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French Senate Approves Ban on Pageants for Young Girls

The Senate passed the new ban 197-to-146 as an amendment to a larger bill aimed at increasing gender equality. The measure now goes to the lower house, the National Assembly, for discussion and a vote.
Pageants are popular in smaller towns across France, though far less frequent and less intense than in the United States. And France has no equivalent of American reality shows like “Toddlers& Tiaras” and its spinoff, “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo,” that feature very young contestants.
Still, the intense focus on beauty here, combined with a surge of images of sexualized, prepubescent girls, has raised fears that the pageants could take on the over-the-top quality of American contests.
It is extremely destructive for a girl between the age of 6 and 12 to hear her mother say that what’s important for her is to be beautiful,” Chantal Jouanno, the ban’s champion, said Wednesday. “We are fighting to say: What counts is what they have in their brains.”
Ms. Jouanno, a former junior minister for environment and a senator representing Paris from the center-right party U.D.I., wrote a report on the “hypersexualization” of children in 2011. The report was commissioned by the health minister in response to public outrage over a photo display in Paris Vogue that featured under-age girls in sexy clothes and postures, with high heels, makeup and painted fingernails. The episode drew attention to the increasing use of very young girls in fashion photography and advertisements.
Opponents protested that the penalties were too severe: up to two years in prison and a $40,000 fine for anyone who “helps, encourages or tolerates” children’s participation in the contests.
Some pageant organizers said they were frustrated by the suggestion that they were corrupting girls. Maud Chevalier, who started Graines de Miss in 2001, barred young candidates from wearing heels over 1.4 inches high, short dresses, wigs, makeup and swimsuits. 


1. What do you think of child beauty pageants?
Should children's beauty pageants be banned?
2. What do you think about adulthood beauty pageants?
Are beauty contests harmful to women?
3. What are the pros and cons of child beauty pageants?
4. What do you think about hypersexualized in child beauty pageants?
5. Reasons to enter a beauty pageant?
What are the benefits of winning a beauty pageant?
6. What you think about girls wear swimming suits in beauty pageants?
7. What does 'beauty' mean to you?


Illegal wiretapping violates human rights and the Constitution (Taiwan News)

The headlines have been dominated recently by news of infighting between the KMT and opposition party and within the KMT itself involving Ma Ying-jeou and Wang Jin-pyng, clashes arising out of “fishing’ by Special Investigation Division (SID) agents wiretapping members of the government. The overall level of wiretapping in Taiwan is said to exceed fifteen thousand cases a year, about the same as the number of cases of legal wiretapping in the US annually. Agents in Taiwan are listening in to conversations with too few restraints.

Reportedly some 80-plus percent of wiretapping is backed by court orders, and the latest statistics available on how the data gleaned from eavesdropping was used show that an average of just under one in five cases were dismissed. Besides that, no one knows how often judicial and police authorities are cutting into in private lines to listen in.

Observers say that as many as 1.5 million people in Taiwan may have had their lines tapped, with the number being constantly monitored for more than a year about 180 – a figure that has led some to wonder, "Does Taiwan have as many as 180 hard-core criminals who need to be monitored so closely? Or is community leaders who are being monitored?"

Video Surveillance Privacy Rights in the U.S ( Noel Lawrence, eHow)

In the last decade, video surveillance has increased dramatically in the United States. For many situations, the usage of video cameras is warranted such as in a bank or an army base. However, federal and state law does place limitations on the use of video surveillance when it intrudes upon a citizen’s right to privacy. Have a question? Get an answer from a Lawyer now!

Surveillance in the Workplace

Passed in 1986, the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (EPCA) limits the usage of video surveillance in the workplace. If an employer places a video camera in a location where “a reasonable person” would find surveillance intrusive, they may be prosecuted under the law. For example, a hidden surveillance camera in a toilet would not be legal though most other parts of the workplace are fair game.

1. What do you think about wiretapping?

2. Do you care about wiretapping?

Do you think illegal wiretapping violates human rights and the constitution.

3. Do you care that you're under constant surveillance? -

Do you think surveillance cameras violate privacy?

4. Do surveillance cameras reduce crime?

Pros and cons of using security cameras in public places?

5. What you think about security cameras and employee privacy?

6. Can employers use video cameras to monitor workers?

7. Do you approve to be filmed without consent?

Filming in public places without permission?


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