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新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉    星期六 聚會時間為下午4:00-6:00
「marry rich guy」的圖片搜尋結果
Pros And Cons Of Marrying A Rich Man
By Team BollywoodShaadis

They say marriages are made in heaven however this saying is not applicable to all marriages. In India, most marriages are not made in heaven but by parents of the bride and the groom. A father is always on the run to look for a groom that is filthy rich as according to his perception happiness is where money is. He may not be wrong about the concept that money is important to buy most of the things on this earth; however the most important thing which is love cannot be bought by money. The father or the girl’s family at times completely forget that a boy may be rich but he could may have many flaws which will not only ruin his girl’s life but also the reputation of their family. Here are a few reasons that will help you understand why a girl need not marry a rich man in order to find happiness.

Love cannot be bought

A rich guy can buy you everything but not love. There has been situations where a woman has everything but not the love of her man. Why? The reason is, it cannot be bought. In fact there are many marriages in India that break off because the girl landed up marrying a man who was rich and she thought he could buy her all riches included love. What this innocent lady did not understand is love is priceless and no amount of money in this world can buy it.

Time is an issue

Time is an issue for any rich man; he has to plan every minute of his life, in fact even the amount of time he will utilize to make love to his wife because time is money for him. Moreover, he may fail to be a good father not because he does not love his kids but because he does not have the time to spend with them.

Business is always on the mind

He may go on a trip or honeymoon with you but with business still on his mind. At times these rich men even talk in their sleep about business. Imagine you being told over and over about how a deal he cracked made fortunes for his company and how he plans to do business further on your honeymoon. It is not only disheartening but this widens the empty space she has in her life. This is one of the major reasons why many women married to rich men cheat.

No peace of mind

He may give you the all the luxury of life but not peace of mind. There are many rich men who are known for their abusive and Casanova behavior. Imagine your man sleeping with another woman, how would you feel? Will you be at peace? This is the reason why most women tend to be suspicious about their rich man.

Ego issues

Ego conflicts are bound to happen when you marry a rich man. The reason is because he is a person born with a silver spoon hence anything you say or do that hurts his ego is a big problem and in such a situation the woman most of the times surrenders.
  「future self」的圖片搜尋結果
 Pieces of Advice for My Future Self    – Nick deWilde – Medium

Align yourself with those who matter to you

The foundation of any valuable relationship is alignment. This goes for romantic relationships, professional ones, friendships or any other type. You want her to achieve her goals. She wants you to achieve yours. Your relationship works because, together, you both have a better shot at getting what you want. As soon as that that changes (e.g. her professional success damages your ego) the relationship will start to deteriorate. Make sure that you stay aligned with the people who matter to you. Thanks to Russ Klusas for teaching me this one.

Use humor wisely

Humor has always served as my defense to keep unimportant things (politics, relationship drama) from taking on too much significance. I’ve found it to be a great way to turn mountains into molehills. Unfortunately, I’ve also used it to prematurely diminish things (like eating healthy, personal finance, exercise, etc.) that later turned out to be hugely valuable. In those situations I used humor to justify my own lazy choices. Ultimately, embracing humor has made for a richer, happier life. Just don’t use it as a way to delude yourself out of trying things that are hard.

Time is your most precious resource. Spend it well.

If you want to understand what someone truly values, look at how they spend their time. It’s a telling indicator because time is everyone’s most limited resource. Sometimes it may make sense to spend your time doing things you don’t like in exchange for other assets like money or information. However, this is a risky strategy as no one can tell you how much time you have left and there’s no way to get any more of it. I try to spend my days as if I’m going to make it to 100 while still remembering that a satellite chunk could fall on my head at any moment. Balancing respect of death and hope for a long and happy life, seems to have incentivized me to make good decisions about my time, thus far.

週四 (8/30)1你的成熟指數多少?2.情緒食物

    板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉    PM 7:00-9:30

 Signs of Maturity: How Mature Are You?  huffingtonpost

Do you think there is a certain age at which maturity sets in? Could it be 20? 40? 70? In my personal experiences, I’ve observed that age has little or nothing to do with it. I have met young people who are mature well beyond their years, and I’ve known older folks who act childish, only thinking about themselves. So the question is: What are the character traits that show maturity? And do “mature” people exhibit them 100% of the time?

1. Realizing how much you don’t know.

2. Listening more and talking less.

3. Being aware and considerate of others as opposed to being self-absorbed, self-centered, and inconsiderate.

4. Not taking everything personally, getting easily offended, or feeling the need to defend, prove, or make excuses for yourself.

5. Being grateful and gracious, not complaining.

6. Taking responsibility for your own health and happiness, not relying on others to “fix” you or placing blame for your circumstances.

7. Having forgiveness and compassion for yourself and others.

8. Being calm and peaceful, not desperate, frantic, or irrational.

9. Showing flexibility and openness as opposed to resisting, controlling, or being unreasonable.

10. Helping yourself, not just expecting others to do it for you out of a sense of entitlement.

11. Doing good deeds even when there is nothing in it for you other than knowing you helped, being selfless.

12. Respecting another’s point of view, beliefs, and way of life without judgment, not insisting you are right, belittling another, or using profanity or violence to get your point across.

13. Sharing your good fortune with others.

14. Being able to turn the other cheek without wishing harm on another.

15. Thinking before acting and having good manners, not going off half-cocked, lashing out, or being rude.

16. Encouraging and being supportive of others.

17. Finding joy in the success of someone else, not envy or criticism.

18. Knowing there is always room to grow and improve and reaching out for help.

19. Having humility and laughing at yourself.

22. Accepting, liking, and loving yourself, not needing someone else to “complete” you.

23. Standing up for fairness and justice for yourself and others and choosing to do the right thing.

24. Making sacrifices for the good of others without resentment.

25. Not clinging to materialistic items or bragging.
「Mood Food」的圖片搜尋結果
Mood Food: Can What You Eat Affect Your Happiness?  healthline.com

You know that if you eat a sweet snack, such as a candy bar or a sugary donut, you'll get a spike of energy, soon followed by a crashing low. Sugar highs and lows are just one of the many ways food can affect how you feel.

But have you ever considered which eating habits and specific foods might help you to feel happier and more energized? Recent research helps illuminate the role food plays in influencing your mood.

There's more to mood maintenance than eating the right foods. The framework for good mood hygiene begins with implementing some basic nutrition strategies:
Eat often enough

According to research published by the University of Illinois Extension, eating regular meals and snacks at the same times every day helps keep your blood sugar levels steady. Eating at regular intervals helps to ensure that your body has a continuous source of fuel, and this may assist in keeping your mood stable. If you feel like your blood sugar might be dipping frequently, talk to your doctor. This could be a sign of hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is a health condition that causes people to need to eat frequently.
Don’t skip meals

Though it may be tempting to rush out the door without breakfast, the Mayo Clinic says that this is a bad idea. Skipping meals actually makes your body less able to assimilate food, and you are more liable to overeat at the next meal. If you keep yourself from getting too hungry, you may be able to avoid a bad mood.
Know what to avoid

Before you can eat mood-boosting foods, it's important to know which foods to leave off, or limit, on your shopping list. The biggest bad mood culprits are refined carbohydrates, such as sugar. The simple sugars that are in junk foods, such as candy and soda, as well as in everyday foods, such as fruit juice, syrup, and jams, can cause your blood sugar to go up and down like a rollercoaster. Refined white starches such as white rice, white bread, and crackers can have the same effect. The Cleveland Clinic warns that junk foods may satisfy your taste buds, but they probably won’t help your mood.

Blood sugar spikes and drops can leave you with a short-lived burst of energy followed by a tired, cranky feeling. For best mood results, you should also limit alcohol, since it's a depressant and can disturb your sleep.

Here are some of the best foods to eat to stay healthy and happy:

Adding protein to your meals can help slow the absorption of carbohydrates in your blood and increase the release of dopamine and norepinephrine, which may improve your mood and energy for several hours after eating. Try adding these smart protein choices to your diet:

    low-fat Greek yogurt


There are a few specific vitamins that may be helpful for mood. For example, vitamin D may help relieve mood disorders, such as seasonal affective disorder. Sunlight, before sunscreen application, is often the best source. To get your daily dose of vitamin D, you can also try the following foods. Many doctors recommend adding a multivitamin that contains vitamin D as well.

    low-fat milk
    egg yolks


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埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉    PM 7:00-9:30
Sweetheart swindles - Fraud.org

Falling in love with a con artist has consistently been ranked as one of, if not, the most expensive scams for the victims who have shared their stories with Fraud.org. It's not hard to see why. Love is a powerful emotion. Most of us would do practically anything to help out a friend or loved one in need. Fraudsters know this, which is why they devote significant time and energy to developing friendships and “love” with their marks. However, these criminals aren’t looking for a soulmate. They’re looking for victims that they can wring every last cent out of.

In many of the stories we hear from consumers, the scams begin the same way. The victim is first approached on an online dating website (Match.com was frequently mentioned in our complaints), a social media platform such as Facebook, or another type of online forum. The con artist may claim to be interested in the victim romantically. When the victim responds, their new “friend” tells them a story about how they are located far away from the victim, often overseas.

As the relationship develops and false trust is built, the “friend” asks the victim to send money to help them out of some fake situation. The “friend”—who is, in reality, a con artist who is likely running the same scheme on other victims—may claim that they need the money to come visit the victim, for medical bills, to get out of jail, or some other reason. If the victim agrees to pay, there will inevitably be more requests for money to cover other fictitious expenses until the victim comes to realize it is a scam and stops paying, or worse, runs out of money to give.

How can you spot a romance scam and avoid falling victim? Here are red flags that the person you’re dealing with is after your cash, instead of your heart:

    She requests that you wire money or to cash a check or money order for them.
    The “relationship” becomes romantic extremely quickly, with quick pronouncements of love or close friendship.
    He claims to be a U.S. citizen who is abroad, very wealthy, or a person of important status.
    He claims to be a contractor and needs your help with a business deal.
    She makes excuses about not being able to speak by phone or meet in person.
    He quickly asks you to communicate via email, instant messaging, or text messaging instead of the online dating sites’ messaging services.
    She claims to be American, but makes frequent spelling or grammar mistakes that a native English speaker wouldn’t.

If you’ve been approached by someone you think could be a romance scammer or if you’ve already fallen victim, DON’T keep speaking with the person who approached you. Ignore their emails, phone calls, IMs, or other communications. Instead, use the online dating site’s abuse flagging system to mark the account as suspicious and file a complaint at Fraud.org.
 Can Money Buy You Love?  psychologytoday.com

Money might not be as important to love itself, but love is hardly disconnected from reality. It is grounded in an actual framework of life, and the flourishing of this framework can depend upon having more money. This is one reason why many people would marry someone who possesses many of the qualities they admire, but with whom they are not in love.

In a fortunate framework of life, positive emotions, including love, are more likely to be generated. Extremely negative situations, such as loneliness, can also generate love, but this might be superficial love that depends more on current circumstances than on the deep, stable characteristics of the lovers.

Indeed, we are familiar with statements like, "You don't love me; you just love my body/money/humor/wisdom." Such statements are voiced not only about features perceived as superficial, such as beauty and money, but also more profound features such as kindness, humor and wisdom. Beauty and money are not regarded as legitimate reasons for love, while kindness and wisdom often are, since they express characteristics that are more fundamental to us. Nevertheless, none of these reasons alone is perceived to be sufficient for romantic love. Such love requires the presence of many aspects belonging to both the praiseworthiness and the attraction of the partner.

Happiness is similar: Money cannot buy long-term happiness, but it certainly can be helpful in creating the circumstances that induce such happiness. Various studies have found a positive correlation between income and long-term happiness. As with love, the effect of money on happiness is not very strong, and there are other factors that are even more important. Social factors, such as marriage, family, friends, and children, are more significant in determining long-term happiness than economic elements such as job, income, and standard of living. Money, however, can improve our situation in a way that gives us more occasions for happiness.

Money cannot buy love and love cannot buy money, but money increases the chances of love and love decreases the need for money. When one is in love, money is of less significance, and when one lacks money for basic needs, love is often more at risk.

To sum up: Love is considered to be partially sacred while also having exchangeable elements found in commercial commodities. Money can help to generate love but it cannot buy love—at most, it can buy sex. It is, however, easier to fall in love with a rich person, as money can generate circumstances that are more favorable for love, and living with someone who is wealthy can make life easier. Hence, some beautiful young women may be attracted to rich old men, and in some cases genuine love is indeed generated.