周二(7/9) 1.過期食品2.完美男人

二聚會 7/9
(sos 暑假咖啡店人多 哪位好朋友 能早點到咖啡店 幫Billy佔位子 Thank you)

時間: 每周二晚上7:00~9:30
地點: 怡客咖啡 Ikari Coffee



 Topic1. 過期食品 
Wholesalers charged for selling expired food
By Joy Lee, The China Post
TAIPEI, Taiwan -- A husband and wife food wholesaler team, surnamed Chou, has been charged with forgery over the sale of expired items to retailers in Taichung since 2004, the Taichung District Prosecutor Office said yesterday.
According to prosecutors, a food retailer, also surnamed Chou, was also charged with forgery for selling these products in traditional markets in central Taiwan areas.
Prosecutors said that since 2004, the food wholesaler couple purchased expired or nearly expired products from a seller, surnamed Chen, and used a chemical to remove the expiry date before printing a new one.
Chen has since been sentenced to three years and six months in prison by the Changhua District Court for his role in the scheme.
According to prosecutors, the wholesaler couple sold the expired foods and drinks to the retailer, who sold the products to vendors in traditional markets in Taichung.
Prosecutors and the police seized many expired products, including chicken stock powder, green tea, crackers and tomato soup. However, prosecutors said that these expired foods had been sold for nearly 10 years, so many consumers have already eaten these expired products.
According to prosecutors, the food wholesalers and retailer violated laws against forgery and fraud.

1. Expiration dates: should you pay attention?

2. Are food expiration dates important?

3. Are you fear that expired food?

Do you care for food safety and quality?

4. Do you think government should impose tougher food safety law?

5. How often do you eat out?

How to avoid getting sick when eating out?
Topic 2.完美男人
What makes the perfect man? (lifestyle.iafrica.com)

What does it take to be the perfect man? Some rate his gentlemanly qualities as top priority, others agree that he’s got to be hard working, while most say that he should have a good education.

A survey conducted by CBS News that included 1168 participants, shows that his mother is rated as one of the most important influencers that will shape him into Mr Perfect.

It also showed that aside from a good education, he should have good manners and be willing to put his nose to the grinding stone when it matters.

A small percentage – five percent – said he should be willing to talk about his feelings, while just one percent said he should be a good athlete.

Getting drunk or angry often is what most said would ruin his chances of being labelled Mr Perfect, while most participants said that if they could change one thing in their partner it would be his temper. Other things women cited as something they like to change in their other half was his friends, sense of humour and physique.

The field was split over when a man could say he could call himself successful, on one side saying that he could come to a decision at age 40, while a tougher 23 percent insisted he could only really look back at his life and deem it successful when on his deathbed.

The good news is that most believe that chivalry is not dead yet – possibly proved by the gentlemanly way that many men go about their business – but it would unfortunately, the cheesy pick-up line is just as alive and well.


1. In your opinion, what does it take to be the perfect man?

2. How to be the perfect man?(/women)

Ways to become a better man? ?(/women)

3. Why education is important in our life?

Is a good education necessary for a successful man/ women)?

4. A mother's influence is the strongest in our lives?

5. Is it important for a man having good manners?

Is it important for a man having sense of humor?

6. Are you too picky to find love?

根據倫敦「每日郵報」(Daily Mail ),調查結果顯示,完美男人的首要條件是「教育」。35%受訪者表示,教育是年輕男子的最重要條件,其次為勤奮工作(28%)和紳士(27%)。






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