陽光甜味咖啡館 Sun Sweet Cafe

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Dare to dream!




周五5/31 1. 有錢人想得不一樣 2.毒澱粉食物

5/28 Soapbox English Club 聚會共16人參加~
 5/28 Soapbox English Club 聚會16人參加~
 周五5月311. 有錢人想得不一樣 2.毒澱粉食物
Funny night~~ 
Heard a lot of interesting things from others especially Hans. ^^

通知 周五原地點: 麥當勞  

請注意! 改到怡客咖啡 Ikari Coffee




0976-217-450   22540821   25556076


1. 有錢人想得不一樣 2.毒澱粉食物



15 ways rich people think differently

THE rich think differently to the rest of us.  By Sarah O'Carroll, Business Editor

You need look no further than mining magnate Gina Rinehart with her “get out of the pub” comments or billionaire Clive Palmer’s plans to build Titanic II to see that.

 The author of How Rich People Think, Steve Siebold, recently told the Business Insider the differences between how rich and average people think are numerous and extreme.

Here are 15 of his top insights:

1. Rich people think selfishness is a virtue

Average people feel they need to save the world and put others before themselves which is keeping them poor. Rich people take the attitude that if they don’t help themselves first they can’t help anyone else.

 2. Rich people have an action mentality

You wouldn’t see a rich person lining up to play the lottery (even before they were rich). Average people are always waiting on someone else to help them get rich - the Lotto, Government, friend or spouse – but it only keeps them poor. Rich people take action and spend time solving problems.

 3. Rich people favour specific knowledge over formal education

Average people believe the road to riches is through doing masters and doctorates. Rich people are generally rich because they have made money selling a specific knowledge they have acquired.

 4. Rich people dream of the future

Rich people spend a lot of time looking into the future, setting goals and looking forward to what lies ahead. Average people dwell on the past which often holds them back by making them unhappy or depressed.

5. Rich people think about money logically

Average and well-educated people can fall into the trap of thinking about money emotionally and just wanting to retire comfortably. Rich people maintain a logical relationship with money viewing it as a tool that represents options and opportunities.

6. Rich people follow their passion

Oprah Winfrey said it – you’ve got to follow your passion and do what you love. Rich people find a way of getting paid for doing something they love. Average people earn money doing things they don’t love.

 7. Rich people aim high

Average people set low expectations to avoid disappointment whereas rich people set huge expectations and follow their dreams.

8. Rich people believe you have to “be” someone

Average people on the other hand believe you have to “do” something to be rich and focus on immediate results. Rich people continuously focus on bettering themselves and learn from success and failures.


1. How Rich People Think?

How to become a rich man from nothing?

2. The traits of the rich – how many do you have?

3. Do you admire wealthy men?

Who do you admire and why?

4. Do you have a goal you want to achieve?

5. Do you take advantage of opportunities?

Lawmakers criticize FDA over starch, soy sauce incidents (By Alison Hsiao)

The illegal use of industrial starch and soy sauce products containing an excessive amount of organic chemical compounds (3-MCPD and 4-MEI) as food additives were among the issues raised yesterday at the legislature’s plenary session, during which lawmakers accused the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of “incompetence” and called for stricter regulations to curb future food safety offenses.

 Maleic anhydride-modified industrial starch, which was found to have been used in several products such tapiocas, flat rice noodles and oden (關東煮) to enhance the chewiness, is not among the 21 kinds of modified food starch that have been approved by the authority, Department of Health Minister Deputy Lin Tzou-yien (林奏延) said.

 As of Friday last week, 33.4 tons [31.1 tonnes] of contaminated starch products and raw materials have been confiscated,” Lin said, adding that maleic acid has low acute toxicity levels, does not pose risks to reproduction and is not carcinogenic.

 When asked about soy sauce products containing the carcinogens 3-MCPD and 4-MEI, Lin said that authorities had set a regulatory limit of 0.4 mg/kg for 3-MCPD in soy sauce, which is in line with the Codex [Alimentaries Commission] standard and is stricter than the guidelines in the US.

Only excessive intake would be harmful to health, Lin added.

 We already announced last year that a regulatory limit for 4-MEI in caramel color would soon be set according to the Codex and other developed countries,” Lin said, adding that the revision of the limit would also serve to warn potential offenders.

However, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Liu Chien-kuo (劉建國) criticized the department, saying it had been reacting to these food scandals rather than preventing them, and slammed its perceived endorsement of maleic acid when the FDA explicitly prohibits the use of industrial starch in food.


1. What do you think about food safety problem today?

2. Ways to prevent food poisoning?

3. How to protect yourself from food poisoning?

4. Can you tell what food is safe to eat?

5. How to select  healthy food  from markets?

更新時間 2013年5月28日, 格林尼治標準時間05:21







歌林39吋FHD LED萬元嗆聲↘10000

周二 5/28 1. 去死啦!由愛生恨 2.台灣高房價


 Money is no object, and Expense is no object. 錢不成問题

-----The phrase money is no object means that you have a lot of money available to spend.


Don't worry about how much they cost because money (expense) is no object.

Billy lives in a mansion, has three sports cars, two yachts and hold parties every week. Money is no object for him.

I want the best man for the job and will pay the best wages; money (is) no object.

二聚會 5/28
時間: 每周二晚上7:00~9:30

地點: 怡客咖啡 Ikari Coffee





5/28  1. 去死啦!由愛生恨 2.台灣高房價


于美人婚變與丈夫James鬧到警局!互指對方不是 枕邊愛人 一夕間變成敵人  

而金友莊與高凌風離婚後 撕破臉 離婚大鬥法 互相爆料 互揭創疤

曾經相愛的夫妻 由愛轉成恨 非搞死對方不可 人啊! 真是情緒動物 男女之間的情愛
愛可愛到轟轟烈烈! 恨可恨到咬牙切齒!

愛的時候 無妳 我不活  恨的時侯 有妳 我活不下去


感情的事 一旦愛情褪色 該如何理智的退場 請各位高人來指點! Billy


When love turns to hate (Linda Ikeji's Blog)

I've had a break up. For me it went from 'Love or something like it' to 'No longer love and nothing else'. So when I hear 'I wish him death Linda, I wish him death, I hope he dies soon', I don't understand where that's coming from.

I was listening to her and crying; not for the man she wished death...(I knew she didn't really mean it, it was just anger talking), I was crying because of the deep pain I felt in her voice; the intence hatred, the extreme bitterness, the anguish, the sorrow, the confusion...but above all - the let down. "How could he do this to me?', I heard several times in the conversation "Where's my fairy tale ending Linda?" I also heard.

When someone we love deeply hurts us, we are expected to forgive them, and if we no longer want them in our lives; let them go, wish them the best and move on. But for some of us, it's not that easy. Once the love is gone, only hate remains. What I want to know is; where does the hate come from?

How can we go from - loving someone so much we marry them, have kids with them, spend the best years of our lives with them... - then turn around to hate them so much, we wish/want them dead. How can a love so deep turn so easily into the most intense hatred? What happens?

You find some divorced couples who can't stand the sight of each other and some actually go out of their way to try to bring the other down. And you wonder, was there ever love between these people?


1. How to get over a break up?

What are the best ways to cope with a breakup?

2. Why love can turn to hate?

What do you do when the love turns the hate?
3. How to deal with when the one you love betrays you? 4. How to handle a cheating boyfriend or a cheating girlfriend?
5. Is it easy to let them go and wish them best? (If the one who you love betrays you)

6. How to dealing with jointly owned property in a divorce?


Owning a home unattainable for many Taiwanese
(By Cindy Sui BBC)

Taipei Growth in Taiwan's property prices ranked sixth fastest in the world from late 2006 to late 2011, and fourth fastest in Asia

Having lived in rented flats all her life, recently married Taipei native Chiang Ming-yun, dreams of buying her own home.

"When I was growing up, we had to move several times because the landlords wanted to sell the places we were living in," says Mrs Chiang, an office worker.

"At one place, my mother had spent a lot of time creating a garden outside, but then we were forced to move."

But she and her husband, who make what is considered a good combined salary of 90,000 New Taiwan dollars (NT$) ($3,100; £1,906) a month, are starting to realise it would be very difficult for them to buy a home.

Average prices, even for older flats in the suburbs, are about $345,000.

"We would have to not spend any money on entertainment or eating out, not get sick and hope our parents also stay healthy, and most importantly, not have kids, and make sure we keep our jobs," Ms Chiang says.

Owning a home is the dream of many in Taiwan, but that dream is becoming unattainable for some, as speculative buying has driven prices to unaffordable levels.

This has become a big problem as young people are putting off starting a family - exacerbating the already low birth rate - and many are growing increasingly resentful of this symptom of the widening wealth gap.

Data collected by Taiwan's major property developer, Cathay Real Estate, shows average housing prices on the island rose by 34%, with Taipei's prices jumping by 50%, in the past four years, despite the economic downturn.  

1. House prices: why are they so high?

House sales have fallen so why prices are still high?

2. What are solutions to soaring house prices?

How to reducing house prices?

3. Should government responsible for high house prices?

4. What are the causes of increasing housing prices? 

5. Is it better to buy a house or rent a house?

6. Is buying a house a good investment?

When is a good time to buy a house?

5/24聚會照片 Billy祝各位開心愉快
(Thank you Kevin照片提供)
       Kevin 說芝麻糖 幫助黑髮


拋開煩心事 來 說吧! 讀書會 聊聊  歡迎您 Billy


周五 5/24 1. 改變壞習慣 2.精神問題增加

 Funny night~~ 
Heard a lot of interesting things from others especially Hans. ^^ 

通知 周五原地點: 麥當勞

請注意! 改到怡客咖啡 Ikari Coffee




0976-217-450   22540821   25556076


周五 5/24 
1. 改變壞習慣2.精神問題增加

How to get rid of your bad habits (justasktom.com)

 Habits get a ‘bad’ name when those dispositions to act in a certain way have negative effects on you and others. Consistently being late for meetings, for example, becomes a bad habit when your reputation is damaged and those with whom you are scheduled to meet are adversely affected. Getting rid of bad habits is rarely a straightforward process. If bad habits - smoking, procrastination, perfectionism, gambling, time-wasting, and the like - are getting in the way of the achievement of your life and career goals, here are some key considerations...

1. Decide which habits you seriously want to change.

 Acknowledging that you have bad habits because others say so won’t change you for the better in the long term. Through embarrassment, you may clean up your messy desk because your colleague comments on it, but it will soon get messy again unless you change your behaviour. Ultimately, you will be the one who has to decide whether or not you want to change, and you’ll need dedication to the task. If commitment is lacking, the bad habit will persist.

2. Work on changing only one habit at a time.

From personal knowledge, together with feedback from colleagues, critics, and friends, you will doubtless know your bad habits - taking too long on the telephone, doing too many things at once, nail-biting, being reluctant to praise, speaking too quickly… Don’t try to change too many bad habits at once. Adopt the one-thing-at-a-time approach and remember that ‘the way to change begins with the first step’.

3. Analyse your bad habit and find your reasons for having it

Removing some bad habits will involve considerable effort and is likely to require you to explore the issues related to the entrenched behaviour. Suppose, as an example, you have a reputation for ‘never being on time for meetings’. To tackle this bad habit, you may need to:

Identify any patterns associated with your continued lateness: Are you late for all meetings? Are you late only for those meetings you really don’t want to attend? Are you late only for afternoon meetings?

Consider if you are personally responsible: Do you give in to the temptation to take, or make, that extra phonecall before leaving for meetings? Do you back your meetings against each other with no adequate break between them? Do you always arrive late because you have long business lunches? Do you simply give yourself insufficient time to get to meetings?

1. How to get rid of bad habits?

2. How to form a good habit?
3. What are the habits that make people successful? (ex. good cleaning habits)
4. What are the bad habits that can hold you back and harm your career?
5. What are the habits of Remarkably Successful People formed?
6. Is being late a bad habit?

Mental disorders double in Taiwan
(By Indo Asian News Service)

A research team has found the prevalence of common mental disorders (CMDs) in Taiwan has doubled over the last two decades, Xinhua reported.

It said the common mental disorders are a broad diagnostic category of non-psychotic depressive and anxiety disorders that account for over 90 percent of all mental disorders.

Being female, unemployed or underemployed, unmarried and under-educated present increased risk factors for developing CMDs. It has also been proposed that economic instability and income inequality may increase the risk for mental disorders, the release added.

The study suggests that the significant trend in the increase in rates of CMDs may be at least partly due to macro-social changes, including the continued decline in the employment market and the ongoing global economic recession.

Andrew Tai-Ann Cheng, the study leader, said the research not only highlighted the need to implement effective clinical and social preventative measures to promote mental health, but also the effects of uncertainty on mental health.

A sense of insecurity, much like that seen in response to losing a job, can negatively impact mental health, he added.

1. What are your opinions about mental disorders double in Taiwan?
2. Do you believe that unemployed or unmarried increased risk factors for developing CMDs?
3. Mental health: what's normal, what's not?
How to tell someone they have a mental illness?
4. Is mental illness inherited?
5. How to help someone with a mental illness?
6. What you think about unemployment rate in Taiwan?
心靈海嘯! 精神健康創四年來新低 (聯合新聞網 )






這項調查也呼應中研院生物醫學科學研究所特聘研究員鄭泰安,發表在國際頂尖醫學期刊「刺胳針」(The Lancet)的研究。該篇研究證實,台灣精神疾病盛行率與失業率、離婚率及自殺率變化高度相關。




The bywords of a loser are:I wish----
A winner says: I will
---Denis Waitley
失敗者常說: 我但願
成功者卻說: 我要!
 (Billy 好句欣賞 大家共勉)

每周一句 5/23

down-to-earth腳踏實地/實實在在--- sensible; practical; realistic
If something brings you back down to earth, it makes you face reality again after a pleasant experience, a hopeful dream or an unrealistic plan.


Billy was sitting and daydreaming so his teacher told him to come down to earth and to do his homework.

比利坐著空想, 他老師要他實實在在地做作業。

My girlfriend said I am so unrealistic about things. She hope she'll meet someone who is more down-to-earth.
