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周五(6/5)1.世事無好壞 全為思想使然 2.吸引幸運 達成目標

聚會時間 晚上7:00-9:30
板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉
There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so ...
There is nothing good or bad, only thinking makes it so  mbarendezvous.com

William Shakespeare conveyed in one of his plays, the Hamlet, that “There is nothing good or bad, only thinking makes it so”. It is true that we label certain events as good as certain events as bad. It is because we have been taught from a young age to differentiate good from bad.

These terms are subjective in nature. What is considered good for one person can be bad for another. Our interpretations of events are based on our cultural backgrounds and upbringing, which shape our thinking.

For example, in India, killing a cow and eating beef are considered bad because Indians worship cows. However, outside India, eating beef and killing cows is common and not considered bad.

Beef is a form of diet, and is a delicacy. So, why is it that Indians consider the killing of cows wrong whereas people abroad just view cows as food? This is because from young, Indians have been socialized into thinking that a cow represents the symbol of Dharma. This is not so for other races and religions.

Read More : First Impression is the last impression,  Importance of Crops in India

Good and bad occurrences are classified by the behavior of the majority of the population. So, if an event occurs only in the minority of the population, it is considered taboo. For example, in the past, a marriage between people of the same gender was considered taboo by people all around the world.

Today, societies are slowly accepting such marriages, although they are still frowned upon to a certain extent. The fact that the viewpoints of people are changing shows that our classification of things in society are based on our thoughts, which can be altered from time to time; they are not fixed.

Many things that were considered taboo in the past are not necessarily bad today. In modern India, we see an increase in the number of inter caste marriages, a change in the dressing sense of women and a change in people’s lifestyles in general. This is because no event or occurrence is bad or good. It is only based on our thinking, which is fluid in nature, shaped by the forces of society.
Nothing is Either Good or Bad But Thinking Makes it So   Lawrence Gregory

Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so” – William Shakespeare

Is this really true? Well in my opinion yes it is because reality itself is neutral and we give it meaning through our mind/perception.

For example, the weather isn’t good or bad, our thinking makes it so. The weather is just the weather and it’s completely neutral. You can complain all you like about it being cold and wet but it want change the fact that it’s neutral…

Our day at work wasn’t good or bad, but thinking makes it so. Okay annoying things happen from time to time but if we can change our perception towards things then we can change ourselves. And usually for the better!

Nothing is inherently good or bad in this universe… we have the ability to create a duality of good and bad through our minds.

Another way to understand why this concept is true is to realize not everyone will see something in the same way. As an example. Say me and you go to watch a football match, I really enjoyed the match whilst you didn’t.

So was the game good or bad? Was I right that the game was good? No of course not, it was from my perspective that the game was good in the same way that it’s from your perspective that the game was ‘bad’.

If something was ‘set in stone’ good or bad then whenever something happened, we’d all respond in the same way, does this make sense?

If we want to experience less pain and frustration in life then it is wise to adopt a neutral standpoint towards everything. This doesn’t mean that you have a cold heart and have no emotional involvement in anything.

It just means you respect your mental well-being enough to realise that getting tied up in the ‘good & bad’ polarity will cause more “bad” than “good.”

What did you think of this? have you heard about this concept before of was it the first time you’ve heard of it? If so, then has it made you think a little? Tell me your thoughts by leaving a comment in the section below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
11 Phenomenal Crystals for Money, Prosperity and Luck - Money ...
吸引幸運 達成目標
How to Attract the Good Luck You Need to Achieve Your Goals  blog.iqmatrix

Lucky people tend to cultivate certain qualities and traits that help them attract good luck more frequently into their lives. The following list of traits has been found to be of most importance.

Those who have the luck of the Irish are optimistic by nature. They fully understand that optimism enables them to identify solutions and answers where pessimists only see problems and heartache.

Those who have the luck factor are generous by nature — tending to give to others without any hidden ulterior motives. Their generosity naturally gains people’s respect and admiration, and as a result, they are more likely to receive the support and assistance they need to achieve their personal goals and objectives.

People blessed with lady luck are humble by nature. This humble demeanor naturally widens their perspectives, enabling them to focus outwards outside of themselves, allowing them to spot opportunities that other people would miss because of their inwardly directed energies.
Exhibits Calming Effect on People

Those who have the luck of the Irish exhibit a calming effect on others, which makes people feel comfortable and relaxed within their presence. This naturally builds stronger bonds and relationships. As a result, people are more likely to help them if they ever require their assistance.
Relaxed Attitude

Those with the luck factor are not easily frazzled by the events or circumstances in their lives. This relaxed attitude enables them to spot opportunities that otherwise may be overlooked if they were to be ruled by their emotional reactions.
Very Approachable

People who seem to have innate good luck are very approachable. They are approachable because of the pleasant facial expressions they project, and because of their open and sincere body language. This naturally encourages other people to approach and interact with them on a regular basis.
Always Smiling and Laughing

Those gifted with the luck factor are always laughing and smiling while in the company of others. This naturally projects a carefree fun-loving energy that people are drawn to. As a result, they find that others are more willing to help and assist them with their personal goals and objectives.
Gives Good Eye-Contact

Individuals blessed with good luck fully understand that the best way to gain trust quickly with another person is through gentle and direct eye-contact. Once this trust has been established, a world of new opportunities arises.
Constantly Asking Effective Questions

Lady luck favors those who are fully aware of the influence that questions have over their lives. These people realize that asking the right questions will lead them to the answers they need that will enable them to overcome setbacks and attract the opportunities they desire to bring forth into their life.

Always Open to New Experiences

Individuals who have the luck factor realize that a new experience could potentially open a floodgate of new opportunities that they weren’t expecting. As a result, they will try almost anything, travel to any place, and do whatever they feel is necessary to experience life in a new and creative way.

Always Focuses on Patterns, Details, and Results

Those favored with the luck of the Irish realize that the entire world and the social fabric of humankind are built upon predictable patterns that once understood will open up a floodgate of new insights and understandings that will enable them to take advantage of opportunities that they may never have realized ever existed.
Never Dwells on Setbacks, Problems or Misfortune

Individuals blessed with good luck tend not to dwell too long on the setbacks and misfortune that life brings their way. They will, of course, take a little time to learn from these events, however, their time is often spent focusing on solutions, answers and the opportunities that these problems have brought their way.
Perceives Bad Luck in a Positive Light

Those living with the luck factor see what seems to be bad luck as nothing more than an event that is inconsequential to their long-term success and happiness. As a result, they break free from the shackles of misfortune by viewing it in a positive yet realistic Light.
Irrelevant Long-term

They see bad luck as being irrelevant in the long-term, fully knowing that the future cannot be measured or predicted by a single event or occurrence.

周五(5/29)1.內向的人 較易成功? 2.當你 "卡" 在生活中

聚會時間 晚上7:00-9:30
板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉
The revenge of the introvert | Psychologies
內向的人 較易成功?
Introverts Are More Successful In Life
Julia Kitlinski-Hong

In a society where speaking up is associated with success, it is easy to see why extroverts are preferred over their quieter introverted counterparts. It seems that the bigger the personality the more likely an individual is to succeed in life. Fortunately for introverts, this is not true. There are a lot of traits that introverts have that go largely unnoticed and are actually major contributors to achieving success. Read on to see how an introvert can excel in life.
They are highly creative

Introverts often have strong creative abilities and know how to utilize them as well. Being creative can help them in the workplace because it allows them to think outside of the box for solutions. Introverts are also known to be great inventors because they know how to be innovative and meet the needs of a certain populations with a fresh new idea.

They are great listeners

Introverts may be quiet, but that does not mean that they are not paying attention. While more extroverted personalities are stealing the spotlight, introverts are quietly observing everything around them and taking detailed notes. From workplace situation to personal relationships, being able to listen to others often give individuals an advantage because they notice the little details that are crucial to remedying a particular issue.
They are highly independent

Introverts tend to be alone to recharge and thus are highly independent because of this. Whether they are pursuing a personal hobby or a work-related assignment, they are able to avoid social distractions and really focus on the task on hand. While they can also be great team members their ability to work on their own makes them invaluable members of any team.

They are trustworthy

Introverts can be trusted with confidential information, because they are more likely to not go around spilling the beans as more social extroverts might do. Creating this type of trust is important for success in life whether it is in the workplace creating alliances with co-workers or personal situations building trust that is the foundation of a healthy friendship.
They are self-aware

Introverts are often more in tune with how they present themselves to the world and thus are likely to use this to their advantage. Not only are introverts great listeners to others, but they are also great at self-reflection. Whether they are creating an engaging presentation during a work meeting or realizing their faults during a fight with their partner.

They think before they speak

Another strength of introverts is that they think about what they are going to say before they speak. This is a great trait to have since the wrong words can be detrimental, whether in the workplace or in personal relationships. Introverts are great at gauging the situation around them and then carefully crafting meaningful thoughts to others. Introverts may not to say a lot in general, but when they do speak everyone makes sure to pay attention because they know they do not just blurt out what is on their minds.
10 Things To Remember When You're Feeling Stuck In Life
 當你 "卡" 在生活中
10 Things To Remember When You're Feeling Stuck In Life   thelawofattraction

1. Feeling stuck is a sign that it’s time to make a change.

Changes can shake-up your patterns, create new energy and change your outlook on life. If you feel stuck, this simply means that something isn’t working for you anymore. Whether it’s your job, your relationship, your house, your circle of friends or your hobbies, if you are not excited about them anymore, it’s probably time to finally do something to change it.

And next time don’t wait until you feel completely stuck in life to make that big step forward. Look out for these 8 signs that change is needed.
2. Even the tiniest possible step is progress.

You may think that there is nothing substantial you can do. But you don’t need to. Small things become big things. Focus on small steps, they are wonderful events on their own, so enjoy them.

Start right now, make a list of tiny ways you can get closer to your goal, then pick one and take it as soon as possible.

3. You don’t have to have it all figured out to move forward.

The thing with feeling stuck is that sometimes you don’t know what you need to get unstuck or what you want from life in general. But this “numbness” and “emptiness” that you’re feeling (temporarily!) should not stop you from making a change.

Even if you don’t see the end result and don’t know where it is exactly that you’re going, it is crucial to just start moving. Try new things, meet new people, buy new clothes – anything that can help you figure out what it is that you want and how to get it.

4. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Unpleasant truth. If you are just sitting around and waiting for something or someone to come into your life and suddenly change it for the better, you’re not going to get very far. YOU are the only one who can really make a difference. So start acting!
5. New beginnings can feel like endings.

Now, you may not actually see the opportunities that are coming your way. Those endings that make you sad and disappointed should be seen as new beginning. This is a new chapter in your life, your chance to change your life.
6. Beautiful things happen when you clear your life of all the negativity.

Negativity often comes hand in hand with feeling stuck. So your number one priority is removing toxicity from your life. And you can start with surrounding yourself with positive people and getting rid of the negative ones. Here are 8 types of toxic people you should walk away from.
7. Believe what your heart tells you, not what others say.

Ask yourself this – are you living someone else’s life? Are other people influencing your every decision? Remember that it’s YOUR life.

Here is what you can do:

    Have fun and experiment. Discover what it is that YOU like and care about.
    Spend time with yourself. Being alone isn’t a bad thing.
    Set boundaries. People should respect your choices and your individuality.
    Invest in your self-awareness.
    Question your beliefs.
    Take a step back and think about the bigger picture.

8. Stop overthinking.

Whatever happens, happens. Just relax. You cannot control everything, so you need to learn to just let go of some things. You may be feeling stuck because you are always in your own head, worrying and obsessing.

9. If it’s meant to be, it will happen at the right time, at the right place, for the right reasons.

Even though you are the one who is responsible for making a change in your life, you need to stay open-minded about how to do it. If you’re sticking to a specific way but failing, it may be because it just wasn’t meant for you. Try something else. And accept that things happen in a different order than the one you’ve got planned.
10. Your best is yet to come.

Don’t look back, you’re not going that way. Keep moving forward. Good things CAN happen and ARE going to happen.
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周五(5/22)1.吃出來的”性福”! 2.直播 是如何賺錢?

聚會時間 晚上7:00-9:30
板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉
吃出來的性福」 哪些食物能促進情慾- BBC 英伦网
Do aphrodisiacs really work?
Jessica Brown bbc

Chocolate, strawberries, oysters: we’ve all heard that certain foods can heighten our sexual desire and even performance. But is there any truth to the claims? BBC Future investigates.

Historically, foods considered to be aphrodisiacs were hard to find, rare or expensive, like truffles, foie gras and caviar, or shaped like a sex organ, like asparagus or artichokes, and even animal testicles,” Hopkins says.

One food that’s long been believed to heighten sexual desire is chocolate. Studies have shown that cocoa can increase blood flow in parts of our body beyond our torso. But when its direct relationship with sexual desire was studied, there was no evidence found to support its use as an aphrodisiac. 

In fact, no evidence has been found proving that any one food heightens sexual arousal or desire.

There is one exception: alcohol. A number of small studies have shown alcohol consumption is linked to arousal. But it can also impede sexual performance.

Red wine in particular may be indirectly linked to sexual function because of its potential benefits to heart health, says Michael Krychman, obstetrician, gynaecologist and a clinical sexual counsellor at the Southern California Center for Sexual Health and Survivorship Medicine. But it’s important to note that the link between red wine and cardiovascular health remains inconclusive.

Wine’s reputation as an aphrodisiac also may come from the fact that it’s part of the Mediterranean diet, defined as consisting primarily of plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, legumes and nuts, fish and olive oil and being relatively low in sugar, cheese and meat. More of a lifestyle than a single food, the Mediterranean diet may have aphrodisiac qualities.  

Holistic health

Research has found that red wine effects sexual function, but we don’t know if it’s the diet, or a combination of diet, lifestyle and genetics,” Krychman says. “What we do know is that, for people who exercise, have a healthy diet and lower stress, all these elements work together and they have better sex lives.”

Our overall diet can work as an aphrodisiac through benefits like improved blood flow, increased hormones or elevated mood, says Wright.

One study involving 600 women with type two diabetes found that the Mediterranean diet was linked to lower levels of sexual dysfunction, while another study concluded the diet may also be associated with an improvement of erectile dysfunction. “The bottom line is that a healthy diet of seafood, lean meats, nuts, fruit, vegetables and wholegrains, which is basically the Mediterranean diet, helps support nerve function and supports blood flow and hormones,” Wright says.

The reason there is no supporting evidence for any individual food to be an aphrodisiac is a good one: any one food having such a potent effect would be dangerous, says Jessica Abbott, senior lecturer in evolutionary ecology at Lund University in Sweden. 

Most of the food we eat isn’t going to have side effects, which is reassuring. If they did, it wouldn’t be safe to eat them regularly,” she says.

Any herbs that have been associated with aphrodisiacs are the types of food we wouldn’t usually eat much of, such as touch-me-not plants and high-dose root extract, which have active compounds used as defence against herbivores.”

Mind over matter

So why do some people swear that certain foods have aphrodisiac qualities?

It may simply be because they believe they will, says Krychman.

Oysters have limited evidence of having an effect on sexual desire, but a rigorous trial [proving that effect] is lacking – partly because the placebo effect is so big,” he says.

The fact that sexual desire is so multifaceted and individual for all aphrodisiacs can work to its advantage, says Nan Wise, psychotherapist and sex therapist at Rutgers University in New Jersey.

Desire is physical, psychosocial and relational, and involves a lot of variables. If you believe a food increases desire, the psychology of the placebo effect affects our capacity to get turned on or off,” Wise says.

It’s all about the context of the food we’re eating, adds the University of Hertfordshire’s Evans. “You don’t think of chocolate as an aphrodisiac every time you break into Twix. You have to be in the right context,” she
 Top Chinese Live Streamer Makes 100M Sales A Day New Money Amid ...
直播 是如何賺錢?
How to Make Money Livestreaming     - FilterGrade
Mason Lindblad

Many people are attracted to the idea of a livestreaming career. What could be better than working from home, and earning a living by playing video games, doing art, or showing off some other creative talent?

The harsh truth is, unfortunately, that most people who choose to livestream don’t make much money. Just like with being a musician or an actor, it’s hard to differentiate yourself and make it big.

However, we’ve compiled some of the best ways to make money from livestreaming, no matter what level you’re at! Read: Best 5 Livestreaming Platforms for Starting Your Stream

The Top Ways to Earn Money from Livestreaming
Run Advertisements

Some streaming platforms such as YouTube Live allow streamers to play ads at any time during their stream. This is a great opportunity for streamers to take a break while they run, as well as make a bit of money from ad revenue.

This is not generally the most profitable thing for streamers, so you wouldn’t be faulted for skipping ads as part of your money-making plan. Especially considering that viewers may get annoyed by constant ads.

Viewer Donations

One of the main ways streamers can make money is through donations from viewers. In fact, a 2017 study by Deloitte states that “The primary revenue model for this market is likely to be tipping, whereby viewers donate money to performers.” There are a lot of opportunities for viewers to send donations to streamers. Sometimes they do it just because they’re charitable and sometimes they do it because there is a message attached that they want the streamer to see.

Some streaming services are better than others when it comes to donations. Twitch allegedly takes 50% of a donation for themselves, whereas DLive gives 100% to the streamer.

YouTube has Superchat, which shows the donator’s message for longer, and highlights it, so that the streamer (and viewers) can see it better. Twitch has bits, which works similarly. Some streamers will have a message sent this way pop up on their actual stream for everyone to see. Mixer has sparks, which are very similar to bits.

You can also accept donations through PayPal, which may give you a better cut of the money.

An on-screen subscription message on Twitch streamer Tfue’s stream

Live content on most streaming platforms like Twitch and YouTube are free. But there can be extra content hidden behind a paid subscription. All streaming platforms have this paid option, and are mostly another way to support streamers. A monthly subscription is kind of like a monthly donation! Subscribers will receive special badges to signify their support, or be able to participate in subscriber-only chats. Twitch is also playing around with subscriber-only streams, which offers more incentive to subscribe.

An alternative to subscriptions is to open a Patreon page. Fans can donate each month to have access to special content. If that fits better than what your streaming platform gives, it may be worth looking into.

Sponsors and Brand Deals

Twitch streamer Shroud’s sponsor tiles on his stream page

If you are influential enough, a brand may reach out to you to promote their products on your stream. This is a great way to make a large sum of money or to get free gear from them. If you’re feeling brave, you can also reach out to brands yourself – the worst they can say is “no”!

The best rule of thumb is to stay on-theme. Don’t promote lawn-care products on your gaming channel, for example. Both you and the brand involved will have a better experience if the product resonates with your audience. If you want to make money livestreaming, then having sponsors to create a “base income” for yourself is a great strategy.

周五(5/15)1.情感的 ”最後一根稻草” 2.為了健康請好好地哭!

聚會時間 晚上7:00-9:30
板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉
The Last Straw
情感的 最後一根稻草
People Reveal What The Final Straw Before Breaking Up Was For Them, & OMG, Yikes
By Christy Piña

Breakups happen. Whether we want them to or not, sometimes it's just time to move on. Maybe your breakup was a long time coming, or maybe your partner does one awful thing, and that makes you realize, in that moment, it's over. The final straw before breaking up can come out of nowhere, or it could be something that seems small that's been bugging you, and only once it happens enough times do you realize that it's actually a deal-breaker.

The final straw can happen at any point in a relationship, whether you've been together for a couple of months, or a couple of years. I know this sounds cynical, but I don't think there's ever a time in a relationship where a breakup isn't possible — yes, even after decades of marriage. The final straw that leads to breaking up can vary per person and per couple. It could be that you finally realize your partner doesn't make you a priority. Or maybe they try to control every aspect of your life, and that's definitely not OK. It's your life.

To see what other people felt were the final straws before breaking up with their partners, I turned to Reddit. This is what I found.
It's all about the money, money, money.

    Our biggest fights were always about money, she came from a VERY well off family (multi-millionaires) and both of my parents are high school teachers.... So we had differing opinions on how to live.... When I landed my first job out of college it paid 40k and she asked me how I was planning on providing for a family on that kind of salary? I said with a wife who works as well haha thinking it was a dumb question since we had only dated a year and had no plans to get married anytime soon, she then said "I should of stayed with my ex he makes 80k now" and I said.... Okay we're done haha never looked back

Their needs always come before yours.

    When my ex dropped me off at urgent care when i asked him to take me, then straight up left to hang out with his friend somewhere else.

    I had a roller derby bout the night before, and woke up with my shoulder having sharp pains. I asked him to take me because i didn't know who else to call, then he dropped me off at urgent care to wait by myself for 3 hours while him and his friend went somewhere else. We were already not talking because of a previous fight the other day, but I at least expected him to wait with me. I realized then that he would always put his needs before mine and that would never change. Also he had no aspirations or life goals, so it was bound to happen eventually.

    During my tour in Afghanistan, he called my mother to tell her that when I got back, I would have to leave the army and have his children... I was 19, he was 27... sh*t just got creepy too fast, and I was too busy dodging rockets to notice.

    She wouldn't stand up for me. Gender stereotypes aside, if anyone hurt her or she needed help. I'd go way the f*ck out of my way to help her. But her friends woulvfddd openly insult me in front of her and she would just stand there. I tried to talk to her about it and she said she would handle it but never actually did, as the insults or backhanded comments kept coming.

    After one month of dating and getting drunken texts every Friday demanding why I wouldn't do hardcore BDSM with him, just noped out and told him to f*ck off.

The final straw could be super obvious and in your face, or more discreet and develop over time. The sad truth is, some relationships have expiration dates. It's normal for them to come to an end, but honestly, it might be for the better. There could be something even more amazing waiting for you out there.
  5 Amazing Reasons Why Crying is Good For Your Health Status
Go Ahead, Have a Good Cry: 5 Reasons Why It's Good for You
Marlo Sollitto   agingcare

Researchers have proven what many caregivers have already figured out on their own: Sometimes there’s nothing like a good cry to make you feel better. While society often callously considers shedding tears to be a sign of weakness, it is a cathartic experience and highly evolved behavior.

Neuroscientist Dr. William H. Frey II, author of Crying: The Mystery of Tears and founder and co-director of the Alzheimer’s Research Center at Regions Hospital in St. Paul, Minnesota, has spent over 20 years studying crying and tears.

According to Frey, “Crying is not only a human response to sorrow and frustration, it’s also a healthy one.” It is a natural way to reduce stress that, if left unchecked, can have negative physical effects on the body, including increased risk of cardiovascular disease and other stress-related disorders. In addition to the physical benefits, research shows that 85 percent of women and 73 percent of men feel less sad and angry after shedding some tears.
How Is Crying Good for You?

    It Relieves Stress
    Chronic stress can increase the risk of heart attack, damage certain areas of the brain, contribute to digestive issues like ulcers, and cause tension headaches and migraines, among other health issues. “Humans’ ability to cry has survival value,” Frey emphasizes. When it comes to stress reduction techniques for family caregivers, crying may not be as effective as something like respite care, but in dire circumstances a good cry can provide a temporary release.
    Crying Lowers Blood Pressure
    Crying has been found to lower blood pressure and pulse rate immediately following therapy sessions during which patients cried and vented. High blood pressure can damage the heart and blood vessels and contribute to stroke, heart failure and even dementia.
    Tears Remove Toxins
    In addition, Frey says crying actually removes toxins from the body. Tears help humans eliminate stress hormones like cortisol that build up during times of emotional turmoil and can wreak havoc on the body. Crying is both a physical and emotional release that helps humans start over with a blank slate.
    It Reduces Manganese
    The simple act of crying also reduces the body’s manganese level, a mineral which affects mood and is found in significantly greater concentrations in tears than in blood serum. Elevated manganese levels can be associated with anxiety, irritability and aggression.
    Embrace Your Emotions and Humanity
    While the eyes of all mammals are moistened and soothed by tears, only human beings shed tears in response to emotional stress. Crying helps us acknowledge the feelings we’re experiencing, and emotions motivate us to empathize, coordinate and work together to survive. In fact, crying serves an important social function. It communicates the strength and nature of relationships, elicits sympathy and even assistance, and draws individuals closer to one another.

The next time you’re feeling overwhelmed and fighting back tears, do yourself a favor and keep these points in mind. Finding a quiet place to decompress or a supportive shoulder to cry on might be exactly what you need.

周五(5/8)1.最健康的國家 2.如何有”好日子”?

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板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
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BBC - Travel - The healthiest countries to live in
The healthiest countries to live in
Lindsey Galloway bbc

The fight at the frontlines of Covid-19 is being waged in clinics and hospitals around the world. But the success of that fight has, in large part, depended on the effectiveness of the healthcare systems in each country. So far, there’s been a noticeable correlation between a country’s ability to contain the virus and previous rankings of its healthcare system to provide positive health outcomes.

Top 10 healthy countries, according to the 2019 The Legatum Prosperity Index

1. Singapore
2. Japan
3. Switzerland
4. South Korea
5. Norway
6. Hong Kong
7. Iceland
8. Denmark
9. The Netherlands
10. Austria

For this report, we looked specifically at the 2019 The Legatum Prosperity Index, conducted by the eponymous London-based think tank, which measures economic and social prosperity policies and conditions based on 12 pillars in 167 nations. The health pillar of the index specifically measures the extent to which people in each country are healthy and have access to the services necessary to maintain good health, including health outcomes, healthy systems, illnesses and risk factors, and mortality rates.

We talked to doctors and residents in some of the top-ranked countries within the health pillar to understand which aspects of the medical establishment have enabled them to manage the virus and its outcomes, what continued challenges lie ahead, and how locals are feeling about living there.


Ranked second in the index’s health pillar, Japan has been praised globally for its early successful management of Covid-19, though a recent infection spike has put the country back on alert, with the prime minister issuing a state of emergency across much of the country on 7 April. Despite that, the country has not yet enforced a lockdown, and this is in large part due to the ability of the country’s medical system to manage the virus in its early stages.

    Many Japanese already wear a face mask, especially in winter and spring, and it is one of the reasons that we don't have a big outbreak yet

Even if residents can’t get a Covid-19 test (which are still restricted here to those with severe symptoms), they can visit a local clinic and be quickly diagnosed with a CT scan. “A patient with no symptoms can get diagnosed with pneumonia by CT scan even if the patient has a very early stage of pneumonia,” said Tokyo-based Dr Mika Washio, a doctor at AirDoctor, a service that connects travellers with doctors around the world. “Then the patient can get treatment quickly. This is one of the reasons Japan doesn’t have many severe cases.” Japan is also still working on finding and managing the clusters of infections to minimise the spread.

The existing health-conscious culture of Japan has also minimised the impact of the Covid-19 crisis. “Many Japanese already wear a face mask, especially in winter and spring, and it is also one of the reasons that we don't have a big outbreak yet,” said Washio. “Additionally, more than 60% of Japanese have an annual health check-up, and we try to keep [in] good health condition, so it is another cause of less severe cases.”

That doesn’t mean there might not be challenges ahead. Washio notes that many patients who are diagnosed should be at the hospital under normal circumstances, but the country is trying to save the beds for the most severe cases as the government prepares additional resources.

South Korea

Coming in at fourth place in Legatum’s health pillar, South Korea was particularly prepared to handle the Covid-19 outbreak after the experience of containing Middle-East respiratory syndrome (Mers) in 2015. Healthcare providers and hospitals were already equipped and trained to act in such a crisis. The country has been able to test more than 450,000 people, just under 1% of its population of 51 million, and the daily new caseload has been hovering at just 47 to 53 infections in recent days.

The nature of Korea’s healthcare system also contributed to the early diagnosis and treatment of Covid-19 across its population, where every citizen is covered by the National Health Insurance Service (NHIS). “Due to relatively low medical cost thanks to universal public insurance coverage coupled with government-driven price setting, in addition to a fee-for-service model, imaging and lab tests are widely performed in South Korea's healthcare system,” said Seoul-based Dr Brandon B Suh, also the CEO of Lunit, a company working to give AI tools to healthcare providers. “With the Covid-19 outbreak, many [people] were diagnosed early and proper management was applied in a timely manner.”

The government and businesses have also moved quickly moved to implement effective health measures. “The government stabilised the supply of masks by implementing a new measure in the purchase of the mask, matching each day with the last digit of the birth year,” said Seoul office worker Yongbok Lee. “Many [places] check body temperatures before entering buildings and large buildings even have thermal cameras installed. The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other government agencies are working hard in the front line, and people are showing great appreciation towards the efforts they put in.”
How to Sleep Better - HelpGuide.org
7 Ways to Have a Great Day--Every Day 

1. Listen to or read something that inspires you.

Rather than distract yourself with news or "entertainment" that only adds to your stress, fill your quieter moments with music, books, and TED-like talks that are uplifting and help you aspire to be your best.

2. Make your body stronger and more resilient.

When it comes to physical condition, there's no such thing as staying in the same place. At the end of the day, you've either gone downhill or uphill. Take time each day to exercise and eat well--at least enough so you're headed in the right direction!

3. Review and hone your plans for the future.

You'll make better decisions and be more satisfied with your results if you know that most of what you're doing fits into your long-term plans and goals. That's only possible if you keep those plans and goals in the forefront.

4. Do at least one thing that's worthwhile.

Hopefully your day-to-day work is a worthwhile endeavor, but if you're stuck in a holding pattern of busywork (it happens to all of us), make the extra effort to find something to do that makes a difference and improves the world.

5. Help somebody less fortunate.

Self-centered people are always unhappy because they're shoveling all their energy into the bottomless pit of their egos. The best and easiest way to get over yourself is to do something for somebody who needs your help. Do it anonymously, if possible.

6. Spend 20 seconds appreciating what you have.

If you're reading this blog post, you're probably striving to achieve an even higher level of success. However, if you don't stop and feel grateful, I guarantee that you won't enjoy yourself when you get wherever you're headed.

7. Record at least one good memory.

At the end of the day, take out your journal, smartphone, or tablet and write down at least one positive memory about that day. In future months and years, you can glance through these memories to give yourself a boost and remind you why you work so hard.

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I've written before about workplace happiness in terms of general rules like "don't obsess about things."  Good advice, certainly, but general rules sometimes aren't enough.

For most people, getting into--and staying in--a better mood comes down to the actions they take, rather than the rules they follow.

With that in mind, here are seven specific actions that you should take each day if you really want to squeeze the most juice out of your work experience.

1. Listen to or read something that inspires you.

Rather than distract yourself with news or "entertainment" that only adds to your stress, fill your quieter moments with music, books, and TED-like talks that are uplifting and help you aspire to be your best.

2. Make your body stronger and more resilient.

When it comes to physical condition, there's no such thing as staying in the same place. At the end of the day, you've either gone downhill or uphill. Take time each day to exercise and eat well--at least enough so you're headed in the right direction!

3. Review and hone your plans for the future.

You'll make better decisions and be more satisfied with your results if you know that most of what you're doing fits into your long-term plans and goals. That's only possible if you keep those plans and goals in the forefront.

4. Do at least one thing that's worthwhile.

Hopefully your day-to-day work is a worthwhile endeavor, but if you're stuck in a holding pattern of busywork (it happens to all of us), make the extra effort to find something to do that makes a difference and improves the world.

5. Help somebody less fortunate.

Self-centered people are always unhappy because they're shoveling all their energy into the bottomless pit of their egos. The best and easiest way to get over yourself is to do something for somebody who needs your help. Do it anonymously, if possible.

6. Spend 20 seconds appreciating what you have.

If you're reading this blog post, you're probably striving to achieve an even higher level of success. However, if you don't stop and feel grateful, I guarantee that you won't enjoy yourself when you get wherever you're headed.

7. Record at least one good memory.

At the end of the day, take out your journal, smartphone, or tablet and write down at least one positive memory about that day. In future months and years, you can glance through these memories to give yourself a boost and remind you why you work so hard.