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Dare to dream!




周六( 11/30)1.性騷擾2.新聞討論3.口語練習

周六( 11/30) 聚會
周六( 11/30) 聚會 時間: 6:30pm~9:00pm 地點: 快提café  新北市板橋區文化路一段38710
 (沿著新埔捷運站1號出口左方向走約100公尺 經過新埔郵局
 先看到康是美 從信義房屋旁的巷子進入)
電話詢問 Billy  0976217450   

Diego Mayor Bob Filner has agreed to resign Aug. 30 after 17 allegations of sexual harassment.

 (CNN) -- So far, 18 women have come forward to say that San Diego Mayor Bob Filner acted inappropriately, with accusations ranging from one woman's claim that the mayor gave her "tush a pat," to another woman's assertion that he "put in me what I guess now is the famous headlock."

-- Sharon Bernie-Cloward: The president of the San Diego Port Tenants Association, Bernie-Cloward claims that when Filner was running for mayor in 2012, he approached her at a political event. "He touched me, actually groped me on my backside inappropriately," Bernie-Cloward told public television station KPBS. "I was left there startled and fearful."

-- Lisa Curtin: Curtin, the director of government and military education at San Diego City College, told KPBS that Filner grabbed her hand, fingered her wedding ring and asked if it was real. She also said he tried to kiss her; she said she moved her head and she felt his tongue on her cheek.

-- Joyce Gattas: A dean at San Diego State University, Gattas told KPBS that she had several "interactions" with Filner "where he's held me too tight, a kiss on the cheek, which is inappropriate, hands on the knee that last too long."

-- Emily Gilbert: Gilbert told CNN that she was hired to sing at a fund-raising event in December. Afterward, she said, the mayor grabbed her, slid his hand down the small of her back and gave her "tush a pat."

-- Patti Roscoe: A prominent businesswoman in San Diego's tourism and hospitality industry, Roscoe told KPBS that on numerous occasions, Filner "put in me what I guess now is the famous headlock ... I felt fearful, even as well as I knew him, because it was an invasion into my space ... And he would come in and try to kiss me on the lips and I'd have to squirm to get away."
not asking you out on a business lunch. I'm asking you out on a date."


1. What is sexual harassment? What do you think of sexual harassment?

2. How do prevent sexual harassment in the workplace?

3. What do you think of sexual harassment - women harassing men?

4. What can an employee do about sexual harassment? Are you dare to standing up to sexual harassment?

5. How to fight sexual harassment on public buses/transportations?

6. What are some examples of sexual harassment? Can you giving examples of sexually harassing behavior?

7. How to handle verbal sexual harassment in the workplace?
China air zone 
Japan and S Korea defy China air zone  Japan and South Korea both fly planes unannounced through China's newly-declared air defence zone, officials from both nations say.
Q: what do you think about "China new air zone" ?

Beyond Beauty' prompts gov't action
The Minister of the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission (RDEC), Sung Yu-hsieh (宋餘俠), said yesterday that inspiring documentary “Beyond Beauty: Taiwan From Above,” has prompted the government to assemble a task force, as well as drafting 16 topics of discussion that covers 3 major issues.
Q: what do you think about this documentary film and the  secenryof Taiwan?

Rice firm mislabeled its product 3 times in 3 months, says COA

Chyuan Shun Food Enterprise Co. (泉順食品) was found to have mislabeled its popular rice product Sunsuivi (山水米) three times in less than three months, the Council of Agriculture (COA) said, adding that it will revoke the firm's license should it violate regulations again. 
Q: what do you think about the mislabeled rice products?

Infant's salt overdose death
Authorities seek 2nd suspect over infant's salt overdose death
Investigators are looking for a second suspect in the death of a 3-month-old infant, after the infant's aunt admitted to having added salt to her niece's formula.
Q: What do you think about this news?
 3.口語練習 講義現場分發

周五(11/29) 1. 多元成家/三人行?2.謝罪大王

 周五聚會地點: 快提café  7:00PM-- 9:30PM
(沿著新埔捷運站1出口左方向前走約100公尺 經過新埔郵局看到康是美 從信義房屋旁的巷子進入) 連絡電話: 0976217450   Billy
說吧!英文讀書會  完全免費  練習英文  交流知識  交友談心的平台  我們100%歡迎  老朋友
朋友 不設限

因為有您   說吧更好     請多支持出席周五聚會    周五聚會成長生存 就靠您啦
敬請各位好朋友 多支持推廣 周六聚會  文章在下方
    Four pairs of feet in a bed        
1. 多元成家/三人行不行?
最近媒體談論一個熱門話題 "多元成家 "方案    讓Billy想未來同性婚姻如果合法
那麼就是可能男男結婚 或是女女結婚  Billy想有沒有可能是男男男 男女男 或是 女男女結婚
**(他會朋友們 感謝您欣賞 本會文章 all copy rights reserved by writers 請您有自己idea
勿搶先發表 造成本會困擾 謝謝合作) 
Taiwan`s 11th annual LGBT Pride March in Taipei City
TAIPEI, Oct 30 2013 (IPS) - Taiwan could become the first Asian state to legalise same-sex and other “pluralistic“ forms of marriage if a wide-ranging package of changes to the civil code are approved by the national legislature.

Taiwan offers one of Asia`s most progressive environments for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights as both male and female same-sex activity are legal. But same-sex couples are deprived of legal protections encoded in the Civil Code for traditional male-female married households.

Why shouldn't three people get married?

Three Brazilians in love have their nation up in arms over whether their relationship, now enshrined in a three-way marriage, is legal. The public notary who conducted their marriage says there's no reason the threesome – or "thruple", as the internet has charmingly labelled it – shouldn't enjoy the same kinds of rights imparted upon two people who get hitched. But traditionalists are not impressed: lawyer Regina Beatriz Tavares da Silva, of the Commission for the Rights of the Family, has it "absurd and totally illegal".

Speaking of absurd, shall we take a moment to consider traditional marriage? We do adore it: in the UK, just under half the population has chosen to pledge to love another person as long as they both shall live, or as long as they don't get divorced. And yet as we shoehorn ourselves into two-by-two formation, we're not that good at keeping our promises: as Helen Croydon has pointed out, breaking the boundaries of monogamy is far from unusual. Plenty of marriages have three people in them. They're just not legal ones.

A good old-fashioned monogamous marriage works beautifully for some. But even the most successful marriages are special and unique and incredibly weird. For much as we have a sweet collective imagining of what a happy union entails, the reality is that they all deviate from the fantasy norm, pretty much from the time that the certificate is signed, the chicken is noshed and the bouquet is chucked. The government can dictate that two people should be in a marriage, but it can't legislate what will make them feel happy or stable or emotionally complete together. And if we accept that, as we do every time we allow anyone the freedom to make a decision about who they'll marry, and furthermore allow them the freedom to call each other by execrable pet names in public, then does it not begin to seem strange, just a bit, that we do allow the government to dictate how many people are allowed to pledge to be together forever? Perhaps even as strange as it is for government to dictate who can do it based on their gender?

 Is it possible that if we allowed more people to marry simultaneously that more marriages might be successful? Fewer breakups over infidelity might occur, for example, if those who found themselves in love with more than one person didn't have to choose or conceal their feelings. And relaxing the expectation that one partner should fulfil all of one's needs – good sex, complementary taste in television and shared preference for dogs over cats may just be too much to ask for – might mean that people who opt for a portfolio of other halves (or thirds) could outdo the rest of us in happiness.)


1. Do you support same sex marriage? Should gay marriage be legalized?

2. What are the pros and cons of gay marriage?

3. Why shouldn't three people get married ?

4. Is it possible that if we allowed more people to marry?

5. What should parents do who think their children are gay?

6. What do you think about gay parades?

7. What do you think of seeing two men kissing in public?(or two girls)


前一陣子 有部電影"謝罪大王"  有專家教您 如何道歉  各種道歉方法 尤其是男女之間 Billy邀您來聊聊    推薦一下  高明而又不失尊嚴的道歉方法
How to Apologize Appropriately (mindtools)

Step 1: Express Remorse
Every apology needs to start with two magic words: "I'm sorry," or "I apologize." This is essential, because these words express remorse over your actions.

For example, you could say: "I'm sorry that I snapped at you yesterday. I feel embarrassed and ashamed by the way I acted."

Your words need to be sincere and authentic  . Be honest with yourself, and with the other person, about why you want to apologize. Never make an apology when you have ulterior motives, or if you see it as a means to an end.

Timeliness is also important here. Apologize as soon as you realize that you've wronged someone else.
Step 2: Admit Responsibility
Next, admit responsibility for your actions or behavior, and acknowledge what you did.
Here, you need to empathize   with the person you wronged, and demonstrate that you understand how you made her feel.
Don't make assumptions – instead, simply try to put yourself in that person's shoes and imagine how she felt.
For example: "I know that I hurt your feelings yesterday when I snapped at you. I'm sure this embarrassed you, especially since everyone else on the team was there. I was wrong to treat you like that."
Step 3: Make Amends
When you make amends  , you take action to make the situation right.
Here are two examples:
"If there's anything that I can do to make this up to you, please just ask."
"I realize that I was wrong to doubt your ability to chair our staff meeting. I'd like you to lead the team through tomorrow's meeting to demonstrate your skills."
Think carefully about this step. Token gestures or empty promises will do more harm than good. Because you feel guilty, you might also be tempted to give more than what's appropriate – so be proportionate in what you offer.
 Step 4: Promise That it Won't Happen Again
Your last step is to explain that you won't repeat the action or behavior.
 This step is important because you reassure the other person that you're going to change your behavior. This helps you rebuild trust   and repair the relationship.
You could say: "From now on, I'm going to manage my stress better, so that I don't snap at you and the rest of the team. And, I want you to call me out if I do this again."
Make sure that you honor this commitment in the days or weeks to come – if you promise to change your behavior, but don't follow through, others will question your reputation and your trustworthiness.

1. How to apologize? How to say sorry properly and gracefully?

2. How to apologize to a girl?

3. What are the apologies benefit? If you say sorry?

4. Tips for apologizing to your partner?

5. Do you admit mistakes, when you are wrong?

6. What to do if you make a mistake at work? How to get someone to forgive you?

7. When someone does something wrong or hurts you, do you forgive the person?

8. Do you think it would ruin the relationship if you forget saying sorry?
熱門話題-多元成家 更須為孩子考慮   中國時報 林文鈞/新聞學系學生


台灣反「多元成家」聯盟:幸福孩子「有爸也有媽」 陳協成 / 基督日報記者 


周六( 11/30) 聚會
周六( 11/30) 聚會 時間: 6:30pm~9:00pm 地點: 快提café  新北市板橋區文化路一段38710
 (沿著新埔捷運站1號出口左方向走約100公尺 經過新埔郵局
 先看到康是美 從信義房屋旁的巷子進入)
電話詢問 Billy  0976217450   

Diego Mayor Bob Filner has agreed to resign Aug. 30 after 17 allegations of sexual harassment.

 (CNN) -- So far, 18 women have come forward to say that San Diego Mayor Bob Filner acted inappropriately, with accusations ranging from one woman's claim that the mayor gave her "tush a pat," to another woman's assertion that he "put in me what I guess now is the famous headlock."

-- Sharon Bernie-Cloward: The president of the San Diego Port Tenants Association, Bernie-Cloward claims that when Filner was running for mayor in 2012, he approached her at a political event. "He touched me, actually groped me on my backside inappropriately," Bernie-Cloward told public television station KPBS. "I was left there startled and fearful."

-- Lisa Curtin: Curtin, the director of government and military education at San Diego City College, told KPBS that Filner grabbed her hand, fingered her wedding ring and asked if it was real. She also said he tried to kiss her; she said she moved her head and she felt his tongue on her cheek.

-- Joyce Gattas: A dean at San Diego State University, Gattas told KPBS that she had several "interactions" with Filner "where he's held me too tight, a kiss on the cheek, which is inappropriate, hands on the knee that last too long."

-- Emily Gilbert: Gilbert told CNN that she was hired to sing at a fund-raising event in December. Afterward, she said, the mayor grabbed her, slid his hand down the small of her back and gave her "tush a pat."

-- Patti Roscoe: A prominent businesswoman in San Diego's tourism and hospitality industry, Roscoe told KPBS that on numerous occasions, Filner "put in me what I guess now is the famous headlock ... I felt fearful, even as well as I knew him, because it was an invasion into my space ... And he would come in and try to kiss me on the lips and I'd have to squirm to get away."
not asking you out on a business lunch. I'm asking you out on a date."


1. What is sexual harassment? What do you think of sexual harassment?

2. How do prevent sexual harassment in the workplace?

3. What do you think of sexual harassment - women harassing men?

4. What can an employee do about sexual harassment? Are you dare to standing up to sexual harassment?

5. How to fight sexual harassment on public buses/transportations?

6. What are some examples of sexual harassment? Can you giving examples of sexually harassing behavior?

7. How to handle verbal sexual harassment in the workplace?
China air zone 
Japan and S Korea defy China air zone  Japan and South Korea both fly planes unannounced through China's newly-declared air defence zone, officials from both nations say.
Q: what do you think about "China new air zone" ?

Beyond Beauty' prompts gov't action
The Minister of the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission (RDEC), Sung Yu-hsieh (宋餘俠), said yesterday that inspiring documentary “Beyond Beauty: Taiwan From Above,” has prompted the government to assemble a task force, as well as drafting 16 topics of discussion that covers 3 major issues.
Q: what do you think about this documentary film and the  secenryof Taiwan?

Rice firm mislabeled its product 3 times in 3 months, says COA

Chyuan Shun Food Enterprise Co. (泉順食品) was found to have mislabeled its popular rice product Sunsuivi (山水米) three times in less than three months, the Council of Agriculture (COA) said, adding that it will revoke the firm's license should it violate regulations again. 
Q: what do you think about the mislabeled rice products?

Infant's salt overdose death
Authorities seek 2nd suspect over infant's salt overdose death
Investigators are looking for a second suspect in the death of a 3-month-old infant, after the infant's aunt admitted to having added salt to her niece's formula.
Q: What do you think about this news?
 3.口語練習 講義現場分發

高雄 高先生昨日 來電問到 高潮迭起 英文應如何表達  

青年先生 為您提供一點淺見如下:

Cliffhanger---高潮迭起 (局勢或劇情)達到最刺激的部分--- A cliffhanger is a situation or part of a play or film that is very exciting or frightening because you are left for a long time not knowing what will happen next.  


1. That movie is a real cliffhanger.  那部电影高潮迭起,扣人心弦。
2. The game was a real cliffhanger.  這場比赛真是高潮迭起。
3. The election is likely to be a cliff-hanger. 那個選舉可真是高潮迭起。
Climax--- (使)接近高潮;(使)達到頂点 The event that climaxes a sequence of events is an exciting or important event that comes at the end. You can also say that a sequence of events climaxes with a particular event. 
1. The festival will climax on Sunday with a singing concert.

2. The story works up to a climax as it draws to a close. 

3. Climaxes arise repeatedly during the movie. 高潮迭起

說吧!英文讀書會每周一句 11/28


beyond reproach無可指責/ 無可挑剔---not to be criticized These were men of outstanding character who were beyond reproach.

1. His conduct has been beyond reproach.       
2. Bill’s manners are beyond reproach -- I've never met anyone so polite. 
比利的舉止非常得體,無可挑剔, 我從未見過像他那麼彬彬有禮的人. 
3. What he has done is utterly beyond reproach.     
4. This stand of ours is beyond reproach.     
 11/22 聚會活動剪影


Kelvin, you are here with us! Thank you! Kelvin, you are so young!

周二(11/26) 1.黑幫2.歧視

 周二聚會點  丹提咖啡 寶慶店  晚上7:00~9:30
(西門捷運站3出口 往前走30公尺 向左看到全家便利商店巷進入 / 在中山堂對面)
連絡電話: 0976217450   Billy
說吧!英文讀書會  完全免費  練習英文  交流知識  交友談心的平台  我們100%歡迎  老朋友 新
朋友 不設限
請各位好友 儘量撥空出席  讀書會的成長 就靠您了 謝謝您 也請多您幫忙網路推廣 推薦好友加入  因為有您 說吧! 更好

Mafia are considering assassinating the Pope    By Hannah Roberts dailymail
Mafia are considering assassinating the Pope in response to his anti-corruption sermons, warns leading Italian prosecutor  

Since Pope Francis took office in April he has made clear he intends to rid the Holy See of corruption

He has already forced his own number two Cardinal Bertone into retirement after he was accused of corruption
In one of his first sermons as Pope he took aim at mafia calling on them to repent for 'exploiting and enslaving people'
The Mafia are considering a lethal strike on Pope Francis, a senior prosecutor in Italy's crime-torn deep South has warned.

The pontiff's life is in danger because his desire to sweep away corruption in 'a total clean-up' is making organised criminal groups 'nervous', the deputy chief prosecutor of Reggio Calabria, Nicola Gratteri, claimed.
Since Francis took office in April, he has made it clear that he intends to rid the Holy See of its corrupt ways and clean up the notorious Vatican bank, long used by money launderers.
He immediately dispatched the chairman of the IOR bank Gotti Tedeschi and subsequently forced his own number two Cardinal Bertone, who had been accused of corruption, into retirement.
Dangerous-gangs-in-the-world  (opishposh.com)

United Bamboo is believed to be the most powerful triad in Taiwan, with an estimated 10,000 members.
United Bamboo operates with an “old school” organized crime code of ethics that stresses unity, though its members frequently engage in violence.
They’re believed to control the drug trafficking in Taiwan and have significant political influence, as well as operations that stretch through Asia, the Americas, and Europe. Like many other triad crime syndicates, United Bamboo doesn’t have a single boss, but rather uses a horizontal hierarchical structure that insulates the organization should a member get killed or arrested.

1. What do you think that “mafia is considering assassinating the pope”?

2. Do you think the corruption issue serious in Taiwan?

And how we stop corruption?

3. What are the dangerous-gangs in Taiwan? What do you think about them?

4. Are gangs a social problem? What do you think about gang’s fights?

5. Ways to stop gang violence?

6. What do you think crime rates in Taiwan?

7 . Do you think street gang movies have bad effects to young people?
Discrimination (Jay Karlson)
Weight Discrimination

 Obesity is a serious medical problem, and people who suffer from it need to achieve a healthy weight and maintain safe diet habits. But while getting healthier, obese people still deserve the same level of (in)dignity that everyone else gets these days.
That’s not happening. According to the International Journal of Obesity, reports of weight discrimination are increasing. Their research surveyed 2,000 U.S. adults in 1995-96 and again in 2004-06, comparing weight discrimination rates relative to other forms of discrimination. The results were alarming. 17% of men and 9% of women reported race discrimination, while among severely obese people, 28% of men and a shocking 45% of women said they have experienced discrimination because of their weight.
Institutional discrimination centered on health care, education or workplace situations, such as cases in which people said they were fired, or denied jobs and promotions because of their weight. Interpersonal discrimination occurred mainly via insults, abuse and harassment.
Discriminating against people based on physical attractiveness is thoughtless and shallow, but the ugly truth is attractive people earn more and are treated better than their plainer counterparts. They even get credit for positive characteristics they don’t deserve.
In 1994, Drs. Jeff Biddle and Daniel Hamermesh analyzed surveys conducted by government agencies in Canada and the United States. The surveys asked questions regarding income, occupation, and background, and then applied ratings for interviewee attractiveness (1-homely, 2- below average, 3-average, 4-above average, 5-handsome/beautiful).
The study showed that working men rated “homely” or “below average” in attractiveness earned 9% percent less than average. But men who rated “above average” or “handsome” earned 5% more than the average. Women were also rewarded and penalized for their looks, but at a gentler rate. The most attractive women earned only 4 % more than average, while the least attractive women earned only 5% less than average. Biddle and Hamermesh concluded that “there is a significant penalty for bad looks among men.”

Western society’s attitude towards aging is predominantly negative and juvenile. Just being “old” is perceived as a handicap that turns people off. Why?
Well, conventional wisdom (wrongly) dictates a person’s energy and talent (and thus, their value to society) peaks during their 20’s and 30’s. Anyone older than that is considered “over the hill” and “past their prime”. Some people even consider seniors no longer “regular adults”, since they have outlived their usefulness.
Those misconceptions result in unfair stereotypes about the actions and characteristics of the elderly. For example, when seniors are unsure of something, we suspect they are feeble or senile. When they don’t hear something we say, they are accused of not understanding us, instead of having trouble hearing. When they get angry, they’re called “cranky”, even though that’s diagnosing a chronic personality trait from a temporary mood.
1. What do you think about discrimination?

2. What do you think about weight discrimination?

What do you think about physical attractiveness discrimination?

What do you think about ageism?
What do you think about racial discrimination?
3.How to stop discrimination?
4. Are you willing to hire an old person, if you were a boss?
Are you willing to hire a plain looking girl, if you were a boss?
5. Do you think attractive person get job easily?
6. Do you judge a person by his appearance
Should we judge a person by their appearance?

阿妹示範的「反歧視」/聯合報 黃驛淵 



Billy的好朋友 Oliphia 在上次  說吧!英文讀書會
Billy的師傅 "青年先生" 在此為您解答:
crowd out 排擠 
 把…排擠在外 If one thing crowds out another, it is so successful or common that the other thing does not have the opportunity to be successful or exist. 

1. In the 2000s  krean films crowded out japanese films.


2. Women have been crowded out in many workplaces .


an outcast 被排擠者 An outcast is someone who is not accepted by a group of people or by society. 
 1. Billy has had an unhappy life: that doesn't make he an outcast .

2. The pretty girl  was treated like an outcast by the other girls. 

3. Billy had always been an outcast, unwanted and alone... 

4. Billy felt like family outcast. 