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周六(3/31)1.懂得禮貌Say No 2.炸雞與生長激素下午4:00-6:00

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉       聚會時間下午4:00pm--6:00pm
「Say No」的圖片搜尋結果
懂得禮貌Say No
How to Say No Nicely

It's okay to say no. There are many reasons why we should say no sometimes, and there are just as many reasons why we don't – and suffer for not doing so. Read the steps below to understand why it's hard to say no, and how you can learn to do it without feeling guilty.

    Understand when to say no. Two-year-olds are famous for saying “no” like it's going out of style, because they've only recently learned that such a thing is possible, and the new chances for independence it provides are fun and exciting. Two-year-olds are also known for being selfish and thoughtless. However, they're on to something: it's okay to say no. What separates adult usage of the word is that we can learn when it's appropriate and when it isn't.
        Saying no when you just don't feel like doing something is okay, as long as the thing you're being asked to do won't reflect on your job or school performance. There's nothing wrong with wanting time for yourself instead.
        Saying no because you don't have the time to meet a commitment is okay. Others often don't realize how difficult making such a commitment would be, given your schedule; some people do know, and are only asking just in case, even though they know you'll probably decline.
        Saying no to a situation that makes you uncomfortable is perfectly okay. You never have to step outside your personal comfort zone to accommodate the wishes of anyone else (except, perhaps as an active-duty soldier following orders).

    Learn why it's hard to say no. There are many different specific reasons a person might find it hard to say no to others, but the common thread that ties them all together is worry – worry about what the outcome will be if you say no. It's normal to worry about decisions that you make, but it's important to understand two things: first, worrying won't change what happens after you've made your choice; second, worries should never stop you from acting in your own best interests to begin with.
        No matter what your reason for being scared to say no, it stems from your worries about what will happen when you do. Will people still like you? Will you miss an important opportunity? Will you seem lazy, uncaring, or incompetent? Acknowledge that you don't say no because you worry, then accept the fact that worrying never helps anything, regardless of the outcome.

    Understand that “no” isn't cruel. By itself, saying no isn't rude, mean, or uncaring. We attach those qualities to it when we speak in a rude, mean, or uncaring way while telling someone no. There's no reason you can't firmly decline and still be pleasant and polite; therefore, there's no reason to fear making a poor impression because you say no, as long as you're mindful of how you say it.
        In other words, once you understand that it really is okay to say no, the rest is just learning how to say it politely.
How to say no nicely?
What to do if someone who always taking advantage of you?
How to respond that if some makes you uncomfortable?
How to express agreement or disagreement?
How to refuse a date gracefully?
  「kfc fried chicken」的圖片搜尋結果

Hormones in fried chicken

A 26 year old man who went to the doctor after being concerned that he was starting to develop breasts, has been told the growths on his chest are down to hormones in all the fried chicken he's been eating.

The Truth about “Hormone Free” Chickens

How many times have we gone to the grocery store to get food for dinner, and saw a label on our favorite protein, chicken, that stated “Hormone Free.” I hate to be the one to break it to you, but those labels are lying.

NO chicken, at all, no matter what, is completely “hormone free.” Chickens naturally produce growth hormones. Mississippi State University Extension explains this a little more when they said, “Progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen are naturally occurring hormones in both humans and animals. These hormones are necessary for normal development, growth, and reproduction.” As MSU Extension explains, hormones occur naturally in chickens so that is why the label, “hormone free” is incorrect.

Labels like these are misleading to consumers.

Another label that is misleading is “No Hormones Added.” Additive hormones are banned by the FDA and have been for the past 50 years. So no growth hormones are added to the chicken we eat, because they are illegal so when companies market their chicken as No Added Hormones” just realize that this label applies to all chicken eaten in the United States.

Chicken Growth Hormones

Another reason, besides legality that chickens are not given growth hormones is that they are not effective. Dr. Berry, a poultry science professor from Auburn University explains why, “Growth is complex; no one hormone can affect it. The hormone everyone considers a growth hormone is a protein hormone that is in all vertebrate. It cannot be taken orally, because it is digested normally, to be effective it would have to be injected. The injections would have to be given every 90 minutes to be in correlation with the pulses of the natural hormones in the chicken. We have 110-120 million birds growing in Alabama at any given moment, so 120 million birds would have to be given an injection every 90 minutes; obviously that is not economical at all.” This is a reason that surprises a lot of consumers, but it is another main reason that hormones are not used in the poultry industry.

So the next time that you hear that chickens are larger than in the past because they are fed growth hormones, just realize that is actually not true. Chickens are not fed or injected with growth hormones, they just have naturally increased size over time. So when you see a label that has “No hormones added” or “hormone free” just remember that NO chicken, at all is hormone free,  and no chickens have hormones added to them. So feel confident when buying chicken from the store or from Chick-Fil-A by realizing you are not eating something with growth hormones.


Do you know anything about hormones in fried chicken?
Is eating fired chicken good?
What are the junk food?
What are the health food?
How to eat healthily?


板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)

埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉    PM 7:00-9:30
The Boy Who Lived Before

The Boy Who Lived BeforeEver since he could talk, Cameron has been telling stories of his life on Barra, a remote island in the Outer Hebrides, some 220 miles from his current home in Glasgow. He describes in detail his childhood on the island: the white house he lived in, the black-and-white dog he walked on the beach. He talks about his mother, seven siblings and his father, Shane Robertson, who died when he was run over by a car.

Nothing strange about all that. Except the fact that Cameron is only five years old now; his memories seem to be of a former life. Cameron’s stories have become increasingly more detailed since he first started telling them, and the shock of him insisting I’m a Barra boy, I’m a Barra boy” has worn off a little. But his emotional attachment to his ‘Barra mum’ concerns his mother, and there’s clearly something going on in the poor kid’s head when he says, “My real barra dad doesn’t look left and right.” Intrigued by her enigmatic son, Cameron’s mother Norma has decided to investigate his claims.

Everyone who comes across Cameron is sceptical, but his stories are just so consistent. In her search to find a rational explanation for Cameron’s tales of his Barra childhood, Norma first visits psychologist Dr Chris French, editor of The Skeptic magazine. French suggests that Cameron might simply have acquired knowledge about Barra through TV or a family friend, and thus invented the stories himself.

Norma isn’t satisfied by this. Her next port of call is educational psychologist Karen Majors, who tells her that the way that Cameron describes his Barra world is similar to the way in which some children speak about imaginary places and people, except that Cameron really seems to believe that he has seen the things he describes first-hand; he also doesn’t seem to be able to control his ‘fantasy’ as other children do. Norma decides to investigate the possibility of reincarnation, contacting leading expert Dr Jim Tucker at the University of Virginia.
What do you think the story described that The Boy Who Lived Before?
Do you believe the possibility of reincarnation?
Do you believe in past and next life? Why or why not?
Ways to Remember Your Past Lives?
Can anyone remember past life?
Where does soul going after death?
 「Mentally Strong People Deal with Stress」的圖片搜尋結果
Stress Advice: How Mentally Strong People Deal with Stress
Amy Morin  time

1. They accept that stress is part of life
Mentally strong people don’t work themselves into a frenzy asking, “Why do these things always happen to me?” Instead, they know that stress is part of everyday life, and they accept that obstacles and problems are part of the journey.

2. They recognize the early signs of stress
Rather than ignoring or minimizing signs of stress, mentally strong people are in tune with the ways in which it influences their mood, attitude and even their body. They use this information to create positive changes before they become completely overwhelmed.

3. They choose to view stress as an opportunity
While tough times can drag you down, adversity can also be a chance to shine. Mentally strong people view stress as an opportunity to build their mental muscle. With each challenge, they strive to grow stronger and commit to becoming better.

4. They seek help when they need it
They recognize that asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength. Mentally strong people know their limits, and they’re not afraid to reach for a helping hand when they need it

5. They modify the environment
Rather than endure unnecessary stress for the sake of it, mentally strong people are open to creating change. They know that sometimes a minor change to their environment can make a big difference in their stress level. Whether they choose to sit near a more positive coworker or they opt out of being part of a committee that would be a headache, they focus on the things they can control.

6. They remember to play
One of the best ways to combat negative emotions is by experiencing positive feelings. Mentally strong people participate in leisure activities, surround themselves with positive people and make time to do what they love. The more stress they experience, the more fun they choose to have.

7. They change the channel
Unless they’re working to actively solve a problem, mentally strong people don’t waste time thinking about their hardships. When they find themselves rehashing their problems or dwelling on the negative, they proactively change the channel in their minds. They distract themselves with positive activities that provide immediate stress relief.
How to deal with stress?
Where the stress is came from in everyday life?
What are the early signs of stress?
How to change an adversity to be a chance?
Do you seek help when you need it?
How to change the environment around you and make you feel better?


板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉    PM 7:00-9:30
The real reason young people are the poorest generation in 25 years |
Chris Osterndorf— March 21

Millennials certainly are facing a financial crisis, but it’s not because of how they use their money, nor is it the result of how many Facebook quizzes they take or BuzzFeed listicles they read. It has much more to do with the financial legacy left to them by the boomers—and the refusal to acknowledge that this is a generation in dire need of better social support.

Everyone loves to hate on millennials. Patricia Sellers at Fortune writes: “While we Baby Boomers typically place high value on pay, benefits, stability and prestige, Gen Y cares most about fun, innovation, social responsibility, and time off.” Charles M. Blow at the New York Times wrote witheringly of the “selfie generation” that: “All in all, we seem to be experiencing a wave of liberal-minded detach-ees, a generation in which institutions are subordinate to the individual and social networks are digitally generated rather than interpersonally accrued.”

    Everyone loves to hate on millennials.

Workplace consultant Sherri Elliott-Yeary further believes: “Millennials are not willing to make work the central focus of their lives as Baby Boomers have.” Millennials are all too busy looking for fun to buckle down and work—which is why companies have to resort to juvenile features like slides and ball-pits to attract millennial workers, and why millennials flock to the Internet. Millennials believe in YOLO, FOMO, and #picsoritdidnthappen.

The hashtagging, selfie-ing, status updating, social networking generation is so mired in the Internet, it’s no wonder that millennial parents are poor—or so, at least, goes the logic of commentary after commentary on this particular generation. The Internet is classed as a time waster and a sign of millennial laziness, but more than that, it’s evidence that young adults aren’t trying hard enough to find jobs and resolve their financial dire straits.

This is a curious classification of a generation that was handed every possible disadvantage in life by a prior generation. Boomers created a social, economic, and environmental mess that will take decades—if not centuries—to clean up, gifting millennials with war, climate change, a recession, runaway inflation, and an absurdly competitive job market.

Millennials were promised that if they followed the American prescription for success, starting with a college degree, they’d be on a track to profitable careers and respected roles in American society. Instead, they entered college precisely at the moment tuition was skyrocketing, endowments were falling, and interest on student loans was climbing. College loans are a major contributor to millennial debt, so much so that there are legitimate fears of a college debt bubble that could be as devastating as the tech bubble of the 1990s (boomers) or the recession (boomers again).

    It’s evidence that young adults aren’t trying hard enough to find jobs and resolve their financial dire straits.

Hand in hand with bootstrapping attitudes comes the belief that poverty should be a life of suffering—which leaves no room for owning computers and smartphones, setting up Facebook accounts, or Skyping with friends. A generation so heavily technologically engaged cannot possibly be poor if it’s wasting money on such frivolities, and members of that generation are hardly deserving poor if they’re having fun.

Conceptualizing the Internet as a cure to social isolation is alien to critics of the younger generation. When these critics come from the very generation that functionally destroyed any reasonable chance of success for millennials, the medicine goes down poorly.

Especially when the Internet is about much more than having fun—something no poor person should be ashamed of in the first place. It’s also about networking and making connections, the self-same activities that can lead to finding jobs. At the same time that older generations criticize youth for being lazy or disinterested in finding work, they reject the systems millennials are building to create a functional job market for themselves.
What are the real reasons young people are the poor?
Is this is a generation in need of better social support?
Is today's generation selfish and lazy? Why?
Is unemployment rate serious in Taiwan?
Is the cost of tuition fees too high?
What is your opinion about competitive job market?

House prices: why are they so high? 
「Robot Qualifies As 'Doctor」的圖片搜尋結果
Chinese Robot Qualifies As 'Doctor

The robot will now assist doctors in clinical diagnosis. 

China has come up with a robot which is now to assist doctors in clinical diagnosis and will see patients in hospitals. The robot has cleared a national-level qualification test for doctors which was attempted by around 530,000 people in the country. It will now be used to assist doctors in clinical diagnosis.

The robot, co-developed by leading Chinese tech firm iFlytek and Tsinghua University, has achieved a score of 456, higher than the national pass mark of 360, the health and family planning commission in Anhui Province said.

The National Medical Examination Center released the pass mark for the written test yesterday.

Watched by examination supervisors, the robot answered the same test paper at the same time as its human counterparts in a designated test room without internet access or signal.

The whole process was recorded to prevent cheating, according to iFlytek.

The test showed the robot has mastered self-learning and problem solving abilities to a degree. It will be used to assist doctors in clinical diagnosis and will see patients in hospitals, residential communities and homes in the future, state-run Xinhua news agency reported.
What is your opinion about the robot doctor?
How would you feel if you received a treatment from robot doctor?
Do we highly rely on new technology?
Do you prefer western medicine or Chinese medicine and why?

Are robots ready to take over the household chores? 

周六(3/24)1."樂天派" 帶來問題 2.對他人 感興趣?下午4:00-6:00

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉       聚會時間下午4:00pm--6:00pm
"樂天派" 帶來問題

Too Much Optimism Can Be a Problem   By Rick Nauert PhD  Source: Duke University

Optimistic While being optimistic is generally believe to be a benefit for living a high quality and perhaps longer life, too much optimism can be a problem, especially in regards to financial matters.

Researchers from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business discovered people who are optimistic are more likely than others to display prudent financial behaviors. But too much optimism can be a problem: people who are extremely optimistic tend to have short planning horizons and act in ways that are generally not considered wise.

Manju Puri and David Robinson, professors of finance at Duke, report in the October 2007 issue of the Journal of Financial Economics that the differences between optimists and extreme optimists provide important insights into the interaction between psychology and economic and lifestyle choices.

Puri and Robinson developed a novel method to assess individuals’ levels of optimism, drawing on data from the Federal Reserve Board’s Survey of Consumer Finance (SCF), a triennial assessment of U.S. families’ financial and demographic information.

Most of the information we needed was already there, but we had to create a new way of combining it with other existing data in order to extract meaning about optimism,” Puri said.

Puri and Robinson also labeled as “extreme optimists” the top 5 percent of optimists, those who think they will live an average of 20 years longer than is statistically likely.

The differences between optimists and extreme optimists are remarkable, and suggest that over-optimism, like overconfidence, may in fact lead to behaviors that are unwise,” said Puri.

The findings could lead to useful ways to consider individuals’ investment and career planning decisions, and help people understand or overcome personality characteristics that can negatively affect important financial decisions, the authors say.

Doctors tell us that one or two glasses of red wine a day can be really healthy,” Robinson said.

But no one tells you to drink the whole bottle. It’s the same with optimism. A little bit is really beneficial, but too much can lead to some really bad economic choices.”


Do you think that Too Much Optimism Can Be a Problem? 

Pros and cons of being an optimist?

Do you still keep optimistic attitude If you were bankrupt?

Do you believe that optimists would have longer lifespan?

How to have longer lifespan?

How to keep a good mood?

What to do when encounter financial problems?
 如何對他人 感興趣?
How to Become Interesting to Other People

Pursue hobbies that interest you.
By delving into activities that appeal to you, you have the opportunity to meet people who like the same thing. You also get to talk about what you love, which can show how interesting you are.
        If you like reading, for example, you could start book club or attend one sponsored by your local library.
        Keep your values in mind as you spend more time cultivating your interests. If you’re someone who loves to help others, for example, spending time volunteering will feel genuine to who you are. The more authentic you can be in your interactions, the more likely people are to take interest in the real you.

 Find a cause you are passionate about.
There’s a good chance there is something you believe in. Become involved in it when you realize what it is. Reading about the different causes gives you information you may not have had previously, which can make you more interesting to others.
        Joining a cause or movement also connects you with others. Meeting people and learning from them not only makes you more informed about what’s going on, but gives you more to talk about.

        For example, you may choose to become more active in local politics, women's rights, or animal rights groups in your community or nationally.

  Listen to others.
Some of the best ways to learn something new is to hear about it from others. Make sure you actually listen to what the person is talking about instead of just waiting for them to finish so that you can interject. Being a good listener during a conversation shows the person that you are genuinely interested in what they have to say, which is a great way to make a new friend or build upon an already existing relationship.
        Learning to really listen when in a conversation can take a tremendous amount of willpower. You may want to interrupt so that you make a good impression with your knowledge or humor, but doing so can actually backfire. You may come off as rude or a know-it-all. Instead, give the speaker your full attention and only comment when they are finished and when you can add something meaningful to the conversation.

 Ask questions.
Asking someone questions shows that you are interested in finding out more about them or what they are talking about, and also helps you to learn more information. People who are interesting never stop trying to learn. They are often extremely curious and do what they can to find out about their interests as much as possible.
        Get more out of the conversation by asking questions that can’t be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.” For example, instead of asking, “Are you interested in rock climbing,” you could say, “What kind of activities are you interested in?” This gives you the opportunity to learn more and have a deeper conversation with the person.
How to become interesting to other people?
Why being interesting to other people important?
What kind of activities that appeal to you?
How to find a cause you are passionate about?
How to meeting people and learning from them

How to ask proper questions in conversations?