周六(9/5)1.如何成為英雄 2.瞄準生活目標

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How to become a hero | The New Times | Rwanda
How to Be a Hero in Real Life   wikihow

You do not have to wear a cape or be a crime fighter to be a hero. No matter who you are or what you do, there are opportunities to be heroic all around you. You just have to know how to think and act like a hero. Then, when the opportunity arises, you'll be able to come through and save the day.
Thinking Like a Hero


    Let go of your ego. A real hero knows that their actions might go unnoticed, and that’s okay. Make sure that you are trying to be a hero for the right reasons. You need to be willing to help people who might not even know you have intervened on their behalf. You have to be focused more on the feeling you get from doing the good deed than receiving praise. [1]
        Find joy in seeing the smiles on other people’s faces.
        Think about how you would feel having a good deed done for you. That will help you connect to the joy or change you create in another person’s life.


    Initiate the change you want to see. A true hero isn’t all talk. A true hero is constantly thinking about how they can take action and help others. You may be inspired to be a hero for a certain cause or issue, or you may try to be a hero for someone in need.
        For example, if you are passionate about the environment, don’t just preach to people that they should recycle. Try to start an environmental club at your school or get your friends to help you build a compost bin in your backyard.
        Maybe you are passionate about helping the homeless in your area. Rather than giving one homeless person money, get involved at your local homeless shelter and hand out food and basic supplies to the homeless instead.


    Put others before yourself. Think about other people needs before considering your own. When you are making decisions at work or at home, take some time to think about how your actions will affect someone else. For example, if you take the day off of work, what kind of workload will that put on your coworkers?[2]
        Remember that everyone thinks differently. What seems comfortable or easy for you might not seem that way to other people. You might feel really confident going to a karaoke night with a bunch of strangers, but your friend or date might not. Consider what others want in addition to what makes you happy.


    Be ready to act when others are passive. People lead busy lives. Often a typical person is so focused on themselves, they don’t notice or care to act when something is wrong. A hero will be willing to take action and confront injustice straight on. [3]
        Stick up for a friend, classmate, or coworker you feel is being treated unfairly. Buy a meal for the homeless person everyone keeps walking by on the street. Notice the underdog or the less fortunate and give them a helping hand.
        You can also focus on creating safe spaces for individuals who suffer from injustice or prejudice. This could be advocating for a space on your campus for LGBTQ students, or a club for women of color to network and connect.

Acting Like a Hero


    Perform random acts of kindness. A hero doesn’t just intervene when they see wrong being done. A true hero is there to do good at any time. This might mean taking some extra time out of your day to perform a good deed. You can do anything from paying for the coffee of the person behind you in line at the coffee shop to helping some lost tourists find their way around the city. Other random acts of kindness you can do include:
        Raking your neighbor's leaves for them.
        Helping to pay a student's tuition.
        Buying lunch for the office.
        Washing a friend's car for them.
        Buying groceries for someone in need.
        Taking an elderly neighbor to an appointment.


    Volunteer your time. There are many charities and nonprofit organizations across the country that volunteers. Simply donating a few hours each week to help these organizations so very much. Offer to work for a local marathon that is raising money for breast cancer or another cause you feel passionate about. You can also volunteer your time in other ways:[4]
        Help build houses for low-income families.
        Join a community garden.
        Get involved with your neighborhood watch.
        You don’t always have to volunteer in such an official way. You can offer to help a friend move or give up some time to listen when a family member is in need of emotional support.


    Volunteer your talents. First, think about the things you are good at or the useful skills that you have. You can ask your friends and family what they think you excel at, if you cannot think of anything specific. They will have a good idea about your strengths and how you can best utilize them to help others.[5] Think about how you can use your talents to help others.
        Perhaps you are a great public speaker, or maybe you have a talent for craft projects or building furniture. Perhaps you are a great listener and can be an empathetic ear for an elderly neighbor.
        You can also use your professional skills and knowledge to help others. If you are a teacher, you might volunteer some time to help tutor students who are having trouble in school. If you are an artist, you might volunteer at a senior center to help teach senior citizens how to paint or sketch.
 Examples of SMART Goals: For Business, Marketing, and SEO
How to Clarify Your Goals
Author: Martina McGowan

specific goals

Whether you want to set goals for your business or for your personal life, defining clear, concise goals is very important. Without clear goals you can end up confused about what you want to achieve, and you may well be putting yourself on the path to stagnation. Clear goals can give you tremendous momentum and intense purpose in your life.

Here are five important strategies to help you to define clear goals in your life:

1. Understand exactly hat you want to achieve. In order to define clear goals, your first step is to determine exactly what you wish to achieve. If you do not know where you are going, you will not be able to figure out a route to get there. Once you know where you want to be and what you want to achieve, you will be able to come up with the goals that will help you get there.

    Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    Take the time to sit down and brainstorm your long-term dreams and desires.

2. Determine a timeline. Setting timelines will prevent procrastination and spur you on to action to meet your goals. Having a timeline for your goals also helps to clarify them because now you know what you want and when you want it!

    Come up with goals that you want to meet in a week, a month, a year, and even five or ten years from now.
    Make a plan that will keep you on track; but remember, do not etch your plan in stone! Allow for changes along the way, but keep your eye on the main goal.

3. Ensure your goals are realistic. With realistic goals, you can almost guarantee that you will be able to achieve them, and you will not stress yourself out trying to accomplish something that is totally out of reach. A clear goal is a realistic one.

    Break your long-term goals into small, achievable action steps.
    Reaching multiple goals along your journey will give you a feeling of accomplishment and give you momentum and motivate to continue.

4. Be very specific. Clarify your goals with the details of exactly what you want. Avoid vague generalities. When you make a specific goal, you will be better able to accomplish it.

    Specific goals allow you to form your timeline and define your action steps. There is then little, if any guesswork involved because you are dealing with specifics.
    For instance, “make more money with your business” is a vague goal. Come up with a specific goal, such as, “I will make $1,000 more per month, three months from today.” This goal is specific, measurable, and realistic.

5. Refine your goals. Your goals may change as your life continues to change. During this process, you will be able to make them more specific, realistic, and achievable.

    It is perfectly okay to refine your goals several times in your life!
    What may seem terribly important right now, may not be important to you six months or six years from now.
    Be willing to accept change.
    Revisit your goals from time to time and make new plans if necessary.

Many people flounder through life, unsure of their purpose or what they want to achieve. Do not let this happen to you! Your life will have clear meaning if you put some thought into what is important to you, what goals you want to achieve, and what specific actions to take to make your dreams a reality.

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