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Beat the post-holiday blues - Telegraph
By Marianne Kavanagh

The trouble with holidays is that they come to an end. One minute you're lying on the beach, the sun on your skin, thinking about which cocktail you'll order in the evening; the next you're back home facing a mountain of dirty washing, dead houseplants, 643 urgent emails and nothing to look forward to. So how can you get through this wall of post-holiday misery?

Use light

Spend as much time outdoors as possible. One of the reasons we feel so well on holiday is that we spend time in natural daylight rather than shut away under strip lighting. Even if you can't spend your days at the beach, you can still escape every day for a brisk half-hour walk. There's also anecdotal evidence, says Dr Jan Davidson of the Chromotherapy Research Foundation, that jet lag can be eased by exposure to high-energy orange light, particularly if it is shone where the skin is thinnest – on the wrists, behind the knees or just above the navel.

Eat well

If you've been eating fresh fish, fruit and vegetables on holiday, keep up the good habits on your return. As Claire MacEvilly from MRC Collaborative Centre for Human Nutrition Research in Cambridge says, the key is choosing fresh foods low in fat – and perhaps learning the Mediterranean wisdom of keeping portion sizes smaller.

Relive the memory

Pretend you're still on holiday. Close your eyes and paint a picture in your mind of sea, sand and smiling faces. Next year, try NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming. As Clive Teal from the Institute of Complementary and Natural Medicine (www.icnm.org.uk) says, ''NLP teaches us that feelings and emotions can be anchored on to the body. When you're on holiday and experiencing a really profound feeling of peace, press the tips of your ring finger and thumb together.'' Do this when you come back, and the feeling will return.

Get out of the rut

You can't change train times, the greyness of the recession or the irritating way your boss sneezes, but you can resolve not to sink back into a rut. Promise yourself you will try one new thing every day – whether it's liquorice root tea, a different route to work, or just keeping the television switched off. A change, as they say, is as good as a holiday.
How was your new year holidays?
How to beat the post-holiday blues?
Does using light help lower the depression?
How to eat well and healthy?
How to choose fresh foods

How to get out of rut?

Billy想老年癡呆會失去記憶 那麼可能把一切不愉快的記憶忘記
如果是這樣 那就可以治療憂鬱症了!
Alzheimer's or depression: Could it be both?

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Alzheimer's or depression: Could it be both?

Alzheimer's and depression have some similar symptoms. Proper treatment improves quality of life.
By Mayo Clinic Staff

Early Alzheimer's disease and depression share many symptoms, so it can be hard — even for doctors — to distinguish between the disorders. Plus, many people with Alzheimer's disease also are depressed.

Just as treatment is important for people with depression alone, it's equally crucial for people with Alzheimer's disease and depression to get treatment for their depression.

People who have both Alzheimer's and depression may find it easier to cope with the changes caused by Alzheimer's when they feel less depressed.
Similar symptoms

Some of the symptoms common to both Alzheimer's and depression include:

    Loss of interest in once-enjoyable activities and hobbies
    Social withdrawal
    Memory problems
    Sleeping too much or too little
    Impaired concentration

Your opinion about Alzheimer's and depression?
Alzheimer's or depression: could it be both?
How to get rid of depression?
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What are the ways to improve your mood when you're feeling down?

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