周五 (10/16) 1.善心的力量 2.虛擬健身

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The power of kindness | Why being nice benefits us all
From boosting your mood to lowering stress, the power of kindness is proven. In fact, science shows the benefits of kindness are greater for the giver than the receiver. So, as Calvin Holbrook suggests, help others and help yourself, too.
Can you remember the last time a stranger was kind to you? Maybe someone held a door open or offered you help with directions in the street? Or, perhaps you can recall the last time you helped somebody. After recently carrying out a few altruistic acts myself, I wanted to find out more about the power and benefits of kindness.
A 2018 study focused on employees at a Spanish company. Workers were asked to either a) perform acts of kindness for colleagues, or b) count the number of kind acts they received from coworkers. The results showed that those who received acts of kindness became happier, demonstrating the value of benevolence for the receiver.
However, those who delivered the acts of kindness benefited even more than the receivers. That’s because not only did they show a similar trend towards increased happiness, but they also had an boost in life and job satisfaction, as well as a decrease in depression.
Furthermore, the effects of altruism were contagious. Those colleagues on the receiving end of the acts of kindness ended up spontaneously paying it forward, themselves doing nice things for other colleagues. This study suggests the ripple effect really is one of the benefits of being nice.
Kindness and psychological flourishing
Further studies back up the power of kindness. In another, researchers asked members of the public to either perform acts of kindness – such as opening doors for strangers – for one month, or to perform kind acts for themselves, such as treating themselves to a new purchase.
The researchers measured the participants’ level of so-called ‘psychological flourishing’ – their emotional, psychological, and social well-being at the start and end of the experiment. By the end, those who had carried out kind acts for others had higher levels of psychological flourishing compared to those who acted kindly towards themselves. Kindly acts also led to higher levels of positive emotions.
Meanwhile, another study incorporated cold hard cash to test the powers of altruism. Researchers gave participants either $5 or $20 which they had to spend either on themselves or others before the end of the day. They measured the participants’ happiness levels before giving them the money and then called them on the phone in the evening. The results? Those who had spent the money were happier than those who used the money for their own needs.
The physical effects of kindness
So, science and studies show that being kind and helpful clearly has a positive and uplifting effect on those carrying out the act. But what exactly is happening in the body when you help someone out? Here are four ways keys in which the physical benefits of kindness can be felt.
1. Kindness releases feel-good hormones
When you do kinds acts for other people, so-called happiness hormones are released, boosting your serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of well-being and satisfaction. Endorphin levels also rise, leading to a phenomenon known as a 'helper’s high' (just like what I experienced).
2. Kindness can reduce anxiety
Another physical benefit of kindness is that it can help to lower anxiety. Social anxiety is associated with low positive affect (PA), which relates to an individual’s experience of positive moods such as joy, interest, and alertness. A four-week study on happiness from the University of British Columbia found that participants who engaged in kind acts displayed major increases in their PA levels that were maintained during the study duration.
3. Kindness may help alleviate certain illness
Inflammation in the body is linked to numerous health problems including chronic pain, diabetes, obesity and migraines. For older generations at least, volunteering as an act of kindness may be of benefit to reduce inflammation. In fact, according to one study of older adults aged 57-85, “volunteering manifested the strongest association with lower levels of inflammation.”
Additionally, oxytocin, also released with acts of kindness, reduces inflammation, and it can directly affect the chemical balance of your heart. According to Dr. David Hamilton, “oxytocin causes the release of a chemical called nitric oxide in blood vessels, which dilates the blood vessels. This reduces blood pressure and therefore oxytocin is known as a ‘cardioprotective’ hormone because it protects the heart (by lowering blood pressure).”
4. Kindness can reduce your stress levels
Helping others takes you out of your own mind and can potentially help to build relationships with other people. Anything that helps you to build bonds with other people is known as 'affiliative behavior'.
And, according to one study on the effects of pro-social behavior — action intended to help others  on stress, “affiliative behavior may be an important component of coping with stress and indicate that engaging in pro-social behavior might be an effective strategy for reducing the impact of stress on emotional functioning.”

What is a virtual workout?
Bka Digital Outfitters, Auckland, New Zealand (www.bka.co.nz)
Technology is changing at a rate of knots, and so are the terms we use to explain it. These days the term virtual can mean, well, virtually anything. So what exactly is virtual exercise?
For most of us, words like virtual, almost and nearly are interchangeable. So if you almost make it off the couch and nearly do a workout, have you done a virtual workout? Sadly not.
Virtual fitness is the fusion of exercise with technology. But if this conjures images of awkwardly powering through sets of star jumps wearing a virtual reality headset – fear not. Virtual workouts are the same workouts you already know and love, or perhaps want to try, designed for ease and convenience to suit your own schedule and needs.
 Virtual classes are often a gateway for live group fitness classes. So, if the thought of joining a throng of confident, seasoned group exercisers in a packed fitness studio daunts you, virtual could be the way to go. Virtual workouts typically attract smaller numbers, and you can go at your own pace, which makes them ideal if you’re a novice looking to learn the moves.
 Not all virtual workouts are created equally. The best are based on proven exercise science. Choose a LES MILLS™ Virtual workout and you’ll be doing the same workouts that are loved by millions worldwide. These workouts are developed by fitness professionals, they feature moves developed by exercise scientists and subjected to a rigorous testing and development process. What’s more, they are led by highly-skilled presenters who have been hand-picked from all over the globe.
 Research shows the camaraderie of group fitness can be very beneficial, and there are also findings indicating that technology-based “virtual” group fitness can be advantageous too. A University of Michigan study looking at group fitness video games found that those who worked out virtually had increased motivation and performed better than when they were alone. It all came down to the fact they were alongside “superior” players. This suggests that when people work out virtually, the fact that they are exercising alongside leading fitness professionals on-screen may help them raise the bar and improve performance.
 There’s also proof that the sensory experience created by modern technology can help. A recent study of immersive cycling class THE TRIP™ showed the audio-visual components encourage participants to work out at harder than they perceive with less discomfort.
Typically, virtual workouts are played in gyms on the big screen – some clubs have them prescheduled and some facilities enable you to play the workout whenever you fancy. It’s the round-the-clock accessibility that makes them a hit with everyone from shift workers to moms, and anyone else who’s not keen or able to battle rush hour at the gym.

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