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The bad effects of Sleeping late  jammin08.hubpages

Today, most people didn't value sleep that much. They remain awake as long as they can and do unnecessary things like playing online games, chatting, texting, phone calling someone, watching movies and etc. And after that, they ended up sleeping in the couch or in front of the computer without turning off the television or PC. They didn't pay much attention to the negative effects of sleeping late. After reading this, you will realize that sleep should not taken for granted.
1. Sleeping late results to waking up late. A lot of people experience waking up late due to sleeping late cause the body recovers from the amount of energy he/she used in the evening. Humans need to have a sleep for about 7-8 hours. If we sleep less than 7 hours, our body becomes weak and we feel tired during the day. Our body needs to regenerate so that we are capable of doing things.
2. Sleeping late also causes stress. Having stress when your in school or at work is really a big hassle. It prevents us to focus more in what we are doing resulting to poor performance. Other people may tend to get irritated in you because of it.
3. Your appearance will also get affected when sleeping late becomes your habit. You will become thin or obese and your face will age more because of sleeping late. Pimples and other skin problems will popped in your face.
4. You will experience headaches and other body aches. Based on my own experience, I always had headaches and back aches before due to sleeping late. And after a week of experiencing headaches and back aches, i suddenly had fever and heavy coughs.
5. Sleeping late affects your voice. My dad told me about this and indeed it was true. My father told me that my uncle(his brother) has a habit of sleeping late and slowly his normal voice have changed. I also experience this when I was in high school because I always sleep late.
6. Sleeping late can be a cause to disease. According to some studies, our body releases a hormone called cortisol when we sleep late. This hormone increases blood pressure and slows down the cell regeneration. Sleeping late also increases the chance of having cancer, diabetes and hypertension.

Because of this, sleeping late should not become our habit. We must sleep earlier as possible so our body can release the hormones we needed to prevent diseases. Having enough sleep also makes our brain function well so that we can learn things easily. We can also cope with the daily works we do and makes us alert all the time. So starting now, let's sleep early instead of doing those fun but unnecessary things. We must "value our sleep as we value our own life".


What are the bad effects of sleeping late?

How much sleep do you need? How many hours of sleep are enough?

Do you think sleeping late also causes stress/ diseases?

How sleep affects your mood?

Does having nightmares influence the quality of sleep?

Does your diet influence how well you sleep?


Vegetarians are less healthy than meat-eaters
Vegetarians are less healthy than meat-eaters, a controversial study has concluded, despite drinking less, smoking less and being more physically active than their carnivorous counterparts.

A study conducted by the Medical University of Graz in Austria found that the vegetarian diet, as characterised by a low consumption of saturated fat and cholesterol, due to a higher intake of fruits, vegetables and whole-grain products, appeared to carry elevated risks of cancer, allergies and mental health problems such as depression and anxiety.

The study used data from the Austrian Health Interview Survey to examine the dietary habits and lifestyle differences between meat-eaters and vegetarians.

The 1320 subjects were matched according to their age, sex, and socioeconomic status and included 330 vegetarians, 330 that ate meat but still a lot of fruits and vegetables, 300 normal eaters but that ate less meat, and 330 on a more meat-heavy diet.

It found that vegetarians consumed less alcohol and had lower body mass indexes, but were still in a poorer state of physical and mental health overall.

Participants who ate less meat also had poorer health practices, such as avoiding attending doctors appointments for preventative check-ups and measures such as vaccines, the authors found.

A table of results from the study carried out by the Institute for Social Medicine and Epidemiology (IFES) at the Medical University (Med-Uni) in Graz, Austria. It concluded: “Our study has shown that Austrian adults who consume a vegetarian diet are less healthy (in terms of cancer, allergies, and mental health disorders), have a lower quality of life, and also require more medical treatment.”

The study’s authors have already defended the research against claims that their work is simply an advertisement for the meat industry.
Is vegetarian good for health? Why a vegetarian diet is good for our health?
Can cancer be prevented? How to prevent cancer?
Does eating meat increase my cancer risk?
Are meat eaters healthier than vegetarians?
Does grilling cause cancer?
How many servings of vegetables should you eat per day?
Taiwanese rock band Mayday performing in Kenting Saturday
Taipei, April 7 (CNA) Thirty people were fined during the April 3-6 Kenting Music Festival for violating a new outdoor smoking ban, Pingtung County's Public Health Bureau said Monday.

A fine of NT$2,000 each was slapped on 23 Taiwanese and seven foreign nationals from China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, the United States, Canada and South Africa, the bureau said.

Under the new policy that became effective April 1, smoking is not allowed at outdoor concerts or outside of designated areas at national parks and scenic areas around Taiwan.
What do think about Taiwanese rock bands and pop song singers?
What do think about Kenting musical preferments?

Clogged hospital emergency rooms (CAN)

In Taiwan, some 18,000 people per day seek emergency medical care, which has led to longer waiting times in hospital emergency rooms, greater pressure on resources and a reduced availability of doctors.

National Health Insurance Administration statistics show that the total number of patients seeking emergency room services last year was 6.86 million, with 1.83 million going to hospitals rather than other clinics.

The following are excerpts of reports in major dailies on the difficulties of accessing emergency room services.

Study coordinator and epidemiologist Nathalie Burkert told The Austrian Times: “We have already distanced ourselves from this claim as it is an incorrect interpretation of our data.

"We did find that vegetarians suffer more from certain conditions like asthma, cancer and mental illnesses than people that eat meat as well, but we cannot say what is the cause and what is the effect.

“There needs to be further study done before this question can be answered.”
What do think about "Clogged hospital emergency rooms"?
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