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Nearly 25% of Taiwanese experience insomnia | Taiwan News
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Nearly a quarter of Taiwanese have trouble falling asleep at night, according to a survey conducted by the National Suicide Prevention Center (NSPC) in July.
The survey results, released Saturday (Sept. 26) during the 2020 National Health Research Institutes (NHRI) Forum, showed that 23.3 percent of Taiwanese aged 15 and older had suffered insomnia in the week prior to taking the survey. Additionally, 4.2 million people had used sleeping aids on a regular basis, with the consumption of sleeping pills this year estimated to top 920 million.
NSPC Director Lee Ming-been (李明濱) noted that the percentage of Taiwanese experiencing sleeping difficulties is the lowest since 2006, but it is still very high. He added that this year's survey results were consistent with those of previous years and show that nearly one out of every four Taiwanese has insomnia.
Lee said the convenience of the country's healthcare system may have contributed to this prevalence. He said it is important for the government to consider limiting access to the medications, especially since they are used by 30 to 40 percent of Taiwanese who attempt suicide.
Lee emphasized that sleeping pills are not the only way to reduce sleep issues and that a heavy dependency on sedatives is cause for concern. He said the key to overcoming insomnia is identifying its main cause and creating a restful environment through relief strategies and behavioral treatment, reported Cnews.
What Causes Insomnia? | Sleep Foundation
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that affects as many as 35% of adults. It is marked by problems getting to sleep, staying asleep through the night, and sleeping as long as you would like into the morning. It can have serious effects, leading to excessive daytime sleepiness, a higher risk of auto accidents, and widespread health effects from sleep deprivation.
Common causes of insomnia include stress, an irregular sleep schedule, poor sleeping habits, mental health disorders like anxiety and depression, physical illnesses and pain, medications, neurological problems, and specific sleep disorders. For many people, a combination of these factors can initiate and exacerbate insomnia.
Is All Insomnia the Same?
Not all insomnia is the same; people can experience the condition in distinct ways1. Short-term insomnia happens only over a brief period while chronic insomnia lasts for three months or more. For some people, the primary problem is falling asleep (sleep onset) while others struggle with staying asleep (sleep maintenance).
How a person is affected by insomnia can vary significantly based on its cause, severity, and how it is influenced by underlying health conditions.
What Are Common Causes of Insomnia?
There are numerous potential causes of insomnia, and in many cases, multiple factors can be involved. Poor sleep can also trigger or worsen other health conditions, creating a complex chain of cause-and-effect for insomnia.
On a holistic level, insomnia is believed to be caused by a state of hyperarousal2 that disrupts falling asleep or staying asleep. Hyperarousal can be both mental and physical, and it can be triggered by a range of circumstances and health issues.
Insomnia and Stress
Stress can provoke a profound reaction in the body3 that poses a challenge to quality sleep. This stress response can come from work, school, and social relationships. Exposure to traumatic situations can create chronic stress, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
The body’s physical response to stress contributes to hyperarousal, and mental stress can have the same effect. The inability to sleep may itself become a source of stress, making it increasingly harder to break the cycle of stress and insomnia.
Researchers believe that some individuals are more vulnerable to stress-induced sleeping problems. These people are considered to have high “sleep reactivity,”4 which is tied to other issues affecting their sleep and their physical and mental health.
Insomnia and Irregular Sleep Schedules
In an ideal world, the body’s internal clock, known as its circadian rhythm, closely follows the daily pattern of day and night. In reality, many people have sleep schedules that cause misalignment of their circadian rhythm.
Two well-known examples are jet lag and shift work. Jet lag disturbs sleep because a person’s body can’t adjust to a rapid change in time zone. Shift work requires a person to work through the night and sleep during the day. Both can give rise to a disrupted circadian rhythm and insomnia.
In some people, circadian rhythms can be shifted forward or backward without a clear cause, resulting in persistent difficulties in sleep timing and overall sleep quality.
Insomnia and Lifestyle
Unhealthy habits and routines related to lifestyle and food and drink can increase a person’s risk of insomnia.
Various lifestyle choices can bring about sleeping problems:
    Keeping the brain stimulated until late in the evening, such as by working late, playing video games, or using other electronic devices.
    Napping late in the afternoon can throw off your sleep timing and make it hard to fall asleep at night.
    Sleeping in later to make up for lost sleep can confuse your body’s internal clock and make it difficult to establish a healthy sleep schedule.
    Using your bed for activities besides sleep can create mental associations between your bed and wakefulness.
Though often overlooked, choices about your diet can play a role in sleeping problems like insomnia.
Caffeine is a stimulant that can stay in your system for hours, making it harder to get to sleep and potentially contributing to insomnia when used in the afternoon and evening. Nicotine is another stimulant that can negatively affect sleep.
Alcohol, which is a sedative that can make you feel sleepy, can actually worsen your sleep by disturbing your sleep cycle and causing fragmented, non-restorative sleep.
Eating heavy meals and spicy foods can be hard on your digestive process and have the potential to generate sleeping problems when consumed later in the evening.
Insomnia and Mental Health Disorders
Mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder frequently give rise to serious sleeping problems. It is estimated that 40% of people with insomnia5 have a mental health disorder.
These conditions can incite pervasive negative thoughts and mental hyperarousal that disturbs sleep. In addition, studies indicate that insomnia can exacerbate mood and anxiety disorders6, making symptoms worse and even increasing the risk of suicide7 in people with depression.
Insomnia, Physical Illness, and Pain
Almost any condition that causes pain can disrupt sleep5 by making it harder to lie comfortably in bed. Dwelling on pain when sleepless in bed may amplify it, increasing stress and sleeping problems8.
Health complications related to Type II diabetes can be part of an underlying cause of insomnia9. Pain from peripheral neuropathy, more frequent need for hydration and urination, and rapid blood sugar changes can interrupt sleep. There is also a correlation between diabetes and other health conditions10 that are known to interfere with sleep including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and depression11.
Top facts about what a dry sense of humor is and how to tell if you have it
Carol Karen
Some people enjoy a dry sense of humor while others do not understand it very well. It can be either positive or negative to say that someone has dry humor. Today, we will help you understand what it is, and whether or not you have it.
There are different types of humor, and a dry sense of humor is just one type. People who give dry humor jokes are often mistaken because this type is not well understood by many people, and some may even take offense when dry jokes are thrown their way.
Dry humor meaning
What is a dry sense of humor? It is a form of humor where a person often says funny things with a serious, calm expression. They do not smile and neither do they laugh or make silly faces.
It is also known as deadpan humor because the joke cracker is very impassive and has a matter of fact tone with no or the least display of emotions.
The joke may be a mere statement that the person is making about a current situation or occurrence. It is the outrageous and cleverly implied manner in which they make the statement that makes it so funny and sometimes difficult to understand.
Normally, it is not-obviously funny and is context or situation-dependent. A witty person says things and feeds jokes into every situation without even knowing that they are being funny.
When someone asks, "what is dry humor?" it is important to note that by its name and nature, it is ‘supposed’ to be condescending. For this reason, most people have the misconception that the person delivering the joke is also condescending and arrogant by nature.
While this may be true in some cases, it should be understood that the person is merely putting an air of superiority and patronizing behavior so that their joke has the desired effect on the audience.
NB: It is the responsibility of the person cracking the joke to ensure that their words do not take a toll on someone who is not as good a sport as he is expected to be. This type of humor does not necessarily need to be offensive or obscene.
There is a fine line between dry humor and arrogant, senseless humor, which only an intelligent mind can decipher and use to their own benefit.
How to tell if you have a dry sense of humor
Some of the unique characteristics of deadpan comedy are listed below. You are a deadpan humorist if you possess these characteristics:
    You always use words and phrases that are commonly understood by laypeople.
    You use minimal or no use of facial expressions, body language, props, or any other tool to get the point of the joke across.
    You can state absurd and incorrigible facts in a blatantly honest manner that it becomes hard for the listeners not to laugh.
    You can maintain a very monotonous or unflinching demeanor throughout.
    You almost always use sarcasm and cynicism and your jokes also have a sense of irony.
    A majority of people may consider deadpan humor to be rude because they might not understand it, but that does not worry you much.
    You state simple facts and ideas in an extremely plain way. This is the most distinguishing characteristic of deadpan humor.
How to have a dry sense of humor
Since we have already explored the dry sense of humor meaning, is it possible for everyone to cultivate and develop it? Well, usually, it comes naturally, but if you really have the potential to develop it, here are some important points that may help you out:
1. Be observant of the world around you
Good observational skills are crucial in deadpan comedy. Deeply observe people, their idiosyncrasies, and their situations. This will help you come up with jokes.
2. Master the art of wordplay
Playing with common and easy to understand words has great importance. Aim to attract people with your wit.
3. Read widely
Adopt the habit of reading the works of great humorists like Robert Benchley. Reading can help you in cultivating a sense of humor that inspires others.
4. Always see the larger picture
Do not take life too seriously that it renders resistance to humor. Do not let the monotony of life kill the clown within.
Instead, allow yourself to get infected with humor. View the bigger picture despite your worries.
Are deadpan jokes good or bad?
Deadpan jokes are a good thing only if they are used correctly and with an appropriate audience. Deadpan comedians are usually very clever and entertaining.
If you do not have the correct audience, you are likely to anger many people.
Are deadpan jokes good or bad?
Deadpan jokes are a good thing only if they are used correctly and with an appropriate audience. Deadpan comedians are usually very clever and entertaining.
If you do not have the correct audience, you are likely to anger many people.

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