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Emotions The true cause of your disease
Well, although dis-ease is a physical manifestation, the root causes of most illnesses are not physical. The true root causes of almost every dis-ease lie deep within every person that is ill. In essence, we create every illness that we experience, be it on a subconscious level or an unconscious level. So, how is that possible?
How can we possibly cause ourselves these kinds of circumstances? Well, there are distinct emotional and mental patterns associated with every illness. The way you choose to use your mind and the way you respond to your outer world have more to do with disease than your diet and your environment.
We have heard in recent years how stress can kill you. Well, it is really not the stress in and of itself that will kill you, it is the way you choose to process the stress that could hurt you or make you very sick. The body in essence is a mirror of our inner thoughts, emotions and beliefs. Every single cell in your body has its own intelligence and is able to listen to what you are thinking and feel what you are expressing emotionally.
In reality, your cells and your body respond to every thought you think, every emotion you have and every word you speak. Repetitive modes of thinking and suppressing negative emotions such as anger, resentment, bitterness, and hatred can and will eventually manifest as dis-ease in the body. Literally, your suppressed emotions become like ticking bombs waiting for the perfect conditions to detonate and manifest as dis-ease.
There is a philosophy/science called metaphysics. Metaphysics deals with primarily how there are many factors in the universe in which can not be reasoned with the five senses of the human body. In the aspect of disease, metaphysics proposes that there are distinct emotional and mental factors that contribute to the manifestation to each correlating disease. The correlation between patterns of emotions and thought to a specific disease can be so profoundly true.
For example, let’s take a person with heart disease. Metaphysically speaking, the heart represents love and our blood represents joy. Our hearts pump this joy throughout our bodies. When someone lacks joy and love for their life, the heart shrinks and becomes cold and thus the blood becomes sluggish. At this point, one is subjecting themselves for heart conditions such as angina, arteriosclerosis, and deposits in the arteries. In fact, if you were to look at most people who have heart disease, you will find a lack of joy and love in their life.
Another metaphysical correlation of suppressed emotions and illness would be that of cancer. This disease is typically found in people who carry deep anger for either themselves or resentment for other people and circumstances that occurred in the past. These people were very hurt by the past event and usually carry hatred for a long period of time until it literally starts eating away at the body and manifests as cancer.
I hope by now that you can begin to see a deep correlation between a person’s emotional and mental state and the disease they carry. Whenever a person comes down with any disease, they need to look at themselves and see what they have been thinking or what emotions they have been suppressing.
Many times though, the triggering emotional and mental factors for a specific disease occurred many months to even years before the manifestation of the illness itself. It is key to discover the true root factors that triggered the manifestation of the illness. Even conditions such as the so-called common cold and the flu may have distinct emotional and mental factors contributing to them.
Any time you are sick in general, you need to listen to your body and hear what it is telling you. Instead of always looking for a magic blue pill or a magic supplement, one needs to be more conscious of their bodies. If you are chronically sick then you need to assume full responsibility for your own health. No doctor or drug can cure you of any illness. You have the cure within you to eliminate any disease. God equipped all of us with everything that we will ever need in this world.
How dis-ease really gets manifested in the body
Symptoms of illness result from only the following 3 factors: 1) Toxic Thoughts 2) Toxic Emotions 3) Toxic Chemicals produced in your body from your negative emotions.
Your toxic (negative) thoughts, which really determine your perception of life events, cause you to have negative emotions, which cause the cells of your body to create toxic chemicals and in turn cause your body to create toxic cells that lead to DIS-EASE.
Science is now proving that when you are in a state of distress and disharmony, your cells produce toxic chemicals that tend to deteriorate and degenerate the body.
Anytime you move into stress and disharmony you express negative emotions that literally create toxic chemicals in your cells. This causes your body to be in a state of degeneration and stagnation. Once you are in this state, you then become susceptible to attract viruses, harmful bacteria, parasites, candida (fungi), and also store toxic chemicals from food and pollution since you will not be detoxifying properly.
Also, when you are stressed out or carry any of the negative emotions such as anger, resentment, hatred, impatience, etc., you tense up. This tensing up causes many of your biological processes to be impaired. Nutrient transport, cell respiration, detoxification, elimination, digestion, assimilation, hormone production and brain function become severely disrupted leading to a gradual degeneration in your whole system.
Emotional stress has the biggest impact on your immune system above any other factor. If you are in a state of balance and harmony mentally, emotionally, and physically, then illness simply can not set in the body. Most people have not been taught how to deal with stress and live in a balanced fashion. The society of today promotes drama, stress and struggle. The secret then is that the suppressing and storing of emotions are the true root cause of most illnesses.
Diet and environment do help to contribute to disease, however, they are not the underlying cause for it. Just look at anyone who is calm and approaches life in a balanced fashion. These people rarely get sick and will almost never get chronically sick. Chronically sick people are ones that are typically very emotional and/or have had serious traumatic experiences in their past. They are also people who tend to hold onto emotions correlating to these past events.
The big secret that many health organizations don’t want you knowing is that the body has a divine blueprint for perfect health. Every single cell in your body has its own intelligence and is programmed for optimum functioning. Due to this divine blueprint, the body knows exactly how to heal itself no matter what illness, injury or imbalance that may be present.
The key is to know how to use this blueprint to restore your health or improve your current state of health to optimum functioning. Once you know how to tap into this cellular blueprint for perfect health, you can then heal yourself from any illness.
Expanding Your Circle: 10 Ways To Make Friends In A New City Post-College
By Samantha Wilson
Making new friends after college is harder than dating. Whether you moved across the country or just need some new people in your life, finding them at this stage can be overwhelming, to say the least.
Not only does it takes more energy and creativity to discover your platonic soul mate, but often, you don’t even know where to start. Here are 10 ideas:
Talk to strangers
I know what your momma told you, but I trust that you know better than to follow candy into the back of any van. What I mean is that if the opportunity presents itself, don’t be afraid to lead into a conversation with someone you don’t know by following social cues.
Try not to accost people in elevators or places where they can’t get away from you. We’re a generation that tends to ignore one another by pretending we’re texting, but most people are much nicer than they let on.
Join meetups
In school, it was easy; you could join the chess club or the basketball team to participate in activities with others. This still exists but has transformed into a world where strangers band together to explore mutual interests using, for example, online platforms.
There are whole networks on the World Wide Web dedicated to bringing people together under common causes. Whether you like hiking, gaming, dodgeball or anarchist cult gatherings, someone out there has, or is looking to, put together a group to do the things you enjoy.
Wander around your neighborhood
Get to know your barista. Wave to a fellow jogger. Say hello to your neighbor. I’m all too familiar with the lure of my Netflix queue, but it's time to get out of the house. Discover what your neighborhood has to offer. It might be a bar, a comedy club or a cool café.
If the fear of being by yourself in a social setting is immobilizing, maybe there's a roommate or coworker you can convince to come with you.
Work your work relationships
Mixing work and play can be a dangerous cocktail, but sometimes, your coworkers just get you. After all, you work at the same company, so you're privy to the same struggles.
Some of my best friends are people I’ve met on the job. We started out eating lunch together and now I can’t get rid of them.
Use your pets
This is the same strategy as borrowing your niece or nephew so you have an excuse to go trick-or-treating.
A dog makes you instantly more approachable. You can even try going to a dog park to talk with other owners. If you don’t have a puppy, accompany your friend when he or she walks his or her pooch. It’s a fun way to meet others who share a common interest.
Go to events
Many cities regularly host events like concerts, festivals and movies in the park. Any activity where people your age surround you is a great opportunity to socialize. Bond over great music, culture and your shared interests.
Try fitness classes
Instead of bolting after class, take your time. Talk to the teacher and any lagging students. Maybe you can commiserate over your workout. The same goes for arriving a little early.
Instead of standing in awkward silence outside the door, waiting for the instructor to let you in, strike up a conversation.
Take a close look at your acquaintances
An acquaintance is a step closer to being a real friend than a stranger. Think about people you’ve talked to in passing, even friends of friends. Were they engaging and cool? Did you have something in common? It’s okay to reach out to hang out again.
Honestly, they might want to be friends, too, but are in the same boat of adulthood uncertainty regarding how to make that happen.
If you’re really tentative, there is safety in numbers; invite a mutual friend and the three of you can get together.
Go to networking events in your career field
The people you'll meet at these events will already have something in common with you, so that’s a great start!
I’m terrible at going to networking events to network, but I always manage to find one good friend. We usually bond over a general disinterest in schmoozing, while admiring the people who can.
Volunteer with an organization
The people you meet while doing community service will have some of the same values that brought you to that specific association. Sharing those kinds of fundamentals can be the building blocks of a strong friendship.
You may be spending long hours together, working hand-in-hand to complete a given task. The teamwork alone is a bonding experience.
Ultimately, making new friends may not always be easy. You can’t expect everyone to immediately like you or hold your hand as you skip into the sunset. You can expect to get better at it the more you try.
Putting yourself out there may feel like a risk, but it comes with the greatest of rewards. Friends are the family you get to choose. Be your own friend and situate yourself so you can find them.

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