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周六(7/1)1.需要愛情教練嗎? 2.成功的指標—意志力? 下午4:00-6:00

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮

「Dating coach」的圖片搜尋結果
Dating coach helps men clear their heads in order to fill their hearts
By Jiang Yuxia Source:Global Times

Some might be born experts in the art of seduction, while others need a bit of help. This is where dating coach Xu Yue comes in handy.

The Beijing native started offering dating advice in New York City two years ago, and since then has seen her career rise. She now coaches men face-to-face or online around the world, with a focus on Beijing and New York.

"I don't think romance can be taught, because it's based on emotions, chemistry and gut feelings. However, mindsets and perspectives can be changed to improve your overall dating experience and thus increase the possibility of romance," said the high-spirited Xu, who moved to the US at eight and is also a dancer and TV host.

With her own coaching website entitled singlefied.com and a series of videos under her pseudonym Miss Singlefied on Youtube, the 31-year-old has established herself as one of a growing number of dating coaches in the US and China.

The profession took off in recent years in light of a more confusing and complicated dating environment caused by rapid social shifts, such as easily accessible technology and the emergence of non-traditional households.

Xu only coaches men and has won trust from over 100 clients, who place their romantic life in her hands.

Xu finds men easier to coach as they are more direct with their feelings and eager to follow her advice.

To be a good dating coach, the two essential qualities are "good, active listening skills and a sociological mindset," said Xu, who has a double major in business and sociology.

"In a conversation, the first five minutes are essential because the person is verbally processing their thoughts, so their words have a lot of meaning in that short period of time," she said. "A sociological mindset means being able to process societal changes and trends pertaining to dating and making them relevant to the client."

"The idea of 'picking up chicks' is so new to them and they're eager to learn," Xu noted.

However, her advice is not about how to pick girls up, but about how to enhance their dating experience and engage in more meaningful relationships.

In spite of the differences, one problem her clients have in common, she has noticed, is going after the wrong women.

What do you think about Dating coach?
What are the male body language - posture, voice tone & gestures that
Attract the one you like?
How to deal with rejection?
If you like a guy, what to do if she has a boyfriend or he has a girlfriend?
What are the effective conversation topics that work on women/men?
What are the effective conversational skills, abilities; strategies?
How to approach women/men alone?
What are the approaches at dating men/women?
Grit: Is It The Key To Success?      levo.com

In her poignant TED Talk, Angela Lee Duckworth argues that the key to success is grit—a characteristic she defines as “passion and perseverance for very long-term goals.”
Duckworth’s talk inspired me to think about concrete applications of grit. Below are five ways to have more “grit” in your everyday life.

1. Set long- and short-term goals

Grit is all about working hard to make your long-term goals a reality, but in the push and pull of daily life, it’s hard to keep long-term goals at the forefront of your mind. Set smaller “bite-sized” goals to help move you along towards your longer-term goals, and look at them frequently.

2. Pace yourself

Reaching long-term goals takes time. The best way to pace yourself is to create good habits. This could mean going to bed earlier, making time to disconnect from technology, or even just setting time aside in your schedule to work out. Forcing yourself to practice these habits, even when it’s inconvenient, will build up your self-discipline and sense of autonomy.

3. Don’t be afraid to fail and take risks

These days, everyone is talking about the importance of failure and taking risks. It begs the question: What does this actually look like in real life? Taking risks in your career could mean taking on a project without lots of direction, proposing an innovative disruptive solution, or even just speaking up in a meeting even though everyone vehemently disagrees with your point of view. According to Duckworth, the brain grows in response to challenges, and this growth increases the likelihood of perseverance and success.

4. Apply the lessons you’ve learned

We’re so focused on moving forward that we forget to look back to the lessons we’ve learned. When faced with a problem, take time to look back at the most challenging circumstances in your life and ask yourself, how did I get through that? What skills did I use? Who was there for me in those moments? Who are the people I want to surround myself with? You know more than you think you know, just make sure you give yourself the time and space to reflect or else you’ll end up making the same mistakes over and over again.

5. Make hard, uncomfortable decisions

Grit is sticking to your long-term goals despite all the noise around you. The fact that not everyone in your life will support you in reaching your goals is a harsh reality. If you want to be successful and see your goals come to life, it’s going to mean facing some uncomfortable situations and listening to your gut. Instead of avoiding sticky situations and confrontations, take them head-on. In the words of the great Seth Godin, embrace discomfort because these uncomfortable, challenging situations are the ones that force us to grow the most.
Grit: Is it the key to success?   
How do you get gritty?
How to set long- and short-term goals?
Do you making the same mistakes over and over again? How to change it?
Why taking risks important?
What to do when facing some uncomfortable situations?
Do you listen to your gut when making decisions?

週四 (6/29)1.快樂之道 2.法國菜第一?/台灣菜

板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮院  左轉     PM7:00--9:30

「 Making Yourself Happy」的圖片搜尋結果
Reasons to Focus on Making Yourself Happy     sumerpics.altervista.

Every person makes this world wonderful and happy. It is important to struggle for happiness, but you should start with yourself. You should change your negative vision of the world and control your emotions and feelings. It turns out that happiness doesn’t depend on external factors, but it has a direct connection with your inner feeling of contentment. Remember that it is possible and quite easy to be happy being yourself. However, if you don’t learn to accept who you are, you will never grow as a person. Read on these reasons and I hope your life will be colored by new and pleasant changes.

You are responsible for your happiness

Let me ask you a question, “Who is responsible for your happiness?” The answer is YOU. Only you have total control over your happiness. Nowadays it’s easy to believe you are trapped without choices and you are somehow at the mercy of everyone and everything around you. The truth is that we always have a choice to change our life and circumstances for better. If something in your life makes you feel despondent, then you should change it, because everything is up to you in your life.

 You know what happiness is to you

Surely, everyone has the picture of happiness in mind. Someone sees happiness in money; others can be happy enjoying the beauty of nature or playing with a funny kitten. Maybe it makes you happy to sit on the beach and watch the sunset. If you have the aim and make appropriate efforts, you will certainly succeed and feel yourself happy.

Finding your own joy is wondrous

Once I asked an old man how to become happy and he shared a small secret of life with me. The power to decide to be happy is one of the most important things in your life. Those who have made such a discovery in their life are happy. It’s important to find your own joy and let yourself be free of bad thoughts and feelings. Many people spend the whole life understanding and realizing this truth.

You have one life

Mae West once said an interesting thing, “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” You have all chances to feel happy. You have a choice to live the only life the way you like. There’s no time for negative emotions and misery. There are so many marvelous places to visit and so many positive emotions to experience. You should realize that it’s necessary to risk and face difficult situations, because it’s very difficult to struggle for happiness. It usually requires strong will to survive and move on in spite of everything. You should always remember that life is beautiful.

 You’ll become a nice person

I think it is easy to notice a happy person in the crowd, because happiness usually changes people in many aspects. Happy people often smile, have bright eyes and think positively. Moreover, it’s a great pleasure to communicate with such people. When you try to make yourself happy, you make people around you feel better at the same time.

Reasons to focus on making yourself happy?
Who is responsible for your happiness?
How to make this world wonderful and happy?
How to be a nice person?
Does money make people happier?
How to rewire your brain for positivity and happiness?

「The French Cuisine  chef」的圖片搜尋結果
Why The French Cuisine Is The Best In The World   by Paris is Paris

People imagine that French cuisine is pricey, fancy, snobby and extremely expensive, or it is a cuisine for holidays and events. In reality, French Food comes down to blending flavors together, layering tastes to master techniques to truly savor and enjoy your food choices each and every time you take a bite. Through this post, we will try to answer the intriguing question: why the French cuisine is the best in the world?

French gastronomy is all about using the right fresh ingredients with well-mastered techniques in a mentality designated for dining experiences. Each and every time you make a French meal, you can savor every harmonious aspect of a dish surrounding a succulent main ingredient and a thick sauce (for example, chicken is used with burgundy to make coq au vin, or basque is used to make Chicken Basque). Soups, stews, and sauces are great with French dishes, layered with mirepoix (which is a mixture of celery, onions, garlic, carrots, and sometimes wine). Each ingredient is reduced to a concentrated flavor, delivering a browned effect of flavor intensity and fresh herbs that provided the final one-two blast of flavor to fill your mouth for hours to come.

French cuisine is about making time-honored traditions like cassoulet, steak au poivre or bouillabaisse. This includes the sauteing, roasting, braising, poaching, and boiling of dishes (for example to prevent meat from getting tough when it’s cooked).

The Ingredients and culture of Taiwanese food         wiki

Pork, seafood, chicken, rice, and soy are very common ingredients. Beef is far less common, and some Taiwanese (particularly the elderly generation) still refrain from eating it.[1] This is in part due to the considerations of some Taiwanese Buddhists, a traditional reluctance towards slaughtering precious cattle needed for agriculture, and an emotional attachment and feeling of gratitude and thanks to the animals traditionally used for very hard labour. However, due to influences from the influx of out of province Chinese in the early 1900s, the Taiwanese version of beef noodle soup is now one of the most popular dishes in Taiwan.

Taiwan's cuisine has also been influenced by its geographic location. Living on a crowded island, the Taiwanese had to look aside from the farmlands for sources of protein. As a result, seafood figures prominently in their cuisine. This seafood encompasses many different things, from large fish such as tuna and grouper, to sardines and even smaller fish such as anchovies. Crustaceans, squid, and cuttlefish are also eaten.

What do you think about French cuisine?
Why the French cuisine is the best in the world? 
Do you really care about food choices? Why? Or why not?
In your opinion, which country has the best food?
Do you know how to cook?
What do you think about the ingredients and culture of Taiwanese food?  
What do you think about Taiwanese beef noodle?

週二(6/27)1.“金錢”在感情中 重要嗎? 2.沒有結帳櫃檯的超市!

板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮院  左轉     PM7:00--9:30
「how important Money love relationship」的圖片搜尋結果

金錢在感情中 重要嗎?
Reasons Money Actually Does Matter In Every Relationship, Whether You Want It To Or Not
Kat George  bustle

Money is problematic enough when you're single and alone and trying to make rent and eat dinner and have the most fabulous dress at the party or the newest gadget to play with on the subway, but throw another person into the equation and things start to get dicey. Money, despite what any of us wants to believe about "love conquering all", really matters when you're in a relationship. I'm not just talking about letting someone pay for dinner on a date; We all know that even though we're empowered feminists, it's nice to be treated to a nice night out by someone else from time-to-time, and also, you're kidding yourself if you think that's the extent of how money will factor into your relationship. Love might, indeed, conquer all, but love still needs a roof over its head, and probably also doesn't want to have awkward conversations about financing a romantic getaway.

1. Relationships should be equal—and you need to decide what that means for you

Relationships should always be equal, and that means different things to different people. Some people think "equal" means a total 50/50 split in finances, but often that's not always possible or realistic for a couple. What if both parties don't make the same amount of money? Why should they feel forced to split things evenly, if it doesn't make sense for them, and they're comfortable coming up with another arrangement? Money can become important when one party can't keep up with the other financially but is still expected to.

2. You don't want to unexpectedly need to support someone

Knowing how much money your partner makes/has is important. It just is. I'm not saying you have to start asking for bank statements on a second date, but if you've been together for a while, and plan to stay together, or if you're planning to move in together, you don't want to have "Surprise! I'm broke!" suddenly come up. It's more than fine to support your partner in trying times, and have them do the same for you, but you don't want to wake up one day to someone simply expecting you to carry them. You want to know that while your partner might not always be in a comfortable financial situation, their ultimate goal is to be able to put money in the bank, not to ride on your coattails like some lazy freeloader.

3. It's too easy to fight about money

If you don't pay proper attention to the way money functions within your relationship, it can be destructive. If you don't communicate and have an open dialogue about your finances, you can very quickly find yourselves fighting about how the other spends money. You use money every day. Money affects everything from where you live to what you have for breakfast. Of course it's going to affect the way two people who are sharing their lives, to whatever degree, live with one another. It's important to pay attention to it, and to make sure that you're clear enough in your financial discussions that it doesn't sneak up and cause unnecessary friction.
Does money really a matter in every relationship?
What is the importance of money in your life?
How to talk to your partner about money?
Should you tell your girlfriend/boyfriend about your savings?
Do you believe that "love conquering all"?
What to do if your partner who is a lazy freeloader?

「Amazon opens futuristic shop with no tills or cashiers」的圖片搜尋結果

End of the supermarket queue? Amazon opens futuristic shop with no tills or cashiers
James Titcomb  telegraph.co.uk

Long queues at the supermarket could soon become a distant memory after Amazon unveiled a grocery store without tills or barcode scanners.

The internet retailer has opened a grocery store in which shoppers only have to scan their smartphone upon entry, with purchases automatically charged to a credit card when they leave the store.

The shop has a network of CCTV cameras and pressure sensors to detect when visitors have taken something off the shelves, at which point it is added to their virtual shopping basket. When they exit the store, their purchases are charged directly to the shopper’s online Amazon account, without the need to wait at the till.

The gates at the entrance scan a barcode

The company said the “Amazon Go” stores had been in development for four years. It has opened the first outlet - an 1,800 square foot food store near its Seattle headquarters.

The shops use machine vision technology to identify what shoppers take certain items. When something is taken off a shelf, a pressure sensor is activated and cameras in the store identify which shopper has taken the product in question.

Unlike the pressure sensors at many hotel minibars, which charge people as soon as they are triggered, consumers can remove an item from their basket and put it back on the shelf without being charged.
Amazon Go
Picking up an item charges it to a virtual shopping basket

To prevent shoplifters, the store has gates on the front, and shoppers must scan a code with a smartphone app to gain entry.

Although best known for online retail, Amazon has opened a number of bricks and mortar bookstores in the US in recent years. The “Go” store is currently open only to Amazon employees but will open to the public next year.
What do you think that “the no cashier supermarket”?
How technology helps us in our daily lives?
Why people hate waiting in line?
What really drives you crazy about waiting in line?
What are the factors that will makes us spend more in supermarkets?
Is “customer services” good enough in Taiwan?
Why is the Asian supermarket cashier rude?

周六(6/24)1.戒掉珍珠奶茶吧!2. 為什摩EQ重要過IQ? 下午4:00-6:00

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
「Pearl milk tea bad for health」的圖片搜尋結果
Tapioca Pearl Problems        by Keng Lam

Boba milk tea, also known as pearl milk tea or bubble milk tea, is a cold, sugary drink that usually contains little black balls of starch called tapioca. I admit: It is the drink I go to every time the weather is hot. Originally from Asia, it has become one of the most popular beverages among college-age students in the U.S. Teens and kids seem to love it as well. And why not? These little balls of starch, extracted from cassava plants, have a chewy texture and they taste sweet, but not overwhelming so.

Last fall, a report from Germany quenched many people’s thirst for this drink—after it suggested that tapioca pearls may cause cancer. Very quickly, media around the world picked this up and reported its conclusions as a factual discovery.

Let’s take a careful look at this study and the reporting on it. Researchers from the University Hospital Aachen tested tapioca balls from an unnamed Taiwanese chain, and found the chemicals styrene and acetophenone as well as non-specified substances attached to the element bromine. The lead researcher of the study and many media sources identified these substances as belonging to a class of compounds called PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls). And that set the ball rolling because the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has concluded long ago that exposure to PCBs can cause cancer in animals. Some studies on workers exposed to PCBs found that PCBs are associated with liver cancer and malignant melanoma. But, keep in mind that association does not mean cause.

The Taiwanese government soon became involved in this imbroglio—a lot of money was at stake. The Consumer Protection Committee in Taiwan did a round of testing, collecting 22 samples of tapioca pearls from seven manufacturers, and concluded that none contained styrene. The agency did find brominated biphenyls and acetophenone, but the quantity was too small to create any health concerns. Unfortunately, the sample size was very small and the details of their analysis have not been made available.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also weighed in. According to Noah Bartolucci, an FDA spokesperson, acetophenone and styrene are not PCBs because they are neither chlorinated nor biphenyls. “Both acetophenone and styrene are aromatic compounds (PCBs are also aromatic), but being an aromatic compound is not, in and of itself, a reason for toxicological concern,” he said. In other words, both the investigators and the media incorrectly identified these substances as being part of a potentially dangerous class of compounds.

Not only are acetophenone and styrene not classified as PCBs, but they are legally permitted to be added to food as synthetic flavoring substances, and are regulated as such by the FDA. As Bartolucci explained, “The FDA conducted a safety assessment for each of these substances before they could be used in food intended for the U.S. market.”

As for the substances in the tapioca that contained bromine, the German report did not name them or specify their quantity. In fact, the researchers failed to note how much of any of the substances they found in the tapioca pearls, which is important because, as the phrase goes, it is the dose that makes the poison.

In addition, the German report was not published in a peer-reviewed journal, so the study itself was not evaluated by other scientific experts to ensure its accuracy. If a study is not published in a peer-reviewed medical or scientific journal, it's best to treat the findings with a grain of salt.
Do you like pearl milk tea or bubble milk tea?
Do you think pearl milk tea harm for our health?
Do you think that tapioca in bubble milk tea may cause cancer?
Why are soft drinks bad for your health?
What are your opinion about food additives/processed food?
Why is too much sugar bad for you?
What do we eat if we want to avoid foods made using chemical processes?
「EQ Is Way More Important Than IQ」的圖片搜尋結果
Sorry, but EQ Is Way More Important Than IQ These Days
Royale Scuderi    lifehack.org

Many experts now believe that a person’s emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) may be more important than their IQ and is certainly a better predictor of success, quality of relationships, and overall happiness.

Emotional intelligence is essential to building a balanced-life.

If you think emotional intelligence is only important for those who always have to interact or communicate with people, think it again. Emotional intelligence is a gateway to a balanced-life. It’s essential to basically every aspect of life.

Physical Health – The ability to take care of our bodies and especially to manage our stress, which has an incredible impact on our overall wellness, is heavily tied to our emotional intelligence. Only by being aware of our emotional state and our reactions to stress in our lives can we hope to manage stress and maintain good health.

Mental Well-Being – Emotional intelligence affects our attitude and outlook on life. It can also help to alleviate anxiety and avoid depression and mood swings. A high level of emotional intelligence directly correlates to a positive attitude and happier outlook on life.

Relationships – By better understanding and managing our emotions, we are better able to communicate our feelings in a more constructive way. We are also better able to understand and relate to those with whom we are in relationships. Understanding the needs, feelings, and responses of those we care about leads to stronger and more fulfilling relationships.

Conflict Resolution – When we can discern people’s emotions and empathize with their perspective, it’s much easier to resolve conflicts or possibly avoid them before they start. We are also better at negotiation due to the very nature of our ability to understand the needs and desires of others. It’s easier to give people what they want if we can perceive what it is.

Success – Higher emotional intelligence helps us to be stronger internal motivators, which can reduce procrastination, increase self-confidence, and improve our ability to focus on a goal. It also allows us to create better networks of support, overcome setbacks, and persevere with a more resilient outlook. Our ability to delay gratification and see the long-term directly affects our ability to succeed.

Leadership – The ability to understand what motivates others, relate in a positive manner, and to build stronger bonds with others in the workplace inevitably makes those with higher emotional intelligence better leaders. An effective leader can recognize what the needs of his people are, so that those needs can be met in a way that encourages higher performance and workplace satisfaction. An emotionally savvy and intelligent leader is also able to build stronger teams by strategically utilizing the emotional diversity of their team members to benefit the team as a whole.
Why EQ is more important than IQ these days?
Is IQ and a better predictor of success, quality of relationships?
How to develop a good EQ?
Why EQ related to physical health and mental well-being?
Why EQ related to conflict resolution skills?
How to create better networks of support?
How to build stronger bonds with others in the workplace?