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週二(6/2)1.真人芭比 2.變聰明?

憶好友                       「shooting stars」的圖片搜尋結果
妳以化作顆閃亮星星   在極樂的國度   不滅----
然而凡夫俗子的我們 如陀螺般 在煩囂塵世 不停----
謝謝妳這些年對讀書會的貢獻 別了-----

台北最有質感 實力之英文聚會   協助您增進英文口語流暢的能力
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新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮院左轉  聚會時間700PM-- 9:30PM

The new 'Human Barbie  By Annabel Fenwick Elliott for MailOnline

I'm a living doll’: Meet the new 'Human Barbie', a 26-year-old Russian whose parents choose her clothes, refuse to let her date or go out alone

 Angelica Kenova, a 26-year-old model from Moscow, Russia, still lives with her hyper-controlling parents, who have been honing her drastic look all her life - dictating her diet and exercise programme so she can maintain her miniature six-stone frame.

'Growing up, my parents raised me like a princess and never let me go out, date boys or have the usual adult experiences,' Angelica says. 'As a result, I am not fit for real life - I'm like a living doll.'

Angelica has been dressed up as a Barbie doll since birth and is only allowed to go on dates if her mother, Natalia, accompanies her.

Yet bizarrely, the diminutive blonde - who claims to be a child psychologist and a ballet dancer as well as a model - regularly poses for half-naked photos, which her parents approve of.

Angelica maintains that her walking-talking doll looks were achieved without plastic surgery and has amassed thousands of fans on social media.

She boasts the same unrealistic body proportions and wide-eyed features as a Barbie, with a tiny 20-inch waist and a 32E bra size.

'I have never had plastic surgery,' she insists. 'Cosmetic work is only necessary when an individual has serious faults with their face or body.'

Angelica - who has one older brother, Roman - still lives with her parents and can only date men with their absolute approval - which has so far never happened.
What do you think the new 'Human Barbie?
Why some people Promotes Unrealistic Beauty Standards?
What do you do if your parents refuse to let you date or go out alone?
What do you think about celebrities with plastic surgery?
What do you think about the unrealistic beauty of actress?
What do you do if you live with highly controlling parents?
「Be smarter」的圖片搜尋結果
Small Things You Can Do Every Day to Get Smarter  By Jessica Stillman

Intelligence is a work in progress. Maximize yours with these simple habits.

1. Be smarter about your online time.

Every online break doesn't have to be about checking social networks and fulfilling your daily ration of cute animal pics. The Web is also full of great learning resources, such as online courses, intriguing TED talks, and vocabulary-building tools. Replace a few minutes of skateboarding dogs with something more mentally nourishing, suggest several responders.

2. Write down what you learn.

It doesn't have to be pretty or long, but taking a few minutes each day to reflect in writing about what you learned is sure to boost your brainpower. "Write 400 words a day on things that you learned," suggests yoga teacher Claudia Azula Altucher. Mike Xie, a research associate at Bayside Biosciences, agrees: "Write about what you've learned."

3. Have smart friends.

It can be rough on your self-esteem, but hanging out with folks who are more clever than you is one of the fastest ways to learn. "Keep a smart company. Remember your IQ is the average of five closest people you hang out with," Saurabh Shah, an account manager at Symphony Teleca, writes.

"Surround yourself with smarter people," agrees developer Manas J. Saloi. "I try to spend as much time as I can with my tech leads. I have never had a problem accepting that I am an average coder at best and there are many things I am yet to learn… Always be humble and be willing to learn."

4. Read a lot.

OK, this is not a shocker, but it was the most common response: Reading definitely seems essential. Opinions vary on what's the best brain-boosting reading material, with suggestions ranging from developing a daily newspaper habit to picking up a variety of fiction and nonfiction, but everyone seems to agree that quantity is important. Read a lot.

5. Do random new things.

Shane Parrish, keeper of the consistently fascinating Farnam Street blog, tells the story of Steve Jobs's youthful calligraphy class in his response on Quora. After dropping out of school, the future Apple founder had a lot of time on his hands and wandered into a calligraphy course. It seemed irrelevant at the time, but the design skills he learned were later baked into the first Macs. The takeaway: You never know what will be useful ahead of time. You just need to try new things and wait to see how they connect with the rest of your experiences later on.
What are the things you can do every day to get smarter?
How to improve you intelligence?
How often do you browse online ?
How often you check your social networks?
Did you write down what you learn? How often you read books?
Pros and cons of have smart friends?
Have you ever done random new things/ take risks and do something new?



人生無常 您瞧她依然笑容依舊 但人已杳然  親切有人緣 這是我常稱讚她的 她是我的貴人良友 哀 哀 哀 別了Sherry
我們的會長Sherry  我親愛的創會夥伴Sherry  日前因急病去世  痛哉 哀哉
這些年 sherry 負責維護說吧網頁   義務相助 功不可沒  頓時 晴天闢歷
痛失良友 心情真的難過複雜 
本會中好朋友 如有認識Sherry 不克參加其告別式 為盡朋友之誼 
本會集資奠儀 多少Sherry盡點最後心意   
(告別式時間6/1日 8:30am 公祭 板橋殯儀館 安詳廳)
感謝週四 Mark, Tony, Lucy, Helen 
感謝週五William,Dereck Li,,Dereck H,Michelle, Sophia, Max, James, Anya
專程送奠儀來會 感觸良多 畢竟我們是ㄧ個有情的讀書會 
板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉   聚會時間晚上7:00--9:30
「interracial relationship」的圖片搜尋結果
What is it like to be in an interracial relationship? Chung Leung

I've been in a lot of interracial relationships (including my current one). The problems that can come up are in three main areas:

1) Problems with family - this is a tough one...and something that you usually don't find out until AFTER you've been dating and realize the other person is someone you would like to be with. If your significant other's family doesn't accept you or vice-versa, it can be very tough on a relationship. Usually the closer you (or they) are to the parents, the more difficult it is. Even when neither of you care what the parents think...then you still have it hanging over your head that you lost (or caused the lost) the relationship with family because of love.

2) Problems with the public - this varies in seriousness...depending on the personality and previous experience of the couple. Some people are easily hurt and offended by what other people (strangers especially) will say and do. Others could care less. Very rarely do I run into any overt rudeness when out with my boyfriend in public though (I live in PA). However friends may joke and say things like, "Oooo, you've caught a White boy with Jungle Fever" or something stupid like that. These off the wall comments almost always focus on the superficial and stereotypical aspects of interracial relationships. Some people may be hurt by this. If you let it get to you, it can cause serious problems.

3) Problems between each other (based in cultural misunderstandings) - I've had more than one non-Black man date me...simply because they "were curious". Now they didn't come out and say this...but I realized it pretty early on. It's hard to describe, but you get the sense that you are a living curio...something to "discover" and try out. You might hear things like "Oh White girls don't know how to do that" or "I love the way your hair feels...it's so cool!" Yeah, that's being objectified...and it's wrong. Other than that you may have to deal with someone who is genuinely interested in you...but you'll have to educate them a lot in regards to cultural differences and what is acceptable to do and what isn't (as in, 'don't pull on the weave during sex'). You can avoid this a bit if you are not your significant other's 1st interracial relationship. But if you are, don't take the ignorance personally; but also learn how not to put up with being some sort of 'exotic fetish' (unles that's all that you want).
What do you think about interracial relationship?
Do you oppose interracial marriage?
Good or bad of interracial relationships?
Pros and cons of marrying a foreigner?
What if you fall in love with a foreigner?
What is your dating experience?
Why Taiwanese girls like dating western foreigners?
What is the fleeing of falling in love?

Buy organic.
Exposure to certain pesticides is linked to at least nine different cancers. Buy foods with the USDA-certified organic seal. (Think you can't afford it? Try these 8 Ways to Eat Organic on a Budget.)

Make fruits and vegetables daily companions.
Consume a range of fresh, colorful produce. Berries, cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cabbage), tomatoes, and dark-green leafy vegetables are especially potent cancer fighters.

Add fiber to your diet.
Every 10 g of daily fiber intake reduces the risk of colon cancer by 10%. Good sources include whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Aim for 25 g daily.

Eat more fish.
Fish that are low in saturated fat and high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, Atlantic mackerel, Arctic char, and sardines, reduce inflammation, which is linked to cancer.

Drink green tea.
Green tea contains catechins, antioxidants in a class of compounds called polyphenols, which may protect cells from DNA damage, strengthen the immune system, and activate enzymes that curb tumors.

Get enough vitamin D.
Higher blood levels of this vitamin are associated with lower rates of colon, breast, ovarian, renal, pancreatic, and prostate cancers. Have your blood level tested, and discuss supplementation options with your doctor. For more on vitamin D research, check out the work of the GrassrootsHealth organization.)

Flavor your food with turmeric.
Another polyphenol, this Indian spice has anti-inflammatory properties.

Avoid red meat.
Beef, pork, and lamb are linked to cancers of the colon, prostate, pancreas, and kidney.

Don't eat trans fats.
Trans fatty acids, used in baked goods and deep-fried foods, raise the risk of prostate and invasive breast cancers. Don't buy anything containing partially hydrogenated oil, code for trans fats.
Ways to reduce cancer risk?
Is vegetables really good for us?
Is eating red meat bad for our health?
Do we need vitamin supplements?
Does eating fish make you smart?
What are the reasons tea is good for you?
Organic foods: are they safer? More nutritious?
Any idea about trans fats?
遠見雜誌作者: 文/滕淑芬 | 遠見雜誌 – 2015年5月16日 












子宮頸癌〉早期發現 治癒率高達九七%





十大癌症之首 大腸癌〉好發於五十歲以上 一期治癒率達八成































人生無常 瞧她依然笑容依舊 但人已杳然  親切有人緣 這是我常稱讚她的 她是我的貴人良友
 哀 哀 哀 別了Sherry
我們的會長Sherry  我親愛的創會夥伴Sherry  日前因急病去世  痛哉 哀哉
這些年 sherry 負責維護說吧網頁   義務相助 功不可沒  頓時 晴天闢歷
痛失良友 心情真的難過複雜 
本會中好朋友 如有認識Sherry 不克參加其告別式 為盡朋友之誼 
本會集資奠儀 多少Sherry盡點最後心意   (告別式時間6/1日 8:30am 公祭 板橋殯儀館 安詳廳)
再感謝週四 Mark, Tony, Lucy, Helen 專程送奠儀來會 感觸良多 畢竟我們是ㄧ個有情的讀書會 
板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉     聚會時間晚上7:00--9:30
「convenience stores japan」的圖片搜尋結果
Convenience stores are everywhere in Japan
Convenience stores are everywhere in Japan. While they are often used for quick shopping or to buy things late at night, Japan’s convenience stores actually have many other handy uses! Make your travel in Japan comfortable by checking out this complete guide to convenience stores.
It’s easy to book and receive tickets at Japanese convenience stores!

Copy machines can be found at many of Japan’s convenience stores. However, these are not mere photocopiers. As well as copying, scanning and fax functions, these extremely handy machines can also be used to print out photos from digital cameras and documents, and can even be used to purchase various kinds of tickets.

For example, the “Multi Copy Machines” found at Seven-Eleven (which has the most convenience stores in Japan) provide a service called “Seven Ticket”, which sells tickets for concerts, sports, movies and various types of events, and the machines can also be used to buy tickets provided by “Ticket Pia”, which is a major ticket sales service. Tickets for theme parks and highway buses are also easy to purchase. The control screen can even be displayed in other languages (English and Chinese), making it simple to arrange your travel plans at the convenience store.

Tickets can be paid for in-store right away, as the machines print out payment slips. Alternatively, you can visit any Seven-Eleven or other convenience store to pick up “Ticket Pia” tickets that you have bought in advance online. If you are unsure about how to use the machines, just ask the store staff for help and they will kindly show you what to do.

24-hour ATMs, Wi-Fi and more!

Japanese people use convenience stores instead of banks. There is 24-hour ATM inside many of Japan’s convenience stores. For example, Seven-Eleven provides a service called “Seven Bank”, which lets you withdraw money if you have an international cash card with “International” written on it. This is particularly convenient when Post Office ATMs are closed, such as late at night.
*Remember that if you want to withdraw money in Japan, you should look for a Seven-Eleven, Post Office or Citibank ATM rather than the normal ATMs you will see around town.
What do you think about Convenience stores in Taiwan?
Pros and cons of convenience stores?
What do you think about Japanese products and inventions?
What do you think about buying tickets /train cards from convenience stores?
What do you think about 24-hour ATMs, Wi-Fi at convenience stores?

Are Convenience stores competitive business?
「social circle」的圖片搜尋結果
Expand your social circle    lifehack.org
Whether you’re interested in advancing your career, or having a new group of friends to go out with, you need to learn—and perhaps master—the skill of making friends. In this article, I would like to share with you 6 tips that will help you expand your social circles.
1 – Connect With Connectors

A great way to expand your social circle is to connect to someone through whom you’ll meet many other people. Those “connectors” are the types of people who keep friends on Facebook by the thousands, host parties whenever they can, and always seem to be with a large group of people.

Oftentimes, these are very open people and are easier to connect with than you think. They might not have the time to invest in a deep friendship with you, but they love to get to know more interesting people to add to their circle.
2 – Meet New People Constantly

A great habit to have is to always be meeting people that you can add to your circles. In reality, not all the people you meet will become your friends and not all your current friends will be around forever. This is why I always say that if you’re not making new friends, you’re actually making fewer.

I recommend that you go to places where you it’s easy and appropriate to walk up to anyone and introduce yourself. Ideally, you need to go to places where others are open to meeting new people as well. Examples might be trade shows, opening nights, galas, cultural or charitable events, seminars, and talks.
3 – Establish Yourself As a Giver of Value

When meeting lots of people, you have to “hook”. Nothing hooks better than having a giver attitude. First, listen really to what they say and imagine if you were them; see the world through their eyes. Second, be willing to share stories, contacts, or quick advice on what people are talking about.

When you meet new people, there are some psychological principles that determine whether or not they’ll want to meet you again. This works on an unconscious level. One of the most important principles is the giver/taker attitude. If they sense that you only care about yourself, connection isn’t going to happen.

You can portray a giver attitude in two ways. The first is about really listening to what they say, imagining the world through their eyes, and giving them your opinion on their stories and situations. The second way is to prove that you’re ready to share similar stories about what they’re talking about, or introduce them to someone who could help them.
4 – Commit to a Local Community

One of the fastest ways to boost your social life is to get involved in a community that has the type of people that you want as friends. This community should be in your local area and should hold social get-togethers once a month, or more.

What you do is find one that you like, maybe on meetup.com, and offer your help to the people who run it. They’ll most likely accept, even if they don’t need that much help; they’ll just be glad you’re interested. This works great because it makes you meet everyone, and because it establishes you as a giver of value.
How to have a new group of friends?
How to expand your social circles.
Pros and cons of making friends on Facebook?
Where to Meet New People?
How to start conversation with new friends?
What is the giver/taker attitude?

Can you tell who are toxic friends?


人生無常 您瞧她依然笑容依舊 但人已杳然  親切有人緣 這是我常稱讚她的 她是我的貴人良友 哀 哀 哀 別了Sherry
我們的會長Sherry  我親愛的創會夥伴Sherry  日前因急病去世  痛哉 哀哉
這些年 sherry 負責維護說吧網頁   義務相助 功不可沒  頓時 晴天闢歷
痛失良友 心情真的難過複雜 
本會中好朋友 如有認識Sherry 不克參加其告別式 為盡朋友之誼 
本會集資奠儀 多少Sherry盡點最後心意   感謝週二朋友Peter/summer/wesley/michael/jack捐款情義相挺(告別式時間6/1日 8:30am 公祭 板橋殯儀館 安詳廳)

板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉   聚會時間 晚上7:00--9:30
Japan considers compulsory paid holidays to combat overworking  ABC/AFP

Japanese commuters on the train Photo: 'Karoshi' is a Japanese term for death by overwork, a relatively common phenomenon in the industrious country.

Japan's parliament is considering enforcing five compulsory paid holidays for workers per year, in a bid to lessen the toll on mental and physical health in a country famed for overworking.

Workers typically used less than half of their leave allowance in a year, according to a survey by the labour ministry which found that in 2013 employees took only nine of their 18.5 days average entitlement.

A separate poll showed that one in every six workers took no paid holidays at all in 2013, Jiji Press said.

The government wants to boost the amount of paid leave used to 70 per cent by 2020, and plans to submit legislation mandating holidays in the current parliament session, Jiji said.

In early discussions, employer groups proposed limiting the number of compulsory paid holidays to three days, while unions called for eight.

Japan's culture of long working hours and unpaid overtime is regularly criticised as a leading cause of mental and physical illness among employees.

The term 'karoshi', which means 'death by overwork', has long been a fixture of Japanese working culture, but has seen a recent surge in the number of people dying due to stress-related problems, or suicide.

According to a poll by the Japanese unit of Washington-based travel website Expedia, workers in France enjoyed 37 paid holiday days in 2010 and used 93 per cent of them.

Spain has 32 paid holiday days and Denmark 29, with the average employee using up more than 90 per cent.

As well as the health benefits, days off encourage workers to spend money on leisure activities, thereby boosting the economy.

Japan has a relatively high 15 statutory holidays annually. In recent years there has been a move to shift the days so that they fall adjacent to the weekend, making domestic holidays more of a possibility.

What do you think about “compulsory paid holidays in japan”?
Should commuters get more holidays?
What do you think about overworking and 'Karoshi'?
How to keep a good mental and physical health?
What are the leisure activities good for workers?

「sweets 'linked to violence」的圖片搜尋結果
Daily sweets 'linked to violence'  BBC
Could childhood sweet eating make you violent?

Children who eat sweets and chocolate every day are more likely to be violent as adults, according to UK researchers.

The Cardiff University study involving 17,500 people is the first into effects of childhood diet on adult violence.

It found 10-year-olds who ate sweets daily were significantly more likely to have a violence conviction by age 34.

Researchers suggested they had not learnt to delay gratification, but other experts said already "difficult" children might be given more sweets.

The researchers looked at data on around 17,500 people and found that 69% of the participants who were violent at the age of 34 had eaten sweets and chocolate nearly every day during childhood, compared to 42% who were non-violent.


This link between confectionery consumption and later aggression remained even after controlling for other factors such as parenting behaviour, the area where the child lived, not having educational qualifications after the age of 16 and whether they had access to a car when they were 34.

Targeting resources at improving children's diet may improve health and reduce aggression
Dr Simon Moore, Cardiff University

The researchers put forward several explanations for the link including the idea that the confectionery makes the adult addicted to certain additives and that these may contribute towards adult aggression.
The study was reported in the British Journal of Psychiatry.

What do you think of “daily sweets 'linked to violence’?”
Do you like sweeten food? Do you like chocolates? Do you like sugary beverage?
Do you think people are prone to violence because of inborn qualities or because of learned behavior?
Have you ever had a bubble tea drink?! Love it or hate it?
What do you think the food and drink sale in convenience stores?
Why sugary soda is bad for our health?