周五(3/27)1.放空 的理由 2.成為專家的方法

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「Zone Out」的圖片搜尋結果
放空 的理由
5 Great Reasons To Zone Out

By Tori Rodriguez for YouBeauty

On any given day, studies show, you're likely to spend as much as half your waking hours lost in la-la land. Not exactly a stat you'd put on your resume. Sitting and staring out the window might be a great way to relax, but it certainly doesn't seem like a productive use of your time. Indeed, researchers have linked mind wandering with negative outcomes like unhappiness and poor cognitive performance. But maybe we're failing to give spacing out its due. Recent studies have taken a closer look and found that an unfocused mind may not be so bad after all -- and could actually offer benefits when done at the right time.

"Being present in the here and now is very useful when you're driving, taking a test, or doing any kind of demanding cognitive activity, and the capacity to observe one's own reactions is helpful, but there are also times when it's useful to get lost in one's thoughts, to let our thoughts take us where they will go," says Dan Hurley, author of Smarter: The New Science of Building Brain Power. "That kind of creative mind-wandering can be powerful for deep problem solving or creative thinking."

Mindfulness -- the apparent antithesis to mind-wandering -- has gone mainstream of late, with more people tuned in to themselves and each other in the interest of lowering anxiety, eating healthier, sleeping better and enjoying life (and sex!) more. So with all this focus on, well, focusing, where does zoning out fit in?

They key, experts say, is to stay focused when you need to, but to let yourself mentally unplug when you can: a healthy mix of both mindfulness and mind wandering. You can even use mindfulness to make your mind wandering more effective.

Boost your mood.

happy mood

About those studies linking wandering minds with negative moods: It turns out content matters, several studies over the past few years have found. Wandering thoughts become a problem when they get funneled into worrying or dwelling on problems. Mentally drifting to interesting thoughts, however, is linked with a rise in positive mood, according to an August 2013 study. What to do if your mind tends to settle on those bleak thoughts more often than not? This is exactly where you can use mindfulness. Simply noticing your negative thoughts can help you quell them and shift your attention to a more pleasant stream of consciousness.

Reboot your brain.

Tuning out at times can help you do your job better, says Benjamin Mooneyham, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of California, Santa Barbara, whose research group has studied the pros and cons of mind wandering. “Mind-wandering allows for the mind to leave whatever task it's occupied with. Even if this break is brief, it may still allow for the mind to come back to the task at hand with a refreshed perspective.” Consider preparing for finals in school. We were always told that a marathon night of cramming is far less effective than spaced out study sessions the week before an exam. Mind wandering, Mooneyham and colleagues believe, may work to naturally divide a lengthy task into smaller, more mentally digestible segments.

Enhance creativity.


When we purposefully focus on possible solutions to problems, we typically go to the obvious answers; it's a well worn track, so to speak, with all of our most familiar bits of knowledge always at the ready. When the stream of thought strays off the beaten path, on the other hand, it often stumbles upon less apparent solutions. "Putting people in situations in which they can mind-wander may help them think more creatively afterwards," says Mooneyham. In one 2012 study, participants were faced with two bouts of problem solving, with a break in between. Those who were given an undemanding task that allowed their minds to meander in the meantime came up with more creative answers to the second set of problems than those who rested quietly or labored on a tougher task. Having a tipple before you tackle a creative problem can also help free your mind and reveal surprising solutions.
  「how to be an expert」的圖片搜尋結果
3 Simple Steps to Becoming an Expert in Anything
By Peter EconomyThe Leadership Guy@bizzwriter inc.com

A great way to become more valuable in your current job--or to make a major career change--is to become an expert. The good news is that it is never too late to become an expert by either developing a base of knowledge within your current field of work, or in an entirely new one.

How does becoming an expert at something you love--and earning more money as a result--sound?

Try these three steps to becoming an expert and you, too, can revitalize your current position, or begin an exciting journey toward a new you.

1. Figure out what you're interested in

First you need to evaluate your current position. What do you know right now that you are close to being an expert in? You are probably already an expert, or close to one, at what you are currently doing, so you can easily build upon that expertise and take it to the next level. This is a much easier, less time-intensive route to take than learning something entirely new.

However, if what you are currently doing no longer interests you, you'll need to figure out what does. Make this your first priority. Whatever route you take, what you choose to be an expert in has to be inspiring so that the necessary reading and learning seem effortless to you because it resonates with every fiber of your being. Everyone has one--some have more than one--you just need to find it.

2. Focus on one subject at a time

Get rid of your cluttered mind and focus on one subject at a time. Overwhelming yourself by trying to learn too many things at one time will only set you up for failure. Focus. If you want to become a website designer, begin learning how to build one form of website--say, WordPress--before you take on all the others. Once you feel comfortable with one, move to another. Before you know it, you will begin to feel like and be an expert website designer.

3. Remember that practice makes perfect

Becoming an expert overnight just isn't going to happen. You are going to have to put a lot of work and dedication into becoming an expert at anything. In his book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell says that it takes about 10,000 hours of practice to achieve mastery in a particular field. While you may not have to devote that much time to become an expert, depending on the subject you select, you are looking at hundreds to thousands of hours of some or all of the following:

    Studying--reading books, online courses, attending college, watching videos, attending seminars and training programs, learning from other experts within the field.
    Practicing--actually doing what you are learning. As in the above example of a website designer, you can apply what you have learned by creating websites on your own. By practicing what you learn, you are going much deeper into what it takes to be an expert in that field--working out the kinks, investigating and solving problems not covered through studying and instruction alone.
    Presenting--finding ways to document your findings. Create a blog or journal of the steps you are taking to understand the many facets of your newfound expertise. Write or speak at a conference about the trials and the resolutions so that others can learn from you. Teaching what you have learned to others will push you even further toward your goal of mastering your new field.

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