周六(10/9)1.找尋真愛 2.寬容的力量

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Have You Found True Love?
By liveabout
It’s not uncommon to find yourself wondering if you’ve found true love. After all, you may have intensely strong feelings of affection and adoration toward your partner, but how do you know if these sentiments actually qualify as true love? Fortunately, there are eight key indicators that can help you determine if what you’ve found is true love or if it’s too good to be true.
What does true love really mean? In order to figure out if you’ve found true love, it’s important to first understand what true love actually entails. Essentially, true love means that you have an unwavering, unbreakable and unparalleled fondness and devotion for your partner. It's also defined by an emotional as well as physical connection with him or her that runs immeasurably deep, and life without your significant other would be practically unthinkable.
What are the signs of true love? If you’re unsure that what you’re experiencing is in fact true love, it’s important to look for these eight essential indicators.
1. You care about this person unconditionally. A tell-tale sign that you’ve found true love is that you absolutely and undeniably adore your partner with no strings attached. In other words, no matter what circumstances may befall you and through good times as well as bad, you support and deeply care for this person. Unconditional love is at the very heart of what true love means and entails.
2. You fully accept your partner. An additional indicator of true love is that you understand and accept your partner for the person who he or she truly is. You’re not trying to change your mate, fix him or her and/or turn him or her into a different person. Rather, you fully accept, appreciate and adore your partner, flaws and all.
3. You can talk about anything. When you’ve found true love, it means that you can candidly and honestly discuss anything with this person. True love implies that you’re completely truthful with your mate, aren’t holding back different aspects of your past and are able to fully open up to him or her. You share an intimacy that’s emotional as well as physical, and your loving connection is stronger because of your willingness and ability to be open and vulnerable around each other.
4. You’re completely yourself with this person. When you’ve found true love, you’re able to be totally authentic with your partner. You’re not pretending to be someone you’re not, feigning interests, passions or pastimes and/or acting in a way that doesn’t reflect the real you. Being yourself in your relationship is essential to experiencing true love.
5. You respect each other. In order to experience true love, it also means that there’s a high level of respect, kindness and compassion between you and your partner. You can empathize with one another, see each other’s point of view and are able to resolve conflicts and squabbles in a way that’s constructive and respectful of each other’s well-being.
6. You have similar values. In order to experience true love, your morals and values have to be aligned with those of your partner. While you may have your differences, such as where you grew up, your religious background or simply your obsession with football, true love means that you’re on the same page when it comes to distinguishing right from wrong. In a word, having similar principles is a principle component of true love.
7. Your happiness levels feed off of each other. If you’re wondering if you’ve found true love, it’s important to pay close attention to your true feelings and emotions. Does making this person happy make you happy in return? Does surprising him or her or doing favors for your partner give you a rush of joy as well? When you and your partner both have a mutual desire to bring happiness and contentment to one another, you should be happy to know that you're experiencing true love.
8. You’re a team. When you’ve found true love, it means that you’re fully committed, dedicated and devoted to each other. With true love, you and your partner work together as one unit to enrich each other’s lives for the better. And rather than behaving in a selfish or egotistical way, you think in terms of “we” instead of “me.” When it comes to true love, your mate is really your teammate.
Being tolerant
Deutsche Welle (www.dw.com)
Tolerance makes it possible for people to coexist peacefully. It is the basis for a fair society in which everyone can lead their lives as they wish.
Tolerance is an important concept that helps people to live together peacefully. To be tolerant means that you accept other people’s opinions and preferences, even when they live in a way that you don’t agree with. Tolerance also means that you don’t put your opinions above those of others, even when you are sure that you are right. Tolerant people show strength in that they can deal with different opinions and perspectives.
Freedom through tolerance
Tolerance doesn’t just make peaceful coexistence possible, another advantage is that being open to other ways of thinking can help with personal development. When you know more about different thinking and ideas from around the world, it will help you to understand the world better.
Teaching children about tolerance is the best gift that you can give them. Children shouldn’t grow up with feelings of hate and suspicion. Children who grow up with hate and jealously of others turn into unhappy people. And children who are forced to believe certain opinions will develop into people who aren’t free or independent thinkers. If children experience love and tolerance, they will be able to grow up and lead a happy and peaceful life.
Curiosity about new ideas
Tolerance is an important aspect of German society, even if there are people here who, for example, are intolerant toward migrants. The majority of people in Germany are very open and tolerant toward people from other cultures. They accept different traditions and customs, as long as they don’t break the rules in Germany.
In most cases, a lack of tolerance is the result of fear and ignorance towards the unknown. Curiosity and the readiness to learn about new worlds, ideas and ways of thinking can help people be more tolerant. When someone learns more about people from foreign cultures, they also lose their fear of the unknown. Many Germans who have a lot of contact with people from around the world also have an open attitude. It is indeed helpful for people who are new in Germany to have a lot of contact with Germans. It helps both sides to become familiar with each other and eventually understand each other’s lifestyle.
Accepting the values of others
It isn’t simple to be a tolerant person. It is okay to stick to your own values, but it makes sense to evaluate your values, especially if they are having an effect on others. It needs to be clear that everyone has their own opinions and values and that these need to be respected and accepted. If we want to live in a peaceful society, there is no alternative to tolerance.

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