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左轉       聚會時間7:00pm--9:30pm
「happy people」的圖片搜尋結果
5 reasons to surround yourself with happy people   Jen Taylor

Let yourself be lifted up by the positive vibes of others.

1. Happiness is contagious: One of the best ways to find happiness is to find those who know how to nurture and create their own happiness, and share it freely. Spend time around these people and you’ll find yourself seeing the world differently.

2. Laughter is a great way to bond with others: A great way to connect with others is to share laughter or spend time having fun with them. Watching how someone reacts to a funny situation, and feeling yourself pulled into the good humor, is a great way to bond and get to know each other better.

3. Less complaining is good for everyone: We all know life can be hard. We all have our struggles. But isn’t it refreshing to spend time with people who don’t waste time and energy complaining? You can almost feel your spirits lifting around someone who is willing to see the good in things.

4. Learn coping strategies: We all have our strategies for dealing with hard days and rough times. But it can’t hurt to take inspiration from those around you. They may have ideas you haven’t considered. Better yet, you might be invited to join them! Their evening walks or bookstore wanderings may become your new favorite outlet on stressful days.

5. We become like those we keep closest: There's an old saying that we become like those we choose to hold closest. Look around at your inner circle of friends and confidantes. Are they who you would like to become? Do you admire and respect them? If not, perhaps you should consider why you don’t and open your circle to new inspiration.

It’s worth the time it may take to consciously surround yourself with people who can create goodness for themselves, and those around them. Take a look around you and see – do you seem to be drawn to happy people? Why or why not?
Why we have to surround ourselves with happy people? 
What are the advantages to surround with positive people?
How to create our own happiness?
What are the benefits of having a good humor?
How to learn coping strategies?
How to find confidantes?
How to get to know each other in a gathering?
「First developed in Japan, river tracing is a combination of hiking」的圖片搜尋結果
River Tracing in Taiwan

First developed in Japan, river tracing is a combination of hiking, bouldering and climbing in and above a river canyon. Also called river trekking and related to canyoning, it involves particular techniques like rock climbing, climbing on wet surfaces and understanding the geographical features of river and valleys.” –Hualien Outdoors

One of the most popular places in the world to go river tracing is Hualien, Taiwan. In the summer Taiwan is hot and sticky, but the rivers are beautiful, fresh and clean. On the outskirts of the famous Taroko Gorge, Hualien boasts some of the best river tracing in the world.

I first read about river tracing in Lonely Planet (yeah, guides are sometimes good for something), who recommended the company Hualien Outdoors. At $100-$160, the trip was a bit pricy for me, but after watching the videos on the website, I knew I had to splurge! I contacted the company and told them the dates of my stay, but unfortunately they didn’t have any trips available.

But that’s okay, my really awesome hostel with a 30-person dorm room and staff that didn’t know anything about Hualien had river tracing trips! I was really nervous that the Taiwanese river tracing trip was going to be lame, but I was assured by the staff that all of the previous customers said it was really great. Plus it was way less expensive than the one from Hualien Outdoors.

3 dead, 3 missing in New Taipei river tracing accident

Taipei, June 5 (CNA) Three out of six people washed away during a river-tracing trip in New Taipei Sunday were pronounced dead after being taken to hospitals, while the other three remained missing as of press time, according to the New Taipei City Fire Department.

The six people were part of a group of 24 that went river tracing in an upstream stretch of the Beishi River in the municipality's Pinglin District, and were washed away by a sudden surge in the water level in the afternoon.
Do you know what is river trekking?
What are the good places for river trekking in Taiwan?
Recommend some beautiful places for visitors?
What do you think about rock climbing?
What are the outdoor adventure activities?
What do you think about the river tracing accident?
ARM 54 – Risk Management Principles and Practices is one of multiple ...
Risk perception and risk management   outdoorleaderonline.org

Some of the factors in these three areas which you as a leader need to consider include:
People—skills, knowledge, level of confidence, fitness, moods, fears, tiredness, experience.
Equipment—clothing, tents, skis, communication devices, ropes, vehicles.
Environment—weather, terrain, remoteness, snow conditions, shelter.

Risk management and planning

Good risk management depends upon good planning. Planning needs to be well established in the following three areas.

Personal preparation
The outdoor leader needs to have the appropriate experience, skills and fitness for the planned trip. The activity should be well within the capabilities of the leader (unless leading an experienced group on an exploratory-type trip). Personal planning refers to the need for the leader to have the appropriate level of experience and skills. These skills include navigation, campcraft, group leadership skills, first aid, environmental awareness, and understanding of possible hazards. Ski tour leaders must have skiing skills sufficient to cope with the terrain and conditions likely to be encountered. They must also be capable of assisting party members who may get into difficulties.
How to deal with risk in an activity?
How to sense possible hazards in an outdoor activity?
How to be a good outdoor activity leader?

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