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 板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)

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15 Thoughts That Will Lead You To Success - I AM JOEL BROWN
Published by Joel Brown
Success is a very complex phenomenon that cannot be summed up in a few sentences. To achieve success you must strive very hard to meet your goals, and that requires big ideas and an indeterminate will to execute them. If you were to ask any successful person or motivational coach about how to achieve success, then their first piece of advice would most probably be to “think positively.”
Positive thoughts are the key to making your dreams and goals come true. Nevertheless, thinking positively is more about you and your abilities, rather than the goals or the processes required to achieve them.
Oftentimes, we put a limit on our dreams due to fear or lack of confidence in our abilities.
Positive thoughts can help us break those challenges and attain success. Here are 15 thoughts that will lead you to success:
Life is very precious and can take the turn for the worse at any moment. Once you get this idea into your mind, you’ll stop procrastinating and put all your ideas into motion.
If you live like today is your last day on the planet, then you will gain a renewed sense of appreciation for everything around you. With this appreciation in mind, you’ll start planning things in advance, work harder and act wisely. This is the ultimate motivation you can give yourself to reach the next level of success.
Work is not a chore that you have to do for money. It is something that you do because you love it and would like to make difference in this world. Some of the most successful people didn’t work because they’d have to, but because they wanted to.
Only work on things that interest you; this way, you will make sure that you will work harder and smarter.
Success is not handed to you on a platter. It takes time, effort and dedication to achieve success. Staying committed to your goals even in the face of many challenges is very important.
Recognize the importance of perseverance and always stay committed, even when the going gets tough.
An idea isn’t the only essential factor to achieve success. If you don’t have passion towards what you’re doing, then you’re bound to give it up in the long-term. Passion fuels your desire to work during the hard times, and then it carries you over to an altogether different level of success.
Without passion towards what you’re doing, achieving success would be very hard.
You don’t need to follow other successful people to be successful yourself. Individuality is a key factor to make sure that you are satisfied with your work and are happy in your life. Don’t be afraid to be different; some of the best ideas were initially frowned upon by many people.
It takes courage and determination to stand out from the crowd and try something new.
Ordinary people are comfortable with ordinary choices and goals. However, successful people yearn for something extraordinary, and won’t settle until they have achieved that.
There is always a way to go beyond what you think is possible, and once you realize this, there will be nothing that can stop you in your endeavors.
This is such a common positive thinking strategy that is almost a cliché now. However, thinking outside the box doesn’t just mean coming up with weird quirky ideas.
The ideas should be innovative and practical. Brainstorm your ideas with others, discuss them loudly, assimilate knowledge, and engage with people outside your professional zone.
There is always a better way of doing something.
You shouldn’t measure your accomplishments based on standards set by others. The moment you judge yourself based on others’ standards, you let them dictate your life, rather than you dictating yours.
Strive to satisfy yourself instead of someone else, and you’ll be happy for the rest of your life.
Sometimes, too much of time is wasted in thinking about things that you really like to do. If you genuinely like something, then just do it without any hesitation. Even if you are not sure whether you like something, it is easier to know whether you like it or not when you try it out.
Every person on this planet has the same amount time as everyone else, and still many think that there is not enough of it. The problem lies not with the time, but how you perceive and manage it. Make a schedule and take out time for things you’d like to achieve.
Successful people don’t go around asking people for time, they make use of it.
Even despite your best efforts, you cannot control other people in your life. You are the master of only yourself. Concentrate on how you can influence the outcome of your work, rather than how someone else isn’t doing what they are supposed to do.
It’s not your fault when someone disappoints you or holds you back.
Opportunities are never lost. There are endless opportunities waiting for you right now, and all you have to do is go and pick them up.
Even if you miss one opportunity, there is always another waiting right behind it. Waiting for the right opportunity to come knocking on your door will get you nowhere.
While failure is definitely not a desired outcome, it is still a part of your success. Many successful people have failed a lot of times in their lives, and that is one of the main reasons why they’re successful today.
Embrace failures and learn from them. Only when you stay positive during failures can you rise up to success tomorrow.
Letting go of an idea or a goal can be very painful at times, especially if you have invested a lot of effort and time into it. However, you have to learn to let go to be successful.
No matter how great an idea is, or how desirable a goal or dream is, you have to give them up if they are not feasible. Being adaptable in your thoughts is essential to ensure success.
No matter what you do, you can always make a difference and leave a legacy behind. No idea or work is small enough to be unimportant. Everyone has the potential to leave a lasting mark on this world.
Recognizing this thought is what enables many people to persist even in the face of adversities.
With heart and hunger, Joel Brown built addicted2success.com from scratch to be the #1 motivation site in the world. With over 193 million views views from his world wide audience, Joel has insights and analytics on Personal Development like no other in his industry. View more posts
 The secret of creating happy societies
Sam Wren-Lewis  qz.com
Imagine two different societies. In the first, people tend to be stressed, tense, irritable, distracted, and self-absorbed. In the second, people tend to be at ease, untroubled, quick to laugh, expansive, and self-assured.
The difference between these two imagined scenarios is vast. You’re not only more likely to be happier in the second scenario—you’re also more likely to be safer, healthier, and have better relationships. The difference between a happy and an unhappy society is not trivial. We know that happiness matters beyond our desire to feel good.
So how can we create a happy society? The Buddhist nation of Bhutan was the first society to determine policy based on the happiness of its citizens, with the king of Bhutan famously claiming in 1972 that Gross National Happiness (GNH) was a more important measure of progress than Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Many other countries have since followed suit—looking to move “beyond GDP” as a measure of national progress. For instance, the UK developed a national wellbeing program in 2010 and has since measured the nation’s wellbeing across ten domains, not too dissimilar to Bhutan’s approach. More recently, New Zealand introduced its first “wellbeing budget,” with a focus on improving the wellbeing of the country’s most vulnerable people.
Such initiatives tend to broadly agree over the conditions required for a happy society. According to the World Happiness Report, there are six key ingredients for national happiness: income, healthy life expectancy, social support, freedom, trust, and generosity. Scandinavian countries—which typically top the global happiness rankings (Finland is currently first)—tend to do well on all these measures. In contrast, war-torn nations such as South Sudan, Central African Republic, and Afghanistan tend to do badly. So does happiness rely on these six key ingredients?
The what, not the how
I don’t think so. This approach is, ultimately, too simple—even potentially harmful. The problem is that it focuses on what happiness is, not how to achieve it. Clearly, things such as a good life expectancy, social support and trust are good for us. But how we come to that conclusion may matter more than the conclusion itself.
For instance, how do we know that we are measuring what is most important? The world happiness rankings largely rely on measures of life satisfaction. But it is far from obvious that such measures can account for important differences in emotional wellbeing.
Alternatively, perhaps we could ask people what they think matters. The development of the UK’s national wellbeing program took this approach, undertaking qualitative research to develop their ten domains of happiness. But this approach is also problematic. How do we know which of the ten domains are most important? The most important ingredients for one community may not be the same for another. Asking people is a good idea. But we can’t just do it once and then assume the job is done.
Don’t get me wrong—I believe these kinds of initiatives are an improvement on more narrow ways of measuring national progress, such as an exclusive focus on income and GDP. But that doesn’t mean we should ignore their faults.
There are parallels here with the pursuit of happiness on an individual level. We typically go about our lives with a list of things in our head which we think will make us happy—if only we get that promotion, have a loving relationship, and so on. Achieving these things can certainly improve our lives—and may even make us happier.
But we are fooling ourselves if we think they will make us happy in a lasting sense. Life is too complicated for that. We are vulnerable, insecure creatures and will inevitably experience disappointment, loss, and suffering. By exclusively focusing on the things we think will make us happy, we blind ourselves to the other things in life that matter.
Happiness 101
Psychologists are beginning to focus their attention not just on the ingredients of individual happiness, but also on the capacities people need to be happy within inevitably insecure and fragile circumstances.
For instance, the so-called “second wave” of positive psychology is as interested in the benefits of negative emotions as positive ones. The mindfulness revolution, meanwhile, urges people to go beyond their notions of good and bad and instead learn how to accept things as they are. These approaches are less concerned with what conditions make people happy and more interested in how people can pursue happiness within conditions of insecurity and uncertainty.
The more we focus on our list of desired things, the more we fail to see what really matters. When we are certain of the things that make us happy, and urgently try to achieve them, we fail to appreciate the value of the things we already have and the multiple unknown opportunities we have yet to discover. When things inevitably go wrong in our lives, we blame others or ourselves instead of learning from what happened.
Psychologists are beginning to understand the limits of this. Happy individuals tend to have humility as well as certainty; curiosity as well as urgency; and compassion as well as blame.
We can apply these same lessons on a national scale. Creating a happier society requires not just promoting what matters, but also promoting the capacities for discovering what matters.
We know this on an institutional level. In education, we know that it is important to promote curiosity and a love of learning as well as good exam results. In academia, we know that, although we can discover important scientific truths, almost all of our current scientific theories might be surpassed by other theories and we should remain open minded. We know that the appeal and relevance of religious institutions depends on balancing dogmatic teachings with mystery and curiosity—order and faith on the one hand, openness and flexibility on the other.
Creating a happy society does not just depend on creating the right conditions. It also depends on creating the right institutions and processes for discovering those conditions. The irony is that members of the happy society described at the beginning of this article—who tend to be at ease, untroubled, quick to laugh, expansive and self-assured—are probably less focused on what makes them happy and more focused on exploring what really matters—with humility, curiosity, and compassion.
To actually create a happy society, we need measures and institutions that do much the same.

周五 (1/29) 1.結婚後 還有愛情嗎? 2.如何對 生氣的人回應

 新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉 --- 板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)

PM7:00   --9:30
結婚後 還有愛情嗎?
Does love changes after marriage? Things I realised after becoming a wife
If there is a time to reflect upon what married life has in store for you, trust me, you will realise it only after it’s too late. I married my boyfriend after being in a relationship for five years. By the time we took the plunge, I believed that our relationship has gone through the best and worst phases and nothing can shake our love for each other. But marriage was a different ballgame altogether and I discovered these ugly truths about love only after tying the knot.
02/7​I no longer had his undivided attention!
When we were dating, I never had to worry about his attention because he was the devoted boyfriend that every girl wished for. But the situation changed after we got married. Although we lived under the same roof yet I craved for his attention because, with so many people around (we lived in a joint family), he also had to pay attention to them.
03/7We were a family first, a couple later
We were no longer that carefree couple who had the luxury to be whimsical and do whatever they wanted. But marriage taught me an important lesson: you are a family first, and a couple later. We had to consult the elders before taking any important decision. For example, when we wanted to go for a vacation abroad, we had to plan after making sure our absence would not be an inconvenience for the rest of the family. After being married, love is also about loving each other's family.
04/7We hardly exchanged ‘I Love You’
This is the biggest change I noticed in our love life—my husband rarely says, ‘I love you’. When we were dating, there was not a single day when he didn’t utter these three magical words. For that matter, I also used to confess my love for him often. We no longer exchanged sweet nothings and strangely, we didn’t complain about it either. It seemed we felt more secure and were happy to feel the love rather than convey it through words or actions.
05/7I became a little careless
Before tying the knot, I used to put efforts to win his appreciation and affection. Dressing up before meeting him or wearing his favourite perfume, planning a date at his favourite restaurant—I did all these because, believe it or not, I just wanted to remind him how much I loved him. But marriage made me take his love for granted. I no longer felt the need to dress up to impress him or to do something special every day to prove my love for him.
06/7I fought for space!
While we were dating, we could hardly wait to meet each other. Now that we were staying in the same house and spending considerable time in each other’s company, I started craving for ‘me-time’. There were days when I missed my old room and wanted to lock myself up in a room alone. But it wasn’t possible. Sometimes, I wondered if it’s possible to feel the same for a person you loved so much. Was I no longer in love with him? Then why did I resent spending so much time together?
07/7​We saved not to splurge on each other but to purchase a car or house
Our target for saving money changed drastically. Earlier, we used to save mostly to splurge on each other or to buy gifts for special occasions. The number of roses he gave me or the weekend trips we took together measured the love we had for each other. Things changed after we got married. We were planning to buy a new car and we counted every penny and whatever savings we had, we planned to spend it on the car. It was no longer about buying things for each other but we were purchasing things like a couple, things that we could use together. Love changed-from impressing each other to working for a secure future together!
如何對 生氣的人回應
Strategies to respond to someone who is angry - liveyourtruestory.com
​We all lose our cool from time to time; some of us more frequently than others. When we get angry, we like to be treated properly. We like to get a fair hearing and, we tend to appreciate when somebody attempts to help us deal with the issue which is troubling us so that we may get back on track. Many times in life, the shoe will be on the other foot and we will have to respond to someone who is angry. If you respond to someone who is angry in an inappropriate manner, you are likely to escalate the situation. Alternatively, when you respond to someone who is angry in the right manner, you quickly restore normality, reduce tension and stress and, in some cases, you can even establish the foundations of an effective relationship.
​Have you ever been in the awkward situation where someone you were with became totally frustrated and angry? Were you unsure as to how you were supposed to react to something like that? The following are some strategies which you can use to respond to someone who is angry and help to create a more amicable environment.
1. Just listen
When someone is angry, you rush to try and resolve the situation. However, this is the worst thing that you can do. Before you can resolve a troublesome situation, you need to understand the situation and, why the angry person has a problem with it.
When angry, people become emotional and use emotional and provocative language. This may trigger an emotional response in you, however, it is imperative that you focus on listening deeply to the core message that the angry person is expressing. When you focus solely on listening for the core message, you tend to ignore the emotional language and find it easier to understand their argument (even if you do not agree with it).
In addition, if you allow the other person to fully express their anger, they soon run out of steam and start to calm down. Once they are calm, you can start your attempts to resolve the situation.
​Key point
As difficult as it can be, you need to listen to what the other person has to say, before you start jumping in with solutions. Otherwise, they feel that you don’t care enough to listen, which is only going to make them more emotional. You need to take the emotion out before you respond to someone who is angry.
2. Don’t worry about whether you agree with them or not
You may find it difficult to respond to someone who is angry because you feel that you cannot agree with their viewpoint. In reality, you do not need to agree with the other person and few, if any, people expect others to always agree with them.
When someone is angry, the most important thing for them is to be listened to and, for the other person to do their best to resolve the issue, even if it does not bring them the result that they would prefer.
Unless they’re angry with you and you’re personally involved in the situation, refrain from sharing your own feelings about whatever is happening to agitate the other person. Even if they are angry with you; it is best to hear them out first before you attempt to formulate your response. Once you have heard them out, they will see that you are genuine in your desire to resolve the situation as amicably as possible.
When you respond to someone who is angry, it is important that they understand your desire to be supportive. You want to help them., if possible, to get the best possible outcome from the situation. The act of genuinely caring is a very good start and, from there you can help them in whatever way possible. Often, caring is enough for them to find their feet again.
​Key point
Being supportive does not mean agreeing with something you do not agree with or, accepting responsibility for their problems. It also does not mean that you should push your views or suggestions on them. It is about helping them find the right way forwards for them.
When you respond to someone who is angry; you don't have to agree with them. What they want most is somebody to listen and understand what they are going through.
3. Relate and empathise
Once you feel that you have gained an understanding of the issue, you can attempt to communicate it to the other person. You could say something like:
    ​“I hear what you are saying …."
    ​“I see your point of view …”
    ​“I feel that …”
You are not required to accept responsibility where it is not yours to take and you are not required to apologise, however, you should never attempt to relate or empathise unless you are sincere. When you relate with him, the angry person will usually feel understood and, therefore, his anger will begin to dissipate.
Relating to the other person and, empathising with them, is critical when responding to an angry person. Even though it requires subtlety of body language, tone of voice and words, you are effectively screaming to the other person that you respect them. You are telling them that you want to treat them in a dignified manner.
It is important to remember that anger often arises because the person feels disrespected so, demonstrating that you do respect them helps to calm them down.
​Key point
When you disagree with the person who is angry, empathy helps them to see that you are not personalising the issue. You communicate that your problem is with their behaviour, ideas etc; not who they are as a person.
4. Trust your instincts to protect yourself
Most people won’t become threatening or physically aggressive when they get angry but you should trust your instincts. If at any point you feel that the discussion is heading in that direction; tell the person that you are going to give them the opportunity to calm down and, once they do so, you will be happy to resume the discussion.
Of course, if you feel that you are in immediate danger, you should leave without feeling the need to explain yourself.
It should go without saying but, nobody has the right to cause you any physical harm. Neither do they have the right to threaten to do so. It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe that they will follow through on the threat or, if you think you can handle yourself in a physical dispute.
If the conversation has reached that low point, the problem is not going to be solved while that mood prevails. So, walk away and, if you feel the need, talk with the person when they are in a calmer mood.
Verbal and mental abuse should not be tolerated either. Apart from the pain and upset it can cause, somebody who is in that mood is not looking to resolve the situation; at least not amicably. Do not tolerate it. Walk away.


板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮院  左轉     PM7:30--9:30

15 Thoughts That Will Lead You To Success - I AM JOEL BROWN
Published by Joel Brown
Success is a very complex phenomenon that cannot be summed up in a few sentences. To achieve success you must strive very hard to meet your goals, and that requires big ideas and an indeterminate will to execute them. If you were to ask any successful person or motivational coach about how to achieve success, then their first piece of advice would most probably be to “think positively.”
Positive thoughts are the key to making your dreams and goals come true. Nevertheless, thinking positively is more about you and your abilities, rather than the goals or the processes required to achieve them.
Oftentimes, we put a limit on our dreams due to fear or lack of confidence in our abilities.
Positive thoughts can help us break those challenges and attain success. Here are 15 thoughts that will lead you to success:
Life is very precious and can take the turn for the worse at any moment. Once you get this idea into your mind, you’ll stop procrastinating and put all your ideas into motion.
If you live like today is your last day on the planet, then you will gain a renewed sense of appreciation for everything around you. With this appreciation in mind, you’ll start planning things in advance, work harder and act wisely. This is the ultimate motivation you can give yourself to reach the next level of success.
Work is not a chore that you have to do for money. It is something that you do because you love it and would like to make difference in this world. Some of the most successful people didn’t work because they’d have to, but because they wanted to.
Only work on things that interest you; this way, you will make sure that you will work harder and smarter.
Success is not handed to you on a platter. It takes time, effort and dedication to achieve success. Staying committed to your goals even in the face of many challenges is very important.
Recognize the importance of perseverance and always stay committed, even when the going gets tough.
An idea isn’t the only essential factor to achieve success. If you don’t have passion towards what you’re doing, then you’re bound to give it up in the long-term. Passion fuels your desire to work during the hard times, and then it carries you over to an altogether different level of success.
Without passion towards what you’re doing, achieving success would be very hard.
You don’t need to follow other successful people to be successful yourself. Individuality is a key factor to make sure that you are satisfied with your work and are happy in your life. Don’t be afraid to be different; some of the best ideas were initially frowned upon by many people.
It takes courage and determination to stand out from the crowd and try something new.
Ordinary people are comfortable with ordinary choices and goals. However, successful people yearn for something extraordinary, and won’t settle until they have achieved that.
There is always a way to go beyond what you think is possible, and once you realize this, there will be nothing that can stop you in your endeavors.
This is such a common positive thinking strategy that is almost a cliché now. However, thinking outside the box doesn’t just mean coming up with weird quirky ideas.
The ideas should be innovative and practical. Brainstorm your ideas with others, discuss them loudly, assimilate knowledge, and engage with people outside your professional zone.
There is always a better way of doing something.
You shouldn’t measure your accomplishments based on standards set by others. The moment you judge yourself based on others’ standards, you let them dictate your life, rather than you dictating yours.
Strive to satisfy yourself instead of someone else, and you’ll be happy for the rest of your life.
Sometimes, too much of time is wasted in thinking about things that you really like to do. If you genuinely like something, then just do it without any hesitation. Even if you are not sure whether you like something, it is easier to know whether you like it or not when you try it out.
Every person on this planet has the same amount time as everyone else, and still many think that there is not enough of it. The problem lies not with the time, but how you perceive and manage it. Make a schedule and take out time for things you’d like to achieve.
Successful people don’t go around asking people for time, they make use of it.
Even despite your best efforts, you cannot control other people in your life. You are the master of only yourself. Concentrate on how you can influence the outcome of your work, rather than how someone else isn’t doing what they are supposed to do.
It’s not your fault when someone disappoints you or holds you back.
Opportunities are never lost. There are endless opportunities waiting for you right now, and all you have to do is go and pick them up.
Even if you miss one opportunity, there is always another waiting right behind it. Waiting for the right opportunity to come knocking on your door will get you nowhere.
While failure is definitely not a desired outcome, it is still a part of your success. Many successful people have failed a lot of times in their lives, and that is one of the main reasons why they’re successful today.
Embrace failures and learn from them. Only when you stay positive during failures can you rise up to success tomorrow.
Letting go of an idea or a goal can be very painful at times, especially if you have invested a lot of effort and time into it. However, you have to learn to let go to be successful.
No matter how great an idea is, or how desirable a goal or dream is, you have to give them up if they are not feasible. Being adaptable in your thoughts is essential to ensure success.
No matter what you do, you can always make a difference and leave a legacy behind. No idea or work is small enough to be unimportant. Everyone has the potential to leave a lasting mark on this world.
Recognizing this thought is what enables many people to persist even in the face of adversities.
With heart and hunger, Joel Brown built addicted2success.com from scratch to be the #1 motivation site in the world. With over 193 million views views from his world wide audience, Joel has insights and analytics on Personal Development like no other in his industry. View more posts
 The secret of creating happy societies
Sam Wren-Lewis  qz.com
Imagine two different societies. In the first, people tend to be stressed, tense, irritable, distracted, and self-absorbed. In the second, people tend to be at ease, untroubled, quick to laugh, expansive, and self-assured.
The difference between these two imagined scenarios is vast. You’re not only more likely to be happier in the second scenario—you’re also more likely to be safer, healthier, and have better relationships. The difference between a happy and an unhappy society is not trivial. We know that happiness matters beyond our desire to feel good.
So how can we create a happy society? The Buddhist nation of Bhutan was the first society to determine policy based on the happiness of its citizens, with the king of Bhutan famously claiming in 1972 that Gross National Happiness (GNH) was a more important measure of progress than Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Many other countries have since followed suit—looking to move “beyond GDP” as a measure of national progress. For instance, the UK developed a national wellbeing program in 2010 and has since measured the nation’s wellbeing across ten domains, not too dissimilar to Bhutan’s approach. More recently, New Zealand introduced its first “wellbeing budget,” with a focus on improving the wellbeing of the country’s most vulnerable people.
Such initiatives tend to broadly agree over the conditions required for a happy society. According to the World Happiness Report, there are six key ingredients for national happiness: income, healthy life expectancy, social support, freedom, trust, and generosity. Scandinavian countries—which typically top the global happiness rankings (Finland is currently first)—tend to do well on all these measures. In contrast, war-torn nations such as South Sudan, Central African Republic, and Afghanistan tend to do badly. So does happiness rely on these six key ingredients?
The what, not the how
I don’t think so. This approach is, ultimately, too simple—even potentially harmful. The problem is that it focuses on what happiness is, not how to achieve it. Clearly, things such as a good life expectancy, social support and trust are good for us. But how we come to that conclusion may matter more than the conclusion itself.
For instance, how do we know that we are measuring what is most important? The world happiness rankings largely rely on measures of life satisfaction. But it is far from obvious that such measures can account for important differences in emotional wellbeing.
Alternatively, perhaps we could ask people what they think matters. The development of the UK’s national wellbeing program took this approach, undertaking qualitative research to develop their ten domains of happiness. But this approach is also problematic. How do we know which of the ten domains are most important? The most important ingredients for one community may not be the same for another. Asking people is a good idea. But we can’t just do it once and then assume the job is done.
Don’t get me wrong—I believe these kinds of initiatives are an improvement on more narrow ways of measuring national progress, such as an exclusive focus on income and GDP. But that doesn’t mean we should ignore their faults.
There are parallels here with the pursuit of happiness on an individual level. We typically go about our lives with a list of things in our head which we think will make us happy—if only we get that promotion, have a loving relationship, and so on. Achieving these things can certainly improve our lives—and may even make us happier.
But we are fooling ourselves if we think they will make us happy in a lasting sense. Life is too complicated for that. We are vulnerable, insecure creatures and will inevitably experience disappointment, loss, and suffering. By exclusively focusing on the things we think will make us happy, we blind ourselves to the other things in life that matter.
Happiness 101
Psychologists are beginning to focus their attention not just on the ingredients of individual happiness, but also on the capacities people need to be happy within inevitably insecure and fragile circumstances.
For instance, the so-called “second wave” of positive psychology is as interested in the benefits of negative emotions as positive ones. The mindfulness revolution, meanwhile, urges people to go beyond their notions of good and bad and instead learn how to accept things as they are. These approaches are less concerned with what conditions make people happy and more interested in how people can pursue happiness within conditions of insecurity and uncertainty.
The more we focus on our list of desired things, the more we fail to see what really matters. When we are certain of the things that make us happy, and urgently try to achieve them, we fail to appreciate the value of the things we already have and the multiple unknown opportunities we have yet to discover. When things inevitably go wrong in our lives, we blame others or ourselves instead of learning from what happened.
Psychologists are beginning to understand the limits of this. Happy individuals tend to have humility as well as certainty; curiosity as well as urgency; and compassion as well as blame.
We can apply these same lessons on a national scale. Creating a happier society requires not just promoting what matters, but also promoting the capacities for discovering what matters.
We know this on an institutional level. In education, we know that it is important to promote curiosity and a love of learning as well as good exam results. In academia, we know that, although we can discover important scientific truths, almost all of our current scientific theories might be surpassed by other theories and we should remain open minded. We know that the appeal and relevance of religious institutions depends on balancing dogmatic teachings with mystery and curiosity—order and faith on the one hand, openness and flexibility on the other.
Creating a happy society does not just depend on creating the right conditions. It also depends on creating the right institutions and processes for discovering those conditions. The irony is that members of the happy society described at the beginning of this article—who tend to be at ease, untroubled, quick to laugh, expansive and self-assured—are probably less focused on what makes them happy and more focused on exploring what really matters—with humility, curiosity, and compassion.
To actually create a happy society, we need measures and institutions that do much the same.

周五 (1/22) 1.鬼遮掩的愛情 使人變笨 2.從谷底反彈的能力

 新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉 --- 板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)

PM7:00   --9:30
鬼遮掩的愛情 使人變笨
Why love makes you so silly, according to an expert
Chelsea Greenwood  insider
    The love shared by two people is a wonderful thing and it can often prompt individuals to act differently than normal.
    Usually, acting silly because you're in love is harmless but, sometimes it can be destructive.
    We spoke to a licensed psychotherapist for her insights into why love makes you silly, possible red flags, and ways to control your love-induced silly behavior.
Love is a wonderful thing. And, while love comes in many forms – the love of friends, family members, or humanity as a whole – the love that most people think of when they hear the word is the passionate, romantic kind, between two partners.
If you've ever been in a relationship, you know that when love hits your system it can cause you to act differently and, in many cases, downright silly. For some, it's a mild form of silliness, like skipping around, giggling, and acting giddy. For others, that silliness can manifest as a lack of common sense or judgment that leads one to act foolishly.
So why does this happen? We consulted Dr. Marni Feuerman, a licensed psychotherapist and author of the new book "Ghosted and Breadcrumbed: Stop Falling for Unavailable Men and Get Smart about Healthy Relationships," for some answers on why exactly love makes you act like a silly goose.
Your body experiences physical changes when you fall in love
When people fall in love, they experience a surge of hormones and neurotransmitters that make them feel good, Dr. Feuerman told INSIDER.
"Such chemistry overrides our logical, rational thought," she says, which can lead you to doing things you might not otherwise.
These changes have a similar effect on our brains as drugs do
If you feel high around your crush, there's a physical reason for that, she said. "Science tells us that the chemical and hormonal changes are coded in our brains similar to addiction."
That leads you to wanting more and more of that person – sometimes to an extreme extent.
Being in love dampens our cognitive functioning
It can be hard to focus when you're in love.
Paramount Pictures
Have you ever been so in love with someone that you can't get them off your mind? You're not alone. "The feeling of being in love takes up a lot of mental space and even dampens our cognitive functioning – at least temporarily," she said.
"This certainly isn't good for our insight or judgment."
Sometimes, we mix up love and lust
While you might think you've fallen in love with your new partner, sometimes you might actually be feeling physical lust or infatuation. "The early stages of meeting someone whom we are attracted to and with which we have intense chemistry can trick us into thinking we are in love this early on," she said.
According to Harvard University, lust releases the hormones estrogen and testosterone, attraction releases dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, and attachment releases oxytocin and vasopressin.
Though different, all three experiences can feel similar.
People who are younger, naive, and less experienced are more likely to act silly when in love
First time in a relationship? You're more likely to act out of sorts because of your love connection. The same goes for young and naive people, Dr. Feuerman said. "It is more likely to happen to those who are younger, less experienced with love and/or has a tendency to be naive in general." But she adds: "I think the silliness can happen to anyone at any time."
Silly behavior is more likely to happen at the beginning of the relationship
You'll likely feel less in control in the beginning of a relationship.
Acting silly is more likely at the start of a relationship when things are fresh because this is when we get the biggest chemical surge, she said. The more serious stuff comes next.
"For a relationship to survive, it has to get past this phase into a more stable and consistent phase," she said. "For this next phase to be successful, though, you should feel safe and secure within the relationship. You often do not feel this way in the beginning."
It's also more likely in romantic relationships than platonic relationships
Goofing off and having fun with your besties is definitely silly behavior, but it's not quite the same as the way you act when in love.
"People can still be silly in a platonic relationship but often not to the same degree as a romantic relationship," Dr. Feuerman said. "The neurochemistry isn't involved to interfere in a platonic relationship the way it does in a romantic relationship."
So, when you're around someone you're not in love – or lust – with, you tend to act more rational and grounded, she said.
While some love-induced silliness is harmless, it can sometimes be destructive
Over the years, Dr. Feuerman has seen examples of people tolerating awful behavior from their partners in the name of love, she said.
"For example, finding obvious signs of cheating but believing the ridiculous story or excuse that is spun [by the cheater]. I have also seen people get taken for a lot of money."
Certain red flags may indicate that your silly behavior is getting out of hand
Be sure to be aware of how you're being treated in your relationship.
Most of the time, being madly in love isn't a bad thing. But there are some exceptions.
"The only reason to be concerned is if the behaviors are damaging or you are being manipulated," she said. "It is also concerning if you take the serious step of engagement or marriage without being grounded about the relationship."
But you can guard against the effects of love-induced silliness to a certain extent
There are some ways to protect yourself from the effects of silliness in love. One strategy is to keep your good friends and family close and listen to their feedback about your behavior and relationship, Dr. Feuerman said.
"If they think you are being silly or stupid with a love interest, take a step back to thoughtfully reflect on what they are saying instead of jumping to defend. These people are not under love's spell the way you are."
Developing Resilience: Overcoming and Growing from Setbacks
By the Mind Tools Content Team By the Mind Tools Content Team
    I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. – American inventor, Thomas Edison
According to legend, Thomas Edison made thousands of prototypes of the incandescent light bulb before he finally got it right. And, since the prolific inventor was awarded more than 1,000 patents, it's easy to imagine him failing on a daily basis in his lab at Menlo Park.
In spite of struggling with "failure" throughout his entire working life, Edison never let it get the best of him. All of these "failures," which are reported to be in the tens of thousands, simply showed him how not to invent something. His resilience gave the world some of the most amazing inventions of the early 20th century, such as the phonograph, the telegraph, and the motion picture.
It's hard to imagine what our world would be like if Edison had given up after his first few failures. His inspiring story forces us to look at our own lives – do we have the resilience that we need to overcome our challenges? Or do we let our failures derail our dreams? And what could we accomplish if we had the strength not to give up?
In this article, we'll examine resilience: what it is, why we need it, and how to develop it; so that we have the strength and fortitude to overcome adversity, and to keep on moving forward towards our dreams and our goals.
The Importance of Resilience
Resilience (or resiliency) is our ability to adapt and bounce back when things don't go as planned. Resilient people don't wallow or dwell on failures; they acknowledge the situation, learn from their mistakes, and then move forward.
According to the research of leading psychologist, Susan Kobasa, there are three elements that are essential to resilience:
    Challenge – Resilient people view a difficulty as a challenge, not as a paralyzing event. They look at their failures and mistakes as lessons to be learned from, and as opportunities for growth. They don't view them as a negative reflection on their abilities or self-worth.
    Commitment – Resilient people are committed to their lives and their goals, and they have a compelling reason to get out of bed in the morning. Commitment isn't just restricted to their work – they commit to their relationships, their friendships, the causes they care about, and their religious or spiritual beliefs.
    Personal Control – Resilient people spend their time and energy focusing on situations and events that they have control over. Because they put their efforts where they can have the most impact, they feel empowered and confident. Those who spend time worrying about uncontrollable events can often feel lost, helpless, and powerless to take action.
Another leading psychologist, Martin Seligman, says the way that we explain setbacks to ourselves is also important. (He talks in terms of optimism and pessimism rather than resilience, however, the effect is essentially the same.) This "explanatory style" is made up of three main elements:
    Permanence – People who are optimistic (and therefore have more resilience) see the effects of bad events as temporary rather than permanent. For instance, they might say "My boss didn't like the work I did on that project" rather than "My boss never likes my work."
    Pervasiveness – Resilient people don't let setbacks or bad events affect other unrelated areas of their lives. For instance, they would say "I'm not very good at this" rather than "I'm no good at anything."
    Personalization – People who have resilience don't blame themselves when bad events occur. Instead, they see other people, or the circumstances, as the cause. For instance, they might say "I didn't get the support I needed to finish that project successfully," rather than "I messed that project up because I can't do my job."
In our Expert Interview with Dr. Cal Crow, the co-founder and Program Director of the Center for Learning Connections, Dr. Crow identified several further attributes that are common in resilient people:
    Resilient people have a positive image of the future. That is, they maintain a positive outlook, and envision brighter days ahead.
    Resilient people have solid goals, and a desire to achieve those goals.
    Resilient people are empathetic and compassionate, however, they don't waste time worrying what others think of them. They maintain healthy relationships, but don't bow to peer pressure.
    Resilient people never think of themselves as victims – they focus their time and energy on changing the things that they have control over.
How we view adversity and stress strongly affects how we succeed, and this is one of the most significant reasons that having a resilient mindset is so important.
The fact is that we're going to fail from time to time: it's an inevitable part of living that we make mistakes and occasionally fall flat on our faces. The only way to avoid this is to live a shuttered and meager existence, never trying anything new or taking a risk. Few of us want a life like that!

周六(1/16)1.你的思想連線成功 2.擁抱治療師!

  板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮院  左轉     PM7:30--9:30
This important mindset will make you more successful  linkedin.com
In your mind, these stories are the truth, they’re gospel. In your mind, you simply have a realistic view of what you can and can’t do, what you are and what you aren’t good at. You’re just being honest with yourself, right? But remember this: who told you these things which are now the truth? Probably no one but yourself. So how certain can you be that they are in fact true?
What we’re actually talking about here are our self-limiting beliefs – beliefs that we all have about ourselves, to a lesser or greater extent in certain situations and in certain environments. They’re ‘self-limiting’ because if we let them control and dominate the thoughts we have about ourselves and our abilities, they can be hugely damaging to both our current and future career success, something I will come back to later.
The way you think has a huge impact on your propensity to learn
So, how can you move from a fixed to a growth mindset, and become more employable in the process?
How to switch your mindset and become more successful
I’m no expert in this area, but having read around this topic and reflected on my own experience, I think there are a few things you can start doing today to grow your growth mindset, and help secure your future career success:
1. Become more self-aware: Reflect on what your typical response is when faced with certain challenges, what triggers you to transition into a fixed mindset and how can you return to a position of growth? Do you worry about not being ‘good enough’ or doubt your ability to find a solution to a problem you feel you don’t have the skills to solve? Do you feel overwhelmed and fear failure, so focus your attention on other tasks, tasks which you know you’re naturally good at? When given feedback, do you feel your defences go up? What I’m trying to say here is that you need to think about how you feel at those key ‘trigger’ moments, listening to the voice in your head and what it’s telling you. When you do, you’ll be able to pick out those unhelpful self-limiting narratives going around in your head, narratives that you’ll need to silence if you are to move from a fixed to a growth mindset in any meaningful way.
2. Understand that your brain works like a muscle, it can be trained: This phenomenon is known as neuroplasticity, as has been explained by Professor and Neuroscientist, Michael Merzenich, the man widely acclaimed as the father of the concept of brain plasticity. Experiments have shown that not only is the brain designed to change, but also it’s functioning can be improved at any stage. Merzenich explains in this video that the human brain works much like a muscle, requiring challenges in order to grow. You therefore can’t expect your brain to grow if you’re constantly doing the same things, and not challenging it. Instead, Merzenich says that you need to stay in ‘challenge mode’. Just think about the process of getting fit; it takes reps and practice to build muscle, the brain is no different. To develop skill in a specific area, understand that it’s not your brain that’s stopping you from doing just that, it’s your mindset. 
3. Consistently choose challenging tasks rather than safe ones: Overcome your fear of failure or looking stupid, ignore any self-doubt you have, and focus your time and energy on those tasks you perceive to be more difficult than others on your to do list. When you do, try to interpret and tackle these from a mindset of growth. Yes, you might fail. But in the process, you’ll learn something about yourself that you wouldn’t have done otherwise – including what you can do next time to ensure you do better in the future. With a shift in mindset and practising adopting this mindset, you can quickly expand your skills as you’re starting to approach every new challenge with enthusiasm and confidence, instead of with avoidance and fear.
4. If you think someone is better than you, don’t see them as a threat: Instead, change the way you think to consider how you can learn from them. This person you perceive to be threatening or intimidating might have technical expertise that would help you to make a breakthrough on one of your projects that’s been on standstill – or maybe they just have a certain way of doing things, of obtaining answers to a problem that you had never thought of before. Start to shift your thinking to realise that everyone you encounter is an opportunity to learn something or see things from a different perspective - that’s not something to feel threatened by, that’s something to embrace.
5. Understand that you’re not going to master a new skill overnight: Remember we’re never as good as we possibly can be at a given skill as soon as we start practising it – instead, it takes work and time to master. So, whenever you take on a new challenge or embark on learning a new skill, stop putting so much pressure on yourself. Instead, understand that you will encounter struggles at the beginning. Pick something that you can’t do at the moment – that one thing that you’ve always had some kind of mental block about. Spend time practising it. Don’t worry about not being good at it straight away, or about someone else being better. Just focus on your own learning journey, starting small and building your skills bit by bit from there. Over time, you’ll start to see progress – this will reinforce your inclination and confidence when it comes to learning, meaning you’re far more likely to continue on that journey, rather than bailing out at the first hurdle.
6. Make a conscious effort to dedicate time and effort (and don’t give up): Just think of all the skills you could have under your belt, that your fixed mindset is stopping you from developing – those things that could have won you that promotion earlier or are so crucial to growing your company. Don’t make the excuse that you “don’t have enough time”, to develop them, or “that’s someone else’s job”– instead, carve out the time. The highest-achieving people in history appreciated this. Just look at Albert Einstein, who observed that “it’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
So, for the sake of your own career success, now is the time to shift your way of thinking, to block those damaging thoughts that circle in your mind, those thoughts that have the potential to rob you of the opportunity to build new skills - skills that could help secure your future employability.

What is a professional cuddler and what is touch therapy?
By Holly Gambrell May 18, 2020
We spoke with Arlington-based professional cuddler Indigo Dawn to learn more about the therapeutic method and its health benefits.
The benefits of physical touch include lowered heart rates and blood pressure, feelings of love and acceptance, reduced symptoms of depression and more. Neuroscientist Edmund Rolls proved that physical touch activates the brain’s orbitofrontal cortex, linked to feelings of reward and compassion. Touch therapy can come in many forms (think: that massage at your favorite spa or holding hands with your partner) and is a surefire way to feel better. One growing trend? Cuddle therapy. Professional cuddlers are paid to cuddle—platonically—if you don’t have a friend available for a snuggle sesh. Here, we spoke with Arlington-based professional cuddler Indigo Dawn to find out more.
Describe cuddle therapy.
Cuddle therapy fills a niche that is complementary to traditional talk therapy. In the traditional mental health profession, therapists can do a lot of great work but cannot touch clients, and touch is a core human need. It releases oxytocin and it also facilitates the development of authentic connection and the type of secure attachment that some people may have never had in its fullness. It can really provide a base for health and wellness and happiness.
How is a typical session formatted?
I will have clients sit across from me and talk about the basis of our session, that we are willing to speak up if something’s uncomfortable, just being really honest with each other. Then I will talk about explicit boundaries of the space to reaffirm and create the structure, because without me feeling safe, the type of healing that this service can provide is not possible. I give the client an opportunity to share their personal touch boundaries. I talk about the types of touch that I really love and ask them if they really love them too. I lead a short meditation. Then from there I will open up the space and I’ll ask them, “What do you most want in this moment, knowing you can change your mind because it’s a wide-open space?” Most clients have been envisioning spooning or what’s called the koala-style cuddle, but all sessions look different.
What are the main benefits for your clients?
I haven’t yet had a session where a client didn’t leave with a little smile on their face, and the tension drops in their jaw and their face around their eyes, their shoulders. Their breathing slows and there’s a visceral relaxation. Many clients will come away with an empowered sense of connection and self-awareness and self-esteem. // Sessions begin at
$100 an hour

周五 告訴自己(1/15) 1.成功人 每天告訴自己甚麼? 2.生命命盤圖

 新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉 --- 板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)

PM7:00   --9:30
成功人 每天告訴自己甚麼?
8 Phrases Successful People Say Every Day (and You Should, Too)
Inc. themuse
Accomplishments are based on actions, not on thoughts—yet the thought is always father to the deed.
Achievement starts with an idea, a perspective, a point of view, or even just an attitude.
Here are some of the things extraordinarily successful people say every day—and how those statements spur them to take actions that lead to greater success:
1. “No one else is willing to do that...so that’s what I will do.”
Often, the easiest way to be different is to do what other people are unwilling to do.
Pick one thing other people won’t do. It can be simple. It can be small. Doesn’t matter. Whatever it is, do it.
Instantly, you’ll be a little different from the rest of the pack.
Then keep going. Every day, think of one thing to do that no one else is willing to do.
After a week, you’ll be uncommon. After a month, you’ll be special. After a year, you’ll be incredible...and you definitely won’t be like anyone else. (And, in the process, you will develop remarkable mental toughness.)
2. “Wow. That wasn’t so bad after all.”
The most paralyzing fear is fear of the unknown. (At least it is for me.)
Yet nothing ever turns out to be as hard or as scary as we think. Plus, it’s incredibly exciting to overcome a fear. You get that, “I can’t believe I just did that!” rush, a thrill you may not have experienced for a long time.
Every day do something a little scary, whether physically or emotionally. (If you need a quick boost of confidence to get you going, here are some really simple tricks to use.)
Then, trust that you will figure out how to overcome any problems that arise.
Because you will.
3. “I can’t do everything today...but I can take one small step.”
You have plans. You have goals. You have ideas.
Who cares? You have nothing until you actually do something.
Every day we let hesitation and uncertainty stop us from acting on our ideas. Pick one plan, one goal, or one idea. And get started. Just take one small step.
The first step is by far the hardest. Every successive step will be a lot easier.
4. “I should just be quiet.”
I used to talk a lot. I thought I was insightful and clever and witty and, well, a real hoot.
Occasionally, very occasionally, I might even have been one of those things.
Most of the time I was not.
Truly confident people don’t feel the need to talk. While I hate when it happens, I still sometimes realize I’m not talking because the other person is interested in what I have to say but because I’m interested in what I have to say. (Ick.)
Never speak just to please yourself. When you do, you please no one. (And, unlike these folks, you won’t be particularly likable.)
5. “I don’t care what other people think.”
Most of the time, we should worry about what other people think—but not if it stands in the way of living the lives we really want to live.
If you really want to start a business—which you can do in just a few hours, mind you—but you’re worried that people might say you’re crazy, do it anyway. Pick one thing you haven’t tried because you’re concerned about what other people think or say, and just go do it.
It’s your life. Live it your way.
6. “I’ll show you.”
I’m ashamed to admit it, but one of the best ways to motivate me is to insult me—or for me to manufacture a way to feel insulted, regardless of whether I’m actually justified in feeling that way or not.
Justified” is not the point; fueling my motivation to do whatever it takes to prove that person wrong, and, more importantly, achieve what I want to achieve is all that matters.
Call it artificial competition or manufactured anger; call it childish and immature; call it creating perceived insults...but it works for me. (Hey, it worked for Michael Jordan.)
And it can work for you.
7. “It’s not perfect...and I’m OK with that.”
Yes, you only get one chance to make a first impression. Yes, perfection is the only acceptable outcome.
Unfortunately, no product or service is ever perfect, and no project or initiative is perfectly planned. Work hard, do great work, and let it go. Your customers will tell you what needs to be improved, and that means you’ll get to make improvements that actually matter to people.
You can’t accomplish anything until you let go. Do your best, let go...and then trust that you’ll work hard to overcome any shortcomings.
8. “I should have done better.”
We’ve all screwed up. We all have things we could have done better. Words. Actions. Omissions. Failing to step up, step in, or be supportive.
Successful people don’t expect to be perfect, but they do think they can always be better.
So think back on your day. Think about what went well. Then think about what didn’t go as well as it could have and take ownership. Take responsibility.
And promise yourself that tomorrow you will do a lot better.
What are some motivating words inspired you?
What are the things successful people do to achieve greatness?
What you should do to be successful in life?
生命 命盤圖?
Astroscopia - Your Birth Chart   astroscopia
Astroscopia Natal Chart reveals everything you need to know about yourself and your destiny:
Be able to recognize your ideal partner, decode your romantic behaviors and your sexuality, discover why you attract certain types of people and improve your love life,
Identify the mechanisms that control your relationships with your family and friends. Improve your relationships with your loved ones,
Shed light on your hidden talents, the occupations you could thrive in, understand the nature of and reasons behind your relationships with colleagues and superiors. Make the most of all of your financial potential,
Maintain your well-being. Be aware of the specific illnesses that threaten you and what causes them. Free yourself from their harmful consequences on your health,
Understand why you are inclined towards certain vices and how you can get rid of them,
Discover the relations of cause and effect between your previous life and your present life. Lift the veil from certain events in your past life, their influence on your current life and the purpose of your birth...
What is a birth chart?
(also known as a “natal chart” or “horoscope”)
For my part, I call the birth chart “a manual for working on oneself.” Indeed, the birth chart is neither definitive nor immutable. It is merely the sum total of character and destiny predispositions that you have inherited at the time of your birth. On the other hand, you can obtain the same information that your birth chart provides through other means: after long years of being analyzed by a psychologist (provided that you are objective about yourself), with the help of different forms of psychotherapy, or even by practicing one of the wide range of existing spiritual disciplines. However, the method proposed here will allow you to obtain this information immediately, after several mouse clicks, saving both time and money. Since our character creates our destiny, knowing your own character could allow you to change your future in a radical way.
Why should you order your birth chart from Astroscopia?
Throughout my long experience in astrology, most often I have seen natal charts explaining your way of being and your character. However, practically none of them will explain the reasons for all this. Over the years, I have obtained answers to these questions through my own experience and through studying various spiritual disciplines. Astroscopia is the means by which I can share my knowledge with you. Therefore, Astroscopia’s natal charts explain what lies behind your behavior and the reasons for your reactions. This way, half the work is done. Indeed, the enemy (those shortcomings that bring about a bad destiny) loses its force once it has been discovered and named.
Moreover, Astroscopia reveals to you the means by which you will be able to overcome the negative aspects of your character and to transform them into something positive. Indeed, the energy that you possess is neither negative nor positive. What is negative or positive is only the manner in which you use it.
Finally, your natal chart reveals your talents as well as the way to realize them on the material level.
Who should not order his or her natal chart from Astroscopia?
If what you want is to be flattered and told that you are the most beautiful of all individuals, the most intelligent and the best in the world, that you will live in happiness, love and wealth for the rest of your days, you are knocking at the wrong door. Astroscopia will not put pink-colored shades over your eyes in order to get to your money, and in this case it will be best for you to order your natal chart elsewhere.
However, should you have the guts, the solid nerves and no fear of listening to the truth about yourself, you have come to the right place. Astroscopia’s birth chart is a slap on the face that will allow you to get rid of the fantasies that have cradled you so far. In fact, Astroscopia’s birth chart is no different from any good parent. A parent filled with love who knowingly gives you support, who congratulates you, helps you to understand yourself, but also criticizes you whenever it becomes necessary to do so in order to help you turn into a mature and responsible person. Since it is only thus that you will be able to live your life to the fullest.
In other words, Astroscopia’s birth chart is the slap on the face you require in order to take a quantum leap in your destiny.
I congratulate you in advance for having the courage to accept it.
Further, you should know that I do not judge you since I am an imperfect being in quest of perfection just like you.
What is the difference between having direct contact with an astrologer and the birth chart of Astroscopia?
Astroscopia’s birth chart will give you a lot of information. However, it cannot be a substitute for a direct contact with a good astrologer. Direct contact produces a series of exchanges between the astrologer’s energy-informational field and the client’s. You can thereby obtain a lot of additional, non-verbal information. Provided, however, that the astrologer has gotten rid of the negative aspects of his or her own personality, that he or she loves people, that he or she is continuously ready to correct his or her view of the world and, above all, that he or she has a higher level of consciousness than the client does.
For the time being, at least, I have chosen Astroscopia as the most appropriate form of communicating since there are many of you out there and just one of me.
Who can order a birth chart from Astroscopia?
Astroscopia is a site to be taken seriously. The birth chart it offers is a genuine product rich in information. This is why a minimum level of experience is required for you to be able to appreciate it properly. I do not recommend ordering your natal chart before you have already turned 18.
Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?
Do you believe that your natal chart relate to you destine?
Do you control your destiny or is it predetermined?