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周六(12/1)1.個人風格與成功2. 影響人生的一句話

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉    星期六 聚會時間為下午4:00-6:00
Why Charismatic People Are More Successful            Elite Daily
Charisma is one of the most essential traits of a successful person. If you look at the leaders, innovators, legends and the generally successful, the one quality all of them possess is charisma. In order to aspire to such heights, it's important to understand why charisma is so necessary for success.

1. They Inspire Others

As the good old saying goes: it's not what you do, it's why you do it. Charismatic people inspire action within others. They make others believe in what they are doing to inspire them to help them achieve their goals. They make them believe in their dreams, goals and a greater purpose. On top of all that, they make everyone around them feel special and a greater part of the cause rather than just a pedestrian employee.

2. They Only Bring Positive Energy

You can sense a charismatic person as soon as they walk into the room. They just have something about them and possess a certain type of energy that many lack. They bring light in and have the whole room interested in what they have to say — because of their charisma they can entertain anyone and get along with whomever they choose to.

3. They Have A Vision

Charismatic leaders always have a target, they know where they are heading and they know where they want to be. Clarity within the vision is what gets people to believe in and work hard for it. And it's not just any vision, it is one that is incredibly compelling and is in line with your values, interests and desires.

Your passion for this vision should be so intense that other people will fall in love with it. A powerful and current vision – one that really connects with your deepest passions and triggers your highest potential – it should help you to know why you're doing what you're doing, regardless of what's going on outside of yourself or the challenges presented to you at any given time.

4. They Understand How Important Others Are

Rome was not built in a day, nor was it done by just one person. We live in a world where we need others to help us get to where we want. Not only can you learn from other people, but you can use them in your favor as well. Charismatic people understand that it is not the quantity of people that you have in your life, but rather the quality of them and they value those relationships pretty highly. It's not what you know, but who you know nowadays.
What are the personal traits of successful people?
Reasons why charismatic people are more successful?          
How to bring positive energy to others?
How to trigger your highest potential?
How to get along with people?
How to inspire others? How to be passionate?
Positive quotes that will powerfully influence your life and work
A positive mind creates a positive attitude. The key resides in you. Why not take the challenge?
By Peter Economy

"Winners make a habit of manufacturing their own positive expectations in advance of the event." Brian Tracy

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow." Helen Keller

"A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, and it sparks extraordinary results." Wade Boggs

"Positive anything is better than negative nothing." Elbert Hubbard

"In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact." Les Brown

"In order to carry a positive action, we must develop here a positive vision." Dalai Lama

"Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact." William James

"I like to encourage people to realize that any action is a good action if it’s proactive and there is positive intent behind it." Michael J. Fox

"The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do." Kobe Bryant

"Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier." Colin Powell

"I hope the millions of people I’ve touched have the optimism and desire to share their goals and hard work and persevere with a positive attitude." Michael Jordan

"When you show deep empathy toward others, their defensive energy goes down, and positive energy replaces it. That’s when you can get more creative in solving problems." Stephen Covey
What are the quotes that influenced your life and work?
What are the habits influenced your life and work?
How to have a positive attitude?
Do positive and negative attitudes drive performance?
How to prove life is worth living
How to encourage people?

週四 (11/29)1. 不快樂 上癮症 2.性格特質 讓你活更久!

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉    PM 7:00-9:30
sad face
不快樂 上癮症
Are You Addicted to Unhappiness?    psychologytoday

There are a number of possible explanations for this “addiction” to unhappiness:

    Deep-rooted insecurity or lack of self-esteem may cause some people to feel undeserving of happiness.
    People who grew up with a parenting style characterized by excessive discipline and unrealistic expectations may have learned to equate unhappiness with love and success.
    Lifelong struggles with trauma or other negative experiences may fuel an unconscious desire to continually return to the status quo of unhappiness.
    Some people who seem comfortable in their misery actually may be suffering from an underlying mental health disorder.
    Some people pride themselves on realism, believing that being practical or realistic also means focusing on the negative.
    Because of decisions or experiences in their past, some people are consumed by guilt or regret that they cannot overcome. Instead, they choose to punish themselves and/or others.
    Some people are afraid to feel joy since positive feelings might be a “setup” for disappointment.
    The prospect of happiness strikes fear of the unknown for those who have never felt anything but unhappiness.
    Dissatisfaction becomes a motivator to work harder, change jobs, eat healthier, spend more time with friends and family, or prevent unwanted behaviors or situations.
    Some people make it a personal mission to take on the world’s problems as their own. While noble in some respects, these individuals cannot allow themselves to feel happiness when, for example, people are starving or global warming is damaging the planet.

Characteristics of the Chronically Unhappy

How do you know if you’re one of these people who live in a perpetual state of unhappiness? People who are addicted to unhappiness tend to:

    Find reasons to be miserable when life gets “too good.”
    Prefer to play the victim role and blame others rather than take personal responsibility for their choices.
    Compete with friends and colleagues to see who has it the hardest.
    Have difficulty setting and achieving goals, or conversely achieve goals only to find that they can’t enjoy their success.
    Struggle to bounce back when things don’t go their way.
    Distract, escape or cope by using drugs, alcohol, sex, food, or other addictive or compulsive behaviors.
    Stop taking care of their basic needs, such as a healthy diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep.
    Feel enslaved to their emotions and powerless to change.
    Feel dissatisfied even when life is going well.
    Have dramatic, unfulfilling relationships.
  「happy lifespan」的圖片搜尋結果
 性格特質 讓你活更久!
These Personality Traits May Help You Live Longer
By Robert Preidt

Stubbornness and optimism may be keys to a long life, a new study suggests.

Researchers hunting for clues to longevity focused on nine remote villages in the Cilento region of southern Italy. There, hundreds of residents are older than 90.

The study zeroed in on 29 of them, who ranged in age from 90 to 101.

While these elders had poorer physical health than younger family members, they had better mental well-being, according to the study.

"There have been a number of studies on very old adults, but they have mostly focused on genetics, rather than their mental health or personalities," said senior author Dr. Dilip Jeste.

Jeste is a professor of psychiatry and neurosciences at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine.

"The main themes that emerged from our study, and appear to be the unique features associated with better mental health of this rural population, were positivity, work ethic, stubbornness and a strong bond with family, religion and land," Jeste said in a university news release.

Love of the land was particularly apparent.

"The group's love of their land is a common theme and gives them

a purpose in life. Most of them are still working in their homes and on the land. They think, 'This is my life and I'm not going to give it up,' " said study first author Anna Scelzo. She's a mental health worker in Chiavarese, Italy.

The researchers also found that the very old adults had significant self-confidence and decision-making skills compared to folks in their 50s, 60s and 70s.

"This paradox of aging supports the notion that well-being and wisdom increase with aging, even though physical health is failing," Jeste said.

The researchers plan to continue following the participants.

"Studying the strategies of exceptionally long-lived and lived-well individuals, who not just survive but also thrive and flourish, enhances our understanding of health and functional capacities in all age groups," Jeste said.

The study was published Dec. 12 in the journal International Psychogeriatrics.

週二(11/27)1.公投否定同性婚姻 2.魯蛇的習慣

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉    PM 7:00-9:30
「same sex marriage」的圖片搜尋結果
Taiwan voters reject same-sex marriage  bbc

A same-sex marriage supporter in Taiwan cries after Saturday's referendums in Taiwan. Photo: 24 November 2018 Image copyright Reuters
Image caption Same-sex marriages supporters reacted as it became clear that they lost the vote

Taiwan has rejected same-sex marriages, in a blow to the island's reputation as a rights trailblazer in Asia.

The results in referendums come despite a high court ruling in March 2017 in favour of such unions.

The court also gave parliament two years to amend laws or pass new ones. It is unclear how Saturday's voting will affect legislation.

What were voters asked about same-sex marriage?

The marriage issue was actually the subject of three separate referendums on Saturday, which were put forward by rival camps.

Conservative groups asked whether the legislation - defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman in Taiwan's Civil Code - should remain unchanged, while LGBT activists asked for the marriage law to be amended to include same-sex couples.

Results show voters backed the conservative "pro-family" groups.

The government earlier said Saturday's referendums would not affect it bringing in the changes required by the court ruling. The authorities are now expected to pass a special law, without amending the Civil Code.

But campaigners fear the eventual legislation will be weaker.

One possible outcome could be that gay couples are given legal protection - but not allowed to get married, correspondents say.
Habits of Losers   megainsights
Pay attention and be ready to make amends if any of the things listed below resemble your way of life.
1.    Losers are lazy

Losers could think big like winners, but they are so lazy that they cannot pursue their dreams. Losers give up easily and they’re not ready for any hard work. That’s why they continue to lose out.
 2.    Losers complain too much

Nothing is good in the sight of losers. Instead of identifying ways to make their life better, they keep complaining every day; harboring bitterness and sadness. That’s another habit of losers.
 3.    Losers are reckless

Losers are reckless with money. Their personal financial management is zero. That’s why they complain too much. Let them have a little change in their pockets; they will blow it away on frivolous things within minutes. That’s why they continue to lose…theyre senseless gamblers!
 4.    Losers are “too much” people

Losing connotes scarcity or lack of abundance. But losers are actually people of “too much.” They have too much of everything regressive – they drink too much, they eat too much, they sleep too much, they talk too much, they even work too much!

Yes, don’t be surprised about that bit on working too much. The issue here is that losers work too much to the detriment of their health, family, and their future. Their life is in total disarray on account of work or business.
 5.    Losers watch too much TV

If this describes you, don’t get upset. Just bear in mind that every minute you spend in front of that box could be utilized for other positive things. By watching those so called favorite TV programs, every other person involved in their production wins; but you lose!

By watching, you enrich the TV house, the producers, the actors, the advertisers etc. And what do you get? Nothing, except backache and a protruding stomach!
 6.    Losers are rude

Losers are rude. They lack manners. That’s because they vent their bottled frustrations on others at the least provocation. They blame others for their backwardness and believe that their progress is hindered by their fellow men. How wrong they are!
 7.    Losers flock with losers

Like attracts like, they say. Losers are in the habit of surrounding themselves with other losers. They hang around negative people of the same mind. That’s why their position is ever the same. Or, how can anyone expect a sheep to give birth to a puppy? Losers are always in the family of other losers.


板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉    星期六 聚會時間為下午4:00-6:00
「man in suit」的圖片搜尋結果
How to Run for Mayor

    Become involved in community initiatives. As mayor, you’ll be involved in numerous aspects of the local community. You can get a head-start in local politics and government by becoming involved in community initiatives. Local community centers, churches, hospitals, or charities are a great place to get started.
Introduce yourself to community leaders and become an outspoken member of your city or town.
        Volunteer opportunities could include cleaning up a local park or serving soup at a homeless shelter.
        Network with those that are working to improve the conditions of the community you're living in.

    Build relationships with local businesses. The economy is an important aspect of any mayoral campaign. Introduce yourself to local businesses and develop relationships with them. Local companies will be interested in how you will affect their business if you're elected. Assure businesses that, once you're in office, you'll support policies that can help them.
        Get an understanding of the biggest businesses in your town or city and the issues that they regularly face.
        Identify the major industries in your area by finding statistics about the local economy and identifying the industries that are thriving.
        You can also gather data by asking local business owners questions about the economy in the area.
    Get experience by managing in the private sector instead. Any job that requires you to represent and manage a large number of people can provide the springboard you need to run for mayor. Make sure that your job requires you to make large management decisions or set company-wide policies. Before you run for mayor, you must have a proven track record in a leadership position.
        Examples of leadership positions include CEO, president, partner, or chief operations officer.
        Ex-mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg was in business for four decades before he decided to run for mayor.
        You should have enough experience to demonstrate that you can effectively lead people.

    Create a committee in larger cities. Most cities and some larger towns will require that you create a committee before you can declare your candidacy for mayor. The committee will become your election campaign team. Your committee needs to be established so that the government can track your campaign’s finances to make sure that your campaign is legal. A committee will have to include, at a minimum, a treasurer and chairperson.
 Select people who have experience in politics or running a campaign.

    Get a petition and the required signatures that you need. Pick up a petition to run for mayor from your city clerk. Most cities and towns require that you get signatures from citizens before you can be nominated as a candidate. The number of signatures that you need varies depending on how large your city is and how many residents it has. Try to get signatures from all the people you know first, then send out a canvassing team with your petition to get more signatures.
Does Your Personality Predict Your Happiness?      greatergood.berkeley.edu

Extraverts are happier, and so are the emotionally stable, personality researchers tell us. It also pays to be more open to new experiences, more agreeable, and more conscientious. What does that mean for the rest of us—the introverts, the neurotics, the disorganized?

You may recognize these personality dimensions as part of the Big Five, the traits that researchers are often referring to when they talk about personality. According to a 2008 review, the Big Five explain anywhere from 39 to 63 percent of the variation in well-being between people.

That’s enough to be discouraging, if you don’t fall into one of the “beneficial” categories. But don’t lose heart yet, the authors of a new study say. Each Big Five domain can be divided into two “aspects”—enthusiasm and assertiveness rather than simply “extraversion,” for example—and, it turns out, one of each pair is more predictive of well-being than the other.
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In other words, rather than lumping ourselves (and others) into broad categories, we’d do better to understand these nuances and what they might mean for our pursuit of happiness.

In this study, researchers surveyed over 700 U.S. residents about their personality and their well-being. The personality questions (which you can answer for yourself) covered the ten aspects of the Big Five:

    Extraversion includes enthusiasm (being friendly and sociable) and assertiveness (dominating social situations).
    Neuroticism includes withdrawal (tending toward depression and anxiety) and volatility (tending toward anger).
    Conscientiousness includes industriousness (being hard-working and self-disciplined) and orderliness (being organized and preferring routines).
    Agreeableness includes compassion (being caring and empathic) and politeness (being respectful).
    Openness to experience includes openness (being creative and appreciating beauty) and intellect (being curious and reflective).

For well-being, researchers didn’t simply ask participants how happy they were. Their questions reflected three scientific measurements of well-being, capturing different visions of the good life. They asked about everything from feeling positive and satisfied with life, to experiencing a sense of meaning and purpose, to having loving and warm relationships, to feeling autonomous and in control.

In the end, the results offered greater clarity about the link between personality and well-being. Extraverted participants were indeed happier—but drilling down deeper, they found it was the more enthusiastic ones who tended to report higher life satisfaction, more positive emotions, and better relationships.


週四 (11/22)1.同性婚姻權公投 2.一個人會快樂嗎?

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉    PM 7:00-9:30
Same-sex marriage rights in Taiwan at risk in referendums    asia.nikkei

TAIPEI -- Victoria Hsu plans to wed her partner as soon as same-sex marriage becomes legal in Taiwan next May.

"We have waited so long for this day and we have been through many ups and downs," the 46-year-old human rights lawyer told the Nikkei Asian Review. "While heterosexual couples can get married in 30 minutes, we've had to fight for decades to formulate legal documents ourselves, to initiate lawsuits ourselves, to go through endless debates for equal rights ourselves."

"It's been a very very long journey," said the prominent lesbian rights activist.

But Hsu's plans may be dashed if conservative forces win out in a series of referendums on gay rights being held Nov. 24, and manage to limit the rights of gays wanting to wed. Five out of 10 plebiscites will be questions on issues such as education about homosexuality and regulations on same-sex marriage.

In the first such ruling in Asia, Taiwan's constitutional court said in May 2017 that same-sex couples have the right to be legally married. The court gave the island's legislature two years to legalize gay marriage, but said homosexual partners can be married from May 2019 even if the law has not been formally amended.

But with little progress made on changing the current act, conservatives have been calling for a new law to regulate same-sex couples' rights. Despite the island having many gay-friendly spots and hosting one of the region's biggest LGBT parades, Hsu and other activists are concerned they may end up with limited freedom to marry.

Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen campaigned on a promise of marriage equality in the 2016 general election, but said this year that society is still divided. Her Democratic Progressive Party has been reluctant to push ahead on same-sex marriage legalization, fearing it would have a negative impact in some of the local elections taking place the same day.

Recent polls show a majority of people are against same-sex marriage. A survey by the Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation showed as many as 77% of respondents agreed that the Civil Code should limit permanent unions to those between a man and a woman.

Conservative groups put three votes on the ballot. These referendums are aimed at restricting gay-marriage rights, and banning same-sex education in schools. Gay-rights activists put up two separate votes to counter such moves.

"We were so disappointed about the court ruling that we felt we must do something to protect the definition of marriage as between man and woman -- to preserve the traditional culture," said Sun Gi-cheng, chairperson of Stability Power, a group that pushed for the anti-same-sex-marriage referendums.
Can You Live Alone and Be Happy?  Psychology Today
A social phenomenon is sweeping the world. From Kenya to the UK, people are living alone in increasing numbers. These aren't temporary situations, like students or recent graduates. In fact, those living alone are more likely to remain in that situation than any other group except married couples.

In the US, 28% of all households are people living alone. Worldwide, more people are living alone than at any other time in history. Living alone appears to be tied to a market economy (people move around in the pursuit of better jobs), the welfare state (growing old is no longer a sentence to poverty without children to support you) and the women's movement (there is less need to be dependent upon men for support).

Does this mean that we are headed down the path where the Beatles' Eleanor Rigby is the universal anthem: All those lonely people/Where did they all come from? Not at all, says sociologist Eric Klinenberg.

Klinenberg's research doesn't turn up lonely people or social isolates. He writes that "people who live alone compensate by becoming more socially active than those who live with others and that cities with high numbers of singletons enjoy a thriving public culture."

In his March 12 Time magazine article he writes, "Living alone allows us to do what we want, when we want, on our own terms. It liberates us from the constraints of a domestic partner's needs and demands and permits us to focus on ourselves."

He states: "After all, living alone serves a purpose: it helps us pursue sacred modern values-individual freedom, personal control and self-realization-that carry us from adolescence to our final days."

So living alone doesn't mean that people are lonely or unhappy; neither does it mean that people are less social. But it may mean that people are more self-centered and therefore less concerned about larger social issues.

A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, which studied attitudes over a 40-year span, found that today's young Americans are less concerned about the environment than older generations. One frustrated environmentalist said about her peers, ""I just think our generation seems fairly narcissistic-and we seem to have the shortest attention span."

Living alone is part of a pattern of self-realization that easily gets translated into indifference. If you need to think about another's needs on a regular basis, as you do when you live with someone else, then your thinking is stretched beyond the present moment. You can't live successfully with another person with a short attention span. You must pay attention when you are a partner.