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周六 (8/3)1.FB優缺點2.芳香療法3.新聞討論

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本周六 8/3聚會 時間: 6:30pm~9:00pm
地點: 快提café  新北市板橋區文化路一段38710
(沿著新埔捷運站1出口左方向走約100公尺 看到信義房屋旁的巷子進入)
電話詢問 Billy  Tel: 0976217450 (02) 22540821
Session1. Facebook 優缺點?
Session2. 芳香療法
Session3. 新聞話題討論
Facebook 優缺點
The Pros and Cons of Using Facebook (S.G. Gustafson)

Allows users to connect with other users through networks and groups of like-minded individuals

Many of the newer "applications" feature games and quizzes that are entertaining and provide a fun way to keep in touch with friends

It's very easy to load a multitude of pictures to specified Facebook albums, sort of like Photobucket. You can "tag" your friends in these pictures, so that the pictures will show up on their Facebook profile.

You can also load videos and tag friends in them

Writing Facebook "Notes" and posting links enables users to express their thoughts and ideas, an idea that is somewhat similar to blogging

Privacy settings can be changed to "friends only," so that only those with your approval are allowed to view your profile.

Status updates are an easy way to let friends know what you're up to or what's on your mind

Users can communicate by posting a comment on another user's "wall," sending a private message or using an instant messenger feature.


Even if profile privacy is restricted, it is still very easy for other people to access profiles. There is always the chance that a predator will find information and use it to cause harm. Many users fail to make use of privacy settings at all, leaving them that much more vulnerable to online predators.

Friends may tag you in pictures or videos that you'd rather not have others see. Perhaps you were pretty wild at the bars last night, or were even engaging in some illegal activities. If photos are posted up and you are tagged in them, chances are, a professor, employer or one of your parents will see these and not be ver y happy about it. There are many people who have not been hired because the employer did not like what they saw on the applicant's Facebook profile, or the photos their friends put up. Just because you use discretion on your profile doesn't mean your friends will, so it's important to monitor your Facebook pictures and un-tag any that look like they could cause problems.

Facebook wastes a ton of time. It can be pretty addicting, like any website, so make sure you set a time-limit for how long you can spend on the website, or you won't accomplish anything. And if you're using the computer for schoolwork, avoid Facebook at all costs, it's one of the best procrastination tools out there.

Your parents or other relatives might get Facebook profiles, in which case you're pretty much obliged to accept them as friends. There are few things more annoying than knowing that your mom is constantly "Facebook stalking" you, listening to her ask about every single piece of information you posted to your profile, or answering questions about the pictures you were tagged in.

1. Do you think about facebook?
What are the pros and cons of facebook?

2.Signs of facebook addiction?
Are you addicted to facebook?

How addicted to facebook are you?
3.How to defeat a facebook addiction?

4.What are the pros and cons for using internet?
5.What are the pros and cons of new technology?

6.How to figure out how long you've been on facebook?
7. Reasons why we should quit facebook?

8.Can you live without facebook?
Can you live without the internet?

Can you live without your smart phone?
Aromatherapy (Wikipedia)
Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses volatile plant materials, known as essential oils, and other aromatic compounds for the purpose of altering a person's mind, mood, cognitive function or health.

Some essential oils such as tea tree[1] have demonstrated anti-microbial effects, but there is still a lack of clinical evidence demonstrating efficacy against bacterial, fungal, or viral infections. Evidence for the efficacy of aromatherapy in treating medical conditions remains poor, with a particular lack of studies employing rigorous methodology,[2] but some evidence exists that essential oils may have therapeutic potential.[3]

Many such oils are described by Dioscorides, along with beliefs of the time regarding their healing properties, in his De Materia Medica, written in the first century.[4] Distilled essential oils have been employed as medicines since the invention of distillation in the eleventh century,[5] when Avicenna isolated essential oils using steam distillation.[6]

The concept of aromatherapy was first mooted by a small number of European scientists and doctors, in about[weasel words] 1907. In 1937, the word first appeared in print in a French book on the subject: Aromathérapie: Les Huiles Essentielles, Hormones Végétales by René-Maurice Gattefossé, a chemist. An English version was published in 1993.[7] In 1910, Gattefossé burned a hand very badly and later claimed he treated it effectively with lavender oil.[8]

A French surgeon, Jean Valnet, pioneered the medicinal uses of essential oils, which he used as antiseptics in the treatment of wounded soldiers during World War II.[9]
1. What is aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy - what is it good for?
2. Have you ever tried aromatherapy?
3. Would you try aromatherapy for stress relief?
    What are your ways to relive stress?
4. What are the different types of alternative medicine?
5. Have you ever try massage?
Taiwanese worried about pets amid rabies outbreak
Q1.: what do think of rabies outbreak?
Q2.: what do think  about stray dogs isuue?

周二(7/30) 1. 我愛八卦2.星座歧視3.狂犬病

請注意!周二(7/30) 原聚會點  改至丹提咖啡 寶慶店 
(西門捷運站3出口 往前走10公尺 向右看 就可看到 / 在中山堂對面)
連絡電話: 0976217450   Billy
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也希望您多引薦好友加入  謝謝(兩處確定聚會點資訊在文章後)

Why we love to gossip (psychologies.co.uk)

Helena got a pay rise. I’m not surprised, the way she flirts with the boss,’ grumbles a colleague who’d like to be promoted herself. ‘That skinny minnie? I’m sure she’s anorexic,’ replies her friend. Ah, the comfort of gossip. A few spiteful words shared in confidence can give us such a boost. With friends, colleagues or family, saying bad things about other people feels good.

Gossip builds social bonds because shared dislikes create stronger bonds than shared positives. Two people who don’t know each other will feel closer if they share something mean about a third person than if they say nice things about them. It’s a way of demonstrating their shared values and sense of humour. Add to that the thrill of transgression, since we’re supposed to be nice and positive.

Gossip does have a positive function in establishing the values of a group. It shows the boundaries, using shame to persuade new arrivals to follow the rules if they want to fit in. The anthropologist Robin Dunbar has suggested that gossip is a vital evolutionary factor in the development of our brains; language came about because of the need to spread gossip, and not the other way round.

Listening to gossip told me a lot about my new workplace,’ says Melanie, 38. ‘For example, it’s considered remiss not to phone your children several times a day, whereas in my old job, personal calls were banned.’ Gossip also aids social climbing. We talk about our rivals’ failings and disasters and we enjoy taking pleasure in the misfortune of others. It’s hard to hide a smile when we learn that the sister-in-law we can’t stand is having a tough time – even if it’s with a twinge of shame.

However, there are other aspects to gossiping. ‘We gossip to share our worries, seeking reassurance and support,’ says psychiatrist Frédéric Fanget. ‘It’s an indirect way of speaking well of yourself, and your listeners. It’s also fun to arouse others’ curiosity and monopolise the conversation, when you have information to reveal. A woman who says in her partner’s ear, “Have you seen the length of my sister’s skirt? It’s outrageous!” may be trying to reassure herself that she’s as sexy as her sister. This is what leads us to target anyone who makes us feel uneasy about our weaknesses. Gossiping about them provides a sense of reassurance.’

Gossip can be a risky activity: it can quickly lead to awkwardness, and distrust. It leaves the victim unable to defend themselves, and can leave a trail of suspicion. ‘Once a person’s reputation is tarnished, it’s very difficult to reverse that,’ says Bègue. Interestingly, research has shown that we judge negative information to be more revealing than positive facts, and retain it better.

1. Why people love to gossip?

What motivates people to gossip?

2. Is gossiping good for our health?

3. What are the pros and cons of gossip?

 Is good or bad for spreading global gossip on internet?

4. Do you like celebrity gossip? Why do some people like celebrity gossip?

Do celebrities have a positive or negative effect on society?

5. Does gossip really hurt people?

How does gossip hurt others?

6. How to start a conversation when you have nothing to talk about?
Chinese job seekers fall victim to 'Zodiac discrimination'  
(Amy Li)

If you are a recent college graduate in China and happen to be a “Virgo”, your chances of getting a job may be much less than your “Gemini” or “Pisces” competitors, according to the Liaoning-based Bandao Morning News.

Xu Jingmin, a  college graduate and recent victim of such “zodiac discrimination", said she was disheartened after finding out she matched all the qualifications of a job opening at a travel agency except its requirement for the applicant’s zodiac sign.

We are looking for Geminis, Libras, and Aquarius,” the ad allegedly said. This means Xu, who is a “Leo,” was disqualified.

Stereotypes are also held against "Virgo" and "Libra" job seekers, who employers believe would be “picky” and jump ship sooner than their peers from other Zodiac signs, according to the report.

Terrence Wong, a Hong Kong public relations executive, said employers in Hong Kong - especially those who respect Fung Shui - often secretly refer to applicants’ Chinese zodiacs to decide whether they will get along with them in future.  “But in Hong Kong employers seldom care about employees’ Western zodiac signs,” Wong said.

Wu Tao, a Chengdu-based lawyer, said with the absence of national laws on  non-discrimination and equality at work, it's impossible for applicants to sue potential employers who might have treated them unfairly.

Western astrology is becoming increasingly popular in China in recent years. Websites and newspapers run their own astrology channel, publishing weekly predictions and advice . The trend has also spawned some western astrology experts.  “Naonao Witch,” a popular  zodiacs blogger, now posts daily to hundreds of thousands of loyal followers on Weibo, offering advice on astrology.


1. What do you think that Chinese company rejects applicants based on astrological sign?

2. In your opinion, are star signs real?

Are star signs related to personality, career and money?

3. Are Virgo people as picky as you would think?

4. Which star sign is the most ambitious?

5. What are the best careers for your zodiac sign?

6. Zodiac signs stereotypes; do you agree?

Have you ever stereotyped someone based on their zodiac sign,and star signs?
 Extra Topic:
Dozens of dead ferret-badger sightings heat up rabies fears
Q: Your opinions about rabies fears?

朋友們: 周二來談一下狂犬病 狂犬病不可怕 -----Billy 要是被狗咬了! 趕快 寫一下名單 考慮下一個要咬的對象 跟吸血鬼一樣 大家都一樣 就沒有甚麼好怕的----您要咬的對象是?----?

周五  /  周六------- 地點: 快提café 
(沿著新埔捷運站1號出口左方向前走約100公尺 經過新埔郵局 看到康是美 從信義房屋旁的巷子進入)
周二 ---------- 地點: 丹提咖啡 寶慶店  台北市延平南路107號
 (西門捷運站3號出口 往前走10公尺 向右看 就可看到 / 在中山堂對面)


找頭路求生學 雇主最不愛處女座? (TTV)


A型、B型、O型, 射手座、巨蟹座, 辦公室裡每個人通通不一樣, 你覺得哪個星座最難相處 不過這些都不是老闆最討厭的, 陸媒報導,大陸雇主最喜歡創意點子多的天秤座和水瓶座員工,最不喜歡處女座, 甚至還有人因為星座項目不符,不錄用。



參考太陽星座決定用不用員工,真的不夠客觀, 看看像是連戰、蔡英文,還有藝人蔡依林、張曼玉,就連大陸的總理溫家寶都是處女寶寶, 大陸雇主面試用星座篩選, 恐怕會錯過很多人才。


Gathering photo (part1)-the 16th of JulyGathering photo(Part1)-July 19th

Gathering photo (part2)-the 16th of JulyGathering photo(Part2)-July 19th

Gathering photo (part3)-the 16th of July


相片:Funny night~~ 
Heard a lot of interesting things from others especially Hans. ^^Soapbox English Club gathering photo 20130705 (Fri.)Soapbox English Club gathering photo 20130705 (Fri.)

周六(7/ 27) 1. 如何有迷人的特質?2. 英文諺語3. 新聞話題

歡迎好朋友們 隨時加入 給予支持

本周六 7/27 聚會 時間: 6:30pm~9:00pm
地點: 快提café  新北市板橋區文化路一段38710

(沿著新埔捷運站1出口左方向走約100公尺 看到信義房屋旁的巷子進入)
電話詢問 Billy  Tel: 0976217450 (02) 225408

Session1.  如何有迷人的特質?
Session2. 英文諺語介紹---
 a dog's breakfast/dinner 

Session3. 新聞話題討論


9 Steps on how to build an attractive and charming personality

(by azubuike Winifred)

If your goal is achieve and learn how to have an attractive personality, follow the quick steps below:

1. Don’t mention your distress

We all experience stress, pain, anxiety from time to time. People however don’t need to get involved in your distress and negativity. Bring out what is positive and share it with people…..

2. Listen

Listening to what the other person has to say will bring you closer to him or her. People love the ones who listen to them as this shows you respect them and that you are interested in their opinions. By listening to people, they will respect you and you gain their respect in return.

 3. Be humble

Being humble will bring you closer to others and makes you more approachable. People don’t like others who think they are better than everyone else and who look down on others…humble yourself you have the responsibility.

4. Be an optimist

The optimist is loved by people as he makes them see the world in a positive way. The optimist reminds everyone of the hope and possibilities that we all have for a better life, so be an optimist and people will love you for that…..

5. Accept constructive criticism

Receive constructive criticism with an open mind, especially if the criticism is made by people who are sincere and who want to benefit you. When you accept criticism with an open mind, people begin to see the positivity of your personality.

6. Honesty

Honesty is crucial to developing a charismatic and attractive personality. After all, honesty is the best policy. When you are honest, you are building trust between you and the other person and this is an attractive attribute that people love. Everybody loves honest people…

7. Smile

You can never go wrong with a smile. A smile comes from deep within, usually as a sign of joy, cheering others, and passion. Smiling at people makes your personality attractive and charismatic and reduces stress.  After all, a smile is contagious. Remember a merry heart doing good like medicine don’t smile only on xmas day…

8. Have a good sense of humor 

Research shows that people love to be around ones who make them laugh and see the positive sides of things. Share your humor with others and they will start to be around you always.

9. Confidence

Research also shows that people are attracted to confident people who are comfortable with themselves and who know what they want. An attractive personality is one which combines confidence with charm, so be confident in yourself.


1. How to be an attractive person?

Ways to become a attractive person?

Attractive people are more successful. Really?

2. What makes a person popular?

How to be charming and liked by everyone?

Tips on how to become a charming person?

 3. How to be a good listener?

How to be humble?

How to develop good habits?

 4. How to become an optimist?

The benefits of optimism?

 5. Do you think "honesty is always the best policy"?
Why or why not ?

6. Does smiling make you more attractive?

7. How to have a sense of humor?

Why a sense of humor is so important?

What is the value of a "good sense of humor"?

8. Why is it important to have self-confidence?

How to build self confidence?

11 Year Old Girl Says She Rather Die Than Get Married Now
The 11 year old Yemen girl, Nada Al-Ahdal (pictured above) who ran away from home after her parents promised her hand in marriage, has spoken out online saying 'she's not an item for sale.'Nada said she was forced to run away and live with her uncle after she was promised to another man."They told me that I am engaged, and that my fiancé had already paid them money and brought the engagement ring. They said that I couldn't leave and even threatened to kill me if I went back to...
1. What do you think about Gender Equality?
2. What do you think about this news? Your opinions?


Man in Taitung bitten by rabies-infected ferrat-badger

What do you think about this news?

周五(7/26) 1.衝突 2. 幸運符 3.軍中冤魂

感謝各位會員朋友   熱情出席相挺    希望各位好友們   繼續支持 
也希望您多引薦好友加入  謝謝
周五  /  周六------- 地點: 快提café 
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周二 ---------- 地點: 丹提咖啡 寶慶店  台北市延平南路107號
 (西門捷運站3號出口 往前走10公尺 向右看 就可看到 / 在中山堂對面)
 周五(7/26) 1.衝突 2. 幸運符 3.軍中冤魂

請注意周五原聚會點  改至地點: 快提café 

(沿著新埔捷運站1出口左方向前走約100公尺 經過新埔郵局看到康是美 從信義房屋旁的巷子進入)

連絡電話: 0976217450   Billy

Preventing Conflict - How to avoid Conflict ? (management study guide)

 Nothing beneficial and productive comes out of a conflict. It is simply a wastage of time and energy for and thus every individual should try his level best to prevent conflict.

First learn to keep a control on your emotions. Never ever get too hyper or overreact as it leads you nowhere. Always remember the other individual you are dealing with might not be as educated as you, might not be from the same background as you are, but you have no right to ridicule his opinions. Be a good and a patient listener. Listen carefully what the other person has to say and then only give your expert comments.
Learn to keep a control on your tongue. One must think before he speaks. Don’t unnecessarily shout on others as it not only spoils the ambience but also brings a lot of negativity around. Soften your voice while interacting with others and learn to adjust with others. Sit with the other person and try to sort out your differences.
Misunderstandings also lead to conflicts, so be very clear and transparent in your communications. Never play with words and the content of your communication has to be specific to avoid conflicts. Do cross check with the speaker whether he has understood everything in the desired form or not, failing which would lead to misunderstandings and eventually to a fight. Effective communication goes a long way in preventing conflicts.
No one wins in a fight and you gain nothing out of it. As they say “Prevention is better than cure”, thus a conflict must be prevented at its early stages as it snatches one’s mental peace and harmony.

1. How to deal with conflict in marriage?

Couples arguing and fighting. How to stop the rows?

2. How avoid conflict between lovers?

3. How to deal with conflict in the workplace?

How to resolve conflicts with colleagues?

4. How to deal with the difficult colleagues?

5. How to deal with a difficult boss?

6. How do you control your temper when you fight/argue with someone? Ways to hold your temper?

 2. 幸運符
A good luck charm (wise geek)

A good luck charm is an object which is supposed to bring good luck to its carrier. Many cultures have beliefs about good luck charms and talismans which ward off evil and ill-fortune, ranging from carrying a rabbit's foot to keeping a cage of crickets in the kitchen. People around the world wear and use good luck charms, even in the case of individuals who are not particularly superstitious.

Humans have associated auspicious and inauspicious meanings with various objects for centuries. Certain colors and shapes, for example, were associated with luck and good fortune, while others were viewed as ominous. These beliefs have carried over into the present day in many cultures; in China, for example, red is a lucky color, and people often wear red on major occasions and keep red objects in their homes for good fortune. In some European countries, a horseshoe is used as a good luck charm over the door of a home.

Some good luck charms are worn, such as charm bracelets and necklaces with amulets. Others may be kept in a home or vehicle. Prayer cards, religious statues, and various lucky objects may be positioned in a particularly auspicious location in some regions of the world, while in others, they may simply be kept readily in view. In some cultures, objects can only bring good luck if they are blessed by a religious officiant, or if they are handled in a particular way.

People may also view living organisms as good luck charms. Certain animal species may be considered auspicious, or people may believe that animals of a particular color are especially lucky. Keeping such an animal is supposed to bring good fortune, and the death or disappearance of the animal may be viewed as a bad sign for its owner. Beliefs about lucky animals are varied; in some parts of India, for example, people leave gifts of milk out for snakes, while in Burma, white cats are considered lucky and blessed by the heavens. White cats may be carried in parades or kept in businesses as a good luck charm.


1. Do you believe that lucky charms can bring good luck?

2. Do you believe in lucky charms, amulets or special protection from bad things?

What's your good luck charm?

3. Can you list good luck symbols from around the world?

4. Do you believe that black color brings bad luck ? (or the other colors?)

What is your lucky color? What is you lucky number?

5. What is you lucky animal? Why?

6. Are you superstitious? Why? Or why not?

30,000 Taiwanese protest after 'abused' soldier dies

More than 30,000 people yesterday protested in Taipei, demanding justice for a corporal who died after being allegedly abused in the military by his superiors.

Holding placards reading; "We want the truth" and "Punish the perpetrators", the protesters rallied outside the Defence Ministry building. They sang spoof military songs mocking the ministry for imposing improper punishments on military conscripts.


What is your opinion about abused' soldier dies case?

 (周主題 (7/27) 1. 如何有迷人的特質?2. 英文諺語介紹
 3. 新聞話題討論)
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