周一主題 1/14 Topic 1.愛你一生一世Topic 2.快樂食物

周一主題 1/14
Topic 1.愛你一生一世
Topic 2.快樂食物

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時間: 每周一晚上 7:00~9:30
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1. Do you believe in luck or lucky days?

2. Do you believe in superstition?

3. Why do people believe in superstitions?

4. Do you believe in numerology? Do you believe in lucky numbers?

5. Do you know any wedding superstitions, customs and wedding taboos?
中評社台北15日電(記者 李文輝)海峽兩岸交流日益密切,近來兩岸“愛情界”流行用日期諧音為愛找理由,從“1111”光棍節,到去年底“世紀示愛日”20121212日“要愛要愛要愛”;緊接著201314日“愛你一生一世”又來了,更有人稱為“萬年真愛日”。隨著台灣婚姻制度近年來改為登記制,兩岸不約而同,有不少新人都趕在4日登記結婚,光是新北市就有600對新人完成結婚登記,是平日的8倍多。







  民政局提醒來不及登記的新人,今年接下來還有許多數字好日子,譬如2013113日 就是“愛你一生又一生”、99日為“愛你一生久久”。
Lovebirds across China and beyond rushed to tie the knot on Friday, 4 January, 2013 or 13/1/4, which sounds similar to "love you forever" (爱你一生一世, ai ni yi sheng yi shi) in Chinese language.
Bumper numbers were reported at marriage registration offices in many cities and Hong Kong, causing lengthy lines and extra stress for staff members.
On Friday morning, more than 40 couples were waiting in a long queue to take photos and fill in forms at the marriage registration office in Taiyuan, capital of China's Shanxi Province. A staff member said, “I’ve never seen so many people to come to our office in a single day like today. Those who came to register have queued up from the ground floor to the sixth floor. ”
A couple of lovers in the queue said, “We got here as early as at five in the morning, but there have been already more than 50 couples in the line ahead of us.” Another young couple said, “We came to register in this lucky day and just pray for a life-long marriage”
According to a report of Hong Kong based newspaper Takungpao, 558 couples rushed to tie the knot on Jan. 4, 2013. An official from the Association of Catering Services Management disclosed, “Almost all Chinese restaurants in Hong Kong have been booked up for wedding feasts on Friday night, and some even had been booked two years ago.
But some people in Hong Kong didn’t take 13/1/4 so seriously. Mr. Wu said, “if I’m going to get married, I wouldn’t choose so-called a special date like today--3/1/4 to do marriage registration.
John, from Canada, said, “I don’t think the date of January 4 has any special meaning. If you're really in love, every day is a good day to make it official.”
Popular dates in recent years include Valentine's Day, Oct 10, 2010 or 10/10/10, sounding similar to “happiness and good luck” in Chinese, Nov 11, 2011 or 11/11/11 “love you forever” and 12 December, 2012 or 12/12/12, adding an extra dose of luck on the last symmetrical date for nearly 100 years.

10種快樂食物 康健雜誌24期 作者:黃惠如

1. Do you know any food that make us happier?
2. Do you know any healthy food that relieves depression?
3. How eating right can make you happy?
4. Do you know foods that give your diet an energy boost? Or foods that are bad for our health?
5. Do you care what's in the food you eat?

10 Foods To Make You Happier by Gregory Arden, March 28, 2012
We’ve all had a rotten mood. For many people, eating food (such as junk food) can make their health worse; which only worsens their mood.
But what if there was food that was healthy, and could also act as a natural anti-depressant? There are foods that meet those qualifications! Here are the 10 best foods, that will make you happy, and keep you healthy:

10 Swiss Chard

This little-used vegetable contains a lot of magnesium. Magnesium is a nutrient that is a vital part of the biochemical reactions that increase energy levels in the human body. A study in 2009 in the “Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry” discovered that lower magnesium levels were associated with higher depression scores.

9 Blue Potatoes

Blue Potatoes aren’t exactly a commonplace produce to find in a grocery store. However, they have powerful antioxidants known as anthocyanins; anthocyanins provide neuro-protective qualities, like reducing the brain inflammation that is commonly associated with depression, and boosting short-term memory. Your thyroid gland is maintained, as well, by the iodine found in the peel.

8 Mussels

Mussels have moderate to high amounts of Vitamin B12, Selenium, Iodine, protein, and Zinc, while being low in calories and fat. The Iodine helps to, as previously mentioned, support the thyroid gland, which helps to regulate mood and weight; the Selenium and Zinc help the thyroid gland, as well. The Vitamin B12 helps to strengthen and insulate a person’s brain cells, which keeps the brain sharp over time.

Note: Be sure to eat farmed mussels rather than wild mussels, as this will not only benefit your health, but the health of the environment as well.

7 Dark Chocolate

Yes, you read that correctly. Dark chocolate has benefits that milk and German chocolate do not have. Dark chocolate improves the blood-flow to the brain, and provides an instant boost in concentration and mood. This will help you to feel more energetic and vibrant. However, don’t go overboard: The “Journal of Psychopharmacology” says that all you need is a few ounces of dark chocolate each day to reap the benefits.

6 Greek Yogurt

Calcium– which Greek yogurt has large amounts of (more than milk) – helps a person’s brain by causing it to release happiness-inducing neurotransmitters. Greek yogurt also has more protein than regular yogurt, which makes weight-loss easier.

5 Asparagus

Asparagus has high levels of folate and tryptophan. Low levels of folate have been linked to depression in half of all cases of depression, according to recent research. Tryptophan is also used by the brain to make serotonin, which is one of the human brain’s main mood-stabilizing neurotransmitters. Note: Turkey is also a great source of tryptophan. While it has been known to make people sleepy during Thanksgiving, the tryptophan requires calories in order to activate its sedative-like effects.

4 Honey

In regards to health, honey is far better than regular sugar. Honey contains kaempferol and quercetin, which helps to prevent depression (and keep your brain healthy) by reducing inflammation in the brain. It also won’t send your body into “fat-storage” mode, like regular sugar can, by having less of an impact on blood-sugar levels.

3 Cherry Tomatoes

All tomatoes have a substance known as lycopene. Lycopene is an antioxidant that fights inflammation in the brain and generally protects the brain. For best results, eat them with olive oil; olive oil helps to increase the absorption of lycopene.

2 Eggs

Eggs contain moderate-to-large amounts of Zinc, Vitamin B, Iodine, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and protein. Not only can eggs keep you energized, they can also keep you full (stomach-wise) for longer! A 2008 study in the “International Journal of Obesity” found that people who had eggs for breakfast lost considerably more weight, compared to those who ate bagels for breakfast.

1 Coconuts

Despite the fact that coconuts are most commonly found in unhealthy desserts, coconuts do contain medium-chain triglycerides. Medium-chain triglycerides are special fats that fuel better moods and promote general brain-health. Note: Coconut milk, on the other hand, is actually pretty unhealthy. Stick with unsweetened coconut shavings.

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