Billy 報你知 (2013/2/26)

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 Billy報你知 (2013/2/26)






Japan Develops Smartphone Application That Sends Smells

(Oct 13, 2012 by karenmasuda)

We all have certain smells that affect us in different ways. If I say, “I loved the smell of magic markers and glue as a kid”, you could probably relate. It doesn’t have to be the smell of roses or freshly baked cookies for us to understand olfactory connections.

An application that enables you to send smells through iPhones could be a way to strengthen the bonds of communication. That is what Chaku Perfume Co. Ltd. believes, and is why they developed a new communication service in the way of an iPhone application and device called “Chat Perf,” which can send smells across cyber space.

抗北京霾害 陳光標發放「空氣罐頭」




「空氣罐頭」cans of fresh air (By Shan Li January 31, 2013)

An eccentric Chinese multi-millionaire is selling what smoggy Beijing dearly needed in the past two weeks -- fresh air.

Chen Guangbiao and his colleagues have taken to the streets to sell hundreds of cans of fresh air -- purportedly collected from far-flung and pristine regions of China.

Beijing's air quality often registers far into the unhealthy zone, but this month has shocked citizens with the worst ever recorded smog.

Chen started his campaign last September.

Footage provided by his office shows a truck which sold his cans as it made its way across the country.

Footage provided by him shows people holding the cans performing a slow dance and scooping the air inside.

Proceeds from selling the cans for five yuan each will be donated to charity.
(Billy edited)

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