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星期四 星期四4/2起    新課程 新聞英語討論  
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讀書會  聚會地點  

板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮院或小石鍋 左轉
聚會時間700PM-- 9:30PM

    「鞭刑 新加坡」的圖片搜尋結果       「鞭刑 新加坡」的圖片搜尋結果
Caning in Singapore      From Wikipedia

Caning is a widely used form of legal corporal punishment in Singapore. It can be divided into several contexts: judicial, prison, reformatory, military, school, and domestic or private. These practices of caning are largely a legacy of, and are influenced by, British colonial rule in Singapore.

Of these, judicial caning, for which Singapore is best known, is the most severe. It is reserved for male convicts under the age of 50, for a wide range of offences under the Criminal Procedure Code, and is also used as a disciplinary measure in prisons. Caning is also a legal form of punishment for delinquent servicemen in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) and is conducted in the SAF Detention Barracks. Caning is also used as an official punishment in reform schools.

In a milder form, caning is used to punish male students in primary and secondary schools for serious misbehaviour. The government encourages this but does not allow caning for female students, who instead receive alternative forms of punishment such as detention.

A much smaller cane or other implement is also used by some parents to punish their children for misbehaving. This is allowed in Singapore but not encouraged by the government.
What do you thing caning punishment in Singapore?
Do you think that caning effective as crime deterrent?
In your opinion, what are the crimes should be punished caning?
Should Taiwan institute caning?
Does the death penalty deter crime?
Capital punishment should be banned or allowed?
How to reduce crime rate?
「the good habits」的圖片搜尋結果
Using High-Performance Habits to Achieve Significant Goals              mindtools.com

Good habits lie behind many of these positive changes. The repeated actions – attending a weekly sports practice, for example – help you to build the change into your daily life. In this article, we'll discuss how good habits can help you grow, personally and professionally.

Follow these steps to develop good habits in your daily life, and to kick-start positive change.
1. Identify What you Want to Achieve
First, note down your personal and professional goals. You'll need to develop new habits to achieve these goals , so it's important that you're clear about what they are.

Now choose one goal, and think about the habits that you'll need to incorporate into your schedule to reach it. What do you need to start doing every day to make this vision a reality?
Michelle has always wanted to live in France. Her goal is to learn to speak French, so that she can apply for a role in her company's Paris office. She decides to spend 30 minutes each day learning French.

2. Build Good Habits Into Your Routine
Find ways to build your new habit into your routine. Block out a regular time for it in your schedule, so that you can give your positive habit your full attention.
It's much easier to establish good habits if they fall during your most productive time of day. Our article Is This a "Morning" Task? helps you discover when you're at your most productive.
Michelle knows that she's at her best earlier in the day. She also knows that she's usually too tired to focus on learning after work.
She decides that early morning will be the best time to learn French. She resolves to go to bed by 10:00 p.m. each night so she can wake up at 6:00 a.m. In the evening, she lays out her clothes for work, prepares the coffee machine, and makes her lunch for the next day. She also loads some French learning podcasts onto her laptop in the kitchen.

3. Develop Self-Discipline
A study showed that it can take an average of 66 days to form a new habit. That makes self-discipline   essential.
How to use habits to achieve significant goals?
What are the tips for breaking bad habits and developing good habits?
What are the bad habits you need to quit right away?
What are the good habits you need to start?
Do you want to change your life for the better?
What you really want to achieve?
How to develop a good self-discipline?


讀書會  新聚會地點  
板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮院或小石鍋 左轉
聚會時間700PM-- 9:30PM
「Can Money Buy You Love?」的圖片搜尋結果
Can Money Buy You Love?
We all make calculations when choosing a partner. Does love always come first?
Published on February 5, 2011 by Aaron Ben-Zeév, Ph.D. in In the Name of Love

    "Say you don't need no diamond ring and I'll be satisfied
    Tell me that you want the kind of thing that money just can't buy
    I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love."—The Beatles
Can money buy us love? There is no simple answer. If love is like religion, then it cannot be bought nor negotiated. If romantic interaction is similar to a commercial transaction, then love can be bought and can be negotiated—and compromised. Love seems to be similar to both, but identical to neither.

Avishi Margalit describes two pictures of politics: as economics and as religion. If politics is viewed as economics, it is entirely subject to compromise and exchange. If politics is viewed as religion, there are aspects that must be considered sacrosanct and on which we must never negotiate or compromise. Margalit argues that economic life is based on substitution—one good can be replaced by another. Accordingly, there is ample room for negotiation and compromise in economic life.

Is love similar to religion or to economics? It seems that in different aspects, love is similar to both religion and commercial behavior.

In many respects, romantic love resembles a kind of religion. They are similar in that they dictate basic beliefs, demand fundamental moral standards, and bestow high personal value upon their objects. The basic assumptions underlying the Romantic Ideologyit is characterized by its comprehensive and uncompromising nature—can indeed be found in many monotheistic religions. Not unlike the function of religion, love is considered to give meaning to life, to overcome all obstacles, and to offer a share in eternity. One's beloved is often characterized as "the sweetest angel in heaven or on earth," or as a "divine gift." The beloved is perceived to be a perfect person whose existence cannot be comprehended.
Can money buy you love?
In your opinion, Money come first or love come first?
Tell us that you want the kind of thing that money just can't buy?
Will you marry for money or for love?
Are you satisfied with your life?
What are the reasons money can buy happiness?
What do you do when you have to choose between loves?
「true friends」的圖片搜尋結果
Why good friends are so important(reachout)
A lot of research has been done looking into the benefits of friendship, and the research has found exactly what you might expect. It turns out that the better quality relationships you have; the more likely you are to be happy. Therefore it’s good for your happiness to be a great friend to someone and to have a group of good friends supporting you. But it can be hard to pinpoint exactly what makes a good friend.
Signs of a good friend
Friends will come and go in your life, but more important than how long a friendship lasts, is that a good friend will love you for who you are. The way you can tell the sign of a good friend is by looking at the actions they take –big and small – that show they care.

Some common signs of a good friend include

    someone who will support you no matter what
    someone you can trust and who won’t judge you
    someone who won’t put you down or deliberately hurt your feelings
    someone who is kind and has respect for you
    someone who will love you because they choose to, not because they feel like they should
    someone whose company you enjoy
    showing loyalty
    being trustworthy and willing to tell you the truth, even when it’s hard
    someone who can laugh when you do
    someone who is willing to stick around when things get tough
    someone who makes you smile
    someone who is there to listen
    someone who will cry when you cry.
Why good friends are so important?
What makes a good friend?
What are the signs of a good friend? What are the signs of a bad friend?
Do you always host to your friends?
How to get rid of a bad friend
How to help when friends are in difficulty?

Are you willing helping friends in financial difficulty? 


讀書會  新聚會地點  
板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮院或小石鍋 左轉
聚會時間700PM-- 9:30PM

「will you marry rich but ugly」的圖片搜尋結果
Is brain better than beauty?

Brain is better than beauty.
Brain is better than beauty. Most intelligent people are attractive in some way or another. Being smart can get you far in life and in relationships. I would prefer to date someone that is intelligent and able to maintain a conversation. Beauty is not only skin deep but if they are intelligent they will go far.

Brain is better than beauty.

Beauty is fleeting. It is a temporary condition. Studies have also determined that a person's self-confidence also enhances beauty. Brains also help people get better jobs, solve problems, and outsmart rivals. In this regard, having brains is much better than having beauty because brains do not fade whereas beauty does.

Brain is definitely better than physical good looks

As the saying goes, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Not so for intelligence. Intelligence can be used to gain a career and gain recognition in work. Intelligence is the key that opens the door to education, financial security and a healthy life. Beauty is a quick fix for a few years but beauty is fleeting, not always seen as beauty by the majority of people, different for different cultures and does not last a lifetime.

No need for brains when you have beauty

Why be smart when beauty can get you a smart and rich husband? Honestly as much as women try, men are almost always going to pick beauty and so if you want a successful and great husband, you have to take care of yourself. Besides, you can be smart and beautiful if you want, just go ahead! Personally, I'd rather go shopping with my husband's large paycheck.

Is brain better than beauty?
What do you think about intelligent people?
What do you think about attractive people?        
Do you care physical good looks? Be honest.
Would you rather date an ugly smart person or an attractive dumb person?
What do you think the idea that no need for brains when you have beauty?
Who will you marry, rich and ugly or poor but handsome...?
「Types of Discrimination in the Workplace」的圖片搜尋結果
Types of Discrimination in the Workplace      (everydaylife) by Bronwyn Timmons

Discrimination Based on Sex
As with racial and ethnic discrimination, sex-based discrimination takes on many forms at work. Sexual harassment is one of the most obvious forms, and may include unwanted sexual advances, propositions or crude remarks toward an employee. Sex-based discrimination may also involve preferential or negative treatment, being passed over for a promotion, or being paid at a different rate because of gender. Companies can not discriminate against applicants based on their sex; nor can a company enact policies that apply to everyone if the policy has a negative impact on employees of a certain sex. 

Discrimination Based on Religion

Discrimination based on religion involves treating a person unfairly because of his religious affiliation, and is prohibited by law. As with other forms of discrimination, religious discrimination includes harassment and preferential or negative treatment. By law, employers must make reasonable accommodations for religious employees, regardless of their religion. 

Discrimination Based on Disability

The Americans with Disabilities Act prevents employers from discriminating against people with disabilities, so long as they are qualified to perform their job. This does not mean an employer is required to hire everyone with a disability, but so long as there is no undue hardship, employers must make reasonable accomodations for employees with disabilities. For example, an employee confined to a wheelchair may be given a desk that fits with it. Harassment toward employees with disabilities is prohibited by law, as is preferential or negative treatment because of their condition. When interviewing, the law prohibits employers from asking applicants about their disabilities.

Discrimination Based on Age
The federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act prevents companies from discriminating against applicants and employees over the age of 40, meaning these employees may not be treated unfavorably. Favorable treatment of employees over 40, however, is allowed. There are no federal laws in place to protect workers under 40 from age-based discrimination, though some states have their own laws that do. Companies may favor older workers over younger workers.
What are the types of discrimination in the workplace?      
What do you think about discrimination based on sex /age / religion/ disability?
Good looks will get you that job, promotion and raise?
What are the tips that getting paid more and promoted faster?
What are the tips on how to get along with your boss?
How to get along with coworkers?



讀書會  新聚會地點  
板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮院或小石鍋 左轉
聚會時間700PM-- 9:30PM
「the culture of ultra-thin」的圖片搜尋結果
France may be taking a stand against the culture of ultra-thin on the catwalk.
(eonline.com by Nicole Adlman)

According to Reuters, the country is likely to pass a bill that will ban super-skinny models on the runway—by enforcing regular weight checks—and hand down fines to fashion houses and agencies that continue to hire models that are too thin.

On March 16, France's Health Minister Marisol Touraine opened up to BFM TV about the significance of the impending law: "It's important for fashion models to say that they need to eat well and take care of their health, especially for young women who look to the models as an aesthetic ideal," she said. (Well-spoken.) The health legislation was put forth for debate in parliament today.

If passed, the law will ensure that models meet a BMI of 18 and weigh at least 121 pounds for a height of 5'7". France will be in good company, too: Italy, Spain and Israel have already adopted similar laws prohibiting ultra-thin models on the runway.

What do you think that France is likely to pass a law that will ban super-skinny models on the runway?
What do you think about super-skinny models on the runway?
Why young women look to the models as an aesthetic ideal?
Why skinny people are considered more attractive than fat people?
Do men really only like thin women?
What is your beauty standards?                                             
'What does the perfect shape/ face look like?

"Bai-Bai." (hopenglish)
As you travel around Taiwan, you can't help but notice that people are busy praying, from giving incense to the temple, or burning ghost money on the street; leaving a small offering of food for the Kitchen God, or a whole pig for the Jade Emperor. Everybody is very busy doing "bai-bai."

We've come here today to Taipei Story House to learn more about the folk rituals which is so popular in Taiwan and such an integral part of the culture.

Chia-Yi showed me around Taipei Story House. The paper money you can see in the background is known as ghost money. It's handmade using stamps. There are two types of ghost money: the plain red and golden. The plain money is used to give offerings to ancestors,
so that they have money to buy things in the afterlife. Whereas the gold money is used to give offerings to the gods to show respect. The money is offered up by being burned.

Taiwan's folk religion has a multitude of gods. Chia-Yi showed me around and introduced me to some of the most popular gods in Taiwan, such as Wen Chang Di Jun, who is the god of study. Students go to him to pray for A grades.

There are also other gods that people pray to for money or for good business. And Zhu Sheng Niang Niang, the goddess of children and mothers, who, of course, mothers go to to pray for protection for their children, or maybe to ask for a boy or a girl child.

Another very popular god is the god of lovers, Yue Xia Lao Ren. People pray to him using "bua buei" to ask if they'll have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, or to see how their destiny will go with their lover.

Possibly the most popular folk god is Tu Di Gong. Many people pray to him for their businesses, for their communities, and for their family. And the ghost money that you see burning on the streets on the first and the 15th of the month in Taiwan is often being sent up as an offering to Tu Di Gong.

There are also some rather special gods, such as Tien Peng Yuan Shuai. He is the god of the sex industry, because he loved ladies very much.

Another common sight in Taiwan is offerings left outside the home. This is especially prevalent on New Year's Eve, when offerings are left for the gods and the ancestors outside the home. The ancestral offerings include everything from food and drink to makeup. The offerings are left around about 30 minutes, when it's deemed that the gods and the ghosts have had enough and used up or eaten their fill, and then the family can use them.
What do you think about "Bai-Bai’ rituals in Taiwan?
Why "Bai-Bai’ is so popular in Taiwan?
Can you tell us another Taiwanese folk rituals / local cultures?
What do you think about ghost money burning culture?
Why Taiwanese worship ghosts?
What do you think about the god of fortune?
What do you think about the god of lovers, Yue Xia Lao Ren?

What do you think about Tien Peng Yuan Shuai. “the god of the sex industry”?



台灣的民間宗教信仰有眾多神明。Chia-Yi 帶我四處看看,並向我介紹台灣一些最受歡迎的神祇,例如文昌帝君,祂是課業之神。學生祭拜祂以求好成績。






病態 紙片女模 法擬封殺




  讀書會  新聚會地點  
板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮院或小石鍋 左轉
聚會時間700PM-- 9:30PM

「Poor air quality forecast for Taiwan」的圖片搜尋結果
Poor air quality forecast for Taiwan through Tuesday  CNA

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- The air quality throughout most of Taiwan is expected to remain poor through Tuesday as a result of pollutants being carried on cold air mass from China, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) said Monday.

The most severely affected areas are likely to be Pingtung, Kaohsiung, Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan in southern Taiwan, the EPA said.

Its data showed that the level of particle pollution —the concentration of harmful fine particulate matters in the air that are 2.5 microns or less in width — may be around 9 in those areas.

Kinmen and Matsu, which sit just off the coast of China, may also experience a pollution level of up to 9, with the poor air quality in all the affected areas prevailing through Tuesday, the EPA said.

Measurements above 7 on the 10-point particle pollution index are deemed severe enough to cause tangible discomfort and health problems.

People in the affected areas are advised, therefore, to wear protective masks to cover their noses and mouths when going outdoors during the high-level pollution period, the EPA said.

It also suggested that senior citizens and people with heart or respiratory problems avoid going outdoors if possible.
What do you think the air quality in taipei?
Why should you be concerned about air pollution?
What are health effects of air pollution?
What can i do to help reduce air pollution?
Do pollution masks really work?
“Chinese man is selling canned fresh air”
Is selling fresh air can a good business?
What are the ways to protect the environment?
「is making money important」的圖片搜尋結果
It seems like so many people so focused on making money – is it really that important?
(by Lisa goodcents.123abc.co.)

I think the answer lies in what is really important to you in your life. How many people have really thought about what is important to them? If you ask most people things like family and money are probably the most common. I have found that many people haven’t really gotten much past a couple of common surface things and believe that once they have money it will all fall into place. Have you really some thought at a deeper level to what is important to you?

I was recently at a one day property investment seminar. It seemed like everyone had a single minded focus on making money. Don’t get me wrong money is important. As the quote goes –Money is not important but its right up there with oxygen’. However so few realize how little difference having money will make to their real happiness. It can enable us to have more choices in our lives. Its merely a tool though for helping us create the lives we really want.

I was the first speaker of the day talking about two key areas that are fundamental to your financial success. The first being getting your financial foundations right. The second is working out the best strategy for you to focus on based on what you interests and strengths are. Too many of us are all over the show. The focal point is often so honed towards making money we cant see the forest for the trees.

The next speaker spoke about money beliefs and how we are kind of like an iceberg. What you see above the surface is our conscious mind and we think its what drives us. The reality is that the biggest part of the iceberg is what lies below the surface and this is our unconscious mind. This is the part of us that really drives our thoughts, behaviors and actions without us realising it. If our subconscious mind is too far out of alignment with our conscious mind we are likely to experience a lot of inner conflict – often without understanding why things are not working for us.

Making money – is it really that important?
What is really important to you in your life?
If you have a lot of money, what will you do with it?
What are the good ways to make money?
Could we live without money?
Having a lot of money will make us real happiness?

Is health better than wealth?

週五 (3/20)1.名人代言產品2.反核遊行

請注意  讀書會  新聚會地點  
板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮院或小石鍋 左轉
聚會時間700PM-- 9:30PM
  「名人代言產品」的圖片搜尋結果                    「名人代言產品」的圖片搜尋結果
Celebrity Endorsements In Advertising  wisegeek

There are a number of reasons why celebrity endorsements in advertising are so common. A celebrity endorsement can help build trust with current and potential customers, increase the chances of the brand being remembered, and attract a new type of audience. Endorsements also may increase the consumer's desire for a product. This is often achieved by implying that the particular celebrity is successful, talented, or attractive at least partly because of the product.

Endorsements are a common tool among manufacturers of retail products. There are a number of reasons for this, but one of the most important is credibility and trust. Many people hold certain celebrities in high regard, so an endorsement of a product instantly increases the amount of trust the consumer has in the brand. This can sometimes work against the brand, however, if the celebrity starts to receive negative press.

Another important reason why celebrity endorsements are so common in advertising is brand recall. There are a huge number of products being marketed to consumers all the time, so it’s essential for a brand to find a way to stand out in the crowd and be remembered. If a customer sees an advertisement involving his or her favorite celebrity endorsing a particular product, then his or her chances of remembering that product are greatly increased.

Celebrity endorsements also are useful for do you trust food advertisements to a brand that otherwise may not have held any interest for the consumer. If, for example, a product has traditionally been marketed to elderly people, then people in other age brackets may be reluctant to try it. A brand can try to rectify this problem by using a celebrity who is associated with a particular age group or demographic.

Many people idolize certain celebrities for their sporting achievements, appearance, or other talents. Advertisers often use this to sell products that claim to have a particular effect. Skin care products, for example, are commonly endorsed by an attractive celebrity with seemingly perfect skin.

What do you think about Taiwanese celebrity endorsements in advertising?
What is the effect of celebrity endorsements in advertising?
What makes people buy? Reasons why?
How to build brands trust? Do you trust TV advertisements?
How do celebrities influence people?
What do you think celebrities lifestyle?
How to attract and keep customers for a business?
「what do you think street protest in taiwan」的圖片搜尋結果
Taiwan's Anti-Nuclear Rallies Witness 45,000 Protesters  By  Sneha Shankar

Thousands of people gathered on the streets of Taiwan on Saturday to protest against the island’s use of nuclear energy and its plan to ship nuclear waste abroad. The protests come just days after Japan marked the fourth anniversary of its Fukushima power plant nuclear disaster.

Protesters held placards, which read: "Goodbye to nuclear energy," and "We don't need nuclear power" during the demonstrations. The rally in Taipei attracted about 30,000 protesters, while two other demonstrations on the island saw a combined turnout of 15,000 people, according to the Agence France-Presse (AFP). Last year, Taiwanese authorities were forced to seal off a nearly complete power plant, which was scheduled to open in 2015. A referendum on its future is pending. However, activists, who have also called for the decommissioning of two older plants, have demanded that the government scrap off the plant altogether.

"We urge the government to reform its energy policy and focus on green energy and saving energy," Tsui Shu-hsin, one of the organizers of the rally, said, according to the AFP: adding: "Politicians should listen to the voices of the people ... so Taiwan can become nuclear-free."
What do you think about the anti-nuclear protesters?
Do you think we should build more nuclear power plants?
Reasons why people oppose nuclear power?
What do you think about street protests in Taiwan?
Where to find alternative energy sources?
The pros and cons of nuclear-free?
The pros and cons of nuclear energy?