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週四 (6/1)1.同性婚姻合法化2.不知覺地偏見?

板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮院  左轉     PM7:00--9:30
「what are the signs to know  your a  gay」的圖片搜尋結果
Taiwan's High Court Rules Same-Sex Marriage Is Legal, In A First For Asia
npr.org   Bill Chappell Twitter

Taiwanese laws that prohibit same-sex couples from marrying violate their personal freedom and equal protection, the island's Constitutional Court ruled Wednesday. The justices called sexual orientation an "immutable characteristic that is resistant to change."

"The judges have today said yes to marriage equality," said Amnesty International's Lisa Tassi, who directs campaigns in East Asia. "This is a huge step forward for LGBTI rights in Taiwan and will resonate across Asia."

Taiwan's president has asked the Ministry of Justice to come up with a legal framework for complying with the decision.

The court's ruling gives Taiwan's government two years to change its marriage laws. If that deadline passes without legislative action, same-sex couples will be allowed to register for marriage and obtain "the status of a legally recognized couple."

The long-awaited ruling was greeted by cheers at an outdoor rally organized by the Taiwan LGBT Family Rights Advocacy, which livestreamed the announcement on a large video screen as well as on Facebook.

Allowing single people to have the autonomy to decide whether to marry and whom to marry, the Taiwanese court said in a news release, "is vital to the sound development of personality and safeguarding of human dignity, and therefore is a fundamental right."

The court also said that when same-sex couples create "a permanent union of intimate and exclusive nature for the committed purpose of managing a life together," they're not affecting the rights of people in a heterosexual marriage.

Critics of legalization voiced their opposition to Wednesday's ruling, as Taiwan News reports:

"Groups opposing same-sex marriage, including Coalition for the Happiness of Our Next Generation, protested outside the Judicial Yuan after the result came out. Some requested the invalidation of the interpretation and the president to step down."

Noting a history of discrimination against homosexuality and homosexuals' lack of political power, the court said that "in determining the constitutionality of different treatment based on sexual orientation, a heightened standard shall be applied."

Ahead of Wednesday's ruling, there were signs that Taiwan was poised to legalize same-sex marriage. It was a key campaign issue for President Tsai Ing-wen, who took office one year ago, and the legislature has been weighing a change to Taiwan's Civil Code, according to The China Post.

In 2013, Taiwan's Interior Ministry surprised many when it decided "not to revoke a marriage between two trans women," as Gay Star News reported. In doing so, the government said the couple had been "a man and a woman" when they registered to marry.
What are your opinion about Taiwan’s high court rules same-sex marriage is legal?
What do you think the idea that prohibit same-sex couples from marrying violate their personal freedom?
Can a gay man fall in love with a woman?
Is sexual orientation unchangeable?
What are the signs that you might be gay or lesbian?
How to tell if your guy friend who is gay?

Types of Unconscious Bias and the Shocking Ways They Affect You
by Siofra Pratt  socialtalent.co

unconscious bias
How many decisions have you made today? 5? 10? 15? Chances are you won’t be able to put an exact figure on it. That’s because we make countless decisions every day without even realising it. Even as you sit here reading this you’re making decisions. Decisions about me, the content, the questions I’m asking you. And the answers to all of these questions are influenced heavily by something researchers refer to as “unconscious bias.”

What is “unconscious bias”?
Ok, so what is unconscious bias and why is it influencing my decisions so much?“, I hear you ask. Well, simply put, bias is an inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group. In other words, unconscious bias are unconscious feelings we have towards other people – unconscious feelings that play a strong part in influencing our judgement of certain people and groups, away from being balanced or even-handed, in many different areas of life.

One of the most prominent areas of life where bias can play out is the workplace. In fact, one of the strongest biases we have in the workplace is gender bias. Why? Well, our feelings about gender and the stereotypes we’ve all associated with gender are something we’ve developed throughout our whole lives. How we’ve been brought up, where we’ve been brought up, how we’ve been socialised, our socialisation experiences, our exposure to other social identities and social groups, who our friends are/were, as well as media influences, all affect how we think and feel about certain types of people – and especially about what makes a man a man and what makes a woman a woman.

It’s important to mention however, that most bias stereotypes, do not come from a place of bad intent. It’s just a deep seated, unconscious stereotype that’s been formed in our brains through years of different influences we often had no control over. For example, just think about of all the phrases you’ve heard associated with women in the workplace over the years, like “The Glass Ceiling”, “The Maternal Wall” and the “Gender Pay Gap”.

How does bias affect our actions?
Most of us believe that we are ethical and unbiased. We imagine we’re good decision makers, able to objectively size up a job candidate or a venture deal and reach a fair and rational conclusion that’s in our, and our organisation’s, best interests,” writes Harvard University researcher Mahzarin Banaji in the Harvard Business Review. “But more than two decades of research confirms that, in reality, most of us fall woefully short of our inflated self-perception.”

Yes, in reality our biases affects us and our decision-making processes in a number of different ways:
    Our Perception – how we see people and perceive reality.
    Our Attitude – how we react towards certain people.
    Our Behaviours – how receptive/friendly we are towards certain people.
    Our Attention – which aspects of a person we pay most attention to.
    Our Listening Skills – how much we actively listen to what certain people say.
    Our Micro-affirmations – how much or how little we comfort certain people in certain situations.
What is “unconscious bias”?Do you know any types of bias?
How does bias affect our actions?
What are the factors that influence our judgments?
Are you sure you’ve always made impartial decisions?
How to make right decisions?
What are your opinion about “The Glass Ceiling”and the “Gender Pay Gap”?
How you estimate people?

週二(5/30)1.不要跟消耗你的人在一起 2.激勵自己

板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮院  左轉     PM7:00--9:30

「Toxic Friends That Will Bring You Down」的圖片搜尋結果
Toxic Friends That Will Bring You Down    themodernman.com

The very negative friend

There’s nothing wrong with looking at the positives and negatives of a situation, but the Negative Friend will always focus on the negatives. No matter what good thing has happened to you, this type of toxic friend will always find a way to point out the downside or potential negatives of it.

Got a promotion? He’ll tell you how much more work and pressure you will now have. Gotten yourself a new girlfriend? He friend will remind you of your past romantic failures and why this one is just as likely to end badly.

Bought a new car? He’ll research the statistics on why the car you purchased was a poor choice and then tell you about the other cars that he thinks would have been a better choice.

In short, no matter what happy event lights a positive fire in your life, he’ll be the wet blanket that puts it out. From his perspective, the world is doomed and everyone is a lying, greedy asshole who can’t be trusted.

The “It’s All About Me” Guy

When you speak to this type of toxic friend, the conversation always revolves around him. Whatever is happening in his life is much more important than what’s happening in yours. He thinks he is cooler, better, smarter and more important than you, so you should just shut up and listen to him.

There is really no value in having “friends” like that in your life. Feel free to keep them as acquaintances, but life is so much better when you are only great friends with people who actually care about you.

The Compulsive Liar

A compulsive liar is someone who is more comfortable with lying that telling the truth. Lying is their automatic response to questions. They enjoy weaving big lies that go on for months and even years at a time.

This type of toxic friend will lie to you about anything and everything. It doesn’t matter how important something is to you, he will get more enjoyment and satisfaction out of lying to you and deceiving you than being a good, honest friend. When you catch him out in the lie, he will have all sorts of excuses for his actions, which will be additional lies. It never ends with a compulsive liar.

The moocher friend

A moocher is someone who always seems to want something from you, but never gives you much or anything in return.

The Moocher may not ask you for money directly, but he always seems to have forgotten his wallet or is running low on money when it comes time to pay for something.

He never offers to pick up a bill, he complains if he pays more than you on a bill, regularly takes things refrigerator or always expects you to provide him with some form of hospitality.
What kind of friends that will bring you down?  
How to deal with the very negative friend?
What to do if one of your friend always insist that you’ve listen to him?
How to deal with the compulsive liar?
What are you opinion if a friend who never offers to pay the bill?
How to deal with the moocher friend?

What to do if friends want to borrow money from you?
「to Cheer Up?」的圖片搜尋結果
How to Cheer Up?
    Stop thinking about your situation.
    Avoid ruminating, or dwelling, on your situation too much, which can make you feel worse by making you feel stuck in a negative cycle.
    Rumination can prevent you from thinking effectively and problem solving. It also has a strong link to depression.
    If you find yourself stuck in a certain pattern of thinking, try distracting yourself with other activities or thinking about things that are in your immediate surroundings. For example, look around you and notice the lighting, or buildings on your way to work.
Creating a Cheerful Environment
    Make your space more comforting.
    Surround yourself with things that cheer you up, your favorite images, mementos, plants, or books. Don't forget to improve your lighting. Some people that suffer from seasonal affective disorder experience symptoms of depression if they don't have enough sunlight. If you are in a dim room, open up a window for some natural light. Or, if you are using artificial light, try lighting a lamp or candle to cheer you up.
        If you are at work and in a poor mood, you can try to introduce things from home to make you feel more comfortable. These might be pictures or a certain air fragrance. You can even try bringing your favorite tea as a warm, soothing reminder from home.

  Decorate with color.
    Color can greatly impact your mood. Consider painting a few rooms or adding decorative elements with a cheerful color to lift your spirits. Yellow is a good choice for brightening a space, while shades of pink might make you feel more playful.
    Don't think that you have to use the brightest, boldest shade of the color. Even a pale yellow can help you cheer up.
        Try balancing several shades of cheerful colors. For example, you could alternate yellow and orange stripes to make a room feel more energetic and welcoming.

Changing Your Lifestyle
    If you're unhappy because you feel stuck in a rut, try doing something different. Sometimes just getting out of your current activity can alter your mood.

    For instance, if you've been in back-to-back meetings throughout your day with no free time, treat yourself to a funny movie at the end of your day. Changing what you're doing can work wonders on your mood.
        For example, if you’ve been in a desk chair or on the couch all day, your mood might be low because your body needs some physical activity. Get up, go for a walk, and enjoy the change of pace.

   Go outside.
    If you think your poor mood is stress related, get outside to reduce stress and lift your mood. Try going for a walk in the park, or you can visit a garden or arboretum if you live in a city. Being outside can greatly improve your mood. Studies have found that having the opportunity to go outside or visit a garden reduces levels of cortisol, a hormone your body releases when you're stressed.
        Don't wait for the perfect day or weather before going outside. Grab an umbrella and take a walk in the rain. Just being outdoors can cheer you up.

How do cheer yourself up and lift your mood?
What to do if you have had a bad day?
How do I stop thinking about sad things? How to be optimistic?
How to do something that makes you laugh?
How to create a cheerful environment?
Do you think that color can impact our mood?






現實生活中, 你和誰在一起的確很重要,



和什麼樣的人在一起, 就會有什麼樣的人生。

周六(5/27)1.貪多務得?傷腦? 2.付錢說道歉 下午4:00-6:00

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
請注意  聚會時間  下午4:00-6:00
「Multitasking Damages Your Brain」的圖片搜尋結果
Multitasking Damages Your Brain and Your Career
By Dr. Travis Bradberry

You’ve likely heard that multitasking is problematic, but new studies show that it kills your performance and may even damage your brain. Research conducted at Stanford University found that multitasking is less productive than doing a single thing at a time. The researchers found that people who are regularly bombarded with several streams of electronic information cannot pay attention, recall information, or switch from one job to another as well as those who complete one task at a time.

A Special Skill?

The Stanford researchers compared groups of people based on their tendency to multitask and their belief that it helps their performance. They found that heavy multitaskers—those who multitask a lot and feel that it boosts their performance—were actually worse at multitasking than those who like to do a single thing at a time. The frequent multitaskers performed worse because they had more trouble organizing their thoughts and filtering out irrelevant information, and they were slower at switching from one task to another.

Multitasking Lowers IQ

Research also shows that, in addition to slowing you down, multitasking lowers your IQ. A study at the University of London found that participants who multitasked during cognitive tasks experienced IQ score declines that were similar to what they’d expect if they had smoked marijuana or stayed up all night. IQ drops of 15 points for multitasking men lowered their scores to the average range of an 8-year-old child. So the next time you’re writing your boss an email during a meeting, remember that your cognitive capacity is being diminished to the point that you might as well let an 8-year-old write it for you.

Brain Damage From Multitasking

It was long believed that cognitive impairment from multitasking was temporary, but new research suggests otherwise. Researchers at the University of Sussex in the UK compared the amount of time people spend on multiple devices (such as texting while watching TV) to MRI scans of their brains. They found that high multitaskers had less brain density in the anterior cingulate cortex, a region responsible for empathy as well as cognitive and emotional control.

Learning From Multitasking

If you’re prone to multitasking, this is not a habit you’ll want to indulge—it clearly slows you down and decreases the quality of your work. Even if it doesn’t cause brain damage, allowing yourself to multitask will fuel any existing difficulties you have with concentration, organization, and attention to detail. Multitasking in meetings and other social settings indicates low Self- and Social Awareness, two emotional intelligence (EQ) skills that are critical to success at work. TalentSmart has tested more than a million people and found that 90% of top performers have high EQs. If multitasking does indeed damage the anterior cingulate cortex (a key brain region for EQ) as current research suggests, it will lower your EQ in the process.

Dese multitasking good or bad?
Pros and cons of multitasking?
Do you have trouble organizing your thoughts?
How to focus on one thing at a time?
Do you think that multitasking lowers IQ?
What are the ways to boost your IQ?
How to develop emotional intelligence?
What are the negative effects of modern lifestyle?


「Japanese Apology Agencies」的圖片搜尋結果

Japanese Apology Agencies Say 'I'm Sorry' on Your Behalf      

By Sumitra    odditycentral

It’s not easy to apologise, and most people would like to avoid it entirely if possible. Well, it turns out it is possible, if you happen to live in Japan. They have these ‘apology agencies’ through which you could simply pay someone to say sorry on your behalf.

I can see why these businesses are so successful – it’s really tough to face the person you’ve wronged and tell  them that you’re sorry. It’s a highly uncomfortable situation, especially if you’ve made someone angry or hurt their feelings.

By hiring an expert, not only do you get to avoid the discomfort, you also make sure that the person gets a proper apology. These agencies train their employees to handle things based on the gravity of the situation. These people are professionals, and it looks like they can get you out of all sorts of sticky situations.

For example, they may send a person pretending to be your parent or friend to break up with a clingy lover. Or they may call your workplace pretending to be your wife and tell them you’re sick, on those days when you’d rather not go into to work.

Of course, it doesn’t take away from the fact that these services are based on deception. Nothing can match a face-to-face, personal apology, no matter how badly you mess up. Apology agencies have come up against severe criticism because they allow people to skate around an essential human experience.

Nevertheless, these businesses are doing pretty well for themselves. About 40 percent of their customer base is believed to be female, between the ages of 20 and 40 years. Some of the most popular reasons for approaching apology agencies are problems with money or love.

Prices vary depending on the nature of apology required. The Shazaiya Aiga Pro Agency charges 25,000 yen ($240) for a face-to-face apology, and 10,000 yen ($96) for an email or phone apology. Nihon Shazai Daikokao, on the other hand, charges 3,500 yen ($33) per hour.

A few agencies like Yokohama Benriya Natchan prefer not to reveal their prices – estimates are provided by phone consultation and they even offer ‘apologies while crying’ services for particularly angry people.

What are your opinion about that Japanese apology agencies say 'I’m sorry' on your behalf?       
Would you pay someone to do your apologizing for you?
Do you find it difficult to apologize?
How to make proper apology?
Why we need to apologize?
How to break up with a clingy lover?
Is it a good idea to hire a person pretending to be your wife and call your workplace tell them you’re sick?