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How to Make a Strong First Impression | Advisors to the Ultra ...
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Why Making a Good Impression Matters       - Cydcor Blog cydcor.com

Why Making a Good Impression Matters

First impressions matter.

In sales, a positive first impression can determine whether a customer decides to buy from you or a competitor. A negative one can cost you both money and the opportunity to establish a relationship with a new customer. The key to making a good impression and building rapport in sales is by applying the SEE factors — Smile, Eye Contact, and Enthusiasm. Non-verbal cues through facial expressions and body language can make the difference between success and failure — even before you say a single word.

Facial expressions and body language can make the difference between success and failure — even before you say a single word. Click To Tweet

First impressions are fast, but they last.

Countless studies, surveys, and experts vary in their claims on how long it takes to form an impression of someone — from 27 seconds to seven seconds to even as little as one-tenth of a second. Further research from an international team of psychologists shows that a first impression persists, even if a new experience contradicts it. People view the contradictory experience as a one-off occurrence tied to a specific context — a perception that’s difficult to change. The takeaway is that you won’t have a second chance to make a great first impression, so make every second — or millisecond — count.

Here are five tips for making a good impression and why they’re important:

1. Perfect your handshake.

A handshake is more than an initial greeting. It’s often the first connection with the customer and can set the tone for the rest of the sales conversation or meeting.

A good handshake should be:

·  Comfortably firm, not limp or hand-crushing, to convey strength and confidence

·  Upright. Flipping the other person’s hand over, exposing their wrist communicates that you are trying to overpower them.

·  Just long enough. Shaking hands for longer than a three count can leave the other party feeling trapped.

2. Smile.

A smile is contagious. It communicates warmth and approachability, instantly putting the other person at ease and in a better mood. A genuine, inviting smile can improve your likeability and get the other person to respond more positively to you. When smiling, make eye contact to transmit openness, trustworthiness, and interest in what they have to say. People love doing business with those they like and trust. It’s human nature.

Research shows that people who are confident appear more competent, credible, and trustworthy. Click To Tweet

3. Be confident.

Research shows that people who are confident appear more competent, credible, and trustworthy. They exude confidence through their expertise, attitude, presence, and demeanor. So, when meeting people, do your research and be prepared with relevant talking points and smart questions. Be calm and self-assured, not cocky or arrogant. Be articulate and speak deliberately and clearly. Stand in an open, relaxed posture with your chin up, back straight, and arms at your side. Finally, dress to impress because when you look sharp, you feel sharp. Being confident makes people comfortable around you and more receptive to what you have to say.

4. Be thoughtful.

Thoughtfulness is grounded in empathy, so tune into the other person, listen more, and say less. When someone speaks, show genuine interest and understanding by summarizing what you’ve heard and asking follow-up questions. Choose your words carefully and speak with honesty and sincerity. Read the room and modulate your tone and approach appropriately. Thoughtfulness creates an emotional connection that elevates the conversation and builds rapport and trust with the customer.

5. Be energetic.

Positive energy and enthusiasm are infectious. When you’re fired up, it shows you care and passionately believe in your product, service, and company. It engages and motivates the customer and gets them excited too. Just make sure you don’t get carried away. Nothing is more off-putting than over-the-top energy and enthusiasm that feels fake and insincere.

By following these five simple tips, you’re making a good first impression that’s a lasting good impression. You’ll connect with the customer, start building rapport, and improve your odds for success in any sales interaction.
Why you are Still poor! - YouTube
為甚麼 你還是窮?
Reasons Why Are You Still Poor
- The Ideators Blog
Sara Rehman

Lack of Self-Motivation

Motivation is the primary drivers of our work. Without the motivation, we would rather stay in the bed all day.

Thus, ask yourself these questions;

What motivates me to work?

If your motivation bucket gets empty, find the source to refill the bucket and thrive.

Lack of support system

Humans are not born alone and that’s why you have to find the people who can become your support system. Your support system helps you look at the brighter side of the things when you believe to give up in life.

Lack of a support system makes you demotivated. It makes you think that whatever you do in life would not be good enough. To find the support system, it can be one friend or one family member who always there no matter how hard things get.

You will be finding reasons to be better in life and get out of the financial problems to make these people happy.

You love “Comfort Zones”

Don’t we all love comfort zones and stay in bed all day long and procrastinate about life?

Well, all these things are keeping you away from being a success and get things done.

Neale Donald Walsch stated “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” and it sure is true.

If you love comfort zones you will be living in a dark box looking for sunshine. Get yourself out of the comfort zones and you will be leaping mountains.

Lack of Time Management

If you think you never have enough time to do what you love then think about your priorities again. When you set your goals, you would be able to complete your tasks on time.

Thus, set goals and keep your focus in life. Even the most famous people, like Elon Musk, keep a calendar and manage their time. They are aware that time is money and money doesn’t come. Remember, time management is one of the best habits of successful leaders!

Adopting Lavish Lifestyle

If you adopt a lavish lifestyle. Going the extra mile with unnecessary things that you do not even use, you will stay poor.

If you see the richest people like Mark Zuckerberg wore the same t-shirt every single day. He prefers to spend a very simple lifestyle. Why?

Because they know that what being poor feels like. Adopting the lavish lifestyle to impress your friends will only make you poor.

So save money and you will see that your savings will come in handy even when your friends do not.
Playing the “Blame Game”

If you are in the early 20’s you would most find excuses that you can not earn yet. If you are always playing the blame game that things are not in your favor you are most likely to stay poor all your life.

Victim mindset never helps anyone. Holding others responsible for your actions is keeping your poor at this stage.

Irresponsibility with expenses

You get the pocket money every month and you get your salary every month, but how much are you spending and saving?

If you are spending more than your budget and do not have a long-term plan to save your money.

My advice? Record your expenses in a diary and keep the promise that you will not exceed the budget. Or you are not diary savvy, use Google Sheets, they are great at tracking expenses!

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