電影“悲慘世界”Michael 推薦

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感謝Michael 推薦    Billy多年前    看原著小說 沒那麼感動
看了電影之後 卻哭濕了三條手帕
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《悲慘世界》- 劇情簡介

十九世紀的巴黎,飢寒交迫的尚-維傑因為偷一塊麵包被判處十九年的苦役。出獄後,走投無路的他被好心的主教收留過夜,可是他卻偷走了主教的銀器。 警察將他抓獲,準備再次將他投入監獄,臨危之際,主教的仁慈將他拯救,他也得到感化,化名開始了洗心革面的生活。 十年過去,尚-維傑通過努力成為成功的商人並當上市長,得知妓女芳汀的悲慘遭遇後,他擔負起照顧其私生女兒柯賽特的責任。 他沒想到的是,多年後會重遇以前緝拿過他的警長沙威,對方不信他已改邪歸正,一心要找他的麻煩,尚-維傑只有帶著芳汀的私生女兒柯賽特一再逃亡。


維克多•雨果(18021885年):法國文學史上最偉大的作家之一。 維克多•雨果於1802226日出生在法國貝桑鬆的一個軍官家庭,他才華橫溢,創作力經久不衰,文學生涯達半個世紀之久。 人道主義是貫穿於他作品的主線。 維克多•雨果出身於軍官家庭。 童年時隨父到過意大利、西班牙,1814 年定居巴黎。

青年時代他走上了為社會進步而鬥爭的道路。 1831年發表的小說《巴黎聖母院》,表現出作家強烈的反封建、反教會的思想。 1848年“二月革命”開始時,維克多•雨果已成為堅定的共和黨人,並當選為製憲會議的成員,成為法國國民議會中社會民主左派的領袖。

1851年,路易•波拿巴發動政變。 維克多•雨果立即發表宣言進行反抗,不幸遭到失敗。 同年12月,維克多•雨果被迫逃亡到布魯塞爾。 在長達19年的流亡生活期間,維克多•雨果始終堅持對拿破崙三世獨裁政權的鬥爭,並堅持寫作。 1862年完成了長篇小說《悲慘世界》。 1870年法蘭西第二帝國垮台,維克多•雨果返抵故土。 1872年完成了他最後一部小說《九三年》。 1885522日病逝於巴黎。


Les Misérables
Short summary:

The major plot involves Jean Valjean who is released from prison, and through the kindness of Father Myriel, becomes a new man. He gets a new name via association with Myriel and his obvious kindness and generosity to others and gradually builds a successful and prosperous life for himself with a renovation of the jet-work industry in Montreuil-surmer. One of his employees is-although unknown to him-fired by the head mistress because of an illegitimate baby. Fantine goes from one occupation to another, finally becoming a prostitute.

A minor incident takes place in the streets, and Fantine is arrested by Javert. Valjean, who has become known as Mayor Madeleine, forces Javert to release her and takes her into his own house when he hears her story. Fantine is in extremely poor health, however, and dies without ever seeing her child again, even though Valjean had promised to get the child.

Meanwhile, another man has been arrested and mistakenly identified as Valjean. Valjean appears in court, revealing the truth and losing both his business and his position in Montreuil-sur-mer. Although he is arrested, he breaks out long enough to hide his fortune. He spends additional time in prison, working aboard a ship. Eventually he escapes again and retrieves Cosette from the evil Thenardiers whom Fantine had trusted to take care of the child.

Then begins 10 years of hiding, moving from place to place, always staying just ahead of Javert. Seven or eight happy years are spend in a convent where Valjean works with the gardener and Cosette attends a girls’ school.

Feeling that Cosette must have opportunity to experience all of life, they leave the convent when she is about 15. Valjean is nearly betrayed and recaptured due to the insidious if somewhat unwitting deeds of the Thenardiers.

While Valjean is continuously on the lookout for people who might have guessed his identity and makes their home always in out of the way places, Cosette becomes aware of her own femininity and beauty. She and Marius spot each other and fall in love.

Marius is a college student who has been raised by his grandfather after the old man had disowned his son-in-law for supporting Napoleon. Marius discovers the truth about his father shortly after his death and enmity develops between himself and his grandfather. With little income, Marius in unable to marry Cosette and prevent Valjean from taking her away again, and his grandfather refuses to give consent for a marriage to someone he assumes is beneath him.

In Paris, politics, work issues, and various unsatisfactory conditions are gradually bringing a faction of workers and college students to the point of revolt. An insurrection takes place; Marius joins in hoping to die since he will not be able to have Cosette. Valjean joins the insurrection because he believes he is losing Cosette’s love and because, although he hates him bitterly, he intends to try to protect Marius for Cosette.

When the barricades are finally overtaken, Valjean rescues Marius and escapes through the city sewers. Marius is unconscious and does not know who rescued him. When his health returns, he insists once again on marrying Cosette, and this time the grandfather relents. Old wounds are at least partially healed. As Javert is also dead, it would seem that Cosette, Valjean, Marius and his grandfather could all form one happy family. Cosette and Marius marry, but Valjean reveals the truth of himself to Marius who gradually banishes him from even seeing Cosette.

The Thenardiers are a continuous nuisance and occasionally a real threat throughout the book, but in spite of Thenardier’s intention to bring harm to Valjean, he actually reveals the truth of Valjean’s history to Marius.

Valjean dies in the end, but it is with contentment after a joyful reunion with Cosette. He is content to know that Cosette and Marius have “forgiven” him, although it seems as though Valjean himself is the one who has the right to be on the forgiving end of things. 

'Les Misérables': quotes

“ Nobody knows like a woman how to say things that are both sweet and profound. Sweetness and depth, this is all of woman; this is Heaven.”

女人是天堂 很有趣!

"To love another person is to see the face of God."

“Laughter is sunshine, it chases winter from the human face.”

“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”

"The bishop approached him and said, in a low voice, 'Do not forget, ever, that you have promised me to use this silver to become an honest man.' Jean Valjean, who had no recollection of any such promise, stood dumbfounded. The bishop had stressed these words as he spoke them. He continued solemnly, 'Jean Valjean, my brother, you no longer belong to evil, but to good. It is your soul I am buying for you. I withdraw it from dark thoughts and from the spirit of perdition, and I give it to God!"

"" "寬恕" "慈悲" 我從這個故事看到 你能做到 有人偷你的錢 你不責怪他 反而再送他一個錢包嗎?

聖經中有一句英文 "Turn the Other Cheek" 唾面自乾;以德報怨   Billy


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