陽光甜味咖啡館 Sun Sweet Cafe

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週四(9/1) 1. 當親密愛人變成敵人時2. 多吃蔬果 增加快樂感?

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉  聚會時間7:00pm--9:30pm
「lover Has Become Your Enemy」的圖片搜尋結果
What to Do When Your Partner Has Become Your Enemy          By Sharon M. Rivkin  elfgrowth

Where has all the love gone that you once felt for your partner? Do you seem to fight about everything? Has your partner become your enemy? How did it happen?

These are common questions I address time and time again in my private practice. The process of “building a case against our partner” begins quietly and unconsciously, so we hardly notice what we’re doing. The emotional battle often begins after the honeymoon phase of a relationship and reality has set in. Suddenly the one who could do no wrong, can’t seem to do anything right. The one who used to make us happy is slowly becoming the enemy…someone to defend against and distrust. We’re certain they’re doing things just to annoy us and make us angry. We retaliate by doing things to them that get the same result. Slowly we have forgotten that we love our partner and now wonder what to do.

One of the most important things to do to begin to regain the love you once had for your partner is to start giving them the benefit of the doubt, like you would a friend or even a stranger. In order to do this, remember these three things:

1. Don’t take everything your partner says PERSONALLY. In other words, don’t just react impulsively from JUST your emotions. Let your head help you to think about the situation and what’s been said, rather than assuming your partner is trying to hurt you. To help you NOT just react from emotions (taking a remark as a personal attack), try asking yourself these simple questions: How might I respond to my partner if I did not take what she/he is saying personally? What if what she/he is saying ISN’T about me? If this was true, would I hear her/him differently? Would I respond differently?

Example: Your partner’s had a hard day and has been unable to talk to anyone about it. Then you walk in and start talking about your day. All of a sudden your partner is angry that you never listen. If you take a minute to THINK about the situation, without immediately reacting, you may realize that your partner did have a hard day and needs to be HEARD, not necessarily that you NEVER listen. By not reacting to your own hurt, you might be able to be there for your partner…and then they’re more likely to be there for you. Again, a potential argument could transform into an intimate conversation.

2. What if I didn’t see my partner as my enemy? How would I respond if I still loved/liked my partner? How did I respond in the beginning of our relationship?

Do you want to be right or do you want a resolution for the argument? Do you want a healthy relationship? The healthiest relationships are the ones where both people can be right and have the opportunity to express their feelings and be heard. It only takes one person to change the pattern of the relationship. Be that person. Stop attacking and putting your partner on the defensive. Begin with an act of kindness to yourself and your partner by giving them the benefit of the doubt. By doing so, you begin to change the pattern of your relationship from negative to positive, from attacking to understanding, from fighting to intimacy, from enemy to friend, lover, and partner. One act of kindness goes a long way, leading to a different and healthier way of communicating.
What to do when your partner has become your enemy?
What to do when the love is gone?
Is your relationship over? Signs that find the love is gone?
What are the ways to regain love in a relationship?
Do you think that apologies that always work?
What are the ways resolve conflicts and solve relationship problems?
What to do when you feel irritated with your partner?
「Eating Fruits and Veggies Will Boost Your Happiness」的圖片搜尋結果
多吃蔬果 增加快樂感?
Eating Fruits and Veggies Will Boost Your Happiness   By Luke Roney

An apple a day keeps the blues away? According to a new study, eating fruits and vegetables increases happiness. "However," researcher Andrew Oswald tells the New York Daily News, "French fries will not count." Researchers from England's University of Warwick and the University of Queensland in Australia examined the food journals of more than 12,000 people. "Happiness benefits" were noted for each extra portion of produce consumed each day. For people who went from eating little to no fruit and vegetables each day to eating eight portions, the "feel-good factor" was on par with that experienced when going from being jobless to employed. While the health benefits of eating produce are well-known, they don't offer immediate gratification: The "well-being improvements" kick in after about two years of adopting a high-produce diet.

According to an earlier CDC study, 76% of Americans failed to eat enough fruit, while 87% didn't eat their recommended daily amount of veggies. "People’s motivation to eat healthy food is weakened by the fact that physical-health benefits, such as protecting against cancer, accrue decades later," Oswald says in a press release. "However, well-being improvements from increased consumption of fruit and vegetables are closer to immediate.” As for why fruit and vegetable consumption may boost happiness, the authors say more research is needed. However, they do speculate that increased antioxidants in the blood may play a role. (These researchers found that butter consumption could reduce diabetes risk.)

Do you believe the idea that eating fruits and veggies will boost your happiness?
Do you believe the saying that “An apple a day keeps the blues away”?
Do you like eating fruit and vegetables? Why or why not?
Is a vegan diet healthy?
Is Eating Red Meat Bad for Your Health?
How to boost the "feel-good factor"?
How to choose healthy food?
消聲匿跡。剩下的,就只有滿滿惡毒的祝福。 (謝斯斯)














周三(8/31) 1.伴侶的外表重要嗎?2.便利商店的好處

板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮院左轉  Pm7:00-9:30
「 Physical Appearance Matter?」的圖片搜尋結果
Should a Spouse's Physical Appearance Matter? catholicmatch

A recent study found that physical beauty is the highest priority for men in choosing a mate. Before you women reply with the typical "Lifetime Television" response condemning men as being shallow, consider this: the same study found that women placed physical attraction second only to how much money a man has. The pursuit of money would hardly seem to be a nobler goal than the pursuit of beauty!

That study sheds light on the whole "trophy wife" phenomenon. A woman who is pretty enough to have any man she wants seeks the richest guy she can find, and a man who is rich enough to have any woman he wants seeks the prettiest woman he can find. Donald Trump leaves Ivana for Marla (and so on and so on) and Anna Nicole Smith married a rich old geezer. They all seem to be rather shallow people. They all got what they wanted. Both sexes are equally superficial…or driven by basal/preservation instinct.

Beautiful women have more romantic options and opportunities. However, in my opinion, only about 5% of the population falls into the truly beautiful category. In some geographical regions this percentage may be higher; Italy has a surplus of beautiful women, as does Cuba and the American south – but, these regions also have the best food and, as obesity is not considered attractive by most men, it all balances out in the end. So, 95% of the population is not beautiful, but about 90% of folks get married. Most women are average in appearance and most women find mates; how is that?

One last aspect of this whole physical attraction thing, that I feel should be addressed, is society's concept of beauty. Over the past few decades the women who have been held up as the ideal of beauty in our culture are pencil thin, flat chested waifs. Frankly, I think the only people who think the ideal woman should look like a boy are the homosexuals who dominate the fashion and entertainment industries. Androgyny is not a quality to which one should aspire. This is unhealthy and just plain wrong. Arguably, the two most beautiful women America has ever produced were Marilyn Monroe and Ava Gardner. Those gorgeous creatures would be considered fat by today's standards and not even allowed in the entertainment industry. Here is a newsflash for the promoters of pop-culture: Men like breasts, and hips and curves! Anyone who thinks Angelina Jolie is more attractive in her current anorexic state than she was 10 years ago is sick. Paris Hilton is disgusting. Anyone who promotes such misguided images of beauty should be tarred, feathered and pushed off the left coast!
Should a spouse's physical appearance matter?
What do you think that physical beauty is the highest priority for men in choosing a mate?
Do men only care about looks?
Do rich men really attract women?
Why beautiful women marry less attractive men?
Do men find very skinny women / fat women attractive?
In your opinions, is Angelina Jolie an attractive woman?
Things That Make Taiwan’s Convenience Stores So Awesome

You can find them everywhere – city or countryside – and the sheer array of services is why the Taiwanese love their convenience stores so much. Apart from the usual routines like picking up a snack or a drink, you can pay your utility bills, buy movie tickets, use the ATM, have your blood pressure measured, print documents and so much more – all within one convenience store.

How convenient! Grab whatever food and drinks you need from the convenience store, and dine in there and then! No need to fumble around with so many things on hand; just take your time and enjoy your snack.

Need to take a leak urgently? Sure, the convenient stores in Taiwan offer toilets for you to answer Nature’s calls. And you don’t have to feel pressurized about buying something “in exchange” for using the toilet. The Taiwanese are so nice, they won’t judge you.

No such things as free lunch in the world? Not necessarily so if we can get free wi-fi at the convenience stores in Taiwan! This is also perfect for visitors and tourists who might not have data connection all the time, so convenience stores should be a pit stop.

All convenience stores should do this. Look – the availability of an ATM truly defines ‘convenience’, yes? So anyway, yes, you need not worry about running out of cash when in Taiwan because convenience stores are everywhere and you can easily locate an ATM machine.

We hate spending our lives in queues – waiting for pay our bills, to buy concert tickets or movie tickets, to book train tickets… but you can get all of these settled at the convenience stores in Taiwan because they are just so thoughtful to put those machines there to ease your life!

Bored at night and can’t get to sleep? Sure, swing by the convenience stores and pick up a box of Taiwanese facial masks for some simple pampering. They are extremely pampering, and made available conveniently since departmental stores are not open all day.

So if you crave for the quintessential Taiwanese food like braised meat rice (lu rou fan), you can get them too in convenient packs that takes less than a minute to heat up.
What do you think that Taiwanese convenience stores are everywhere?
In your opinion, what are the services that make Taiwan’s convenience stores so awesome?
What do you think that dine-in area at convenience stores?
Why facial masks popular in Taiwan?
What do you think the food products serve in convenient stores?
Is it convenient for paying bills, to buy concert tickets at convenience stores?
What do you think that free Wi-Fi and ATM service at convenient stores?


板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)

新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮院  左轉 PM7:00--9:30

「most reputable countries」的圖片搜尋結果
Living in… the world's most reputable countries     BBC - By Lindsey Galloway

What we believe about a place can often be more powerful than the hard facts. A country's reputation can influence everything from foreign policy to foreign investment ­– to whether or not people want to visit or live there.

Newly ranked as the most reputable country in the world (knocking out Canada), Sweden hits all the marks of being safe, welcoming and beautiful, according to its residents. The county is also unique in Western Europe, having been spared from much of the impact of World War II and remaining neutral today.

"Swedes seem to be happy with this independent status, while at the same time being one of the most welcoming countries for refugees in all of Europe," said Dr Ernest Adams, an American-born British citizen who lives in Sweden part time as a consultant and a senior lecturer at Uppsala University. "This is a virtue they have had for a long time – they saved almost all of Denmark's Jews during the war."

Despite dropping to second on the list, Canadians speak more positively than ever about their home country, especially as the government continues an "arms wide open" approach to Syrian refugees.

"There's a national concern to ensure that those who have suffered so much can rebuild the lives they deserve," said Jeremy Arnold, a native and frequent Quora author on life in Canada. "The average Canadian is defined by their zeal to see our inclusive and communal way of life protected. We love seeing the videos of Syrian immigrants enjoying their first Canada Day."
Canada also scores high for being one of the world’s safest countries. That doesn't mean it's without its problems. "It isn't a utopia. We have crime. We have gangs," Arnold explained. "But we also have a strong social safety net and a shared commitment to values like mutual respect and joyful multiculturalism."

The land down under is loved by residents for its feelings of safety, security and peacefulness, driven in some part by the country's stance on firearms.
Melbourne has been ranked as one of the world's most liveable cities, largely due to its extensive public transportation system that covers the city and much of the suburbs. Family-friendly Perth and economic hub Sydney also typically top the list of cities that attract expats from around the world.
What do you think about a country's reputation?
How to make Taiwan a reputable country?
In your opinion, which courtiers could name the most reputable countries?   
What are the reasons make visitors want to visit Taiwan?
Which courtiers are safe, and welcoming for visitors?
What makes a city loveable?
Which countries with best standard of living (highest quality of life)?
Where are the world's most dangerous countries?

「Syria's White Helmets」的圖片搜尋結果

Syria's White Helmets nominated for Nobel Peace Prize   By Ryan Rifai

Volunteer rescue and humanitarian group that braves daily bombings is credited with saving tens of thousands of people.

An all-volunteer Syrian rescue and humanitarian group in Syria - credited with saving tens of thousands of people facing bombardments by Syrian government and Russian fighter jets since 2013 - has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

More than 130 organisations from across the world have backed the Syrian Civil Defence, also known as the White Helmets, whose members brave bombings and sniper fire to provide medical treatment for the wounded in rebel-controlled areas, to win the prestigious international award for peace efforts.

To humanity: stand with us         whitehelmets.org

My name is Raed Al Saleh and I am the head of the Syria Civil Defence - also known as the "White Helmets". We’ve saved 60,000 lives from under the rubble.

Yet I know that we don’t have the money to pay for hospital treatment if one of us is injured. I know if a team member loses their life, we have nothing to give to their family.

A 'Hero Fund' can change this. Please help us raise enough money from around the world so that every White Helmets knows that no matter what happens to us, we and our families will be looked after.

Saving lives under fire

The Syria Civil Defence are volunteer search and rescue workers in the most dangerous place on earth. When the bombs rain down, they rush in. In a place where public services no longer function these unarmed volunteers risk their lives to help anyone in need - regardless of their religion or political views.

The biggest threat to civilians in Syria today is from the air - from barrel bombs dropped by the regime's helicopters and planes. More than 50 bombs and mortars a day land on some neighbourhoods in Syria. Many are rusty barrels filled with nails and explosives, rolled out the back of government helicopters -- bakeries and markets are the most commonly hit targets. The White Helmets have saved countless victims of these attacks but as a consequence their life-saving work is now a target for the regime.

In one week alone, three centres were bombed in three days. As the chemical attacks from the regime increase, the White Helmets are suffering too. As first responders to the scenes of attacks, hundreds have suffered suffocation and respiratory conditions. 130 have paid the ultimate price for their bravery and hundreds more have been injured saving others.
What do you think about the Syria’s white helmets?
Why is the war in Syria so hard to end?
What do you think about Nobel peace prize?
Should you sacrifice your life to save someone else's?
Would you want to be a hero and risk your life to save others?
Why is war a bad thing? How to take action to stop war?

白盔救難隊 TTV

週五(8/26)1.生命的答案 水知道2.金錢無用論?

板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)

新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮院  左轉 PM7:00--9:30
「生命的答案 水知道」的圖片搜尋結果
生命的答案 水知道
Emoto’s Water Experiment: The Power of Thoughts   highexistence.com

Through the 1990’s, Dr. Masaru Emoto performed a series of experiments observing the physical effect of words, prayers, music and environment on the crystalline structure of water. Emoto hired photographers to take pictures of water after being exposed to the different variables and subsequently frozen so that they would form crystalline structures. The results were nothing short of remarkable.

What Is Positive Psychology?    By Kendra Cherry

Positive psychology is one of the newest branches of psychology to emerge. This particular area of psychology focuses on how to help human beings prosper and lead healthy, happy lives. While many other branches of psychology tend to focus on dysfunction and abnormal behavior, positive psychology is centered on helping people become happier.

Martin Seligman and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi describe positive psychology in the following way: "We believe that a psychology of positive human functioning will arise that achieves a scientific understanding and effective interventions to build thriving in individuals, families, and communities."

Over the last ten years or so, general interest in positive psychology has grown tremendously. Today, more and more people are searching for information on how they can become more fulfilled and achieve their full potential. Interest in the topic has also increased on college campuses. In 2006, Harvard's course on positive psychology became the university's most popular class. In order to understand the field of positive psychology, it is essential to start by learning more about its history, major theories and applications.
What do you think about the water experiment?
How you can change your life by thinking?
How positive psychology can increase your happiness?
How to build positive thinking skills?
How to make life more fulfill?
How to achieve their full potential?

How to live a happy, healthy life?
When does money becomes useless in life?

Money is useless as it can't buy you good health. Money is useless as it can't buy you friends. Money is also useless as you can't buy trust, love & affection with it.

In life there is time & money. Both are important, but time is much more precious. You can always make more money, but when your time is up, you can't buy even one more second on this earth!

Money is not what people ultimately want, it is a means to sometimes get [pay] for what they want. If you grow your own food, make your own entertainment, know and have your own herbal medicines, would you have need for money? Probably not, but then again the Government would probably want some kind of tax off of you and it has been hundreds of years since they excepted any thing other than money. So until the Government decides it doesn't need money, you will always need it.

Money is useless at lot of situations. Money cant get every thing as it is measured as a medium of exchange of goods or services. Your passions, human relations, emotions...etc like human psychological issues cant be bought. Money is useless when it cant save your mother who is at the edge of life. Money is useless if it cant get your broken relation back. If this all is taken to consideration money can be useless at many times. So always look at the money as it has to be looked at.

we all know that money can't buy happiness, but still we need money to survive.when people lose interest in life and do not want to live, they start feeling that money is useless.we can buy every materialistic thing with money, but the same many can't buy for us the thing which matters most to us.then we feel that money is useless in life. sometimes,in spite being rich we can not save the life of our dear one's,then we feel that money is useless in life.

When money does becomes useless in life?
Would you be willing to reduce your life span by 10 years to become rich?
Should you spend all your money before you die?
Can money buy you love?
Can money buy you good health and friendships?
Does spending money make you happy?
Time & money which is more important? Why?

週四(8/25) 1.做最悲傷的工作?2.時尚老人成網紅

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉  聚會時間7:00pm--9:30pm

Clean-up crew on hand to spruce up Japan's 'lonely death' apartments    Reuters  by  Chris Meyers

In March, the body of an elderly man was found on the floor of his apartment in downtown Tokyo. He had been dead for a month.

Neighbors hadn't noticed the octogenarian's absence. His bank made the rent payments on time, his family didn't visit, and the only reason for the body's discovery was the slight smell that troubled the tenant in the flat below.

In rapidly ageing Japan, more people are dying alone and unnoticed in a country of 127 million where one in four people is over 65. Looser family bonds play a role in their isolation.

For these so-called "lonely deaths", families and landlords in Tokyo are increasingly turning to Hirotsugu Masuda and his clean-up crew to salvage apartments where the occupant's body lay undiscovered for days or weeks.

"This has started becoming a bit more common in the world and it's become more recognized that there's this sort of job," said Masuda, whose services are required 3-4 times a week in summer when bodies decompose faster.

When Masuda's team turns up at the Tokyo apartment, police have taken away the corpse but body fluids have seeped into the floor. Flies buzz around a cooker filled with rice. Old calendars and papers are strewn in rooms untouched for years.

Workers wearing protective gear spray the apartment with insect repellent, using gloved hands to pack the trash in boxes. The six-hour exercise is conducted discreetly to avoid upsetting the neighbors. The crew tells onlookers they are moving house.

When they are done, incense and flowers are placed where the body was, with the man's photo put where his head had been.

Masuda's firm works almost exclusively with "lonely deaths", charging between 81,000 yen ($676) and 341,000 yen ($2,845) depending on apartment size.

In a country where around 5 million elderly people live alone, the number of decaying bodies found in empty homes is expected to soar. Data shows victims are more likely to be male.
What do you think about the 'lonely death'?
What do you think about the clean-up job for 'lonely death'?
Are you willing to take the clean-up job with high paid?
Is living alone a problem?
Disadvantages of elderly people living alone?
How can we build a better society for older people?
Why some people are socially excluded?

Fashion is an attitude           sohu

You dont have to be young to be a fashion insider. Fashion has nothing to do with age, but more about personal style. Everyone pursues beauty, including seniors. The best gift for your grandparents may be helping them express themselves.
  Recently, a post 90s girl from Yibin of Sichuan province took a series of arty snaps for her grandma, which have amazed netizens. The more than 80-year-old pouting grandma in red sportswear looks cute and adorable, and feels youthful in that pose. The granddaughter Xi Yu said she took the photos because she was inspired by the fashionable photos taken by a photographer in Xiamen for his grandpa.

  The photographer in Xiamen is Ding Guoliang, also called Jesse, who wants to appeal to the public to pay more attention to and accompany the elderly through taking photos. The "coolest 85-year-old grandpa" photo series shows a stylish man in his daily life, wearing sunglasses and caps, drinking coffee in Starbucks, or talking with beautiful women.

  "Fashion has nothing to do with age. The elderly can still be fashionable even if he has retired from work", said Jesse. Most of the photos were taken as snap shots to show the most simple and natural postures of his grandpa. After Jesse posted these photos on social media, they have become hot online and won many "likes" from netizens.

  Guo Jingjing, a senior college student from Changsha, also dressed her grandma with her fancy dresses, did make up for her and shot a cute photo album. "The first makeup, the first formal dress, these are all replications of my daily life," Guo Jingjing said, "My grandma enjoys the shooting process a lot. I feel that the seniors really like hanging out with the youngsters and feel young again."

  Speaking of elderly people with great fashion sense, celebrated actors Wang Deshun and Zhang Shuangli are two such icons. The two are known for their fashion savvy even though they are getting older. In March last year, at a launch during China Fashion Week, the 79-year-old Wang Deshun walked onto the stage topless, wearing fashionable pants. His muscular body amazed audiences.
What do you think the saying “fashion has nothing to do with age”?
What are the impact of an ageing population?
How to dress nicely and get a good impression?
Do you follow fashion trends? Why or why not?
Why do people follow fashion trends?
How to keep good health?
How to become famous on the internet?
他做了全世界最悲傷的工作...     tvbs 記者 陳幸芬 報導









周三(8/24) 1.洪荒之力/網路名人2.中國首富不快樂

( 新朋友   歡迎您直接來聚會點)
板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮院左轉  Pm7:00-9:30
Chinese Olympian and bronze medallist Fu Yuanhui gave an animated interview after her swim that propelled her into the hearts of her compatriots.

I used all of my mystic energy!       theguardian

She won a bronze in Rio but it is her cheerful and engaging interviews that have made her an internet superstar with millions of new fans
Chinese Olympian and bronze medallist Fu Yuanhui gave an animated interview after her swim that propelled her into the hearts of her compatriots.

Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui hoped she’d wow the world with her backstroke. Instead she is breaking the Chinese internet with her hilarious post-swim interviews.

Whoooaah! I was so fast!,” explained Fu after she clocked 58.95 seconds, coming in third in the women’s 100m backstroke semifinal on Monday. “I didn’t hold back…I used all of my mystic energy!”
Rio 2016: USA's Katie Ledecky fights off exhaustion and vomit for second gold
Read more

That clip quickly went viral in China and beyond. Her legions of fans have since been creating emojis, videos and cartoons in her likeness. Her followers on Weibo, China’s main social media platform, have climbed from about 550,000 before the Olympics started to nearly 4 million as of Wednesday.

How to Become an Online Celebrity—and Get Paid for It

Being a social-media celebrity can be a lucrative business.

Some top bloggers can rake in an income of $100,000 a year from advertising that appears on their blog. On Twitter, an influential name can command $100 for writing a tweet mentioning a sponsor’s product, while a YouTube sensation can get $25,000 for making a video that talks about an advertiser.

But getting to that level isn’t easy. Attracting a lasting audience and eager advertisers takes planning and constant adjustment along the way.

It’s short-form content, but it’s a long game,” says Rob Fishman, co-founder of Niche, a service that matches social-media personalities with advertisers.
What do you think about the Chinese Olympian swimmer?
How to make speech if you won a medal in Olympic game?
In your opinion, how to translate “洪荒之力” in English?     
Do you want to be popular on line? Why or why not?
How to become an online celebrity?
How to win in Olympic game?
How much money will gold medal winners in Rio take home?

   「jack ma」的圖片搜尋結果

China’s Richest Man, Jack Ma: I’m Not Happy Being So Rich

The founder and executive chairman of the e-commerce giant Alibaba isn't happy about being the richest man in China.

Jack Ma became China's richest man after Alibaba IPO'd in September, and he told CNBC that he thought the responsibility and celebrity that came with it was a "great pain" and that he was not happy.

The pressure gets to him, especially as people put high expectations on Alibaba's stock price.

"IPO is great because ... I'm happy with the results," he says. "But honestly, I think when people think too highly of you, you have the responsibility to calm down and be yourself."

Ma says he tries to make himself happy, because he knows the happiness of his colleagues, shareholders, and customers depends on his outlook, to some extent. 

Not only does the stock price and thinking about the future worry him, but he feels as if people look at him differently when they see him on the street. He thinks people have started surrounding him because of his riches, not because of who he is.

He says he never expected to make so much money from Alibaba, and, from the beginning, what he really wanted was to be a respected businessman. 

"I want people to see this is entrepreneur, this is a guy who is having fun of himself," Ma says. "I want to be myself."
Why china’s richest man, Jack Ma said not happy being so rich?
Why rich people really aren't happy?
Pros and cons of being rich?
How rich people think?
Does being rich make you happy?
What do you think about Jack Ma and Alibaba website?

Why Jack Ma said being rich and became celebrity that came with it was a "great pain"?