8]


    Be kind and considerate. Be careful of other people's feelings when talking to them. Avoid unnecessary criticisms or mean-spirited jokes that might make others feel bad.[9]

        Compliment others, especially at the start of a conversation. Starting a conversation off with some sincere flattery will get things off on the right foot.[10]


    Match the pace of others. Each person walks, talks, and generally moves through life at a different pace than others. It's easy to feel like your own pace is the "natural" one, but try to match the pace of other people. [11]

        If someone talks slowly and quietly, avoid talking to him loudly and at a rapid pace. This will make it more enjoyable and comfortable for the other person to talk to you.


    Focus on your similarities. It's important to respect people's differences, but it's also good to focus on what you have in common with others.[12] This will make conversation smoother and easier for both of you.

        This works at both the individual and cultural level. Whether someone comes form a completely different culture or just has a very different personality from yours, looking for similarities is a good way to bridge the gap.

        If, for example, you meet someone with conflicting political or religious beliefs, but find you both like baseball or dogs, focus the conversation on baseball and dogs, at least until you get to know the other person better.

周五 9/25 1.選擇方向 決定命運 2.你為何冷漠?


板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉

選擇方向 決定命運

Your Destiny Is Determined by Your Decisions   huffingtonpost.ca


"I do believe that one way to have a destiny is to choose one." Melinda McGraw


Like the quote above, I believe we have control over our destiny. Although the words "fate" and "destiny" mean similar things, to me they are quite different. Fate is what puts opportunities in front of us but our destiny is ultimately determined by our decisions. For instance, if you go to a party and meet the perfect guy that was fate. But what you do about it is your destiny.


I believe we are in full control of our choices and that our actions, in response to what fate offers us, matter. We are here to learn lessons and the hard decisions we have to make are what helps us grow as humans. Our destiny is not something we can sit by and let happen to us. We need to take action on the opportunities we are presented with fate may open doors but if it's our destiny, then WE have to walk through them. We can either let fate lead us through life or we can shape our own destiny.


"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." Ralph Waldo Emerson


Bestselling author and spiritual teacher Deepak Chopra says we need a new way of looking at fate and free will. He believes that they are both influential in our lives, and that while fate might appear to have more influence over us, the balance keeps shifting the more we learn about it, so we might as well "assume that [our] potential for mastery is much greater than anyone now supposes." This is similar to how I believe our destiny can be shaped by our decisions.


However, I recognize that this is not always as easy as it seems. We often become frozen in our decision-making, feeling like the choice is out of our hands or part of some bigger plan that we aren't the director of.


"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading." Buddha


Here are a few scenarios where many of us have likely felt stuck from making the decisions that could determine our destiny, and some suggestions on how to choose differently:


"It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped." Tony Robbins


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a new city, or even a new country? But when you think about actually moving, you make all kinds of excuses why you "can't" -- you're meant to stay in your hometown, other people move to new places not you, it's just not your destiny to live in New York/London/Paris -- whatever your dream city may be. But sometimes you need to be brave enough to go. Yes it can be scary, and yes it takes time to adjust, but a year into the move you will likely feel as at home there as you do here. So why not shift your destiny in that new direction if that's what you want?


"Time decides who you meet in life, your heart decides who you want in your life, and your behaviour determines who stays in your life"


What about love? Many people have walked away from someone that might have been "the one" for various reasons. Maybe you met the girl or guy of your dreams but weren't able to commit and lost out. That's destiny slipping through your fingers. Fate can only do so much...it's up to you to act on it.


Other people might be stuck in a bad relationship where they're unhappy but feel it's "meant to be" that they stay together. I read this great quote that said "many people are in relationships that are over, but haven't ended." Staying stuck is a choice; we can always choose a different destiny.


If you don't have the love you want in your life, you need to take action to find it. Put yourself out there, be open to new possibilities and actively seek your own destiny!


"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves." William Shakespeare


It can be hard to think of our destiny as being separate from our fate if we become accustomed to letting it lead our path. A lot of people look at life with a "que sera sera" (what will be, will be) attitude but if you think about it as something you have control over, you can make deliberate actions to create your desired destiny. This means being true to yourself and not being passive or only following other people's opinions. I truly believe remaining authentic is the best way to determine not just any destiny but the one that's meant for YOU. Fate presents us with the opportunities to create it, all we have to do is decide what destiny we want.


"Control your own destiny or someone else will." Jack Welch


When you think about it, isn't it better to believe we can control our destiny by making deliberate, conscious decisions than just being passive bystanders in our own lives? This goes back to creating a life for yourself that is in line with your authenticity. With the same attention we use to build our personal brand, we can shape our destiny. Ask yourself where you want your life to be in five years and work backwards. Understand what you value and what makes you tick. Decide what and who you want to keep in your life, and what has run its course. Don't sit back and let someone or something else guide you along; take the wheel and drive towards your own destination...your own destiny!


Have you ever experienced fate putting an opportunity in front of you, but you didn't seize it and it passed you by? That was destiny.

Xo Natasha


The Psychology of Indifference           - Gratia Plena Counseling          gratiaplenacounseling.org


What causes the psychological condition of “indifference?” Indifference or apathy is a state in which we don’t care and/or don’t take action on something happening around us. People who are indifferent can be seen as cold, aloof, disinterested, unmotivated, and lacking in passion. There may be several reasons for indifference.


One cause may be that we are overstimulated, which is easy to happen in today’s culture. We receive information on our cell phones and from all of our friends instantly any time of day or night. We are bombarded with horrible news from around the world at the very moment it occurs. On TV we can watch crime shows all day long showing the terrible things that people do to each other. All of this information can be somewhat traumatic, and so we may shut down emotionally and mentally as a coping mechanism.


Indifference may occur when the problems of our life, our families, our communities, our country, and our world may seem so overwhelming that we feel quite powerless to do anything about them. This means that even when we notice what is going on around us, we may feel unable to make a difference. Instead of trying, we simply shrug our shoulders and move on.


There can be group and bystander effects causing indifference. When we see others being indifferent and apathetic, then we may be tempted to go along with the crowd. But the opposite may also be true. The worst time and place for our car to break down is on the side of a freeway during rush hour because hundreds of people will pass us by thinking to themselves “somebody else will stop and help” or they may think “I’m not going to stop because nobody else is stopping.” Whole parishes, schools, and communities can become apathetic or indifferent as a group. Apathy and indifference are contagious.


Certain drugs such as marijuana and narcotics may cause people to be indifferent. People can also be apathetic because of illnesses such as depression or other brain disorders. However, there may be a more insidious cause.


There is good evidence that people are gradually becoming more narcissistic. We find a growing sense of selfishness in the world. Our pride and unrestrained egos cause us to place ourselves first and everybody else a far second. The result of this self-indulgence is that we are indifferent to everything else that may be going on around us. We end up not caring about the suffering of others.


Indifference: A Social Disease   

Written by Brenda Morales, a former WYA Latin America intern from Mexico.


If it doesn’t affect me, it’s not my problem: Indifference is a disease.


Recently, I had an accident in school, and it affected my health gravely. Consequently, a physician mandated me to wear a cervical collar and crutches to aid my recovery of said injury.


The hardest thing about my accident was not walking with the crutches or having to wear the cervical collar the whole day or even the pain in my back. The most painful thing about my accident was the indifference people had towards me. What do I mean with indifference? That people, not all of them, but plenty and mainly in my university would stare at me or look at me with pitiful looks on their faces about my current condition. This happened even more when I tried to walk or move from one place to another.


The way people looked at me was something that made me reflect on how dehumanized our society is right now. Our society is not very comprehensive nor helpful, and this is becoming a social disease that is spreading very fast. We live in a society that when your interests or needs are not affected, you don’t feel the need to aid someone whose interests and needs have been compromised in some way. This is also a great way of denying that the other person has dignity. By neglecting to accept the humanity of others and their worth, we now limit ourselves to recognize their social status, their influence, or their wealth. We become more and more materialistic instead of becoming more human.


Thomas Hobbes stated “a man is a wolf to man” in the Leviathan as he describes that the natural state of men is the desire and will to cause harm. What Hobbes argues is something that I could see reflected in so many political crisis: in those displaced and in refugees, all of them victims to governments and societies that couldn’t possibly be more indifferent to their needs and issues. Now, for many, the issues of those people can be fixed by liking or sharing the issues on social media, instead of actually doing something that can make an impact on the situation of all these people in a real way. This is when we, as a society, lose the sense of what it really means to respect the dignity and the value of being human.


Indifference is the complete opposite of social commitment. A person becomes indifferent to another because the feeling of responsibility and respect towards humanity doesn’t mean anything to him anymore. Indifference is something that hurts those who are already suffering pain, as it is a lack of recognition to their humanity, and therefore, dignity. People get reduced into objects, as the subject of the relationship decides deliberately to objectify them. The grave impact that this has on a societal level is something that continues to develop and we will continue to see.


There is hope on how to fix this as the World Youth Alliance has several programs that support the battle against this indifference. With programs that build character, like the Human Dignity Curriculum, WYA is trying to build a society of people that live respecting human dignity, and therefore, show solidarity to one another. WYA also goes ahead and explains several topics that could clearly show the importance of respecting said dignity. If you’re interested, you can apply to their Certified Training Program and learn more about it through the several readings that exemplify everything. We need to cure this disease of indifference and start considering the other as an equal to us, as we were all born equal in dignity, worth, love, and life.



(週六) 9/19 1.創造滿意的生活 2.殞落的明星

 聚會時間 晚上7:00-9:30

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉 


7 Ways to Lead a More Satisfying Life

Rhett Power  success


Being satisfied and feeling fulfilled are what we all ultimately strive for. Happiness with our lives is the very reason we do just about anything.


So ask yourself: Am I really satisfied with my life? If the answer is no, it’s time to re-evaluate and change. To lead a satisfying life, take some time to reflect on the things below.


1. Focus on the positive.


It’s easy for anyone to get caught in the negativity trap—constantly dwelling on what needs to be done, what should have been done, mistakes made, etc. Rather than allowing those negative, anxious thoughts to dominate your mind, think of the good things in your life. For every negative thing that comes to mind, force yourself to find a positive thing. This will lead to a more positive outlook on life and a more positive attitude in the long run.


2. Find your stress relief.


Figure out what soothes you, the things that most reduce your stress. Whether it’s playing guitar or sports, or whatever, you need to find a hobby that quiets your mind and gives you a sense of inner peace. Make a point to take time out of your busy schedule to practice your stress-relieving activities on a regular basis.

3. Don’t be afraid to take time for yourself.


It’s natural for people to get overwhelmed when they’re busy. Rather than allowing yourself to get so overwhelmed you just throw your hands up in frustration and give up, learn to recognize when you’re getting close to your breaking point, and then take a break. Do not be ashamed to take a personal day. Realize that your mental health is just as important as your physical health.


4. Take responsibility for your actions.


When you find yourself in a bad situation, it’s easy to point fingers and blame other people for your problem, but that does not remedy the situation. Rather than focus on what could have been done, take responsibility for your own actions, and then examine the situation. Take control of the things you can, and let go of everything else. Make positive changes where you can, whether it be in your business or personal life, and accept the things you cannot change.


5. Be more understanding.


One of the biggest stressors for most individuals comes from misunderstanding. Developing the ability to see from another person’s perspective without bias is a gift very few people possess, but it is a valuable trait. When conversing, listen without judgment and leave your mind open. This will allow you to make more friends. The ability to see from another’s perspective will allow you to learn more and think more abstractly.


6. Re-evaluate your relationships.


One by one, consider each and every relationship you have. Think about how they affect you in your daily life. Who wants to see you succeed, who inspires you, who makes you happy? On the other side, who might be dragging you down, who might make you feel bad about yourself, who might be a toxic influence on you? Be brutally honest with yourself and distance yourself from the people who you feel might be sapping your energy. Surround yourself with people who are positive influences and people who make you happy, enhancing your quality of life.


7. Live your best life.


Only you know what truly makes you happy. Don’t let other people dictate how to live your life. Walk your own path without fear of judgment. Of course, your family and friends are important and it is absolutely fine to go to them for advice when you need it, but it’s ultimately your decision whether you take that advice. Every individual has just one life to live, so remember, live your life how you want to live it.


Alien Huang and other celebrities who passed away in their prime | Her World Singapore

Ho Guo Xiong, Sinead Lee & Mary-Ann Soh  herworld

Alien Huang

Taiwanese television host and singer Alien Huang has died at the age of 36, according to Taiwanese media.


Huang, also known as Xiao Gui, who is famous for co-hosting the long-running variety programme 100% Entertainment with singer Show Lo and TV host Linda Chien, was found dead at his home in Taipei on Wednesday (Sept 16).


According to Taiwan’s Apple Daily, Huang returned home at about 10pm on Tuesday. There was no one at home at that time.


He was found lying half-dressed in the hallway near the bathroom by his father, who was looking for him to have lunch together, at about 11am on Wednesday. There were some external injuries on Huang’s head and some blood stains on the floor.


He was pronounced dead by the paramedics who arrived at the scene. The police did not find any drugs, wine bottles or signs of struggle on the premises.


Preliminary investigations show that he died after slipping near the bathroom.


Huang, who had dated singer Rainie Yang in the past, was recently romantically linked to Taiwanese cheerleader Wu Han-chun.


He was formerly part of the Japanese-Taiwanese boy band HC3 in 2002 and Taiwanese boy band Cosmo in 2003. Both groups have disbanded.


He began co-hosting 100% Entertainment in 2006 and was nominated for Best Host in a Variety Programme at Taiwan’s Golden Bell Awards in 2015. He quit co-hosting the show in January 2016 to concentrate on his singing and acting career.


Oh In Hye


South Korean actress Oh In-hye died on Monday (Sept 14) after she was found unconscious in her home in Incheon earlier that day.


According to news outlet Dispatch, the 36-year-old was found in a critical condition at about 5am on Monday. She was found unresponsive by an acquaintance, who then called the police and emergency services.


Oh received cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other emergency procedures before she was taken to a nearby hospital, where her breathing and pulse reportedly stabilised, according to The Korea Herald.


However, she did not regain consciousness and was pronounced dead later in the day.


The South Korean police are investigating the case as suicide.


A private funeral service will be held at the Inha University Hospital in Incheon, with her funeral to be held on Wednesday.


Oh debuted with the film Sin Of A Family in 2011 and has acted in other movies, such as Red Vacance Black Wedding (2011) and A Journey With Korean Masters (2013).


She grabbed headlines during the Busan International Film Festival in 2011 when she wore a revealing dress on the red carpet.


Chadwick Boseman


On August 29 (Singapore time), the Black Panther star was announced to have passed away from colon cancer.


He was diagnosed with the disease in 2016, and throughout his four-year battle, he continued to film movies during and between surgeries and chemotherapy sessions.


It was the honour of his career to bring King T’Challa to life in Black Panther,” said the statement posted on his social media accounts.


Haruma Miura


Japanese actor Haruma Miura, best known for his roles in dramas such as Bloody Monday and movies such as Koizora, has reportedly passed away today (July 18).


According to Yahoo Japan, the actor, who just turned 30 in April, did not report for work on July 18.


Reps from his agency, Amuse Inc, visited his home at around 1pm and found him unresponsive. He was brought to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. Local police suspects he died by suicide.



(週五) 9/18 1.易怒的 星座性格 2.斜槓世代來臨

聚會時間 晚上7:00-9:30
板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉 
The 5 Scariest Zodiac Signs When Angry
易怒的 星座性格
Zodiac Signs and Astrology Signs Meanings

There are 12 zodiac signs, and each sign has its own strengths and weaknesses, its own specific traits, desires and attitude towards life and people. By analyzing the projection of the position of planets, and the Sun and the Moon on the Ecliptic at the moment of birth. Astrology can give us a glimpse of a person's basic characteristics, preferences, flaws and fears.

We made it simple for you to find out what your zodiac sign is, Its complete profile and it's compatibility with other zodiac signs. By selecting your sign from the detailed zodiac sign dates list you will discover everything on the character of your Sun sign, it's Horoscope, traits, profile, history, myth and love compatibility.

Each of the 12 horoscope signs belongs to one of the four elements – Air, Fire, Water and Earth. These elements represent an essential type of energy that acts in each of us. Astrology aims to help us focus these energies on the positive aspects and to gain a better understanding of our potential and our positive traits and deal with negative ones.

These four elements help describe the unique personality types associated with astrological signs. The four zodiac elements exhibit profound influence on basic character traits, emotions, behavior and thinking.
These zodiac signs have anger issues   timesnownews

Anger is an emotion that deprives a person of his/her sense of reasoning, conduct and morale. It weakens a person from within and compels him/her to do things that he/she may repent for the rest of his/her life. And therefore, it proves that it is detrimental for a person's well-being, both physical and mental.

Moreover, a person must refrain from speaking when he/she is angry because temper issues could make him/her utter bitter words that could destroy relationships. Nonetheless, many people across the world do face anger issues, and it isn't something they do purposely. Anger-management is not an easy thing to do unless they take help from someone who teaches them how to channelise all their energy in the right direction.

In this web-post, we shall tell you which of the twelve zodiac signs have anger issues. By knowing about it, you would be able to have a better understanding of the person with anger issues in your life.

Aries, the first in the list of twelve zodiac signs faces major temper issues. People born between March 21 – April 20 are natives of this zodiac sign. Ariens lack patience and do not take criticism lightly because they are egoistic. Therefore, they tend to get angry at the drop of a hat!

Leo, the fifth zodiac that is symbolically represented by a lion, is known to be hot-headed. People born between July 23 – August 23 are natives of this zodiac sign. Leos come across as short-tempered people because of their arrogance. They like to dominate, and therefore, they do not appreciate anyone else telling them what to do and how to do.

Cancer is the fourth zodiac sign, and a crab represents it. People born between June 22 – July 22 are natives of this zodiac sign. Cancerians are resentful. One can effortlessly rattle them as they nurse anger, pride and hatred. This, in turn, makes them unpredictable.

Virgo, the sixth zodiac sign is inherently short-tempered. People born between August 24 – September 22 are natives of this zodiac sign. Even those who are closest to them find it difficult to understand their mood because they sometimes come across as unconcerned and unresponsive.
Slashing: A new generation of chameleon workers
The Slash Generation: Millennials in the Workplace Mix it Up
We tend to see a lot of negative connotations and stereotypes surrounding “Millennials” in the workplace. Even though they aren’t the newest generation to enter the workforce, there is still a lot to be assumed about their work ethic and lifestyle choices from their coworkers. Recently there is a new term to describe this generation that is rather fitting. Due to their unconventional and multi-faceted career paths, Millennials have been defined as the “Slash Generation”. Not every Millennial identifies with having a ‘slash’ career, but it is becoming a very prominent trend among this generation.
Who makes up the Slash Generation?

The Slash Generation is made up of adults roughly ages 21-35 that are relatively fresh faces in the workforce.

    The term “Slash Generation” comes from the uncommon combination of job titles they prefer to take on at one time. Engineer/artist, merchandiser/photographer/entrepreneur, graphic designer/author are just a few examples of what these titles may look like.

Instead of being specialized in a single area of talent, this generation prefers to specialize in multiple. This is most likely a result of the ample amount of options students have today regarding their education. Since they are able to hand pick what they want to study, they prefer to continue doing this in their career path as well.
What does this career style look like?

Often times, Millennials identifying as the Slash Generation will allocate their careers to multiple locations. While one occupation may reflect their education and degrees, the additional may be more hobby and interest related. They may spend eight hours a day in an accounting office, then go home to maintain a freelance graphic design career from their laptops. They may spend their day at a hospital, but spend their night in a yoga studio.

    The opportunities are virtually endless for this generation. This lifestyle comes from the need to do meaningful work. Meaningful work to the Slash Generation is more than just working their way up in an organization.

They desire a work/life balance that fulfills both financial and creative needs. However, meaningful work doesn’t always mean having multiple jobs in multiple settings. It can mean taking on a mixture of titles and responsibilities in one organization. This provides a creative outlet for those who want to enjoy their work and do something that is meaningful to them.

New Workforce: China's slash generation, awakening a sense of self and identity
By CGTN's Global Business

What is your dream job? If your answer is, "I can only have one?" You might be a slasher.

Many young people refuse to be confined to a narrow set of interests. The slash-generation — which could also be called slashers or slash youths — means those who refuse to be defined or bound by just one personal identity. They are influenced by social media, which is all about personal identity, and they dig entrepreneurship. They constantly feel the clash between societal values and their growing sense of self and personal values.

According to a survey conducted by Ctrip, the online travel portal, 85 percent of the post-90s believe a "modern person should have a multitude of interests."

CGTN interviewed some of the slashers who have done great jobs. Zhang Zhihao has multiple labels on himself — he is a vlogger/ host/ journalist/ teacher, as a typical slasher is defined.

"It's not my dream job, or I have to adapt … for me, it came naturally," Zhang explained.

Norah Yang is a sales director by day but also a tri-lingual stand-up comedian at heart.

"My passion lies in comedy. I want to be a full-time comedian in the long-term. But given the current situation, it would take a long time for me to get there," said Yang.

Pu Yixing is a finance-guy-turned variety show star, game streamer, and movie critic. Pu told CGTN, "There are so many things I want to do but have never had the chance or been brave enough to do. 'Slash' gives me these opportunities."

"We've been taught to think more about the society. We don't get the chance to think for ourselves, to think about what we really want. So we actually don't know who we are, what kind of people we want to be, what kind of job we want to take," Pu added.

That shift in mindset could change the future of work. Many young people keep their day jobs to pay the bills but invest time and energy in other gigs to express creativity, fulfill personal values, and achieve well-being. According to a survey conducted by Beijing Youth Daily, right now, there are more than 80 million slashers in China. Critics see "slash" as just a fancy word for part-time jobs.

Pu believed materialism is not the spirit of slashers. He said if people only care about what benefit they can get when they do anything, they can never be "able to know themselves well."

Zhang has a more straightforward example. "The purpose of part-time jobs is only for money. If you are truly passionate about something or want to achieve self-fulfillment, then 'slash' would be perfect for you."

"For a 'slash job,' the value-add is you can have a new angle or a different angle to life, not only to work," Yang illustrated.

Trade uncertainties and global pandemic have led to lay-offs and hiring freezes. Technology is raising the bar for job seekers. Many college students fear they might be jobless upon graduation in the current global economic hardship. Could slash be the answer for more youth employment?

"Slash exercises the muscles you don't really exercise in your current work. I believe for fresh graduates; it's a way to develop a multi-faceted skillset," Yang echoed with a positive answer.

Talking about what should this anxious generation of young people do to survive, Yang has her own philosophy.

"Don't be someone who cannot be replaced by someone else. Be someone who can replace anyone else."

"Currently, employers might not be the biggest fan of slash, but if more people can do this together, we will change the future," Zhang added.

周六(9/12)1.把每一天當成最後一天來過 2.保庇保庇喔!

星期六 聚會時間 晚上7:00-9:30
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Last Day At Office ! – rjfaithnlove
Live Each Day As If It Were Your Last
William Cho  mystudentvoices

Life is full of surprises. You’ll never know for certain what your future will look like. You’ll never know where you end up or what you’ll accomplish in the next few years. You’ll never know who you will befriend, what you will experience, how you will feel…

Life is full of happiness. Strangers helping each other through tough times, friends sharing fun and memorable moments, people working collectively all over the world to make life better little by little.

Life is full of sadness. The people you love will suffer and die. Your friends may abandon or forget you. Many things will not happen in your favor. You can lose all your money or damage your reputation. Innocent people will die for malicious causes, be exploited, tortured and starved to death.

Life for humans will always be a fluctuating experience. We cannot always have it one way. We cannot be good without knowing what being bad is. We cannot be generous without knowing what being selfish is.

We cannot fully enjoy life without understanding our inevitable death.

If we believe that we will be here only once, and we will never come back and be able to have all these different experiences no matter how good or bad, I think we would learn to appreciate every day a little bit more.

We live our lives like we can predict when we’ll die. We have an estimated range of our life expectancy, and expect our lives to go fine and dandy until we turn 80 and die a peaceful death. There’s now way you can be certain of that life.

You can be diagnosed with a terminal disease. You can be hit by a speeding car tomorrow. You can be confronted by a serial killer and shot to death. We can have a nuclear fallout with Russia or North Korea next week.

The possibilities are endless, but because it’s not practical to think about how many ways we can face a pointless and absurd death we tend to not think about them at all.

We tend to allow life to just happen to us. Why are we standing by and allowing our most valuable resource to decay everyday? Why aren’t we fighting and struggling everyday to live the life we want to live?

Why do we keep our dream lives as dreams? Why don’t we do something about it? If you were to die tomorrow, what would failure mean to you? You are scared to fail because you think about the lasting consequences.

If you only had 24 hours to live, you wouldn’t ever think about laying on your bed all day eating Doritos, watching mindless content on Youtube or scrolling through Instagram all day.

You’d realize how much time you’d spent on things you never cared about which made you feel good in the present, but would never amount to anything in the future.

I think we’d all wish in those last 24 hours for a little more time to live. A little more to be able to die without regrets. A little more time to reflect on our entire lives and to remember the good and bad times. We’d regret so much of our poor decisions that took away so much important time in our lives.

We’d love a little more time to be able to say goodbye to the people who stayed beside us in our short time here.

We’d love a little more time to finally be able to say the honest truth; things you would never have thought of sharing about yourself without the thought of your impending death.

Things you were scared to say to your friends and family. Things that were on your mind but felt like you couldn’t share because you were scared of admonishment and criticism.

If tomorrow really was your last day, how would you spend it? What would you want to say to the people you care about? What would you want to do with your remaining time here? Every single second of your day would be extremely valuable, and you would be very picky with how you spend it.

Maybe you’d sit down and finally work on that novel you were thinking about writing for the last few months or years. Maybe an autobiography of your life before you go.

Maybe you’d sit down and finally paint that masterpiece you were always dreaming about.

Maybe you’d finally get the courage to do what you love, because you have nothing else to lose.

If you approach every day like its your last, you will be grateful for the next day. You will know that you are lucky to be alive, and have been given another chance to experience all that life has to offer.

You won’t take your time for granted and would only pay attention to the things that are most important to you. You have no time to waste, because your life can end any minute.

Here is an excerpt from Steve Jobs’s 2005 commencement speech that mentions his philosophy of living each day as if it were his last.

    When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like, “If you live each day as if it were your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.” It made an impression on me… and since then, for the past 33 years I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself, “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I’m about to do today.”

    And whenever the answer has been, “no” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life.

    Because almost everything: all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure… these things just fall away in the face of death… leaving only what is truly important.

    Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked; there is no reason not to follow your heart.

    No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to Heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet, death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of life. It’s life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now, the new is you, but someday not to long from now you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it’s quite true.

    Your time is limited; so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
Taiwanese Gods: Ji Gong Huo Fuo 濟公活佛, Drunk Monk or Mad Monk | The Taiwan  Photographer, Rich J Matheson
"Bai-Bai." (hopenglish)
As you travel around Taiwan, you can't help but notice that people are busy praying, from giving incense to the temple, or burning ghost money on the street; leaving a small offering of food for the Kitchen God, or a whole pig for the Jade Emperor. Everybody is very busy doing "bai-bai."

We've come here today to Taipei Story House to learn more about the folk rituals which is so popular in Taiwan and such an integral part of the culture.

Chia-Yi showed me around Taipei Story House. The paper money you can see in the background is known as ghost money. It's handmade using stamps. There are two types of ghost money: the plain red and golden. The plain money is used to give offerings to ancestors,
so that they have money to buy things in the afterlife. Whereas the gold money is used to give offerings to the gods to show respect. The money is offered up by being burned.

Taiwan's folk religion has a multitude of gods. Chia-Yi showed me around and introduced me to some of the most popular gods in Taiwan, such as Wen Chang Di Jun, who is the god of study. Students go to him to pray for A grades.

There are also other gods that people pray to for money or for good business. And Zhu Sheng Niang Niang, the goddess of children and mothers, who, of course, mothers go to to pray for protection for their children, or maybe to ask for a boy or a girl child.

Another very popular god is the god of lovers, Yue Xia Lao Ren. People pray to him using "bua buei" to ask if they'll have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, or to see how their destiny will go with their lover.

Possibly the most popular folk god is Tu Di Gong. Many people pray to him for their businesses, for their communities, and for their family. And the ghost money that you see burning on the streets on the first and the 15th of the month in Taiwan is often being sent up as an offering to Tu Di Gong.

There are also some rather special gods, such as Tien Peng Yuan Shuai. He is the god of the sex industry, because he loved ladies very much.

Another common sight in Taiwan is offerings left outside the home. This is especially prevalent on New Year's Eve, when offerings are left for the gods and the ancestors outside the home. The ancestral offerings include everything from food and drink to makeup. The offerings are left around about 30 minutes, when it's deemed that the gods and the ghosts have had enough and used up or eaten their fill, and then the family can use them.
What do you think about "Bai-Bai’ rituals in Taiwan?
Why "Bai-Bai’ is so popular in Taiwan?
Can you tell us another Taiwanese folk rituals / local cultures?
What do you think about ghost money burning culture?
Why Taiwanese worship ghosts?
What do you think about the god of fortune?
What do you think about the god of lovers, Yue Xia Lao Ren?

What do you think about Tien Peng Yuan Shuai. “the god of the sex industry”?