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「how emotions affect your look」的圖片搜尋結果

Eva Mendes Shows Us How Emotions Affect Our Looks

Research proves it: There is a powerful mind-beauty connection. Stress, sadness, happiness--they all have an impact on your appearance. Actress Eva Mendes and model friend Jamie Dornan take you on an emotional roller coaster, and experts share ways to handle your highs and lows--gorgeously.

A range of emotions—and the ability to express them—are what make you human, female and beautiful, as Eva Mendes shows in every single photo here. "I can't conceal anything. If I'm feeling it, everyone knows it," says Mendes, who recently finished shooting Last Night, a romantic drama with Keira Knightley due out in spring, and who emotes all over the place in those provocative Calvin Klein ads with model Jamie Dornan. Thing is, scientific findings show negative emotions can ultimately take a toll on your appearance if you don't deal with them in a healthy way. So every woman needs to learn to vent, to cope and to repair the damage.

Your skin will appear healthier, and your hair and nails can actually grow faster, says Richard Fried, M.D., Ph.D., a dermatologist in Yardley, Pennsylvania. You'll probably even carry yourself better: "I can tell a client's mood by her posture," says New York City trainer Lacey Stone. "If she's in a good one, she'll stand tall; if she's in a bad way, she's likely to slouch." And if you're happy in bed, you'll look even better: Estrogen, which increases with orgasm, makes hair shinier and gives you radiance you just can't get in a tube.

When you're anxious

Angst may look hot on Mendes, but it doesn't do pretty things for most of us. Negative emotions trigger the release of hormones and chemicals that can lead to thinner hair and eczema flare-ups. Pimples are especially common, but treatable with a benzoyl peroxide fix (try Clinique Acne Solutions Emergency Gel-Lotion, $14, clinique.com). "Stress can also make you more prone to wrinkles—it makes you look older faster, period," says Pam Peeke, M.D., author of Body for Life for Women. Aromatherapy is a proven chillaxer (try Johnson's Melt Away Stress Chamomile & Lavender Lotion, $5.50, at drugstores), and Mendes likes to do meditation. "It's difficult sometimes because I'm hyperactive," she says. "But after, there's more of a flow to everything." Can't Zen out? In that case, advises Dr. Peeke, "go laugh your ass off. It instantly neutralizes stress hormones and breaks the stress trance."

When you're sad

A sobfest's not all bad: "I love how I look after a good cry," says Mendes. (Little recommendation if you do too: Rimmel London Sexy Curves Waterproof Mascara, $7.50, Target.) It's also good for you to let it all out, says Dr. Fried. "Repress negative emotions and you're adding further stress to the body, which could worsen the effect on your looks." An ongoing case of the blues can make skin act up, dull your hair and sabotage your weight. Why? "When you want to regain a good mood, oftentimes you turn to the worst, most fattening foods," explains Brian Wansink, Ph.D., author of Mindless Eating. What does help: "First, recognize the normalcy of feeling sad—and be sure to get help if it's affecting your sleep, work or relationship," says Dr. Fried. "But set actual time limits on wallowing and ruminating, and force yourself to do things. There's data that indicates when depressed people become physically active, they improve more quickly." This is one time when faking it is a good thing. "When you smile, even if you're upset, it feeds the brain signals that make you feel more positive
 「quite time」的圖片搜尋結果
20分鐘自己時間 有益健康
Ways To Find Your “Me Time” – And Enjoy It - Amex Essentials
By Rigel Celeste

Me time” doesn’t have to be a whole day at the spa. In fact, just few minutes squeezed into the middle of the day works if that’s all you have. You can (and should!) find a little time every day to relax and recharge, so whether it’s 20 minutes or a couple of hours, we’ve got a list of fun and fast ideas to help you make the most of the time you have all to yourself.


Ban all electronics, social media, email and phone calls for a set amount of time, and instead read a book or magazine, go for a walk, or simply stare out the window and daydream. Squeeze this one in while having your morning coffee, while on a subway commute or cab ride, or on a Saturday afternoon between errands.

Create Something

Make and create, just for fun. The key is that it doesn’t have to be perfect; you don’t have to plan it out or do it exactly right. Draw, write, sculpt, bake a cake, colour in a colouring book… Just don’t get hung up on how it turns out. It’s the act of creating that’s important here, not the end result.

Take Yourself Out To Lunch

Indulge yourself in a leisurely meal alone at a nice sit-down restaurant or favourite cafe. This is a good one for a mid-week break from the usual routine, or a weekend escape when someone else is home with the kids. Read a book, people watch, get lost in thought… and thoroughly enjoy your meal.

Take A Nap

No, we don’t mean flopping down on the couch and waking up with a kink in your neck. Get in bed, all comfy under the covers, and really rest. Sleep if you have time, or at the very least close your eyes and revel in the fluffy softness.

Call An Old Friend

Missing the good old days? Maintaining positive relationships is food for the soul, so grab a random moment of free time and call up an old friend or family member that you miss talking to, for no reason other than to catch up. Chat about whatever or whomever, just enjoy their company.
Watch TV

Sometimes a little mindless “guilty pleasure” television can be good for the soul as well. The trick is to watch something you love but rarely or never get a chance to indulge in, and really let yourself enjoy it. Depending on your living situation, this could be a very real – and very rare – treat.

Have A Grown-Up Play Date

Meet up with a friend for something fun and silly like an afternoon movie, miniature golf, a cooking class or just catching up over coffee. Hanging out with someone fun and completely separate from your work and family stresses can be very rejuvenating – and the many other benefits found in fostering a friendship are a happy bonus.

Write down your feelings, stresses, ideas, dreams – whatever strikes your fancy. It doesn’t have to be a regular thing to feel good or serve a purpose, so don’t worry if it’s only one time or very sporadic. Keep a small notebook with you, and reach for it instead of your mobile phone when feeling bored or fidgety (psst… find more phone-free activity tips here).

Indulge In A Hobby

What do you love to do for fun? Make it happen, in miniature form if need be. Don’t have time to spend an afternoon golfing? Hit the driving range for 20 minutes. Love to read? Keep a book in your bag. Interested in something that takes more planning or involves other people? Start the process of planning something (and make it happen).

Go To A Movie …Alone

Of course you could take a date, friend or spouse, but there’s a special kind of “me time” to be found in going to the movies by yourself. You choose the show and where to sit, there’s no sharing snacks, and you get to be the mysterious stranger everyone wonders about (and secretly envies).
Take A Class

Have a spare hour or two once a week? Think of something on your bucket list that you’ve always wanted to learn or do, and take a class. Cooking, ballroom dancing, a new language, basket weaving? (could be fun) – the possibilities are endless. Go alone or find a similarly minded friend and get your learn on.

Upgrade Your Daily Shower

Yes, it’s a little cliché, but bathing really is the ultimate “me time”. Add bubbles or aromatherapy and get a shower radio to play some favourite tunes, and really relax. Long and leisurely is great, but whether under the shower or in the tub, even 20 minutes is enough to feel luxurious.

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