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周五(5/1)1.咖啡為什麼讓妳快樂? 2.小豬劈腿事件

聚會時間 晚上7:00-9:30
板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉
8tracks radio | Happiness and Coffee (10 songs) | free and music ...
Why Does Coffee Make Us Feel So Happy?
All of us have a variety of reasons to wake up happy every morning. And for coffee lovers, there is only one reason – a cup of strong aromatic coffee! Yes. The very thought of coffee can instantly work magic on many of us. Its earthy aroma and strong flavour really works wonders in uplifting […]
By Sonali Aggarwal
All of us have a variety of reasons to wake up happy every morning. And for coffee lovers, there is only one reason – a cup of strong aromatic coffee! Yes. The very thought of coffee can instantly work magic on many of us. Its earthy aroma and strong flavour really works wonders in uplifting our moods and gifting us the instant happiness.

And this is not just a belief. It’s an experience for many of us. What is the secret that makes us crave for a cup of coffee when we are sad, alone, or in need of some good idea? You think there is some secret behind this. Yes, there is!

And another good news:

The secret behind why coffee can boost our happiness levels is scientifically proven. As you move ahead in this article, you will know the science-based reason why coffee makes us feel so happy.

You can’t buy happiness but you can buy coffee and that’s pretty close.

The science behind why coffee makes us happy
Coffee is a rich trove of many chemicals that play an important role in maintaining our overall health. A cup of coffee has:

    2-Ethylphenol: A chemical that keeps us active and alert.

    3,5 Dicaffeoylquinic acid: A component responsible for protecting us from neuron damage.

    Trigonelline: A form of vitamin B3 that fights with the cavity-causing bacteria in our mouth.

    Niacin: Vitamin B3, which is cell-rejuvenating and prevents dementia.

Well, these are the components that as we can see are providing many health benefits. So what’s do with coffee and happiness? The feeling of happiness and coffee has a little background story.

Here we go:

When you drink coffee, it mimics a neurochemical called Adenosine. This is a chemical that makes us feel sleepy and turns us down when we are tired. When caffeine enters your body, it works with the receptors that detect adenosine and blocks them from performing their regular function.

In other words, when you take coffee, the caffeine interferes with adenosine – the sleep causing chemical – receptors and prevents you from getting sleep. This is how you stay alert when you take coffee. Okay, what’s next?

When the adenosine receptors are blocked, your body has no other choice but to release its own stimulants – dopamine and glutamate – the two chemicals responsible for a feel-good experience for human beings.

It means, your cup of coffee makes you feel happy because coffee stimulates neurotransmitters in our brain. Which are otherwise released only under certain circumstances?

Thus, you’re a cup of coffee is the best driver to kick start the production of neurotransmitters in your brain.

Do you know:

You can also stimulate the release of dopamine by using drugs such as cocaine. But yes, we do know what happens next legally.

Thus, to stimulate your own happiness in a most pleasant way what else is the best choice than to sip that hot coffee. Now, do you believe that our happiness lies in our hands? It sure does, isn’t it?

A point that you have to remember here is a coffee can give you happiness when you drink it in limits. Beyond a certain limit of daily dosage of caffeine, your body develops caffeine resistance and you no longer experience the same euphoric feeling. It’s good to have limits for everything. We can’t agree anymore!

I don’t know how people live without coffee…. I really don’t! – Martha Quinn

Awesome benefits of coffee consumption
Besides making you happy, coffee can offer a wide range of amazing health benefits owing to the chemicals and components that we have seen just now.

A treasure trove of Antioxidants
Yes. Coffee is one of the richest sources of antioxidants that are capable enough to prevent health risks such as cancer and heart diseases. In fact, it is the top source of antioxidants for Americans compared to all other constituents of their diet.

You should note that the level of antioxidants varies with caffeine content. For instance, pure black coffee contains the highest level of antioxidants compared to the decaf version.

Protects Neurons and Nervous System
Caffeine is a proven psychostimulant and its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic properties proved very effective in fighting Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Researchers also found similar effects of caffeine in fighting Parkinson’s disease (PD) in men.

It has also been established that caffeine is protective to your brain and makes it resilient to stress, aging, and neurological diseases.

Effective anti-depressant
Caffeine is a killer of depression. And researches have confirmed that regular consumption of coffee, within prescribed limits, can help in curbing the risk of mental illnesses.

It means your cup of joe can be your best friend in preventing brain inflammation, thanks to the ton of antioxidants loaded in it.

Keeps you alert
This is one of the effects all of us has experienced, in fact, the reason why many of us have fallen in head over heels with coffee. The moment we sip hot coffee we feel energized, alert and active.
Show Lo Cheating Story 罗志祥偷吃出轨"多人运动" (你太x100渣) - YouTube
Taiwan pop star Show Luo shamed by ex’s breakup post
Scorned Grace Chow claims singer, aka 'Little Pig,' repeatedly cheated on her and loved orgies

Having been unmasked as a serial love cheat and fan of orgies, the goody two-shoes image of Taiwan mandopop star Show Luo (羅志祥) is tattered beyond repair  so much so that his only hope for forgiveness, according to one follower, is coming up with a cure for COVID-19.

In a post on Thursday (April 23), the 31-year-old influencer Grace Chow (周揚青) confirmed she broke up earlier this year with the massively popular singer and actor, also known as Little Pig or Xiao Zhu (小豬), who is 40. The pair have been an item since 2011 and there had even been talk of marriage.

No more. In a blazing break-up letter published under her name on the Sina Weibo microblogging website, Chow detailed how her heart had been broken after scrolling through his phone and finding evidence galore of his many infidelities.

Chow said she had previously caught him cheating but had forgiven him. “Time after time, I forgave your betrayal because I was impressed by your regret and commitment.”

She said Luo had a secret second phone that he used for hookups, alleging he would not only have trysts on work trips abroad but also at the home they shared when she was away. This included one-night stands with fans, colleagues, and many wannabe stars over the entire course of their relationship.

She suggested the Taiwanese actress and singer Butterfly Kaile (簡愷樂) was one of Little Pigs many booty calls. In a reply on an Instagram post, Chow said she had been tested for sexually transmitted diseases but was in fact STD-free.

Butterfly should check her body out too,” Chow wrote. She also made the explosive claim that Luo enjoyed “multiplayer games” – or orgies – “that normal people cannot imagine.”

周六(4/25)1.為什麼 不快樂? 2.經典英文歌一首/ 星期六聚會時間 晚上7:30-9:30

星期六 聚會時間 晚上7:30-9:30
板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉
為什麼 不快樂?
5 Reasons Why Most People Are Not Happy & How to Resolve Them!

Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present” ~ Jim Rohn
Barring the few enlightened ones, it wouldn’t be wrong to assume and state that most of the population is not happy today.
The reason attributed to this is that man has become too materialistic. He is more focused on collecting the material things and losing the key human values.
I don’t agree with this completely.
Because the modern day inventions can’t be simply ruled out as bad in the name of materialism.
I think none of us would want to go to olden days when we had to write a letter to know the well being of our loved ones. The letter had to reach in a couple of days and then you would hear back a few days later than that. Today on a click of a button, you can see videos and talk to your loved ones sitting thousands of miles away, thanks to technological developments.
Also who would want to go back to the days, when it took days to reach even few hundred miles away, which journey we can travel in just a couple of hours.
Most would agree with above, I am sure.
So the modern day progress has made our lives easier and comfortable (but not any happier though).
Yes because, the man is only making his life comfortable, but not enhancing its level of consciousness to understand the real stuff.
So, why it is so that despite all the comfort and luxuries provided by the science and technology, the human being is not getting happier truly.
This article captures some of the reasons for that:
Reason #1: Comparison with others
Comparison with myself brings improvement, comparison with others bring discontent”~ Betty Jemmy Chung.
Everyone has different circumstances in life. Everyone starts at his own point in life and has its own journey towards success.
So always getting in the habit of comparing yourself with others will put you in a state of consistent discontent. You might be comparing the strength of another person with your weaknesses, which is a game, one can never win.
If you focus on your strengths, you will multiply them. But if you focus on your weakness, at the max you will become mediocre.
So, the right approach is to get “inspired” from the other people and most importantly take action to change your situation.
So, the best form of comparison is the comparison with oneself.
The real happiness comes from the fulfillment only. If you have given your best shot during the day, you will have a sense of fulfillment, which is the real source of happiness.
Life is enough, Stop comparing yourself to others.
Reason# 2: Lack of Gratitude
One of the biggest reason for feeling unhappy or sad is that we don’t count our blessings when we wake up every day. Rather, we focus on the things we lack and believe that our happiness is solely dependent on achieving the next big thing.
We have so many examples in life to prove that the happiness from every next physical thing in only short-lived. The moment we get what we are looking for, we again start looking at something bigger than that
If you are consistently focussing on lack in your life, it will create a never fulfilling mental loop.
What you focus on grows, what you think about expands and what you dwell upon determines your reality”~ Robin Sharma.
You think the glass is half empty.
You don’t feel grateful that even this half glass can quench your thirst.
More than 200 Million people in India sleep empty stomach every night. If these people get a one-time meal, then they will be the happiest person.
The idea is not to stop progress by looking at such people. But alongside one shouldn’t make his or her happiness solely dependent on the achievement of the materialistic goals.
If you have a house to stay, a vehicle to drive, a reasonable job or vocation to lead a nice life with your family, you are already better off than substantial population.
Your gratitude has a positive impact on your future too. Because:
What you appreciate, appreciates” ~Lynee Twist
Reason # 3: You are stuck in your comfort zone
A comfort zone is a really beautiful place, but nothing grows there”~ Anonymous
One of the most common reasons for lack of happiness in people’s lives is lack of growth.
At a certain point of time, people get stuck in their comfort zone.
Most of us try to always play very safe in our lives. And we very smartly keep on hiding this besides the facade of phrasing it “practical”.
We don’t pull up our courage to do what we want to do or what we should do to move the needle forward.
We keep on hiding our dreams for years only to regret in the later part of our lives.
Life is too short to be little. You must enlarge your imagination and then act upon it”~ Benjamin Disraeli.
I was listening to one interview from an entrepreneur #GaryVeynerchuk. He states that he had interacted with lots of people more than 60 years of age. They were asked the topmost regret of their lives and the common response was:
I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”
So, there is always a deep desire inside the heads of people for doing something they wanted to do, but they leave it out because they didn’t think it was practical.
May be you would think that you are too young or too old for trying out something different.
May be you would think that your circumstances are not right yet.
May be you think too much about what if you fail.
So, the lack of courage to come out of their comfort zone makes people unhappy about their lives.
Reason #4: You Don’t Move Your Body
The one thing, which today’s technology and inventions have done bad to the mankind is that it has almost killed the requirement of moving your body at all. Especially for the knowledge workers.
So if you don’t want, it is entirely possible that you are able to do all your work sitting whole day. Of course, addressing the nature’s call is something which only will make you move (might be someone is trying to invent something for comfort on this front also J)
So you don’t move your body. You might think this as a luxury, but this is a real big dent on your health and happiness.
Because, when you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. Endorphins trigger a positive feeling in the body and help you develop a positive and energizing outlook on life.
If you see the top notch performers in any field, they are regularly doing exercise. Even top billionaires you would see participate in marathons.
Reason #5: You are always in Past or Future.
It is generally reported that human mind runs around 60000 thoughts per day and more than 95% of those are the repeated thoughts.
People either are thinking of their past, because this is something, which they have already seen and certain about.
Otherwise, people keep on thinking about their future. They are continuously anxious about what is the next thing going to happen in their lives. How would be their future?
So this whole focus on past and present makes you stranded in the present moment. You are not able to take any action or get plagued with indecision. If you don’t move any further, that becomes the key reason for your unhappiness.
But the point to remember is that you can’t ever go back and undo that action of the past. Similarly, you cannot go to future and make the things happen now.
The only place where you can act from is the present.
It is only your present which will take the shape of past tomorrow. And also your future will come only in the form of today, to act upon.
If you have to make your past good and the future better, you have to focus and work on your present.
The principle itself is self-fulfilling. If you make your present better and have a look back, then you will see a better past. Also, if you live your present well, the well lived present will set the layout or background for a better future anyways.
If you are depressed, you are living in past. If you are anxious, you are living in future. If you are at peace, you are living in present.”~ Anonymous.

周五(4/24)1.鞋子 揭露妳的性格 2.貼心話

聚會時間 晚上7:00-9:30
板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉
Which Shoes Suit Your Personality? - Quiz - Quizony.com
鞋子 揭露妳的性格
What Your Favorite Shoes Say About Your Personality
Aubrey Almanza

Are you a go-getter, an attention-seeker, or a loyal friend? This fashion expert can tell, just by looking at your footwear.

High-heeled boot wearers take charge

In the event of a crisis, the person who loves wearing high-heeled boots will always be the one to take control of the situation. They're quick on their feet and able to make clear, rational decisions. This woman is exceptionally self-assured, so people around her feel instantly safer in her hands. "The high-heeled boot is a take-charge kind of person," says Kathy Kelada, author of Be the Shoe and a Hollywood-stylist turned life coach. "She loves being center stage and is very assertive."

Running shoe fans are goal-oriented

If you're someone who enjoys fitness challenges, takes your New Year's resolutions to heart, and has been known to go the extra mile with a label maker, we bet you prefer running shoes. "This is someone who's very confident, very goal-oriented, and very organized," reveals Kelada. "They really illustrate the idea of multitasking, taking care of everything, and being everywhere. I always think of moms when I picture the running shoe."

Clog wearers are nurturing and outdoorsy

Would your friends describe you as down to earth? Are you happiest on a hike or watching the sun rise? If so, it's obvious that you're the clog type. "The clog is an open spirit, and very outdoorsy. They love nature and the whole regenerative effect of being outdoors," Kelada says. "A lot of nurses, healthcare professionals, chefs, and people that work in kitchens wear clogs. I don't think that's an accident, because these people have a very nurturing, generous, and loving spirit."

Flats fans are behind-the-scenes leaders

If you're someone who always turns to flats, we know that you work your butt off behind the scenes to ensure there's always a perfectly finished product. And the best part is, you're so humble that you don't require any attention or recognition for your efforts. "The flat-wearer is focused, very modest, and generous," says Kelada. "They're often the women doing all the work in the world. They're the ones behind the scenes making the engine run." (While we're peeking in your closet, check out what your favorite handbag says about your personality.)

Women in flashy stilettos work hard and have excellent taste

Women who wear flashy stilettos like Jimmy Choos and Christian Louboutins (or other heels inspired by their aesthetics) may seem materialistic, but these women are actually incredibly hardworking. They have major drive, determination, and a standout work ethic. "This is someone who says 'yes' before she says 'no.' She's very willing, and very open to possibilities," says Kelada. "She also really loves and values beauty, so she surrounds herself with beauty, whether it be in things, people, or how she lives. It doesn't always have to be expensive, it just has to be pleasing to the eye. You walk in and go, 'oh what a lovely room' or 'this is so inviting.' She has a knack for being able to create an aesthetically pleasing space."

Work boots wearers are always looking ahead

Alright Doc Martin fans, admit it: you love to plan ahead. Rather than live impulsively, you're very analytical in your approach to life, and prefer to have a strategy. This way, you're always prepared for what comes next and you never have to worry about unforeseen obstacles. "The work boot wearer is grounded, very practical, and always has a plan. This person never moves without a plan and is always thinking two or three steps ahead," Kelada says. (If you think this is spot-on, check out what your fragrance of choice reveals about your personality.)

Flip-flop fans are laid back

As you may have guessed, this person is very chilled out and easy to be around. They're happy to go with the flow and see where life takes them. Rather than succumb to societal pressures, they'd rather follow their bliss and do what actually makes them happy, whatever that may be. "The flip-flop person is ready for anything, very easygoing, and unconventional," says Kelada. "They're someone who is spontaneous and willing to go with whatever is happening in the moment, without regard to the 'appropriate thing,' the norm, or what's expected of them."

Sneaker buffs get along with everyone

Are you someone who relates to people much younger than you, yet also feels comfortable conversing with someone much older? Sometimes you're an old soul, and sometimes you're the life of the party. For sneaker buffs, age truly is but a number, because you get along with everyone. "The sneaker is very versatile—a very open person willing to explore a lot of options and different ideas. They're energetic and ageless; they're really not young or old. They seem to move fluidly through age-specific groups," according to Kelada. Here's how to keep those sneakers smelling fresh.
 Please Use Kind Words - 20 Positive Things To Say To Encourage ...
 Nice Things to Say to a Friend | Operation Warm

What do you say to a friend to lift their spirits or let them know that you value their friendship? Compliments can go a long way to letting someone know that you care, but there are even more powerful benefits to saying nice things to someone.
The Power of Saying Nice Things

According to research, the social reward of a having something nice said to you, or about you, could enhance your motor skills and improve performance. So, your compliments can help someone learn a new skill or improve an old one.

In fact, the scientists found that the same area of the brain is activated whether a person is rewarded with cash or a compliment. Talk really is cheap, and the nicest gift you may be able to give to someone is a few positive words.

Mark Twain once said, “I can live for two months on a good compliment.” These little gems really can sustain a person.
What to Say to Someone

Here are some ready-made compliments you can use to say something nice to someone, no matter what the occasion. Feeling low, chances are there are a few in here you can say to yourself, too.

    You are more fun than anyone or anything I know, including bubble wrap.
    You are the most perfect you there is.
    You are enough.
    You are one of the strongest people I know.
    You look great today.
    You have the best smile.
    Your outlook on life is amazing.
    You just light up the room.
    You make a bigger impact than you realize.
    You are always so helpful.
    You have the best laugh.
    I appreciate our friendship.
    Your inside is even more beautiful than your outside.
    You just glow.
    I love the way you bring out the best in people.
    Our family/school/community/church is better because you are part of it.
    You bring out the best in the rest of us.
    You inspire me.
    Nothing can stop you.
    You just made my day.
    You make me float up like I’m on millions of bubbles (We got this one from one of our kids after he got a new coat.)
    You are an excellent friend.
    When it comes to cooking, no one’s meals are quite as delicious.
    I am a better person because of you.
    You have taught me so much.
    I like the way you are.
    You are a great parent. You can tell just by looking at how thoughtful your kids are (A two-for-one compliment)
    You have the best sense of style.
    You make me want to be a better person.
    You look so young!
    I hope you are proud of yourself, because I am!
    You are one of the bravest people I know.
    That color looks perfect on you.
    You are so trustworthy; I always believe what you say.
    Everything seems brighter when you are around.
    Even the things you don’t like about yourself make you interesting.
    I know that you will always have my back, because that is the kind of person you are.
    You have the best ideas.
    You are a great example to others.
    I know that if you ever make a mistake, you fix it.
    You’ve got great leadership skills.
    You have amazing creative potential.
    You are stunning.
    You really seem to know who you are. I admire that.
    You are the reason I am smiling today.
    You’re a gift to everyone you meet.
    You have a gift for making people comfortable.
    I enjoy spending time with you.
    I am really glad we met.
    I tell everyone how amazing you are.

周五(4/17)1.“整骨” 哀哀叫 2.人際關係與快樂

聚會時間 晚上7:00-9:30
板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉
中醫:經絡、整骨治療腰背痛良好姿勢更重要|大紀元時報香港|獨立敢言 ...

整骨” 哀哀叫
Chiropractic Adjustment   squareone.com.sg

Chiropractic adjustment is one of the greatest mystery in chiropractic care. With some chiropractors claiming that regular adjustments can improve your spine alignment, and therefore general health, we decided to present you with the facts so you can come with your own conclusion. In this blog post, we discuss:

    What is a chiropractic adjustment?
    What does a chiropractor do during an adjustment?
    Do chiropractors really move bones?
    What are the side effects of chiropractic treatment?
    Does chiropractic work?

What is a chiropractic adjustment?

Chiropractic or spinal adjustments refer to a type of treatment delivered by chiropractors. It involves applying a quick thrust into the spine.

The high-velocity, low amplitude (HVLA) thrust that is applied to spinal joints is also known as spinal manipulative therapy in academic literature.
What does a chiropractor do during an adjustment?
chiropractic adjustment, lumbar adjustment, bodybuilder singapore
Chiropractor Jesse Cai performs a lumbar chiropractic adjustment for professional bodybuilder Desmond Lee who was suffering from back pain.

Most chiropractic adjustments are done on a chiropractic table or bench. During the adjustment, the chiropractic will put you into a certain position before applying a thrust to the area of concern.
Do chiropractors really move bones?

Many Singapore chiropractors claim that their methods are “special”. They also tend to suggest they can move your spine back into place. There are a few things to note here:

You can’t change alignment with a little (or big) thrust

If a little nudge into the spine can move a bone back into place, what do you think happens when you trip and fall? You’d be completely paralysed!

It only takes as little as 6.8 kilogram force (66 newtons) to perform a chiropractic adjustment. For heavy thrusts, about 33 kilogram force or 322 Newtons. Guess how much force you exert into the ground while running? Over 110 kilogram force!

Imagine Usain Bolt’s 100m race. That is 41 steps at a presumably higher ground reaction force. If a chiropractor’s thrust can move your vertebra back into place, Usain Bolt’s spine will be in pieces at the end of his 100m event!

Look, if getting adjusted can change your spinal alignment, people who crack their knuckles daily will end up with deformed fingers. No?

Good alignment doesn’t even matter

We are not going to talk about this again. For information about the history of posture, how ‘text neck’ is not new, and why neck pain is not related to posture, check out our blog entry: Text Neck & Neck Pain.

For how posture doesn’t cause lower back pain, check out Anterior Pelvic Tilt: The Reason for Your Back Pain?

The bottom line? Good posture and good alignment are social constructs that change with time. They have nothing to do with spinal health!(Some may even argue they are marketing strategies to get you to buy more chiropractic packages.)

What is the popping sound then?

You may think the popping sound associated with a spinal adjustment is the sound of your bone moving back into place. Many people do. However, this is not the case. As with your knuckles, your phalanges doesn’t shift back into place when you crack it.

The popping sound is a cavitation. It is a phenomenon in which a gas bubble forms in response to the increase in joint volume as a result of the adjustment manoeuvre.

So in a chiropractic manipulation:

            Thrust is applied to a spinal joint
            The distraction applied to the joint causes an increase in joint space
            In response to the increase in volume, an air bubble is formed from the dissolved gas in the joint fluid (no different from when you open a bottle of coke, really)
            You hear a popping sound

Why does my spine feel out of place?

It’s normal for pain patients to feel that your spine is out of place.

A study in 2008 found that patients with chronic pain were “unable to clearly delineate the outline of their trunk and stated that they could not “find it””. The controls, or individuals who are pain-free, had no issues doing it.

Interestingly enough, patients with pain only on one side, drew their vertebrae to be “out of place” towards that side. Their spine, however, had no deviations.

The takeaway here really is that a chiropractor can’t move your bone back into place or realign your spine. It’s common for chiropractors in Singapore to use this rationale to upsell you chiropractic sessions. Truth is that science and common sense just doesn’t support it!
Spinal adjustments do not remove subluxations or interferences to the nervous system

Singapore chiropractors often claim that spinal adjustments can restore the body’s natural healing abilities. Because adjustments remove the interference or the blockage in your spine. Based on their dogma, regular adjustments will keep you healthy and prevent illnesses and sickness from infertility to cancer.
 Does the Quantity of Social Interactions Affect Happiness ...
The Relevance of Social Connections & Happiness  kumsa.net

Have you ever wondered what makes you happy in your life?

The answers that come to your mind must be traveling, retail therapy or a weekend getaway and much more. We all have our definition for the art of contentment in our lives, which is driven by these worldly pleasures.

Is it long-term happiness?

Every time you come back from a beautiful vacation, the happiness you felt goes away within a week. So, what is the driving factor for long-lasting happiness in your life? What is the actual meaning of happiness?

Happiness, by definition, is the state of being happy. At its simplest, it’s all about minimizing pain and maximizing pleasure. Many of the famous researchers and psychologists had tried to decode the theory of happiness.

Let’s dive in and start with finding out the meaning of it.

What is Happiness?

Happiness is when you feel well in your life. It has been researched in the field of positive psychology by Sonja Lyubomirsky, and she described it as “the experience of joy, contentment, or positive well-being, combined with a sense that one’s life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile.” Fundamentally, it means a certain level of joyfulness when things around you are happening in a more exuberant way than they usually occur.

How Social Connections and Relationships are Related to Happiness?

Having good people in your life is something that matters the most to be happy. To be socially active is very good for us. It kills loneliness. Researchers have proved that people who are socially connected are healthier and happier than people who are not. Good relationships protect your brain and keep you healthy. If you want to be happy and healthy, replace your screen time with people time. Meet more positive people, make friends and be more socially active in real life rather than the internet world.

A Harvard Study on Adult’s Life and Happiness.

The Harvard study on adult development claims to have discovered the answer to this big question of what makes a person live a joyful life. This ongoing Harvard study on adult’s life is considered to be the most extended study, which started in 1938. They tracked the lives of 724 men for 75 years. Every year, they used to make a report by asking them questions about their work, personal life, and their health conditions without even knowing how their lives are going to change in the future.

Research conducted on two groups of men. The first group started in the study when they were sophomores at Harvard College. All of them finished their college during World War 2 and mostly went off to serve in the war. The second group of boys were from Boston’s poorest neighborhoods. With interviews and, medical examination, those teenagers entered the study. Researchers went to their homes and interviewed their parents.

to explain them in a brief manner below; please have a look.

    Good relationships: When it comes to a relationship, keep an eye on quality over quantity. It doesn’t matter at all how many relationships or friends you have in society, the thing that matters is how many good and healthy relationships you have in your social and personal life. People who have someone to count upon, always overcome through their tough times.
    Good physical and mental health: Being committed to a toxic relationship badly impacts your health, both physically and mentally. In adverse, good relationships, have the power to sharpen your memory.
    Satisfactory work life: It is one of the most critical factors in this century to be happy. Due to many reasons like having social pressure, the race of competition, in maintaining the social status, most people tend to make their work life an unwanted burden on them. Instead, we should choose our work life very wisely. One should always choose his/her work life where he feels at utmost satisfaction while working.
    The ability to see beauty in art and nature: This is a must requirement to see the beautiful hidden corners of this world. You should have the skills to find the beauty in the entire creation of God, and automatically you will enjoy every moment of your life. Even when you’ll be going through a bad phase in your life, you’ll find some way to stay happy and patient.