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「a Sedentary Lifestyle」的圖片搜尋結果
Negative Effects Of a Sedentary Lifestyle   menshealth.com

Feeling down? Blame your chair: After surveying more than 3,300 government employees, Australian researchers found that men who sat for more than 6 hours a day at work were 90 percent more likely to feel moderate psychological distress—like feeling nervous, restless, hopeless, or even tired—than men who sat for less than 3 hours a day.

What’s more, other types of sedentary behavior—like watching TV or playing electronic games—can increase your risk for anxiety, according to a recent meta-analysis of nine studies published in BMC Public Health. That might be because if you’re spending your time on those pastimes, you’re probably not fitting in enough physical activity, the researchers say. (Here are 7 things that destroy your mood.)

And that’s important, since exercise has mood-boosting benefits. When you work up a sweat, your body produces feel-good hormones called endorphins, according to the Mayo Clinic. What’s more, recent research indicates that cardio can boost your mood just as effectively as prescribed antidepressants.

Too busy to walk during your lunch break? Check out this quick workout you can do right at your desk. Your body and mind will thank you.
cancer risk grows

A German meta-analysis of 43 different studies including more than 4 million people found that sedentary behavior significantly increases your risk for several types of cancer.

People who logged the most sitting time experienced a 24 percent higher risk of developing colon cancer, a 32 percent higher risk of endometrial cancer, and a 21 percent higher risk of lung cancer.

Plus, the risks about doubled for people who usually spent their butt time parked in front of the TV, possibly because you tend to nosh on sweetened beverages and junk foods when you’re glued to the screen, the researchers say.

And that paves the way for obesity. Large studies have consistently shown that higher levels of body fat can spike your cancer risk. That’s because chronic local inflammation can attack your body’s cells, leading to cancer-causing DNA damage over time, according to the National Cancer Institute. Plus, a surplus of fat cells eventually produce hormones that lead to cell proliferation, a process that causes your cells to grow and divide rapidly. (Here are 10 things you can do to prevent cancer.)

Your brain health suffers when you lounge for too long: Older adults who are sedentary may be just as likely to develop dementia as people who are genetically predisposed to the condition, new research published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found.

In a study of more than 1,600 adults 65 and older, the researchers found that people with a gene strongly associated with dementia were nearly twice as likely to develop it as people without the gene. But when they looked at people who didn’t exercise regularly, they found that their odds of developing dementia were similar.

Do we really live in a sedentary lifestyle?
What are the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle?
How often you siting in a chair and like watching TV or playing electronic games?
Do you think that you are doing enough physical activity?
What are the mood-boosting activities?
How to boost your mood?
Do you believe that sedentary behavior increases the risk of cancers?
How Impulsive Are You?    | Psychology Today

Impulsivity is a basic, yet fascinating concept in psychology. It’s associated with many traits, ranging from sensation-seeking to neuroticism, and it affects a number of behaviors of interest to psychologists, from over-eating to under-saving. Many important choices you've made may have been affected by your level of impulsivity.

Psychologist Ernest Barratt (link is external) has developed a popular measure of impulsivity that differentiates between planning impulsivity (being more interested in the present than the future); attentional impulsivity (being restless in lectures or having extraneous thoughts when thinking); and motor impulsivity (doing things without thinking).

Impulse buying—such as all those unnecessary purchases people made to take advantage of Black Friday discounts—is captured mainly by the latter dimension. People who tend to make impulse purchases may or may not suffer from more general impulsivity traits. Scott Dickman (link is external) devised a widely-used instrument to measure dysfunctional impulsivity, provided below for you to complete.

For each of the following statements, please indicate whether it is generally TRUE or FALSE.

    I will often say whatever comes into my head without thinking first.
    I enjoy working out problems slowly and carefully.
    I frequently make appointments without thinking about whether I will be able to keep them.
    I frequently buy things without thinking about whether or not I can really afford them.
    I often make up my mind without taking the time to consider the situation from all angles.
    Often, I don't spend enough time thinking over a situation before I act.
    I often get into trouble because I don't think before I act.
    Many times the plans I make don't work out because I haven't gone over them carefully enough in advance.
    I rarely get involved in projects without first considering the potential problems.
    Before making any important decision, I carefully weigh the pros and cons.
    I am good at careful reasoning.
    I often say and do things without considering the consequences.
Do you doing things without thinking?
Do you think twice before you make an important decision?
Are you an Impulsive buyer?
Cons of an impulsive buyer?
How can you control your emotions?
Do you upset easily?
How Impulsive Are You? 

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