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Many options available as consumers prepare for the Lunar New Year holiday  FTV

There are many channels available for consumers who hope to buy Lunar New Year’s products. Competition from convenience stores, online merchants and others is proving to be a stiff challenge to traditional vendors on Taipei’s Dihua Street.

The Taiwan New Year Market Fair at the World Trade Center tallied revenues of NT$300 million last year. This year’s fair opens on Feb. 4 and will feature twice as many booths and new services.

Peter Huang
TAITRA Secretary-General
Besides being able to buy new year’s products, there will be places to relax and eat along with a recreation area for children. Parents will be able to leave their children at the recreation area while they go shopping.

Convenience stores hope to win over consumers by promoting ease of purchase.

Hypermarkets are focusing on diversity and low prices.
Those hoping to avoid crowds can shop online.

These can be purchased online and at hypermarkets. You don’t have to come to Dihua Street.”

Dihua Street in Taipei has traditionally been the most popular place in the capital to buy new year’s products. But this year many booths have yet to be leased.
Dihua Street Vendor
In the past these spaces were all leased out by the time of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

At its peak, there were 500 booths on Dihua Street that cost up to NT$700,000 each to lease. This year there will be around 200 booths available for about NT$200,000 each.

What are your Chinese New Year holiday plans?
How to celebrate Chinese New Year? What are the New Year traditions?
How to prepare for the New Year food?
Have you ever gone shopping at Taipei’s Doha Street?
Where are the ideal places for consumers to buy lunar New Year’s products?
What do you think about Taiwanese food market?
What are the traditional Chinese new year food?
What do you think the food safety issues?

The Truth About Shopaholics   by Jeanna Bryner, Live Science

The stereotypical shopaholic darting from store to store to pick up anything and everything while racking up a hefty credit-card bill is anything but stereotypical. They come in all shapes and sizes.

New research reveals while some super-shoppers spend to boost self-esteem and band-aid other perceived internal deficits, others' carts are driven by plain-old materialism. Whatever the motivation, however, researchers mostly agree that buying behaviors can range from frivolous fun to serious addiction.

And, it seems, over-shopping is on the rise.

Compulsive buying can be thought of as a chronic tendency to purchase products far in excess of a person’s needs and resources.

"There are some people who are just total rational consumers; they buy what's on sale, or what they need and nothing else," said researcher James Roberts of Baylor University's Hankamer School of Business in Texas. "On the other end, there are compulsive shoppers who buy to their own financial ruin and to relationship problems and other kinds of debt; and then there's the rest of us somewhere in between."

Part of the problem, experts say, is that compulsive shopping is often viewed favorably rather than being treated as a problem.

Like an addiction

Some researchers have likened compulsive buying to other addictive behaviors that individuals use to escape life to the point where that behavior controls the person rather than vice versa.

"When it becomes our natural response to bad feelings or bad events in our life, to go shopping as a kind of retail therapy, it can really become a problem," Roberts told LiveScience.

The consequences of compulsive shopping are far-reaching and could outlast the trendy pair of shoes or digital device you just purchased. These include massive credit-card debt, spoiled relationships, work problems and depression and anxiety, according to the Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery.

Some excessive spenders cover up debt or purchases — similar to an alcoholic hiding bottles — which can strain once-honest relationships.

"They suffer a lot because of the emotional drain of being in debt and wondering what's going to happen, carrying these huge credit-card balances that go up and up and up," said Stanford University psychiatrist Lorrin Koran. "It can cause a lot of suffering and family dysfunction, because there are arguments about, 'Why are you buying these things you don't use?; why are you spending this money?'"

Koran recalls some of the compulsive buyers in his research declaring bankruptcy and getting divorced over their buying disorder. One woman was within weeks of losing her house.

Although the consequences can be "quite severe," Koran says the so-called impulse control disorder is treatable and urges those afflicted to seek psychiatric help.

Why some are addicted to shopping?
The reasons we shop too much?
Can shopping boost self-esteem and help anxiety?
What are the ways to break free from compulsive spending?
How to be a wise consumer? How to spend money wisely?
How advertising manipulates your choices and spending?
How to manage compulsive shopping or spending addiction?
What do you think that buy one get one free business policy?
What are the different types of addictions?

週六(1/31) 1.危險工作消防員2.如果遇見搶匪!

周六聚會地點:   請注意 週六聚會點改至板橋區光武街48 巷13號 
700PM-- 9:00PM    連絡電話: 0976217450   Billy

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Six firemen were killed- AFP
Six young firemen were killed on Tuesday (Jan 20) as they battled a blaze engulfing a bowling alley in northern Taiwan, officials said.

The men, all in their 20s, were trapped and killed in a "sudden burst of flames", which caused the partial collapse of the building in Taoyuan county. Fire had broken out in the early hours of the morning, when the venue was shut. Around 90 firefighters had been sent to the scene and two workers were rescued uninjured, the Taoyuan fire department said.

"There was a lot of smoke - we decided that (our firemen) should stop going in and requested our colleagues to pull out, but they did not have time to evacuate during a sudden burst of flames," said fire department official Shih Shou-yang.

Taoyuan mayor Cheng Wen-tsan told reporters that the cause of the fire was under investigation and expressed his sadness over the loss of the firemen. "Great sadness. Six firemen unfortunately died in the line of duty," Cheng wrote on his Facebook page.

Firefighter guide

Fighting a blazing fire, thick smoke and debris, firefighters go all the way to stop fires and save human lives. This dangerous job idolizes firefighters – as they put themselves in harms way to save others. Being a firefighter isn’t easy – apart from rushing into flames to save lives, they also have to be constantly fit, carry heavy gear, and above all – professionals at their trade.

Job description: A firefighter (or fireman’s) job is to control and extinguish fires that threaten people or property, and to rescue people trapped by fires, car accidents, etc… Firefighters deal with hazardous materials (gas leaks, chemical spills ,etc…) and are tasked with the prevention of fires . Firefighters also instruct the public on fire safety issues. Firefighters use their fire trucks, public hydrants or any other water source available to them to put out and control fires.

Work environment: At the scene of a fire, firefighters will face blazing heat, thick smoke, scorching flames, structurally unsafe buildings, and will have to operate with heavy equipment (up to 150 pounds, or 70 kg) under intense and stressful conditions. Firefighters my also find themselves at the scene of accidents, rescuing trapped, injured people.
What are your opinion about six firemen were killed on Tuesday?
What is a great workplace?
What are the "good jobs"?
Is being a firefighter a good job?
Are you willing take high pay but dangerous jobs?
Will you sacrifice your own life and save others?
What are the most dangerous jobs in the world?

What is it like to witness a bank robbery?  quora.com
I worked in banks and credit unions for 30 years.  I always had a fear of being robbed and wondered how my reaction would be.  In 2005, I found out.  I was behind the desk in a glass enclosed office looking straight at the tellers.  I had a gentleman sitting across from me.  He asked me a question, which needed verification and I picked up the phone to call someone.  As I put the phone to my ear, I heard someone yelling, "Put the phone down or she dies." I looked at the tellers and a man had a gun pointed at a teller's head.  I slowly laid the phone down and sat as still as I could. Very quietly, under my breath I said, "We're being robbed." to the man across from me.  He had his back to the robber and was trying to stay calm but wasn't succeeding. He was wringing his hands and saying, "Oh my God" over and over.  I couldn't believe how calm I was staying.  It was as if I was telling myself, "stay really still and you'll be invisible"  The tellers were filling up the robber's bag and he left without harming anyone.  As soon as he left, we locked the door.  My manager had been pushing a button on her desk to call the police, so they were there pretty soon.  Our office was closed the rest of the day and none of us were allowed to leave.  The FBI came and interviewed each of us.  We had always been trained in what to do if we were ever robbed.  We all did very well in carrying out our instructions.  The man was never caught for this crime.  The police did tell my manager later that they thought the man who robbed us had been incarcerated for another crime.
Robbery Prevention Tips
How Can I Protect Myself?
·         Stay with the crowd — there is safety in numbers.
·         Women should carry their wallet in their pocket, not their purse.
·         If you carry a purse, carry it close to your body, like a football player carries a football. Do not place the strap across your body or over your shoulder. When the robber grabs your purse, you may be pulled along with the robber until the strap breaks and you are injured.
·         Men should consider carrying two wallets, one of them filled with cut up paper. Most robbers are not going to go through the wallet until they have fled to safety.
·         Be cautious when wearing "flashy" jewelry.
·         Be conscious of people just "hanging around" anywhere, especially near pay phones, public rest rooms, building entrances and garages.
·         Notify the police of strangers who are hanging around your home, apartment or place of business for no apparent reason.

·         Take the profit out of robbery by not carrying large sums of money, or credit cards on your person whenever possible.
What would you do if you witness a robbery in a bank?
How to stay calm during a bank robbery?
How to deal with an armed robber? What to do if a robber had a gun pointed at your head?
How to be cautious when taking big sum of money to a bank?
Is it crime rate high in Taiwan? 
How to become a real life superhero? Do you want to fight with robbers?
How can you protect yourself in a robbery? What are the robbery prevention tips?

週五(1/30)1. 星座與愛情2.神奇治療--運動

歡迎有心 想學英文的朋友  想學就對了 來說吧!英文讀書會   就邁向成功之路

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Astrology, Horoscope, Star sign and Romance Compatibility astrologyzone

How compatible are you with your current partner, lover or friend? Did you know that astrology can reveal a whole new level of understanding between people simply by looking at their star sign and that of their partner? Here you will discover some special insights which will help you better appreciate the strengths and challenges of love using Sun sign compatibility.

The Sun reflects your drive, will power and personality. The essential qualities of two star signs blend like two pure colors producing an entirely new shades. Relationships, similarly, produce their own emotional colors when two people interact.  The following is a general guide to your romantic prospects with others and how by knowing the astrological "color" of each other, the art of love can help you create a masterpiece romantically.

When reading the following I ask you to remember that no two star signs are ever totally incompatible. With effort and compromise, even the most ‘difficult’ astrological matches can work. Don’t close your mind to the full range of life’s possibilities! Learning about each other and ourselves is the most important facet of astrology. Each star sign combination is followed by the elements of those star signs and the result of their combining: for instance, Aries is a fire sign and Aquarius is an air sign and this combination produces a lot of ‘hot air’. Air feeds fire and fire warms air. In fact, fire requires air. However, not all air and fire combinations work. I have included information about the different birth periods within each star sign and this will throw even more light on your prospects for a fulfilling love life with any star sign you choose. Good luck in your search for your soul mate and may the stars shine upon you!

The stars can provide much insight about ourselves, including how, when, and with whom we are most likely to fall in love. Of course, astrology is not destiny, so while the one you love may not be a "classic" match for you in astrological terms, that doesn't mean all is lost. By understanding the universal forces that attract you to your lover, you can learn how to make any relationship work, and better understand your own self in the process.

To use Matchmaker by Sign, choose your sign and then enter your partner's sign. You'll receive a free, detailed analysis personally written by Susan Miller of how all the elements of your horoscope interact and influence this pairing. You will learn what things you have in common with this lover and what things could be problem spots down the line.

Do you believe in astrology, horoscope, star sign and romance compatibility?
Do you think understanding your partner’s star sign is necessary?
Do you think that star sign compatibility good in your search for your soul mate?
Did you believe that astrology can reveal a certain level of understanding between people?
Do you believe star signs can help bring good luck? How to get lucky?
How much do you know about the Chinese zodiac?

The Miracle Treatment: Exercise  By null HealthDay News 

A little sweat helps ward off addiction, depression, stress and even Alzheimer's

 (Jan. 17, 2007)--What's the best antidote for warding off addiction, depression, stress and even Alzheimer's? It's plain, old-fashioned exercise.

"Exercise improves blood flow to the brain, it helps the body detoxify, it puts you on a better cycle of physical behavior, and it leads to decreased stress, says Dr. Marc Siegel, an internist at New York University Medical Center and an associate professor of medicine at the NYU School of Medicine in New York City. "It also improves thinking and mental function and decreases your tendency toward addiction."

Each new study brings greater understanding of the intimate connection between the health of the body and that of the mind.

Aerobic exercise such as running or swimming can lead to a healthy release of the body's natural opiates, neurochemicals called endorphins. These are natural stress-busters.

"Exercise is a ritualistic activity that redirects your energy," said Siegel, who is also the author of a book on worry and stress called False Alarm: The Truth About the Epidemic of Fear. "Stress is a buildup of inactivity, of over-thinking without release," he said. "But exercise gives you a physical release that diminishes that psychic frustration."

Regular workouts may even help smokers beat their addiction, researchers say.

One Brown University study found that women trying to quit smoking who engaged in a vigorous exercise program were more than twice as likely to have stayed away from cigarettes for at least one year, compared to women who simply took part in a smoking-cessation program without exercise.

The Brown team believes that exercise may have helped smokers deal with the stress of quitting. As an added bonus, the study also found that exercising ex-smokers were able to stave off much of the weight gain typically associated with quitting smoking.

A fit, active body may even help reduce risks for Alzheimer's disease by improving cerebrovascular blood flow, experts say.
What are the health benefits of exercise?
What kind of exercise do you like most? How often you do exercise?
In your opinion, what kind of exercise can helps ward off depression, stress? 
What are your best sickness prevention methods?
Tips to lower stress? How to relax your body and mind?
What are the ways to beat addiction?
How to break a bad habit?

週二(1/27) 1.周董婚禮2.為何感冒/雞流感

周二聚會點  丹提咖啡 寶慶店  晚上7:00~9:30台北市延平南路107號
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感謝 Sherry 承辦
Jay Chou marries at a fairy-tale wedding in England  straitstimes By Foong Woei Wan

Jay Chou marries at a fairy-tale wedding in England, complete with a song he wrote for the big day

In the end, thanks to a dash of time-zone magic, pop king Jay Chou kept both of his promises when he married model Hannah Quinlivan in a fairy-tale wedding in Yorkshire, northern England, on Saturday afternoon, the eve of his 36th birthday.

For years, he said he would be married at age 35. Late last year, after confirming his four-year relationship with Quinlivan, 21, he said his 36th birthday would be his wedding day.

He managed to do both, kind of, at a ceremony that took place in Selby Abbey, a church dating to the 11th century, at about 3.30pm, said Taiwan Apple Daily, around midnight back in his native Taipei.

The bride, in a white Tudor-inspired dress by Taiwanese boutique Sophia Weddings with a heart-shaped cutout on the back, was led down the aisle by her Australian father, who placed her hand in the groom's, said the report. Chou's parents, who are divorced, were among the group of about 50 family members and friends at the church.

A Taiwanese pastor performed the ceremony, and Quinlivan was moved to tears as she exchanged rings and vows with Chou.

The groom composed a song, which was played by a string orchestra at the ceremony, said United Daily News.

Two of Chou's good friends, The Drifters singer Darren and fitness coach Hulk, were the groomsmen. The bridesmaids were actresses Beatrice Fang and Fion Sun.

In interviews before the wedding, Chou said he chose Quinlivan as his partner because "being together for four years isn't an easy thing". He said he was serious about previous girlfriends - who include singer Jolin Tsai - but the relationships would end after two to three years, reported China Times.

Although he is 14 years older than Quinlivan, "my mental age is about the same as hers and we just get along like children". The only thing they disagree on is movies, because they like different genres, but she still asks him first if he wants to watch a certain movie with her, before seeing it with her friends.

The wedding was followed by dinner at a hotel, then a party at Castle Howard, which Chou envisioned as a concert featuring a symphony and a rock band.

Apple Daily estimated the cost of the wedding at NT$23 million (S$1 million), and said it was the most extravagant wedding in Taiwanese entertainment.
What do you think about Jay Chou’s fairy-tale wedding?
What do you think about Jay Chou and his bride, Quinlivan?
Do you admire luxury weddings/ their fairy-tale wedding?
“Although he is 14 years older than Quinlivan”
What is the ideal age gap between husband and wife?
Why Pop Stars Make Money easily?
What style of wedding do you expect?
How much should you expect to pay for a wedding?

What is the best age to marry?

What causes the common cold? (howstuffworks)

When someone says, "I have a cold," what he or she means is, "There is something in my body that is causing me to have the set of symptoms that we call a 'cold.'" The set of symptoms normally includes things like a runny nose, sneezing, coughing, "chills" and a headache. It does not include a fever -- normally, if there is a fever it's called "the flu."

There are many different viruses that can cause cold symptoms, but about half of the time a cold is caused by a class of viruses called rhinoviruses.

The rhinovirus gets into the cells lining your nose and starts reproducing. It arrives from other people -- it is not cold weather that causes a cold, but the fact that cold weather causes people to congregate together indoors, which makes transmission of the virus easier. The virus generally moves from someone else's hands to your hands (either directly or through some intermediate surface like a door knob), and from your hands into your nose or eyes.

Your body reacts to the presence of the virus with its immune system. The article How Your Immune System Works talks about infectious diseases and how your immune system deals with them. In the case of a cold, the immune system opens up blood vessels through inflammation and also increases mucus secretions. These two processes give you the runny nose and the stuffy feeling. The irritation caused by the virus and all of the fluid causes sneezing. If the virus makes it into the cells lining the lungs, then they start producing fluid and mucus as well, which produces the cough.

As the immune system gears up over several days and fights the virus, the mucus thickens and changes color with dead cells (a form of pus, really). Eventually, the immune system eliminates the virus completely and you are well again!
Avian Influenza
Taiwan is continuing to battle multiple avian influenza outbreaks, including some involving what is described as a new strain of H5N3, and outbreaks have also hit Japan and Nigeria, according to media and government reports.

what do you think the avian influenza outbreaks?
What causes the common cold?
How to avoid catching a cold or getting the flu?
What are tips to treat colds and flu the 'natural' way?
How to boost your immune system? Ways to stay healthy and prevent sick easily?
How often do you catch a cold?
Do you take vitamins or supplements?