周五 4/5 1. 食物讓你變聰明 2.富人稅


周五聚會地點: 麥當勞
時間: 每周一晚上 7:00~9:30

周五 4/5 1. 食物讓你變聰明 2.富人稅

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5 Foods that Make You Smarter By The Nutrition Twins

The foods you eat can help by boosting brain health and keeping age-related cognitive decline.

1. Blueberries: People tend to forget about blueberries in the winter, but they’re available year round. Blueberries contain anthocyanins, which give them their blue tint and have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that may reduce age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. Animal studies also show that a diet rich in blueberries improves learning in older animals and make them mentally equivalent to younger animals.

2. Salmon and sardines: We’ve all heard that fish is brain food and there’s good reason for it. Fatty fish, like salmon and sardines, are packed with omega 3’s, which protect the brain and support its development. Plus omega 3’s may play a vital role in enhancing memory, especially as we get older. People who get more omega 3’s have lower rates of dementia and slower mental decline. For brain and heart health, eat two servings weekly.

3. Apples: Apples contain compounds that may be able to protect the brain from the type of damage that triggers neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. One of those compounds, a flavonoid called quercetin, has been shown to protect the brain from oxidative damage. We’ve had an apple nearly every day since high school, usually with breakfast. We hope it works its magic on us, as Alzheimer’s has affected members of our family.

4. Eggs:When it comes to the brain and eggs, don’t forget about the yolk. Yolks contain one of the most important nutrients for building better brains: choline. Choline contributes to healthy and efficient brain processes. Getting adequate amounts of choline, especially during fetal development and early childhood, may help us learn more readily and also help us retain what we learn. Plus, sufficient choline intake early on may give us the mental building blocks we need to help keep memory intact as we age. As we age, our body’s natural choline output declines, and its neurochemical action weakens. So this is the time that you also want to eat choline-rich foods to increase your production of acetylcholine, which will improve your brain power.

5. Tea: Green, black, and oolong tea contain an amino acid called theanine, which can bring about both mental calmness and alertness that allows you to perform your best. Plus, the warm drink decreases stress so you can focus better.


1. In your opinions what food can make you smarter?

2. Do you think some certain food make us smarter? Or happier?

3. Eating the right food can improves your mind and IQ?

4. Foods that make you dumb? Please give some examples?

5. Food that makes us energetic? Please give some examples?

6. What food affects your moods?


French President Francois Hollande hits businesses with 75 percent tax (The Washington time)

A court may have shot down French President Francois Hollande’s attempt to stick the wealthy with a 75 percent tax on earnings above a certain amount. But he’s not giving up. Mr. Hollande’s new plan: Stick the 75 percent tax on businesses.

Companies — not individuals — would have to pay the high tax on any salaries that are paid over a million euros, under Mr. Hollande’s latest proposal, Newsmax reports.

The Socialist leader is trying to reignite a sluggish economy — as he promised during his campaign — but is facing dwindling poll numbers and approval ratings. His recent attempt to tax wealthy at a 75 percent rate was denied in a constitutional court.

He said now his“first objective is to reverse the unemployment rate,” as quoted in Newsmax.


1. Should the wealthy pay more taxes? Why the rich should pay more taxes?

2. Will raising taxes on the wealthy create economic growth? Reasons?

3. Will raising taxes on rich hurt economic growth? Reasons?

4. What do you think that the economics of sin taxes?

(“sin taxes” are so called because they are levied on those commodities, such as tobacco and alcohol, which are the objects of widespread disapproval.)

5. How to raise tax if you were a minister of finance?




















每周一句4/4 to rise the bait

♦ take the bait/rise to the bait上當/上鉤---Fig. to respond to an allurement; to fall for an enticement or fall into a trap.


1. When she said she can’t live without you, don't take the bait.

2. You can get her here easily. Tell her that money has already prepared and she will rise to the bait.

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