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「an apple a day keeps the doctor away」的圖片搜尋結果

Will an apple a day keep the doctor away? by Amy Hunter

An apple a day can reduce the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and many types of cancer. But would you be able to avoid the doctor entirely just by eating a bunch of the forbidden fruit? Not likely. Various studies show health benefits when participants eat an apple between three and five times a week, but all ailments cannot be cured by diet alone.
Are other fruits just as good for you as apples? Sure. All fruits are loaded with nutrients that are building blocks to good health. Bananas are loaded with potassium, which is important for a healthy heart and proper muscle function. Blackberries are loaded with fiber, and strawberries contain vitamin C and fiber.
Like cranberries, blueberries help prevent and fight urinary tract infections. They're also a bit tastier than cranberries, which most people only enjoy when combined with plenty of added sugar. Apricots, fresh or dried, are high in beta-carotene.
When choosing drinks, apple juice barely makes the top 10. Pomegranate juice, wine and purple grape juice are high in antioxidants, with apple juice in the tenth spot, right behind tea. One of the things that makes apples so incredibly healthy is the amount of fiber they contain, but that's lost during juicing.
If all fruits are nutritional powerhouses, why are apples the only one to be included in the folklore? At the time the adage emerged, apples were easy to grow (and still are). Once harvested, they could remain in storage for nearly a year. Recent studies have shown that, unlike many fruits and vegetables, the nutritional benefits of apples remain relatively stable as long as 200 days after harvest [source: Boyer and Liu].
While an apple a day will go a long way toward keeping the doctor away, most nutritionists recommend a varied diet. In addition to apples, fill your shopping cart with citrus fruits, tropical treats like mangos, and a variety of berries, which pack a nutritional punch. Eating several servings of a varied selection of fruits each day is truly the best way to keep the doctor away.
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「Is first impression important」的圖片搜尋結果
Ways to Reverse a Bad First Impression   realsimple.com

Turn Around

My research has shown that women and men tend to orient their bodies differently when talking to each other. Women typically face one another and look steadily at each other's faces; they feel like this shows that they're friendly. But when faced directly, men tend to feel that they're being closed in on. Men generally sit at angles or even parallel to each other, only occasionally glancing at each other's faces, which may seem rude to women. If you sense that you've made a bad impression with someone of the opposite gender, engage him differently the next time: Change the way you're positioned and notice whether you're maintaining your gaze or looking at him only now and then—it may alter how he thinks of you.

Let Your Guard Down

Most of the people I advise lead very busy work lives, so they are often preoccupied. I've had clients brush off an important person or use a brusque tone with someone they've just met just because they were in a hurry. I encourage clients to proactively follow up and say to the person they rubbed the wrong way, "I was distracted because of a looming deadline. I'm sorry about our last run-in, and I would love to grab a coffee. I want you to know how happy I am to meet you." People appreciate the authenticity of an apology and the personalized attention that comes with it.
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