周五(7/12) 1.相信緣分嗎? 2. 如何道歉?

7/10 聚會照片

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1.相信緣分嗎?  2. 如何道歉?

Do You Believe in Destiny? (By Adam Sinicki)

We often say things like 'they were meant to be together' or 'it's written in the stars', but often we do so without really thinking through our views on destiny and fate and whether we really believe that events and even our actions are guided. If you choose to believe in destiny then this would of course have some rather large implications for the way the universe works and it would encroach on many of your other beliefs about life. Here we will look seriously at whether destiny is really something you should believe in, and what the associated risks are with leaving your life in the lap of the gods.

 Why Do We Believe in Destiny?

Many of us believe in destiny as a kind of security blanket or a way to make ourselves feel better. When something goes wrong for instance we can often reassure ourselves by simply saying that 'it was meant to be'. Meanwhile if we are worried about an interview or a date, we can simply say that 'what will be, will be', and that would be a good way to help us to feel better and less nervous about everything. By imagining that there is some pre-set plan for our lives and that our destiny is already forged, this allows us to sit back and feel safe in the knowledge that everything is happening for a reason and that it will all turn out well in the end.

 Evidence for Destiny

And on top of this there are some instances and examples of evidence that suggest destiny may be real. Many of these are somewhat esoteric and not highly scientific. For instance there are people who claim to be able to read the future, or who claim to have seen the future in dreams, and many of us feel that we have done so ourselves when we get feelings of dejavu. Of course for us to be able to see the future, there must be a predefined destiny and as such a belief in tarot cards essentially necessitates a belief in destiny.


1. Do you believe in destiny or fate?

Are people really brought together by fate?

2. What is destiny? Can destiny be changed?

How to change one's destiny

 3. Do you believe in deja vu?

Does destiny brings two people together at the right time and place?

 4. Can we predict our future?

5. Are you a superstitious person?

What are superstitious beliefs?

2. 如何道歉?


How to Apologize to a Customer (By Jodee Redmond)

Good customer service helps build long-term business relationships.

When you need to apologize to a customer, keep these tips in mind:

Acknowledge the problem. Let the customer know that you understand why they are upset. This helps defuse the situation.

Take responsibility for the problem without making excuses. It may be tempting to try to shift blame for the problem elsewhere, but this is not a good strategy. When you take responsibility for the problem on behalf of your company, it demonstrates to the customer that you (and your business) have integrity. This is a trait they will respect and remember.
Tell the customer you will deal with the situation. If the problem is with a product, let the customer know you will contact the manufacturer or distributor to discuss the concerns. If the difficulty came from a customer service issue, then tell the customer you will discuss the situation with the staff member involved. If it seems appropriate, you may also want to tell the customer you will review your policies and procedures to make sure the situation is not repeated.

Ask the customer what you can do to make amends. Offer to replace the product or refund the customer's money. In the case of a problem with a service, you can offer to perform the service again or give a refund. If you are not sure of what the customer would like, just ask. A simple, "What can we do to keep you happy or to keep your business?" will go a long way toward keeping this person as a customer.

In order to make sure all employees are aware of appropriate methods or making amends with customers, a seminar on good customer service may be a necessary event for you business.

1. In this matter, how to say sorry and make amends if you were the shop assistant?

2. How to say 'sorry' to an angry customer?

3. How do you apologize after you made a big mistake?

4. How to apologize to someone you love and how do you repair the relationship?

5. How to apologize if you mess up at work?
水餃少一顆! 該生氣嗎?
前幾天Billy去水餃館用餐 正在點餐時  聽到一位先生 火爆地指著一位店員 一直罵  原來是送餐時 顧客發現少一顆水餃 而那位店員卻沒有道歉 反而問顧客是不是 自己吃了忘記了 (這種回答 您會生氣嗎?)
這種回答 讓那個顧客 氣得臉紅脖子粗 有時餐廳小吃店 常忘了基本禮貌 Billy親身體驗 櫃檯點餐或結帳時 中途插入 某來人問話 結帳員 常顧著與別人談話 而把你晾在一邊  送錯餐點 算錯帳 讓顧客空等 卻沒有道歉 尤其是生意好的餐館 更不甩你
水餃少一顆!  Billy蹦出周五7/12的主題 讓各位好朋友給我們寶貴的意見 來談談餐廳或賣場應有的的服務及態度

每周一句 7/10 操之過急
"jumped the gun"---是什麼意思啊?

To jump the gun is to do something too soon. For instance, if a runner starts running before the race starts, he's jumping the gun.

to jump the gun 就是過早採取行動的意思啊!像賽跑的時候,有些運動員啊信號槍還沒響就提前跑了.
jump the gun---操之過急/過早行動

---If someone running in a race jumps the gun, they start running before the gun has been fired to start the race.


He was so sure that he would get the job that he quit his old job. Unfortunately, he really jumped the gun. He just found out yesterday that he didn't get the job after all.


jump the gun ---to do something too soon, especially without thinking carefully about it


He shouted at me before I had time to explain, but later he apologized for jumping the gun.

We do not want to jump the gun by making a statement about what caused the explosion before the investigation is completed.








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