Origin of the Soapbox

soapbox 故事起源

Origin of the Soapbox
A soapbox is a raised platform on which one stands to make an impromptu speech, often about a political subject. The term originates from when speakers would stand on a wooden box meant for holding soap. The term is also used metaphorically to describe a person engaging in often flamboyant impromptu or unofficial public speaking, Hyde Park, London is known for its Sunday soapbox orators, who have assembled at Speakers' Corner since 1872 to discuss religion, politics, and other topics. (Wikipedia)

Soapbox English club members admired the orator’s spirit, we will learn from their courageous spirits, and hope every member can speak fluent English.
“Just stand on the soapbox, you can do it!”  Billy

起先有個賣肥皂的商人,他靈機一動就站在箱子上面講述生活如何艱難, 自己賣的肥皂品質有多好...等等,結果當天他的肥皂銷售一空, 於是他常常就用"站在箱子上"的這招去銷售肥皂, 也變成他的特色, 後來有個有滿腔抱負的年輕人看到這方法不錯,也跟著搬個肥皂箱站在上面, 向大家陳述他的理想抱負,後來有許多人接著仿效,於是"肥皂箱"變成言論發表者的舞台,海德公園也開始常見很多肥皂箱演說者,這個習慣也一直流傳到現在.

說吧英文讀書會,讚賞這個精神,也期待每一位成員,都能演說一口流利的英文. Billy

New Words
1. impromptu 即席的
done or said without earlier planning or preparation
He made an impromptu speech.
A speech made impromptu.

2. flamboyant 引人注目的;炫耀的;时髦的
If you say that someone or something is flamboyant, you mean that they are very noticeable, stylish, and exciting.
“Five hundred” is a flamboyant star of the Taiwanese hard rock scene.

3. orator 演说家,雄辩家
An orator is someone who is skilled at making formal speeches, especially ones which affect people's feelings and beliefs. 
Obama is known as a great orator.

4. metaphorically 隐喻的;比喻的;象徵的
You use the word metaphorical to indicate that you are not using words with their ordinary meaning, but are describing something by means of an image or symbol. 
You're speaking metaphorically, I hope.


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