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整骨” 哀哀叫
Chiropractic Adjustment   squareone.com.sg

Chiropractic adjustment is one of the greatest mystery in chiropractic care. With some chiropractors claiming that regular adjustments can improve your spine alignment, and therefore general health, we decided to present you with the facts so you can come with your own conclusion. In this blog post, we discuss:

    What is a chiropractic adjustment?
    What does a chiropractor do during an adjustment?
    Do chiropractors really move bones?
    What are the side effects of chiropractic treatment?
    Does chiropractic work?

What is a chiropractic adjustment?

Chiropractic or spinal adjustments refer to a type of treatment delivered by chiropractors. It involves applying a quick thrust into the spine.

The high-velocity, low amplitude (HVLA) thrust that is applied to spinal joints is also known as spinal manipulative therapy in academic literature.
What does a chiropractor do during an adjustment?
chiropractic adjustment, lumbar adjustment, bodybuilder singapore
Chiropractor Jesse Cai performs a lumbar chiropractic adjustment for professional bodybuilder Desmond Lee who was suffering from back pain.

Most chiropractic adjustments are done on a chiropractic table or bench. During the adjustment, the chiropractic will put you into a certain position before applying a thrust to the area of concern.
Do chiropractors really move bones?

Many Singapore chiropractors claim that their methods are “special”. They also tend to suggest they can move your spine back into place. There are a few things to note here:

You can’t change alignment with a little (or big) thrust

If a little nudge into the spine can move a bone back into place, what do you think happens when you trip and fall? You’d be completely paralysed!

It only takes as little as 6.8 kilogram force (66 newtons) to perform a chiropractic adjustment. For heavy thrusts, about 33 kilogram force or 322 Newtons. Guess how much force you exert into the ground while running? Over 110 kilogram force!

Imagine Usain Bolt’s 100m race. That is 41 steps at a presumably higher ground reaction force. If a chiropractor’s thrust can move your vertebra back into place, Usain Bolt’s spine will be in pieces at the end of his 100m event!

Look, if getting adjusted can change your spinal alignment, people who crack their knuckles daily will end up with deformed fingers. No?

Good alignment doesn’t even matter

We are not going to talk about this again. For information about the history of posture, how ‘text neck’ is not new, and why neck pain is not related to posture, check out our blog entry: Text Neck & Neck Pain.

For how posture doesn’t cause lower back pain, check out Anterior Pelvic Tilt: The Reason for Your Back Pain?

The bottom line? Good posture and good alignment are social constructs that change with time. They have nothing to do with spinal health!(Some may even argue they are marketing strategies to get you to buy more chiropractic packages.)

What is the popping sound then?

You may think the popping sound associated with a spinal adjustment is the sound of your bone moving back into place. Many people do. However, this is not the case. As with your knuckles, your phalanges doesn’t shift back into place when you crack it.

The popping sound is a cavitation. It is a phenomenon in which a gas bubble forms in response to the increase in joint volume as a result of the adjustment manoeuvre.

So in a chiropractic manipulation:

            Thrust is applied to a spinal joint
            The distraction applied to the joint causes an increase in joint space
            In response to the increase in volume, an air bubble is formed from the dissolved gas in the joint fluid (no different from when you open a bottle of coke, really)
            You hear a popping sound

Why does my spine feel out of place?

It’s normal for pain patients to feel that your spine is out of place.

A study in 2008 found that patients with chronic pain were “unable to clearly delineate the outline of their trunk and stated that they could not “find it””. The controls, or individuals who are pain-free, had no issues doing it.

Interestingly enough, patients with pain only on one side, drew their vertebrae to be “out of place” towards that side. Their spine, however, had no deviations.

The takeaway here really is that a chiropractor can’t move your bone back into place or realign your spine. It’s common for chiropractors in Singapore to use this rationale to upsell you chiropractic sessions. Truth is that science and common sense just doesn’t support it!
Spinal adjustments do not remove subluxations or interferences to the nervous system

Singapore chiropractors often claim that spinal adjustments can restore the body’s natural healing abilities. Because adjustments remove the interference or the blockage in your spine. Based on their dogma, regular adjustments will keep you healthy and prevent illnesses and sickness from infertility to cancer.
 Does the Quantity of Social Interactions Affect Happiness ...
The Relevance of Social Connections & Happiness  kumsa.net

Have you ever wondered what makes you happy in your life?

The answers that come to your mind must be traveling, retail therapy or a weekend getaway and much more. We all have our definition for the art of contentment in our lives, which is driven by these worldly pleasures.

Is it long-term happiness?

Every time you come back from a beautiful vacation, the happiness you felt goes away within a week. So, what is the driving factor for long-lasting happiness in your life? What is the actual meaning of happiness?

Happiness, by definition, is the state of being happy. At its simplest, it’s all about minimizing pain and maximizing pleasure. Many of the famous researchers and psychologists had tried to decode the theory of happiness.

Let’s dive in and start with finding out the meaning of it.

What is Happiness?

Happiness is when you feel well in your life. It has been researched in the field of positive psychology by Sonja Lyubomirsky, and she described it as “the experience of joy, contentment, or positive well-being, combined with a sense that one’s life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile.” Fundamentally, it means a certain level of joyfulness when things around you are happening in a more exuberant way than they usually occur.

How Social Connections and Relationships are Related to Happiness?

Having good people in your life is something that matters the most to be happy. To be socially active is very good for us. It kills loneliness. Researchers have proved that people who are socially connected are healthier and happier than people who are not. Good relationships protect your brain and keep you healthy. If you want to be happy and healthy, replace your screen time with people time. Meet more positive people, make friends and be more socially active in real life rather than the internet world.

A Harvard Study on Adult’s Life and Happiness.

The Harvard study on adult development claims to have discovered the answer to this big question of what makes a person live a joyful life. This ongoing Harvard study on adult’s life is considered to be the most extended study, which started in 1938. They tracked the lives of 724 men for 75 years. Every year, they used to make a report by asking them questions about their work, personal life, and their health conditions without even knowing how their lives are going to change in the future.

Research conducted on two groups of men. The first group started in the study when they were sophomores at Harvard College. All of them finished their college during World War 2 and mostly went off to serve in the war. The second group of boys were from Boston’s poorest neighborhoods. With interviews and, medical examination, those teenagers entered the study. Researchers went to their homes and interviewed their parents.

to explain them in a brief manner below; please have a look.

    Good relationships: When it comes to a relationship, keep an eye on quality over quantity. It doesn’t matter at all how many relationships or friends you have in society, the thing that matters is how many good and healthy relationships you have in your social and personal life. People who have someone to count upon, always overcome through their tough times.
    Good physical and mental health: Being committed to a toxic relationship badly impacts your health, both physically and mentally. In adverse, good relationships, have the power to sharpen your memory.
    Satisfactory work life: It is one of the most critical factors in this century to be happy. Due to many reasons like having social pressure, the race of competition, in maintaining the social status, most people tend to make their work life an unwanted burden on them. Instead, we should choose our work life very wisely. One should always choose his/her work life where he feels at utmost satisfaction while working.
    The ability to see beauty in art and nature: This is a must requirement to see the beautiful hidden corners of this world. You should have the skills to find the beauty in the entire creation of God, and automatically you will enjoy every moment of your life. Even when you’ll be going through a bad phase in your life, you’ll find some way to stay happy and patient.

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