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... ‍ | Countries around the world fear the most. - Malayalam Oneindia
This is what countries around the world fear the most    by Louis Doré in news

People around the world were asked what they feel are the greatest global threats, and climate change and Isis have dominated top responses.

In 19 of the 40 countries involved more people were "very concerned" about climate change than anything else, compared to 14 for Isis and five for global economic instability.

The survey by the Pew Research Center asked if respondents were “very concerned” about seven issues.

Israel Iran nuclear program opinion survey

In Europe, North American and Australia, Isis was foremost in people's concerns, whereas in Asia, South America and Africa, climate change was more concerning.

No countries found cyber-attacks to be a top priority.

Israel was the only country to cite the Iranian nuclear programme as their top concern, ahead of six other global threats - including Isis.

Israel Iran nuclear program opinion survey

Only the US had a greater percentage of respondents who were very concerned with the Iranian nuclear programme.

Israel Iran nuclear program opinion survey

The agreement on Tuesday between Iran and six world powers on Tehran’s nuclear programme was condemned by Israel's prime minister as an “historic mistake for the world".

The deal ensures Iran will not develop a nuclear weapon. In return, wide-ranging international trade sanctions on the country will be lifted.

US president Barack Obama said the agreement is not built on trust, but instead on verification, as inspectors will ensure the country is complying.

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said:
From the initial reports received, it is already possible to say that this agreement is a historic mistake for the world.

What countries around the world fear the most?  
In your opinion, what are the greatest global threats?
Do you concern about climate change?
Do you think IsIs is the greatest global threats?
What are the threats for Taiwan?
What are your personal fears?
Where are much more dangerous places around the world?
What factors influence the global economic instability?

「Regular use of your mobile phone could give you cancer」的圖片搜尋結果
Regular use of your mobile phone could give you cancer after all, new research shows.  metro.co.uk

According to this new study, there could actually be a link between mobile phones and cancer, even though the claim appeared to have been debunked.

The study, conducted by the US government, experimented on more than 2,500 rats over a two-year period.

Researchers from the National Toxicology Program exposed the male rates to the type of radio frequencies which are usually emitted by mobile phones.

Close up serious young businesswoman talking cell phoneThe study, conducted by the US government, experimented on more than 2,500 rats over a two-year period (Picture: Getty)
They found that ‘low incidences’ of two types of tumours were found in the animals in both the brain and the heart.
While tumours were not found in rats not exposed to the frequencies.

In the report, the researchers said: ‘Given the widespread global usage of mobile communications among users of all ages, even a very small increase in the incidence of disease resulting from exposure to [radio-frequency radiation] could have broad implications for public health.’

ways to reduce your exposure to cell phone radiation:
1. Text or use a Bluetooth/headset/speaker phone instead of calling

How to reduce cell phone radiation exposureWhen it comes to cell phone radiation, the vital factor is the proximity of the phone to your vital organs – particularly your brain. When you hold the phone to your ear, the radiation is concentrated near your brain. Using a headset when speaking on the phone significantly reduces the radiation that penetrates your brain, as does using your phone on speaker phone. A Bluetooth is also preferable to holding your phone to your ear, but be sure to remove it when you’re not on the phone.

For the same reason, texting is much preferable to calling when it comes to minimizing the concentration of radiation around the vulnerable brain.
2. Turn your phone off at night

Did you know that you are most vulnerable to environmental toxins and radiation when you are sleeping? That’s because the body is in full parasympathetic mode – the rest and digest state of the nervous system. In parasympathetic mode, all of the body’s defenses are down and biological repair processes maximize.

One common practice is using one’s phone as an alarm clock or to keep the phone on the bedside table. Unfortunately, this places the phone in close proximity to the head, where the radiation will do the most damage. Airplane mode disconnects the phone from WiFi, but the phone is still emitting harmful magnetic fields from the battery. The best option is turning your phone off at night.

Do you believe regular use of your mobile phone could give you cancer?
What are the ways to reduce cell phone radiation?
What causes cancer?
What are the advantages of the smart phone?
What are the disadvantages of the smart phone?
​What are the ways to reduce toxins in your life?
Do you turn your phone off at night?
What are the New Apps You Should Know?

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