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「Earthquake-proof bed」的圖片搜尋結果
Earthquake-proof bed 'swallows' you when it senses the ground shaking: Mechanism drops your mattress into a sealed box full of supplies       By Ryan O'Hare for MailOnline

If you live in an earthquake hotspot you may be able to sleep a little sounder, thanks to concept designs for an earthquake-proof bed.

An animated video showcases a series of designs for a bed that protects its slumbering occupants during a quake - but it may not be the bed of choice for the claustrophobic.

Resembling a cross between a strong box and a Venus flytrap, the mattress drops into a chamber covered with a protective lid when sensors feel the ground shaking.


Chinese inventor Wang Wenxi was granted a patent for the initial quake-proof bed in 2010 and has since updated the designs.

The original design shows the bed consisting of a large metallic box with a mattress on top.

When the earthquake hits, this mattress is seen being dropped by a hinged mechanism, while the lid of the box closes above it, sealing the occupant inside.

The second design, instead, drops the user through what resembles a trap door.

The hinge is in the centre of the bed, rather than the side, so the mattress drops flat to the bottom of the box, rather than tipping the sleeper out.

Chinese inventor Wang Wenxi was granted a patent for the initial quake-proof bed in 2010 and has since updated the designs.

There is no word yet on whether any of the designs will make it past the initial concept phase, or when you might be able to buy one.

But judging by their size and sturdy construction, you may need to enlist the help of a few friends to help you get them up the stairs.

Elsewhere, the designs show that the beds would also have space for supplies, including water, food, medical kits and even tools, but how you might access any of this is unclear.
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   「genetic modify food has problem?」的圖片搜尋結果                                        
Ways Your Health is Affected by GMO
By Alana Marie Burke    | newsmax.com

Here are seven ways that GMOs may adversely affect health:

1. Food allergy - According to the Organic Consumers Association, "The list of GM food products intersect with the eight most common food allergens: eggs, milk, fish, peanuts, shellfish, soy, tree nuts, and wheat." OCA states that protein in foods is what triggers allergic reactions and "most of the foreign proteins being gene-spliced into foods have never been eaten by humans before or tested for their safety."

2. Toxicity - "A review of 19 studies (including industry's own studies submitted to regulators in support of applications to commercialise GM crops) on mammals fed with commercialised GM soy and maize that are already in our food and feed chain found consistent toxic effects on the liver and kidneys," reports GMeducation.

3. Infertility - According to the American Academy of Environmental Medicine

, "There is more than a casual association between GM foods and adverse health effects." In a study on GM corn and fertility there was a "significant decrease in offspring over time and significantly lower litter weight in mice fed GM corn."

4. Birth defects - Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the herbicide RoundUp. Monsanto Company, considered the giant of GMOs, engineers "RoundUp Ready" crops that are routinely treated with the herbicide. According to Andres Carrasco, head of the molecular Embryology Lab at the University of Buenos Aires glyphosate "is responsible for causing birth defects, infertility, sperm destruction, and cancer."

5. Cancer - A study that linked GMOs and RoundUp to cancer was first published in 2012, was retracted in 2013 and republished in 2014. The controversial study reported that rats were more likely to develop tumors and die after eating a diet of Monsanto GM corn. The study was retracted due to concerns about methodology but the researchers claim Monsanto's economic interests were the cause, reports CBS News.
Do you believe that GMO food affected health?
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