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好友們  週二(4/22)因故暫停一次    (請來參加週四4/28聚會)
板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉       聚會時間7:00pm--9:30pm
Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick    jonworth.eu

OK, the subject of this entry is not because I’ve been on the wrong end of something next to Gare de Midi. It’s more metaphorical than that. It’s actually a line from a Steve Jobs speech given at Stanford University in 2005 – you can read the full speech here. The speech happened to be an example used as part of a course I’m teaching about government communications these few days outside London. Little did one of my co-trainers know how poignant one passage of the text would be for me at the moment. Have a read of this:

Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.

I reckon I’m lucky. I do love what I’m doing, or at least what I think I’m supposed to be doing – teaching people about things, and designing fun and interesting strategies for online campaigns. Being at my old workplace makes me realise I was right to keep looking. But on a practical level things aren’t working at the moment; I’m swamped and I feel I’ve been hit by Jobs’s brick. Just hope it doesn’t feel that way too long.
What to do when sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick?
What to do when life sucks?
What do you think of Steve jobs speech?
Who has inspired you in your life and why?
How to be truly satisfy to your work? What is most satisfying about your job?
How to make your life better?
Who are your role models?
How to love your job even if you don't like it?
Rude Behaviors- Are You an Offender? (tammyswallow)

There is more to rude behavior than just the frustration people feel day to day. Many factors influence a person's aptitude to be rude including a disposition to be impatient, not feeling as if they are being listened to, or being in a hurry- but the behavior all boils down to one thing:

People who are rude generally don't care about other people!

It is a sad but true fact. Our humanity is lost in the hustle and bustle of every day life. People are rushed, stressed, tired and taking it out on their fellow man. Here is a list Rude Behaviors:

Being noisy: Whether from your car, your home stereo, or in your yard, it is rude to blast loud music. Pulling into a gas station where two or more cars are blasting their bass is very irritating for all.

Cutting in Lines: It happens in the grocery store, public events, and amusement parks. No one is amused. Those who skip others in line think they are more important and have a sense of entitlement that makes them think they are below waiting their turn.

Not Returning Your Shopping Cart: This should be a simple thing to do but parking lots are full of un-returned shopping carts. When you think about how lazy we have become as a nation, such primitive things explain the obesity rate in the United States.

Barking Dogs (and neighbors who let their pets destroy your trash): Anyone who has been kept up all night by a barking dog can understand this entry. Parents with babies particularly find barking dogs to be irritating.

Bad Table Manners: Formal dining is no longer standard in the USA, but people should have respectable table manners. Elbows should be kept off tables. No one should reach over the table for food or expose a dinner guest to an armpit. Slurping, smacking, and chewing with one's mouth open is offensive.

Cutting Off Others in Traffic: Many people think their needs to get their destinations are more important than the safety of everyone on the road. Others get frustrated with bad drivers and are just trying to get away. Safety on the highways is more than good manners, it keeps everyone safe. Monitor your own driving so frustrated drivers won't have to cut in front of you.

Not Using a Turn Signal- Refusing to signal a left or right handed turn is not only rude and lazy, it is illegal in most states in the U.S. Using a turn signal only takes a minimal "flick" but yet, more and more drivers are refusing to use this system of communication with other drivers. Sadly, using the turn signal benefits the one who is turning left or right from being rear-ended or side swiped on a busy highway.

Being Late- Sure, life happens and sometimes we are all late for something. Those who habitually come to work late daily with the same excuse over and over are rude and hurt the morale of the office. Most people are understanding of lateness if they are notified by phone. Not calling to say you will be late is rude behavior. For those who are habitually late for meetings, family gatherings, dates, and work, it is strongly recommended you set all of your clocks at home ahead 15 minutes.

Improper Cell Phone Use: Acts reported as "rude" are on the rise since the popularity of the cell phone. It is rude to text someone else while having a conversation with others, talking on your cell phone during meals, DRIVING while texting or calling, browsing the Internet during dates and dinners, and answering a cell phone call while attending to other business.

Why these days people who are rude generally don't care about other people?
Who deal with babies crying and barking dogs in restaurants?
Do you ignore your partner and text during dinner or dates?
How to deal with someone who is always late?
What are some ways to deal with noisy neighbors?
How to deal with people cutting in line in front of you?
Do you talk on your phone in a movie theater?
「steve jobs cartoon」的圖片搜尋結果
Billy 最近滿頭包 人生的磚頭滿多的 
美國遠房表哥    老賈打電話來   給了這句話真棒
"人生會用磚頭打你的頭。但不要喪失 信心"

我很確定,如果當年蘋果電腦沒開除我,就不會發生這些事情。這帖藥很苦口,可是我想蘋果電腦這個病人需要這帖藥。有時候,人生會用磚頭打你的頭。不要喪失 信心。我確信,我愛我所做的事情,這就是這些年來讓我繼續走下去的唯一理由。你得找出你愛的,工作上是如此,對情人也是如此。你的工作將填滿你的一大塊人 生,唯一獲得真正滿足的方法就是做你相信是偉大的工作,而唯一做偉大工作的方法是愛你所做的事。如果你還沒找到這些事,繼續找,別停頓。盡你全心全力,你 知道你一定會找到。而且,如同任何偉大的關係,事情只會隨著時間愈來愈好。所以,在你找到之前,繼續找,別停頓。 

週五(4/22)1. 坐的越久 死的越快2.願意為愛犧牲嗎?

本周六聚會 暫停 一次
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板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉       聚會時間7:00pm--9:30pm
Death desk
坐的越久 死的越快
How sitting down is killing you         menshealth  By Tom Banham

You probably don’t see yourself as sedentary. You lift weights for an hour most days, right? Perhaps you even fit in a lunchtime jog. But what about the rest of the day? In all likelihood, you park yourself in your office chair for over eight hours, bar the occasional tea run. You sit in your car or on public transport to get to the gym, then to get home. You kick back on the sofa to let your muscles recover in the evening (it is legs day, after all). Then you spend seven hours prostrate, until tomorrow, when you do it all again.

Added up, to put it bluntly, that’s a lot of time on your arse. Which should worry you, because a growing body of research shows that sitting down is destroying your body. According to a study published in the journal Circulation: Heart Failure, men who sit for five hours or more a day have a 34% increased risk of heart failure compared to their chair-avoiding counterparts – no matter how much they exercise. Their diabetes risk is doubled, they sleep less, and they put themselves at greater risk of depression and cancer. Jumping out of your seat yet?

The average man spends 9.3 hours a day seated and around another 7 asleep. Sedentary jobs have increased by 83% since 1950 and according to a recent survey by Sanlam Private Investments, office workers spend five years of their life at their desks, while 47% get less than an hour of exercise a week. We’re experiencing a global epidemic of obesity, heart disease and preventable cancers that can, partially, be traced to our time spent parked.

Not moving doesn’t just grow your spare tyre. It also has an insidious physiological impact, says professor Marc Hamilton of Pennington Biomedical Research Centre. “The underlying signals that are sensed in inactive muscles are different than the signals sensed when you’re doing exercise,” he explains. Hamilton’s research found sitting suppresses enzymes that counter cardiovascular disease, an effect that heavy exercise didn’t reverse. In other words, staying in your chair actively raises your chance of a heart attack, and hitting the gym won’t undo the damage. Instead, he says, you need “a large duration of low-intensity contractual activity throughout the day.”

So what exactly does that mean? “The key is a non-fatiguing type of physical activity that can be sustained for enough hours during the day,” explains Hamilton. Which translates to staying constantly active. Think of our ancestors who’d work in fields or forges, constantly moving but not overexerting: “They didn’t go weightlifting or jogging then sit around all day.”

The real issue is that we’ve experienced a cultural shift where inactivity’s become the norm. “If you haven’t done anything, then resting doesn’t make sense,” says Hamilton. “You need to rest from something.” He likens sitting to food and sleep. Some is vital, and without it, we die. But when we gorge, it brings problems.

Though we know sitting’s a risk, we’re not yet sure precisely why. But while research continues, there are theories. Sedentary people have increased blood lipids and fluctuating glucose and insulin levels, says Buckley. “Accumulate that over a lifetime, and it's likely to be why those people are affected by heart disease and diabetes more than people who don’t sit.” Both Hamilton and Buckley draw comparisons between sitting and smoking. Exercise’s effects are curtailed if around your supersets you’re sucking down 20 Benson and Hedges. It’s the same with sitting. Too much chair time stresses your insulin response and ups your diabetes risk.
Do you believe the idea that sitting down is killing you?      
How many hours you sit down in a day? Why sitting down is bad for health?
Do you sit around all day? How often you sit in front of a computer monitor?
What are the reasons that causing the sedentary life styles?
How often do you do exercise?
Why inactivity is become the norm?
What are your advices to the office workers who has long sitting time?
「Sacrificing for the Ones We Love」的圖片搜尋結果
The Pros and Cons of Sacrificing for the Ones We Love

Your spouse comes home from work and excitedly tells you that he just was offered a promotion — in another state. Do you quit your job and move away from your family to an unknown city so that he can pursue his career ambitions? Should you?

Close relationships require sacrifice. In fact, many people include sacrificing in the very definition of what it means to truly love another person. Sometimes that sacrifice can be life changing, such as deciding to move to a different state in order to be with your partner, other times it might be something small and seemingly mundane such as seeing your partner’s pick of an action movie instead of the comedy you would have chosen. Although sacrifice may be inevitable, when the time comes to do it, it’s not always an easy choice.

 -A longer-lasting and happier relationship. Relationships are more likely to last when people are willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the relationship. Couples are also more happy in relationships where the partners are willing to sacrifice for each other… it’s nice to know you care about each other enough to make the other person your top priority. 

-A nice little pat on the back. By making a sacrifice for your partner, you’ve proven to yourself that you have what it takes to be a good relationship partner. It also feels good to help someone you care about. Seeing your partner’s happy grin when you agree to attend their high school reunion instead of stay home and work may make the sacrifice worth it.

-A happier partner who is likely to reciprocate. Being willing to sacrifice for your partner lets them know that you care about them – and a happy, cared about partner is a good partner. A happy, cared about partner is also a partner who will be more likely to sacrifice for you when the time comes.

-Feeling inauthentic. Particularly in the US, we are raised with the belief that we need to be true to ourselves. By giving up something you want, or doing something you don’t want to do, all for the sake of your partner, you run the risk of feeling like you aren’t being true to yourself.
Are you willing sacrifice for the one you love?
What are the pros and cons of sacrificing for the ones we love?
Do you quit your job and move away from your family to an unknown city so that he can pursue his career ambitions?
Would you giving up something you want for the sake of your partner?
Are willing to make the one you love your top priority?
How to be a good partner? (good boyfriend or good girlfriend?)
How to have happier relationship?

週四(4/21)1.需要心理醫生嗎? 2.花影響你的心情

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉       聚會時間7:00pm--9:30pm

When to Consult a Psychologist?  Written by Brian Krans

Life is rarely without its challenges. There are some, however, that can be so overbearing that it seems impossible to move on. Whether it’s the death of a loved one or overwhelming feelings of anxiety, it’s important you know that help is available for every problem life throws your way.
Death is an unavoidable part of life, but that doesn’t make it any easier to deal with. Everyone handles the loss of a loved one—whether a parent or a pet—differently. Grieving openly or privately are common ways, but avoiding the realities of loss can lead to longer, lingering problems. A psychologist can help you find appropriate ways to cope with death of someone close to you.

Stress & Anxiety
Certain facets of life are stressful, and many situations—from a job interview to relationship problems—can cause you to feel anxious. Stress and anxiety, if left to fester, can lead to social isolation, depression, and a slew of other problems. A psychologist can help you manage stress and anxiety by finding the source or cause of your problems, as well as appropriate ways to overcome them.

Overwhelming feelings of helplessness or hopelessness are common signs of depression. While many believe people can just “snap out” of depression, it rarely occurs. Depression is a common disorder where people lose interest in things, experience fatigue, and often have trouble controlling their emotions. Psychologists can help you find your source of depression—often the first step to feeling better.

Family & Relationship Issues
Relationships, whether family, personal, or work-related, have their ups and downs. While they can be some of the best things in life, relationships can definitely be a source of stress and problems as well. Working with a psychologist (individually or in a group setting) can help iron out wrinkles that can form in even the strongest relationships.
When to consult a psychologist?
Do you need a psychologist when feel depress?
How to face life challenges?
How to handles the loss of a loved one?
What are the reasons cause life stressful?
How to handle stress and anxiety?
What to do when lose interest in things?
Who you ask for help when encounter family & relationship issues?

「flowers enhance one's mood.」的圖片搜尋結果
How Flower's Affect People's Moods    By: Cassi Jo Schriefer

Life can be stressful and hard to manage at times. People always seem to be looking for ways to relieve stress and better their mood. Nature offers a simple solution to improving one's emotional health: flowers! Being in the presence of flowers triggers happy emotion and heightens feelings of life satistifaction. In a study done by a team of researchers at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, it was proven that flowers have a positive effect on people's moods. Here are the results of the study:

Flowers have an immediate impact on happiness. All study participants expressed "true" or "excited" smiles upon receiving flowers, demonstrating extraordinary delight and gratitude.

Flowers have a long-term positive effect on moods. Study participants reported feeling less depressed, anxious and agitated after receiving flowers, and demonstrated a higher sense of enjoyment and life satisfaction.

Flowers make intimate connections. The presence of flowers led to increased contact with family and friends.

It's obvious that flowers make people happy. The study also explore where in the home people display flowers. Flowers were display in the areas of homes where visitors could see them--suggesting that the flowers are a symbol for sharing and make the room more welcoming.

According to Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institue and international color expert, “Our response to color is intensely emotional, and flowers can be a catalyst for feelings that stimulate more than just our senses of sight and smell,” said Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute. “An artful floral arrangement has the ability to convey a feeling or create a mood without using words, just color.” Below are five examples from Eiseman, that show how to effectively use flowers and color to affect and enhance one's mood.

Obviously, when ordering flowers for someone, one wants to pick out the best ones for that person at that particular time. Don't get worried if the names of all the flowers listed above are not familiar, or if a small-town florist doesn't carry all of them. A great bouqet can be arranged simply by following a few easy steps:
When ordering a floral arrangement or gift, describe the recipient's personality, as well as favorite hobbies or colors, which will help the florist create the best arrangement for the recipient's personal preferences.
Tell the florist if the gift is for a special occasion or just because. That way he or she will know the best way to create the right emotion with the flowers.
How flowers affect people's moods?  
Can flowers have an impact on happiness?
What are the factors that affecting your mood?
How to have good mood?
What are the ways get rid of stress?
What are the reasons women love flowers?
How color affects our mood

周六(4/16) 1. 都是因為長相?2. 是甚麼毀了心情

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板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉       聚會時間7:00pm--9:30pm
Ways You Can Be Fired For Your Appearance -- Legally (jobs.aol.com)
1. Too attractive: Unfortunately, it may well be legal to fire or refuse to hire an employee who is just too darned gorgeous. However, if your boss makes comments like, if his pants are bulging that's a sign your clothes are too revealing, as the boss in the too-pretty-to-work case did, you might have a case of sexual harassment. I'd also ask whether men and women are being held to the same standard. If hunky guys are allowed to stay but gorgeous gals are fired, that's a sign that sex discrimination might be happening in your workplace.
2. Too ugly: No doubt about it, attractive people are more successful than the beauty-challenged. Unfair? Absolutely. Illegal? Doubtful. However, this is another of those situations in which you should look around. If only males or only females are being held to the beauty standard, then it might be sex discrimination. Similarly, if only people of a particular race, age or national origin are being held to an appearance standard, the company may have crossed the line into illegal discrimination.
3. Too fat: While employers can and do fire, and refuse to hire or promote people because they are overweight, if you are obese, you might be protected under the Americans With Disabilities Act. If only overweight women are targeted (or only men), then there might be sex discrimination. I haven't seen a case like this, but I suspect that a person from a nationality that is disproportionately overweight might argue that weight standards have a disparate impact on their nationality. Michigan makes weight discrimination expressly illegal.
4. Wrong clothes: When I describe the concept of at-will employment to people, I usually say something like, "Your employer can fire you because they didn't like your shoes that day." Most people laugh, like I'm making that up. Yet this is the third time I've had someone tell me they were fired for their shoes. In every state but Montana, you're an at-will employee unless you have a contract or union agreement that says otherwise. Your employer can decide they don't like your shirt or your shoes and fire you. However, if they don't like your shirt because you are using it to protest working conditions, then the National Labor Relations Act says they can't fire you for that. If special shoes needed for a disability violate a dress code, the employer must provide a reasonable accommodation to allow the employee to perform their job. If the employee objects to a uniform or dress code for religious reasons, the employer may have to grant an accommodation to respect the employee's religious beliefs or face the consequences.
5. Too young: Sometimes people are turned down for jobs promotions because they look too young. This is legal in most states. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act only protects employees over age 40 against discrimination based on being too old. Some states, such as Alaska, Florida, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and New Jersey, and municipalities such as New York City, have laws prohibiting discrimination based on being too young.
What are the reasons for getting fired?
too attractive” “too ugly” “too fat” are the justified reasons being fired?
What if you getting fire because of “wrong clothes”?
What do you think the age/the weight discrimination in employment?
Why you should dress to impress at workplace?
What do you think about uniforms in companies?
What causes overweight and obesity?
 「ruin your mood」的圖片搜尋結果
Mistakes you do everyday that ruin your mood
1) Consumption of wrong data: How would it feel like if you were feeling full then you kept eating lots of food? Of course you will feel really bad. Food consumption isn't any different than information consumption. If you are in no mood to know the recent news, to find out who went into a relationship or to know what your friends did then checking your Facebook home can destroy your mood. Consuming information when you don't feel like it is like eating while you are full and this is why so many people end up feeling bad after checking their Facebook home (see also Why checking your Facebook home will make you unhappy)
2) Compulsive checking of important information: Lets suppose you were waiting for an important message or email. In such a case checking for that message every now and then might result in severe disappointment. The same happens to those who check their stock prices, social network updates or email very frequently.
3) When Eating goes wrong: Food can make us happy, this is a fact that many people know but just as you can get a temporary pleasure out of eating your favorite food you can also I) Feel really guilty if you believed that this food can affect your body shape or health II) Experience serious mood swings as a result of binging.
4) Physical vs emotional pain: In one study it was found that the areas in the brain that get activated as result of being socially rejected are the same as the ones that get activated when people experience physical pain. In other words just as your emotional state can affect your physical state your physical state can also affect your emotions as well. If you put your physical body under pressure then you are also pressuring your brain and emotional state (for example: not taking brakes, working late at night..etc)
5) Perception of time: If you are a procrastinator then i am sure you understand how you tend to feel more pressured as a the time passes. One of the external inputs that affects our moods is the passage of time. If you had certain tasks to complete then make sure you don't waste time at the beginning of the day else you will risk ruining your mood later on
6) Getting exposed to negativity: Whether its a discussion forum, a post with its angry comments or a verbal fight on a social network consuming this kind of information can dramatically lower your mood. In my previous article How words can change your brain and life i explained how getting exposed to few negative words can dramatically change your mood
What are things that you let ruin your mood?
Can the food you eat affect your mood? What are the food can make us happy?
How to deal with emotional pain?
Can money issue affect your mood?
What makes you happy?

How to avoid negativity at work?

週五(4/15)1. 傷感的廣告”剩女”2.不合理的劇情情節

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板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉       聚會時間7:00pm--9:30pm

Emotional advert about China's 'leftover women' goes viral     
By Heather Chen BBC News

An advertisement centred around "leftover women" in China has gone viral, provoking an emotional debate about single women in the country.

The issue of unmarried females, often stigmatised as "sheng nu" or leftover women, has long been a topic of concern in a society that prioritises marriage and motherhood for women.

Called the "Marriage Market Takeover", the four-minute long documentary-style video was commissioned by Japanese beauty giant SK-II.

In a statement to the BBC, SK-II President Markus Strobel said the advert was part of "a global campaign to inspire and empower women to shape their destiny".

"The film brings light to the real-life issue of talented and brave Chinese women feeling pressured to get married before they turn 27, for fear of being labelled 'sheng nu'".

He also said the company was adopting "a positive approach in helping women face pressures".
'Marriage Market Takeover'Image copyright SK-II Image caption Accompanied by English captions, the video introduces us to the lives of China's "sheng nu", or 'leftover women'
Heavy pressures from society

By government definition, a "leftover woman" refers to any unmarried female above the age of 27.

China's ruling Communist Party tries to urge single women to marry, to offset a huge gender imbalance caused by the recently ended one-child policy.

But according to Leta Hong Fincher, author of "Leftover Women: The Resurgence of Gender Inequality in China", single Chinese women are at "a real turning point" and many are beginning to embrace a single lifestyle and push back the stigma.

She told the BBC: "These are young women with strength and confidence, who are being specifically targeted by the state's deliberate campaign to pressure [them] into marrying.

Chinese women today are more educated than ever before and they are increasingly resisting marriage."
'Marriage Market Takeover'Image copyright SK-II Image caption The advert also focuses on the parents of single women and their emotional interactions
Ms Hong Fincher, who had a small consulting role in the video, said what made it particularly powerful was that it depicted "the actual state" of women in the country.

The torture experienced by the women in holding out against intense marriage pressure is also extremely real. It reflects the reality of so many young women professionals in China."
'Marriage Market Takeover'Image copyright SK-II Image caption "Maybe I am being selfish," this young woman says, before she breaks into tears. 'An unmarried woman is incomplete'
What do you think of the Emotional advert about China's 'leftover women’?    
What do you think that so called "leftover women" in China or in Taiwan?
What are your opinions about the "Marriage Market?
“Chinese women feeling pressured to get married before they turn 27, for fear of being labelled 'sheng nu'"
So what do you think the suitable age for marriage?
What are the benefits of being a single woman /a single man?
What are the benefits of being a married woman / man?
What do you think this saying 'An unmarried woman is incomplete'?
What are the reasons that people late for marriage?
Drama cliches in Korean Dramas
Amazingly Ridiculous Things That Happen In Most K-Dramas

1. Romeo And Juliet: Love At First Sight!
Korean Drama Cliche One Love at First Sight
2. Friends Turn To Enemies
Two friends who were once BFFs eventually turn against each other, usually because of a boy. No worries, usually by the end they make up and become best friends again.
3. Rich Boy Falls For the Poor Girl
The original drama love story; the rich boy falls for a tragically poor girl who he must save from her sad life. Even though she seemed perfectly happy until the rich boy came into her life and caused bullying and drama…
4. Completely Evil Mom Character
This lady’s only goal seems to be making our female lead miserable. She will do anything to break up the main couple, from evicting them to the classic dramatic slap-to-the-face.
5. Over-the-Top Accident Scene
Nothing screams drama like a car accident (or several) that wrenches our couple apart. Don’t forget the dramatic music and obvious foreshadowing.
6. Someone’s Sick
It isn’t a Korean drama unless someone has a terrible disease or is in a coma. How else would we justify one-sided confession monologues?
7. Annoying Secondary Female
You know this girl is coming when you hear the shrill sound of Oppa! in the distance. She whines, she hates on everyone, and she loves the male lead way too much. Cue another dramatic slap-in-the-face for our female lead.
8. Everyone is Super Pretty
It doesn’t matter if it’s a hospital or a school, everyone is extremely fashionable and beautiful. It makes everything seem twice as dramatic.
What do you think about K-Dramas?
What do you think about Taiwanese local Dramas?
Is it possible that love at first sight?
Why rich boy falls for the poor girl?
Why beautiful girls like rich guys?
Why everyone is Super Pretty in K-Dramas?
Your opinion about plastic surgery in S Korean and Taiwan?
What do you think Evil Mom Character in K-Dramas?
文/張嘉倫 國語日報

