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週四(6/2)1. Jack馬與阿里巴巴 2.愛情恆久遠?

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「Jack Ma」的圖片搜尋結果
Jack 與阿里巴巴
The Inspiring Life Story Of Alibaba Founder Jack Ma, Now The Richest Man In China

Fresh off the biggest IPO in history, Alibaba founder and chairman Jack Ma is now the richest person in China.

Ma is now worth an estimated $25 billion, which includes his 7.8% stake in Alibaba and a nearly 50% stake in payment processing service Alipay.

Ma is a true rags-to-riches story. He grew up poor in communist China, failed his college entrance exam twice, and was rejected from dozens of jobs, including one at KFC, before finding success with his third internet company, Alibaba.

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd's Jack Ma On 60 Minutes: The First Word I Searched Online Was 'Beer'
Live From Benzinga Pro      benzinga.com

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd's Jack Ma On 60 Minutes: The First Word I Searched Online Was 'Beer'

Ma revealed the beverage indirectly inspired him to join the e-commerce industry.

"I never touch keyboard before. I never [used a] computer before," Ma said, explaining how a conversation he once had with a friend turned into a tutorial for the Internet.

"And I say, 'What is Internet?' He say, 'Jack, you know, search whatever you want on the Internet.'...So, I typed the first word called 'beer.'"

Ma went on: "At that time, very slow, come on the American beer, Japan beer and the German beer but not China beers. So, I was curious. And I type, 'China.' No China. No data.

"And I came back and I said, 'I want to do something called Internet.'"
What do you think Jack ma, now the richest man in china?
What do you think about Alibaba shopping website?
Have you ever bought any commercial products from掏寶網?
“Jack Ma was rejected from dozens of jobs” if you were in the same situation what would you do?
Can you come up an idea and make you rich?
Jack ma who used to be an English teacher, so discussing what the benefits of leaning English are?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online?

What are your opinion about e-commerce industry?

   「Love Someone Forever」的圖片搜尋結果
Love Someone Forever     Paul HudsonPaul Hudson        

Have you ever noticed that rare couple who seem to be completely infatuated with each other at an old age, walking hand in hand and looking so happy? I have noticed this a few times and wondered if they have been in love all of their lives and wondered what makes their relationship so special. In an age of cynicism about love and relationships in general it is difficult to accept that the eternal love concept has any founding in truth. We see couples break up and divorce everyday, most of whom were and still are very much in love.

Love can drive a person insane.

Love is the single power in this universe that is perfection. It is mutable, multifaceted. It can grow in strength and dissipate.

Love is whatever we wish it to be. Or rather, love is whatever we make it to be. Whether what we make of it is what we wish it to be, is an entirely different question.

Love is what drives us to act. It drives us to create change, to become different people. I say different and not better because the truth is love doesn't always turn us into better individuals.

It doesn't always make us better people – sometimes it makes us a whole lot worse.

In life, we are capable of loving a lot of things. We can love objects, experiences, memories, but no love is like the love we have for another human being.

Love is an emotion, but not just an emotion. It is, more than anything else, a change. Love necessarily changes us because it is, itself, the change.

We love our friends and family because they changed our lives for the better. They showed us another, better version of reality.

And then, of course, we have the most coveted of all loves: romantic love.

Romantic love is by far the most dangerous of loves, but for this very same reason, it is the most powerful.

It has the ability to change a person to such an extent that afterwards, that person is often not even recognizable to him or herself.

The problem with love is that it doesn't offer a definition. Sure, we experience it, but most people never come to truly understand it.
Could love someone forever? 
How to keeping in love all of lives for couples?
What do you think about this saying “We see couples break up and divorce everyday”?
Why love drives a person insane?
Why sometimes romantic love is the most dangerous?
What is your definition of love?
Could love turn us into different people, better individuals?
Could love change our lives for the better?

週二(5/31)1.高音天后/發現你的才能2.爭贏了 輸了感情

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
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信心 勇氣 不放棄
珍金絲的歌唱技巧雖然不好  她所帶來的娛樂效果卻是最受聽眾歡迎的部分。 


Why Florence Foster Jenkins was the world's worst singer  By Clemency Burton-Hill  BBC

Florence Foster Jenkins was a 20th-Century US socialite and music-lover who styled herself as an operatic coloratura soprano and became a sensation. One of the most famous singers of her day, she was incredibly rich, a generous philanthropist, and garnered legions of fans including celebrities such as Noël Coward. Florence’s fame, however, rested not on her musical talent, but rather its opposite. Her astonishingly bad voice and abject inability – seemingly unbeknownst to her – to pitch correctly became the stuff of legend as she worked hard to lovingly massacre her way through gems by Mozart, Strauss and other leading composers.

Having previously only been seen in private at New York women’s clubs or in her own establishment, the Verdi Club, such was the demand for her performances that she went on to sell out Carnegie Hall in a 1944 concert that has entered the annals of music history. While her public performances also raised millions of dollars (in today’s terms) for charity, the abiding image is that of polite society guffawing, jaws clenched, trying not to roll down the aisles with laughter as they showered her with thunderous applause.

Florence Foster Jenkins remains, it is widely agreed, ‘the worst opera singer in the world’. But the most incredible thing of all is that she had no idea. The illusion that she was a truly great artist was maintained, thanks in no small part to her second husband St Clair Bayfield, throughout her life. She loved what she did and she believed she was bringing great pleasure to her adoring audiences – which, in a way, she was.
How to Discover Your Talents  wikihow.

Evaluate what you're good at. Now, there's a big difference between what you enjoy and what you're good at. You might think of your talents only being things that you love doing, but it's important to remember that our talents are often things we don't enjoy or things we don't even think about. This is why it's important to take a long hard look at what you're actually good at. •Think about things that come naturally to you. Things you don't struggle with.

Build on your existing skills. You probably already have some basic skills. Any skill that you possess can be turned into a real talent, but you need to take the time to develop it and really work on experiencing all of the different activities that go in to that talent. You might have experienced only a small aspect of a possible talent and you will need to experience much more if you really want to cultivate it.
What do you think about Florence foster Jenkins?
If you were a terrible singer like Florence foster Jenkins would you want to give up?
Is it a good idea that to ignore everybody and follow your dreams?
How to overcome barriers to achieving your dreams?
How to create your own opportunities?
How to discover your talents?
How to be a generous philanthropist?

爭贏了 輸了感情
Ways to win the argument and lose the relationship     Counselorssoapbox   By David Joel Miller

The way you fight may permanently damage your relationships

Some couples argue and then they make up. Other couples do so much damage when they argue that the relationship is permanently damaged. Stuffing your feelings and not asking to have your needs met is no option. But there are ways to disagree without permanently wrecking that relationship.

Personal attacks.
Talk about behavior not personalities. Ask for the change you want. Tell the other person about how you feel and own that these are your feelings.
No not go on the attack, call them names or make global judgments. Personal attacks damage your partner and the relationship.

Saying the thing you know will hurt them the most.
The argument is raging on and you want to get even. Resist the temptation to say the thing that will hurt the other person the most. Most of us know things about our partners, past mistakes, insecurities, triggers for painful emotions. When you are arguing there is this temptation to say the thing that will hurt them the most.

Stonewalling – Refusing to talk to them – the silent treatment
Giving your partner a cold shoulder leads to a very chilly relationship. You may feel like you are winning the argument at the moment but down the road refusing to communicate ends future communication.

Put downs.
Put downs, like name calling, degrade your relationship along with the partner. Why would you want to stay in a relationship with someone you did not respect? Keep putting your partner down and they lose respect for you. Rather than making that other person what to please you they will begin to want to escape you. Put a partner down enough and they will want to be rid of you.

Getting physical.
Get physical with your partner and you will lose. It may result in police and a domestic violence charge. Even if there are no immediate consequences you will feel worse about yourself. The person who uses violence to win an argument may win in the short run but over the long-term the relationship turns from a positive one to one of waiting for an opportunity to get revenge.
Why wining argument could lose the relationship?
What are the factors that could damage your relationships?
What to do when your partner or friends constantly puts you down?
What do you think the silent treatment? Does silent treatment is emotional abuse?
What are your opinion about a domestic violence?
Why personal attacks damage the relationship?
How to make up with your partner after a fight?

Florence Foster Jenkins  Wiki


儘管以糟糕的歌聲出名,珍金絲卻深信她成就不凡;她自比當世的知名女高音,如佛麗妲·亨佩與 泰特拉齊妮。她會制止演出時來自觀眾席的笑聲,並說這些取笑是出自忌妒的對手。她這樣回應對她的批評:「人們也許說我不會唱,但沒人能說我沒唱過!」

珍金絲的演出曲目通常混合了沃爾夫岡·阿馬多伊斯·莫扎特、朱塞佩·威爾第與小約翰·施特勞斯等名家的經典歌劇(都是其能力以外的曲目)。此外珍金絲也演唱約翰內斯·勃拉姆斯等人的藝術歌曲,以及自己與伴奏音樂家Cosmé McMoon一起譜寫的歌曲。據報導,McMoon為了留給珍金絲面子,只會在背後取笑她。

珍金絲會穿上親自設計的華麗服裝登台演出,這些服裝往往用羽毛雙翼跟銀箔誇張地裝飾著。當演唱《小康乃馨》(Clavelitos)時,還會舞動插在頭髮裡的大把花朵,伴隨著用風扇把花朵搧向觀眾席的舞台效果。演唱結束後Cosmé McMoon會到觀眾席間收拾灑出的花朵以供下一場演出使用。






好友們     敬請多多支持週五聚會

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Sometimes paparazzi are welcome, but imagine taking your kids for a little walk and having them chase after you: Not cool.
Reasons Why Being Famous Isn't All That Great   reelrundown.com

1. Paparazzi

I have a friend who works in Manhattan at a high-end fashion retail store where famous people go all the time. Rihanna went recently, and she was wearing a skirt and a short shirt. She told the sales associates she felt suddenly uncomfortable in what she was wearing because there was a guy outside trying to snap pictures of her, so they gave her a sweater to put on. She thanked them, and she was very nice, but doesn’t that suck? She could buy whatever she wants, but I’d rather have my privacy.

What about all these magazines we see with photos of famous women getting out of a car and their crotches are showing? I WOULD DIE if someone put a picture like that of me so everyone could see. This type of situation could easily happen to anyone, if you're wearing a skirt and the wind blows or whatever.

2. No Private Life
Your life is not only yours anymore. It’s everybody’s, apparently.
Look at happened with Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Funny because I’m not one to read up on celebs, but I see it everywhere. It’s actually annoying, and frankly, I could give a rat’s ass if they stayed together or got divorced, but it seems like everyone in the world is infatuated with this news. And their poor daughter, who is young and doesn’t understand why the whole world is talking about her mommy and daddy separating.That’s sad to me. I wouldn’t want to bring a child into this world for everyone to see.

3. Celebrity Can Make You or Break You
Some famous people do very well with the attention, and even use it for good by helping out the disadvantaged or drawing attention to causes and charities or adopting a child from a 3rd world country.

Others, though, fall into drugs, make stupid decisions with their money, pull self-destructive antics, and do all kinds of dumb stuff that only prove that they don't deserve any attention.

4. Rumors
People love to start rumors about celebrities. Sometimes it is not a big deal, but sometimes people can say some really nasty things about you and it can have a negative affect on your life, your future, and your family.

5. Trust Issues: People Use You
You don’t know who your real friends are. You don’t know who to trust, or who’s going to be the next one to reach out to the gossip magazines and spill your beans. You don’t even know who your real lover is.
What are the reasons why being famous isn't all that great?
What were the negative effects on your life if were famous?
What are you opinion about paparazzi?
What would you feel what if someone put private pictures that of you so everyone could see?
What do you think about celebs gossip magazines?
How to help out the disadvantaged if you were a famous guy?
How to deal with nasty rumors if you were a famous?
What were your response when friends use you?
 Chilling Reincarnation Stories: Children Who Lived Before | Reader's ...
Past Lives of Children: Amazing true stories of reincarnation       paranormal.about.com 

Have you lived before? Over 60 percent of the world's population believes in some form of reincarnation. What evidence we have comes from the testimony of people who claim to recall -- sometimes vividly -- people, places, things, and events from what they believe could be their past lives. And some of the most compelling stories come from the recollections of small children who, without prompting, describe their memories of former lives.


Most of us have experienced the eerie feeling of déjà vu - the sudden, surprising feeling that an event we are going through at the moment has happened exactly this way before. Psychologist Arthur Funkhouser has broken down this phenomenon into sub-categories: déjà vécu - an event already experienced or lived through; déjà senti - already felt, perhaps triggered by a voice or music; and déjà visité - a place so familiar we feel we've been there before.

While scientists and psychiatrists insist there are neurological explanations for these phenomena, others wonder if these strange feelings could be vague, fleeting memories of past lives. You enter a house or building, for example, in a town you've never visited before. Yet every detail of that place is familiar.


My daughter has "memories" of childhood events that we know never really happened. Is she just remembering a child's fantasy, misunderstanding, or even a dream that she now interprets as reality? Or is she remembering something that happened to her before she was born into this lifetime?


Recurring dreams and nightmares also have been suggested as being memories or at least clues of past lives. I have experienced this type of recurring dream. There are two locations with specific details that crop up in my dreams several times a year, yet they are places I have never been to.

The first is a large city and I am walking down the street... there is a candy/magazine store on the corner, and I go in any buy something... then I go farther down the street to another building, and in the lower level is a small restaurant where I meet some friends and make the acquaintance of some girls... and later I think that I must go back to that place to see if the girls are there again.
Have you lived before? What do you think the concept about reincarnation?
Why some people believe in reincarnation?
Have you ever experienced the feeling of déjà vu?
What is déjà vu? “A place so familiar we feel we've been there before.”
” Do you have similar experiences?
What causes nightmares?
Do you think dreams and nightmares relate to the past life?
Why bad memories easier to remember?


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The Power and Benefits of Doing Good Deeds   hubpages.com

Help Yourself

Noble deeds and hot baths are the best cures for depression.

Besides helping someone, doing a good deed warms your own heart and makes you feel good. If you are unemployed or retired, it gives you something worthwhile to do to pass the time. It is a social activity for those who may feel isolated and alone.

Helping others gives you a new perspective and keeps you from focusing on your own problems. By focusing on someone other than yourself, you are reminded that you are not the only one in the world that has problems. In fact, it is possible that there are many people out there whose problems are much worse than yours.

Go To Heaven

Good deeds from good intentions flow; but good intentions only; build for us a place below. Anonymous

There are some religions that believe that you must be a good person in order to get to heaven. This means you have to perform good deeds regularly. Whether you tithe to your religious organization or give alms to the poor, doing good deeds is a way to get to heaven for these religions.

For religions that believe in reincarnation, doing good deeds is a great way to earn some karma, in hopes of getting a more positive form in the next life.

Even the religions that don't require good deeds to go to heaven, consider it is a moral responsibility of their members to practice charitable giving.

Make Money

It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it. Benjamin Franklin

By building a reputation as an honorable person, you will feel powerful and be able to stand taller, and present yourself as someone who is worth hiring and promoting. When you are generous with others, they will, in turn, be generous with you.

You may get a tax deduction for donating to a charity. A famous person may get some free publicity by showing up at a charitable event. By donating your time, you may get some skills training, which in turn can help you in your job.
What are the benefits of doing good deeds?
How to help someone who feel isolated and alone?
What do you think the concept that “being a good person in order to get to heaven”?
Can doing good deeds helping people make money?
Do you believe in the ideas that “karma, and the next life”?
What are the best cures for depression?

Are there any advantages to being poor?  toughnickel.com

Are there advantages to being poor? Yes there are many. They biggest advantages are the fact that you are more likely to get assistance, and that handling adversity makes you stronger.

What are the Advantages of Being Poor?

When you are poor, you will probably be able to get some assistance from a variety of sources. You may get help from the government, community organizations, or from friends and neighbors.

Benefit from Poverty by Developing Skills

When you are poor, you develop skills that someone who is wealthier does not have the opportunity to learn. You know how to cook your own food, clean your own house, and do basic home and auto repairs, because you cannot afford to outsource that work. There are many things you can learn simply by doing, and when you are poor, you have learned to do a lot for yourself.

You may have learned how to juggle schedules when you have more than one job at a time.

You know where to find help and how to coordinate the many resources in a way that works best for your situation. You also understand the importance of a good network, and probably have strong ties with the community. You will often trade favors with friends and family.

When you are poor, you learn to make do with what you have. You are creative with finding ways to do things in an economical fashion. You also know how to do without many things that other people consider necessities.

When you are poor, you do not feel the need to keep up with the Joneses. Even if you wanted to, you couldn't afford to. You buy less stuff, which helps keep your house cleaner, and makes it easier to move from your current location to another one when the landlord threatens rent increases.

If you are unemployed, you have free time. Even though you may feel uncomfortable about not working and guilty for having free time, unemployment gives you time to spend with your children, to clean the house, pursue additional education, and enjoy inexpensive hobbies.
Are there any advantages to being poor?
How to handling life adversities?
How to develop skills that helping yourself in life?
How to have a good social network?
What are the ways to enjoy inexpensive hobbies?
What to do if you were unemployed?
How to pursue additional education?


板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
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「Dead could be brought 'back to life'」的圖片搜尋結果
Dead could be brought 'back to life' in groundbreaking project  By Sarah Knapton,  Science Editor 

A groundbreaking trial to see if it is possible to regenerate the brains of dead people, has won approval from health watchdogs.

Indian specialist Dr Himanshu Bansal, working with Biotech companies Revita Life Sciences and Bioquark Inc, has been granted ethical permission to recruit 20 patients who have been declared clinically dead from a traumatic brain injury, to test whether parts of their central nervous system can be brought back to life.

Scientists will use a combination of therapies, which include injecting the brain with stem cells and a cocktail of peptides, as well as deploying lasers and nerve stimulation techniques which have been shown to bring patients out of comas.

The trial participants will have been certified dead and only kept alive through life support. They will be monitored for several months using brain imaging equipment to look for signs of regeneration, particularly in the upper spinal cord - the lowest region of the brain stem which controls independent breathing and heartbeat.

The team believes that the brain stem cells may be able to erase their history and re-start life again, based on their surrounding tissue – a process seen in the animal kingdom in creatures like salamanders who can regrow entire limbs.

Dr Ira Pastor, the CEO of Bioquark Inc. said: “This represents the first trial of its kind and another step towards the eventual reversal of death in our lifetime.

We just received approval for our first 20 subjects and we hope to start recruiting patients immediately from this first site – we are working with the hospital now to identify families where there may be a religious or medical barrier to organ donation.

"To undertake such a complex initiative, we are combining biologic regenerative medicine tools with other existing medical devices typically used for stimulation of the central nervous system, in patients with other severe disorders of consciousness.

 “We hope to see results within the first two to three months."

Is it possible dead could be brought 'back to life?
Would you like to try bring-life-back drug if you needed?
The meaning of death: how do we know someone is no longer alive?
If you were waking up from a 10-year coma?
If there was anti-ageing drug could make humans live to 120? What would you do?
What if you were suffer from a traumatic brain injury and lost memory?
What are the tips to live a long life?
It is possible to live forever?

「the group-buying mechanisms」的圖片搜尋結果
A new study into the group-buying mechanisms   http://englishelc.hk

We might like to think we’re not influenced by other people, but a new study into the group-buying mechanisms – like those used on coupon sites such as Groupon and LivingSocial – reveals that telling buyers who come later to the offer how many have already signed up increases the number of purchasers. Researchers at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management wanted to understand why group buying sites that have entered the market recently have enjoyed greater success than those operating a decade ago, such as Mercata and MobShop. Earlier attempts typically left potential buyers waiting for days before confirming whether or not they had got the offer they had signed up for. ‘We think one of the reasons group-buying has been successful recently is because of the short time horizon,’ says Rotman Professor Ming Hu, who co-wrote the study with Professor Mengze Shi and PhD student Jiahua Wu. ‘It allows for a herding effect.’ Another reason is the use of an information structure that discloses to later arrivals how many have already signed onto the deal. Researchers looked at two ways of designing the purchasing mechanism for a group buy: a simultaneous mechanism, where no one knows how many buyers have come before them, and a sequential mechanism, where a second group of buyers has the advantage of knowing the size of the first group. The researchers’ analytical model shows the most successful mechanism is the sequential one because it eliminates uncertainty for those coming later to the deal, and improves the confidence of those who sign on early, as they’re able to track the numbers of those who come after them. ‘That boosts confidence,’ says Professor Hu, who teaches operations management. Deals for “luxury” services, versus everyday items, work better in a group buy scenario because they offer consumers a greater benefit.
Did you buy any stuff from group buying sites?
Do you know what sheep effect is (or herd behavior)?
What is group buying?
Have you ever try group buying?
What are the pros and cons of group buying?
What are the pros and cons of online shopping?
What are the tips to get a discount on anything?
What factors trigger your buying desires?