陽光甜味咖啡館 Sun Sweet Cafe

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板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉    PM 7:00-9:30
板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)

埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉    PM 7:00-9:30

「smile and happiness?」的圖片搜尋結果
Smiling can trick your brain into happiness — and boost your health

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Ever had someone tell you to cheer up and smile? It’s probably not the most welcomed advice, especially when you’re feeling sick, tired or just plain down in the dumps. But there’s actually good reason to turn that frown upside down, corny as it sounds. Science has shown that the mere act of smiling can lift your mood, lower stress, boost your immune system and possibly even prolong your life.

It’s a pretty backwards idea, isn’t it? Happiness is what makes us smile; how can the reverse also be true? The fact is, as Dr. Isha Gupta a neurologist from IGEA Brain and Spine explains, a smile spurs a chemical reaction in the brain, releasing certain hormones including dopamine and serotonin. “Dopamine increases our feelings of happiness. Serotonin release is associated with reduced stress. Low levels of serotonin are associated with depression and aggression,” says Dr. Gupta. “Low levels of dopamine are also associated with depression.”
Fake It Till You Make It

In other words, smiling can trick your brain into believing you’re happy which can then spur actual feelings of happiness. But it doesn’t end there. Dr. Murray Grossan, an ENT-otolaryngologist in Los Angeles points to the science of psychoneuroimmunology (the study of how the brain is connected to the immune system), asserting that it has been shown “over and over again” that depression weakens your immune system, while happiness on the other hand has been shown to boost our body’s resistance.

What’s crazy is that just the physical act of smiling can make a difference in building your immunity,” says Dr. Grossan. “When you smile, the brain sees the muscle [activity] and assumes that humor is happening.”

In a sense, the brain is a sucker for a grin. It doesn’t bother to sort out whether you’re smiling because you’re genuinely joyous, or because you’re just pretending.

Even forcing a fake smile can legitimately reduce stress and lower your heart rate,” adds Dr. Sivan Finkel, a cosmetic dentist at NYC’s The Dental Parlour. “A study performed by a group at the University of Cardiff in Wales found that people who could not frown due to botox injections were happier on average than those who could frown.”

And there are plenty more studies out there to make you smile (or at least, serve as reference for why you should). Researchers at the University of Kansas published findings that smiling helps reduce the body’s response to stress and lower heart rate in tense situations; another study linked smiling to lower blood pressure, while yet another suggests that smiling leads to longevity.
Lin Ching-yi calls for restricting power in Taiwan after 10 p.m. to save energy, raise birthrate

DPP legislator Lin Ching-yi suggests restricting electricity after 10 p.m. will save energy and raise the birthrate

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) -- The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Lin Ching-yi (林靜儀), yesterday evening (May 2) suggested that power be restricted after 10 p.m. to help conserve energy and resolve the country's low birthrate.

The Facebook page called Citizens Miaokou (公民廟口-立委在做天在看) posted a video at 6:56 p.m. last night of a question and answer session in Taiwanese dialect and Mandarin with Lin and Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) chief Lee Ying-yuan (李應元). During the session, Lin suggested that power be limited after 10 p.m., people should go home from work, not to turn on the TV and lights and everyone should go to sleep early.

Lin reasoned that taking these steps would solve the energy problem and would also "solve the problem of fewer children." Laughing, probably at the latter comment about increasing the birthrate, Lee concurred with her suggestions.

Lin said that this would would lead to a more healthy lifestyle, with better sleep and the ability to wake up at 5 a.m. In response, Lee said, "I completely agree, lifestyle changes will conserve energy."

She went on to say that she asked that cable TV stations not play movies late at night, "otherwise everyone won't sleep at night as they watch reruns of movies, it's actually a waste of resources. Those old movies have been replayed hundreds of times."

Netizens reacted to her simplistic suggestions with sarcastic remarks:

"This is great, Lin Ching-yi is very wise brilliant and the workers are overwhelmed with gratitude. From this day forward, laborers will never have to be overworked again!"

"This is great, only she could thing of such a ingenious idea, everyone was drunk and you woke them up. Global warming has been solved. This is deserving of many Nobel Prizes."
What do you think the idea that restricting power in Taiwan after 10 p.m.?
How to save energy?
Do you think that birthrate raising relate to power cut?
What are the ways for raising birthrate?
Do married couples have to have children?
Why some couples that they don’t want to have children after marry?

周六(4/28)1.錢買快樂嗎能? 2.如何避免爭執 4:00-6:00

板橋區文化路一段421111 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉       聚會時間 下午4:00--6:00
1960s couple with shopping bag full of money

Can money buy happiness? | Thinking about money
Rin Hamburgh   theguardian.com

One survey of 1,000 Americans, conducted in 2010, concluded that money does make us happier – but only up to a certain point. The findings, by psychologist Daniel Kahneman and economist Angus Deaton, both from Princeton University, showed that self-reported levels of wellbeing increased with salary up to $75,000 (roughly £50,000) a year. But after that, increasing amounts of money had no further effect on happiness.

Anecdotal evidence is just as conflicted. In 2015, analysis of data from the Office for National Statistics’ Wealth and Assets Survey showed that for Britons aged 16 and over there is a clear link between household wealth and happiness, life satisfaction and personal sense of worth. Yet when Markus Persson, creator of Minecraft, sold his gaming company to Microsoft for £2.5bn in 2014, it didn’t give him the huge happiness boost you might expect, as his tweet from August 2015 showed: “Hanging out in Ibiza with a bunch of friends and partying with famous people, able to do whatever I want, and I’ve never felt more isolated.”

Similarly, billionaire John Caudwell, founder of Phones4U, admitted on the BBC programme Britain’s Spending Secrets that there are times when he would put his happiness level at just one or two out of 10.

Some would argue that the effect of money, whatever it is, can only ever be minimal because individual happiness is based on completely different criteria. According to psychology professor Sonja Lyubomirsky, author of The How of Happiness, about 50% is down to our baseline happiness level, which is something we’re born with. In other words, some people are just naturally happier than others. By contrast, life circumstances – which would include income levels – account for just 10% of our total reported happiness.

The final 40% is about “intentional activities”, or things we can do to make ourselves happier. Money does play a part in this – but not in the way you might expect.

For example, being generous makes us happy. Michael Norton, of Harvard Business School, talks about “pro-social spending” – in other words, spending money on others – and how it is linked to wellbeing. In a 2008 study with fellow researchers Elizabeth Dunn and Lara Aknin, he gave 46 participants either $5 or $20 and told some to spend it on themselves and others to give it away. He also recorded their self-reported happiness levels before and after the task. Those who had given their windfall away showed a greater increase in wellbeing than those who had spent the money on themselves.

Meanwhile, researchers at the US’s National Institute of Health demonstrated a link between charitable giving and activation in the part of the brain associated with pleasure, triggering the release of endorphins or “happiness hormones”, which cause what scientists refer to as the “helper’s high”.

And if we spend on others in a way that builds relationships, so much the better. Harvard Business School’s Aknin did an experiment in which she gave people $10 Starbucks gift cards and asked some to spend the card on themselves, others to give the card to someone else, and still others to use the card to take someone out for a coffee. The happiest group was the one that had been able to spend on others while spending time with them – the combination of altruism and connection upped their happiness levels.

So does money make us happier? Well, yes and no. We need enough to cover our basic needs, and a rising salary can impact our wellbeing, but we also need to remember the positive effects of generosity and building relationships. Perhaps our focus should be less on how much money we have, and more on how we use it.
Can money buy happiness?
Your viewpoints about money?
Are rich people happier?
How to be happy?
What do you think this saying that “spending money on others is linked to wellbeing?”

What factors that make people unhappy?
10 Tips to Help Avoid Ugly Arguments           psychologytoday

Every couple argues. Some of them do it overtly by yelling at each other while others do it covertly by avoiding contact and conversation. Whatever the method, the result is the same - hurt feelings and disenchantment. Here are my tips to help you argue constructively. If done correctly arguing can be a pathway to growth and problem solving.

    Understand that anger itself is not destructive. There is a vast difference between anger and rage. When someone is angry they need to state their feelings, they don't break things or relationships - that is ragefull behavior.
    Talk about your feelings before you get angry. When you or your partner can approach the situation as it happens and deal with it in a safe way, it may not get to the point of being an argument. Sometimes things just need to be verbalized and most arguments can be avoided if your partner understands how you feel.
    Don't raise your voice. It's amazing how issues of hurt feelings or differences can be resolved with a whisper. I counsel couples who are yellers to only communicate with a whisper and it greatly reduces the anger factor in their relationships.
    Don't threaten your relationship. And don't take every argument as a threat to your relationship. This type of emotional blackmail puts the other partner in a panic/flight or flight mode. While you're telling them you want to leave, they may be making plans to find a roommate. In addition, they may be so devastated by the thought of losing their family they can go into a deep depression and be unable to give you what it is you need.
    Don't stockpile. This is where you bring up issues from the past to use as a hammer against whatever problem your partner has asked for help with. Deal with their issue first and if you really have unresolved feelings from past problems talk about them at another time.
    Don't avoid your anger. If you stuff your feelings long enough you will explode and say or do things that you will regret. Anger does not diminish love, you can be angry with those you love. In fact the ones we love hurt us the most because we love them the most.
    Create a process for resolving problems without anger. Start by each of you taking five minutes to state your feelings, then take a twenty minute break to think about things and come back to the table for another ten minutes to discuss how you think you can best deal with the problem. Also, know that it's okay if the problem doesn't get solved right away.
    Abuse is NEVER allowed. This includes verbal abuse, any type of violence including slamming doors, breaking plates or hitting. If your arguments escalate to this level you need to leave the house. If one partner ever hits another a police report needs to be made and an appointment with a therapist is mandatory.
    Don't engage. Remember that negative attention is still attention. If your partner tries to goad you into an argument, simply don't go there. Some people actually like to argue because it gives them a temporary feeling of power and gratification. Avoid being sucked into their need for attention.
    Listen to your body. When you are angry your body releases chemicals that may cause you to react in ways that can be destructive to you, your partner and your relationship. Learn to understand your feelings and how the process of anger effects you physically and emotionally.
How to avoid ugly arguments? 
How to avoild conflicts with your coworkers?
How resolve misunderstanding?
How to improve you problem solving skills?
How to control your anger?
Why bring up the issues from the past bad for relationship?


周四 (4/26) 1.富流感2.跟在某些人身邊 會帶來不幸嗎?

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
埔捷運1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉    PM 7:00-9:30
Affluenza” Will Not Make You Happy
By Mary Jo Rapini, Licensed Relationship and Family Therapist

I was just reading an article about how people preparing to retire are getting rid of all their stuff. Apparently, the stuff they had acquired was making them ill, stressed out and unhappy. They equated their freedom with trashing their stuff.  More and more couples are coming to therapy saying that they hate their jobs, but cannot leave them. They feel burdened, old, and worn out. They go to work to buy more stuff and the more stuff makes them feel anxious, depressed, and unhappy. The article I was reading reported that for the first time in our history people are reporting unhappiness due to the accumulation of too much stuff rather than too little. The article humorously called this concept “Affluenza.” Affluenza makes people as sick as Influenza. It leads to stress related illnesses, emotional upset and physical deterioration. The cure lies in assessing why you continue buying all this stuff.

Social science studies have repeatedly shown that values are linked to our personal well-being and happiness. It appears that people who are driven for intrinsic goals (those that help someone, making a difference in peoples’ lives) are much happier than those driven for extrinsic goals (I will look prettier, I will be more popular or have more status, or make more money). Tim Kasser, professor of psychology at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois reports that in studies crossing all income groups and demographics, the finding is consistent: when people focus on extrinsic values they end up having a worse psychological satisfaction of their needs and end up less happy as a result. Kasser goes on to state that beyond perception of happiness or unhappiness there are physical effects. People more focused on extrinsic values have more headaches and stomach aches, and children raised in extrinsic-focused societies experience these things as well. The people who were focused on extrinsic values also reported more sleep problems.

Since study after study has shown that personal growth and helping others is more likely to promote happiness than money, then why are all of the advertisers still trying to make us want stuff?  The newest handbag, shoes, car, laptop, iPad, or whatever stuff you purchase may make you feel happy thoughts for a while, but soon it will add to the stress, headaches, hypertension, anxiety and depression you may later project on to your job. If you are buying the stuff to make you happy, why is the stuff making you less and less happy? If happiness is about having a sense of well-being and feeling healthy, why is it that people who have the most stuff are also more addicted to alcohol, drugs, or other vices in order to escape? If you were happy, wouldn’t you want to stay in the moment?
What do you think the termaffluenza”?
Can money buy happiness?
Are rich people be mentally ill eaily?
What are the factors that making you unhappy?
What to do if you hate you job, but cannot leave it?
 “Helping others is more likely to promote happiness than money”

How to help others?
「bad luck」的圖片搜尋結果
跟在某些人身邊 會帶來不幸嗎?
Can being around certain people bring you bad luck?

In classical astrology , the luck change is assumed on change in 3 parameters : Desh ( Place) , Kaal ( Period) and Paatra ( Person) . So, people whom you are related by blood , relation, acquaintance or physical proximity affect your Luck Factor .

Despite being a good pilot and doing your full duty, if you worked in King Fisher Airlines of Mr. Mallya , you had to face the trouble of not getting paid your salary , because of this sharing of bad luck .

But it works both ways . Luck or Bad Luck of any person is like magnetic field of a magnet , so coming in contact with any person , the luck score gets influenced just as two magnets coming together will change the magnetic equation .

This we can see in everyday life. The driver or secretary of a Minister or Chairperson of a Corporation gets some benefits of association which he would not get otherwise .

Similarly if somebody wants to kill a VIP , then his driver or bodyguard also shares the bad luck by getting injured or dying in that attempt to kill the VIP .
So, getting associated with a lucky or unlucky person does change your luck score during the period of association. For example , milk coming in contact with water will make milk disgraced while water will get labelled as milk.

How about you think it this way. Just a hypothetical situation.

Everybody in this world believes that there are some people who bring “bad luck” to everyone. Those people are blacklisted and nobody wants to hang around them.

Now, suppose you are on that list. How does it feel?

Wherever you go, everybody is avoiding you. This is just because they think that you are unlucky for them. Without any logical reason at all.

Now you will say they have gone insane and are fools for believing in something so stupid as bad luck.
Can being around certain people bring you bad luck?
How to get rid of bad luck?
Do you believe in astrology?
What to do if nobody wants to hang around with you?

How to look more approachable?


週二(4/24)1.真話比謊言傷人嗎? 2.搶救墾丁觀光業

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉    PM 7:00-9:30
「Hurts friendship」的圖片搜尋結果
The Truth Hurts Once, But A Lie Hurts Forever

The truth hurts once, but a lie hurts each time that you remember it; above all else because it traps you, it holds your emotions hostage, makes you question countless truths, and turns everything you have felt and experienced up to this point into something artificial.

In fact, when we are lied to, we can end up feeling separated from reality, as the shock of a false or incoherent experience ends up disorienting us to the point that we feel driven mad by ourselves and our reality.

Because those lies that are told in order to avoid pain end up hurting. And they hurt much more than any other feeling, thought, or emotion caused by whatever they were trying to hide or

"The Truth Hurts" is a Lie
Does the truth hurt more than
Source: Alejandro Escamilla Unsplash

It's a pattern not just in the workplace, but in life too. I see it all the time; too much of the time actually. People are so frightened to say something negative that they end up saying nothing at all. But that's not good. It prevents forward movement. Actually, it prevents movement of any kind, in any direction. Yet, in business where communication is the most important tool we have, and where we need flexibility and agility most, people freeze, trapping their words inside, which in turn paralyzes their organizations too.

But, despite what we learn as children, saying something "negative" doesn't actually have to be negative. Why? Well, because information is valuable and honesty is the most humane gift you can give someone. So, how can hiding it not be considered more negative than anything else? People freak out and avoid having to "reject" job applicants or tell employees when they are not performing well, and that names just a few. People think they are being nice by lying. But not only is that not accurate, it also makes no sense. It may indeed be "easier," but a cowardly workforce does not make for a strong, healthy business. So, my advice? Change the way you think about speaking the truth. It's not negative. I mean, how can telling someone what you think and how you feel be bad? And at the same time, how can depriving people of information and feedback that can help them be in any way positive? Beats the heck out of me.
 Connect with me on LinkedIn (link is external)
Dose the truth hurts more serious than lies?
How can you tell someone the truth without hurting relationship?
Why people are so frightened to say something negative that they end up saying nothing at all?
Are you an outspoken person?
Have you ever told lies?
Do you think that honesty is the best policy?
 「墾丁tourism taipei times」的圖片搜尋結果
Kenting needs new tourism vision

Taiwanese often question why anyone would make the trip to Okinawa, Japan, when Taiwan has Kenting.

However, over the past few years there have been stories about how Kenting is becoming a bit of a rip-off paradise: reports of people being charged NT$1,800 for two plates of braised luwei (滷味, soy sauce-marinated snack food), or stories of a bowl of three-color noodles going for NT$180 during last week’s Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, or breakfast stores on the Hengchun Peninsula selling a fried chicken burger for NT$65.

There was also the report of a hotel in Kenting charging NT$6,000 per night for booking a room, only for the proprietors to jack up the price by an extra NT$3,000 one day before, citing the long weekend. This is nothing more than cynically ripping customers off, pure and simple.

Kenting’s long-term problem with illegal street vendors, added to the reports of high food and accommodation prices, is giving the place a bad name.

The Hengchun Peninsula offers blue skies, beautiful ocean and beaches, but visitors expect the place to be clean and safe. Instead, everywhere you look there is trash and empty plastic bottles, to a shocking extent. After the long weekend, the place was a veritable sea of garbage.

In Hawaii, the beaches are cleaned every day, and there are people combing the place with metal detectors to make sure there are no metal objects buried in the sand that could hurt barefoot beachgoers. This has helped make Hawaii the popular tourist destination that it is.

The residents, sellers, business owners and tourists, as well as the local government, of the Hengchun Peninsula are equally responsible for the serious pollution of the coast and local environment.

Kenting should take a leaf out of the book of Nice and Cannes in France, and construct pedestrian walkways, complete with shaded pavilions and seating areas, to attract more tourists.

There is already a large car park at South Bay, so it is possible to prohibit parking along the coastal road, and repurpose these stretches to pedestrian use only.

South Bay is the largest beach area there, but the motor boat operators scatter their speedboats, tow trucks, sun umbrellas, tables and chairs around the area, getting in the way of tourists and ruining the view.

There should be specific floating quays and stretches of beach set aside for motor boats and banana boats, separate from the swimming and snorkeling areas, to make sure swimmers can enjoy the water in safety.

In the West, beaches often have exclusive, male and female free shower and storage facilities for swimmers: You do not see this kind of facility in Kenting.
What are your viewpoints about kenting tourism?
Do you think that kenting needs new tourism vision?
Why kenting is becoming a bit of a rip-off paradise?
What do you think street venders in Taiwan?
Please recommend some beautiful tourist resorts in Taiwan?

周六(4/21)1. 如何建立 親和力? 2.如何成為人生勝利組 下午 4:00-6:00

板橋區文化路一段421111 (陽光甜味咖啡館)

新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮

左轉       聚會時間下午4:00pm--6:00pm

如何建立 親和力?

How to Build Rapport

Whether you are a salesperson or just looking to make friends, it’s important to build rapport with other people. When you establish rapport with someone else, they begin to trust you. There are a number of tools that you can use to create these deeper connections, including mimicking body language. Being an engaged, active listener also goes a long way. Give yourself plenty of time to build rapport with others.

    Mimic the tone and volume of your conversation partner(s). A person who speaks in quiet, soft tones can feel steamrolled by a loud and boisterous counterpart. Raise or lower your voice until you notice that the person that you are talking to is actually paying attention to what you are saying. If you are partner is a fast-talker, you may need to speed up, too.

        In some situations, the other person may be talking softly out of respect for their surroundings, such as in a museum or church. Showing the same situational respect is a way to instantly build rapport.

    Ask for assistance. Come up with a small task that the other person could help with you with. Then, bring it up to them and ask for their help. This will make them feel needed and important. It may also lead to them requesting a favor from you as well, which can further build your connection.

        For example, ask a co-worker to forward on that group email that you seem to have missed.

        However, don’t go overboard in asking for help by making many requests or you may seem too needy.

    Avoid correcting other people in conversation. Unless it is a very serious issue that requires an immediate correction by you, just give whoever you are talking to a bit of slack. If you correct every error, then you risk alienating others and appearing superior or arrogant.[6]

        For example, if the person that you are talking to mispronounces a celebrity name, just let it go.

    Offer a small tangible or intangible gift. It doesn’t really matter what the gift is, as long as it is thoughtful and positive. It can be an item, such as a piece of candy, or something intangible, like a positive reference. The key here is to create a deeper relationship. In many cases, your gift will prompt them to communicate more with you or even offer their own gift.

        For example, if someone is new to your office, you might give them a fresh set of stationary for their desk.

    Be trustworthy. If you promise something, no matter how small, make sure that you follow through with it. Better yet, communicate your timeline to the other person. Building rapport is closely connected to building trust. If you are trustworthy, other people will see you as “safe” and will want to spend time and do business with you.

        For example, if you are a salesperson, make sure to carefully describe your product so that the customer knows exactly what they are getting. Then, you’ll get repeat customers.


How and why you should become a winner in life! motivationgrid

Since ancient times, society has always praised winners. Winning is and has become the central core of society , and everything that we do revolves around this one dynamic. And I just want to add a favorite quote “Winners never quit and quitters never win”.

The benefits of winning

Victory tastes very sweet and there are many advantages to winning, as the harder the win was, the sweeter the taste of victory is.  You start feeling better about yourself and you improve your confidence, you boost up your morale and your desire to win, becomes greater than the fear of losing.

Form a winning habitStrange right? But that’s what you have to do. You have to form a winning habit, and habits are hard to develop. To form a winning habit, you need to start looking things at a different perspective, you have to look at them like challenges. You should try to challenge yourself daily, form a habit of doing every day something you couldn’t do before.

Don’t be afraid to fail

You shouldn’t be afraid to fail, what you should do is learn to accept your failures as a lesson. You shouldn’t let failing demotivate you, you should get the best out if it, and that’s the lesson and you should use that lesson as a guide to help you win next time.

 Be eager to learn every day

 Keeping your focus towards the finishing line is what matters.  Don’t slack, always keep your mind and focus towards your goal. Because if you are not focused, then you are not doing things seriously! And if you are not doing things seriously you can’t become a winner guys.
How and why you should become a winner in life?
How to motivate yourself?
What are the benefits of failure?
What are the benefits of winning?
How to form a winning habit?
How to learn something new every day?