週二(4/14) 1.死亡過程2.居住不正義

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Billy 日前買了本書   書中有ㄧ段   令人琢磨思考   "以前有少人死亡呢? 今日又有多少人死亡呢?" 所以產生這主題    (大江東去浪淘盡千古風流人物    江山如畫,一時多少豪傑)
「where do you go after death」的圖片搜尋結果
The Process of Dying  from T.LOBSANG RAMPA's book  "Chapters of Life"
People actually associate pain and death, or if you prefer, death and pain, because in the majority of cases people who are grievously (alvorlig) ill die apparently in pain, but that pain, remember, is not the pain of death but the pain caused by the illness itself.

Perhaps there is a cancer, something affecting body organs, grasping at nerve endings or eating them away. But let us remember that this pain is the pain of the illness, the pain of the complaint, not death itself.

Death, the actual state of transition from this world to the next, the actual state of leaving this physical body, is a painless process because of the anaesthetical properties, which come to most bodies at the moment of death. Some of us know what it is to die and to remember everything, and to come back still remembering. In the process of dying we have a body which is ailing, functions are failing.

But remember this, the functions are failing, that means the ability to perceive or apperceive or to comprehend pain impulses is failing also. We know that people sometimes give an impression of pain at dying, but this again is an illusion.

The dying body is a body which has usually (except in the case of accident) reached the end of its endurance, it can go no more, the mechanism is failing, there is no longer the ability for metabolic processes to renew failing organisms. Eventually the heart stops, the breathing stops. Clinically a person is dead when no breath condenses on a mirror held before the lips; clinically and legally a person is dead when there is no longer a pulse or a heart - beat.

People do not die on the instant, however. After the heart has ceased to beat and after the lungs have ceased to pump, the brain is the next to die. The brain cannot live long without its precious supply of oxygen, but even the brain does not die instantly, it takes minutes. There have been absolutely authenticated cases where people have been beheaded, and the head, severed from the body, has been held up for public inspection. The lips have continued to move and a lip reader can distinguish the words being formed.

Obviously only a lip reader can interpret what is being said because there can be no speech when the neck has been cut and the supply of air from the lungs terminated. It is the air supply going past the vocal chords, which makes the sound.

After the brain has died, after the brain is no longer capable of functioning through this lack of oxygen, the rest of the body dies slowly. Various organs die throughout a day or so. At the end of three days the body is just a lump of decomposing protoplasm, but the body does not matter, it is the immortal soul that matters - the Overself.
What do you think the process of dying?  
Have you ever thought about the matters after death?
What would you leave after death?
Have you ever considered write a will? How to write your own last will?
Where do you go after death?
What should you do if you suffer from a cancer?
Why you should make a will – about money?
「protest skyrocketing prices in Taipei」的圖片搜尋結果

Who is to blame for skyrocketing prices on Taipei’s real estate market? Global Times

In the run-up to the signing of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) between China and Taiwan, Taipei’s real estate prices have been skyrocketing. With very low taxation and investors anticipating Chinese companies to be allowed to set up branch offices and to buy property in Taiwan, Taipei houses have become a tool for speculation.

It is the prevalent public perception that there is a direct connection between ECFA, the imminent arrival of Chinese real estate traders and soaring housing prices.

Yet contradicting mainstream opinion, mainland speculators aren’t going to be active on the Taiwan market. Even after the signing of the pact, heavy restrictions for mainland buyers will remain. ECFA is unlikely to change this. Apart from hindering regulations, China’s own realty market is seen as more lucrative than the Taiwanese for Chinese speculators.

If there’s potential for Chinese investment, experts see it in the commercial rather than the residential property market. That particularly the latter shows signs of overheating is the result of investments done by returning Taiwanese businessmen who made huge fortunes in China.

Taipei’s realty brokerage firms report that ‘taishang’, as these businessmen are commonly called in Mandarin, often purchase seven or eight luxury housing units in one go.

“Purchases of high price real estate are not because of the mainlanders, it’s the Taiwanese investors. They buy because of unfairly low taxes”, says Chang Chin-oh, professor for land economics and member of Land Bank of Taiwan’s board of directors in an interview given to Asia Times Online.  “Mainland Chinese speculators won’t do much in Taipei since there are too many restrictions. And first and foremost, there simply is much more money to be made on the mainland market.”
Who is to blame for skyrocketing prices on Taipei’s real estate market?
Why is difficult to buy property in Taiwan?
Who should responsible to the soaring housing prices?
Why owning a home unattainable for many Taiwanese
What do you think the house prices in Taiwan?
What do you think the cost of living in Taiwan?
What is solution to soaring house prices?

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