周二 (9/3) 1.喜劇與壓力2.試死3.電價

周二原聚會點  改至丹提咖啡 寶慶店 
(西門捷運站3出口 往前走30公尺 向左看到全家便利商店巷進入 / 在中山堂對面)
: 0976217450   Billy

說吧!英文讀書會  完全免費  練習英文  交流知識  交友談心的平台  我們100%歡迎  老朋友 新朋友 不設限
(說吧!英文讀書會 將於 915 星期日 下午6:00 舉辦 聚餐會)

各位好友 我們來聊聊電影吧   您最喜愛的電影類型  聊聊電影對生活態度的影響

Do Comedy Films Do To Our Lives? (Kevin Geddes)

Our life is full of daily stresses and a good laugh can be a great way to relieve us from the heavy weight that we are feeling out of our daily routines, work, academic endeavors and several others. It is said that laughter is the best medicine and besides the jokes that our friends share and the pranks we see, comedy films have been popular ways to make us smile. Humor is quite important in such films and comedy is regarded as an old genre but in the modern days, comedy films are still well-loved by many.

 Comedy films come with lighthearted script and are made to entertain other people, thus they are successful at making people happy. People can watch different genres of comedy films including horror comedy, fantasy comedy, action comedy, romantic comedy and various others.

 Because people are taking life too seriously, there is a necessity to release the pressure and tension from daily doings. The better way to do so is to see life's funny side. Hence, it is a good thing to watch funny movies in order to make you feel good at life and at yourself. As you can observe, when you view films or hear stories with some humor, you get to forget your problems and when you are down, your spirit's lifted.

Comedy films allow the mind and body to relax. These are made to make us laugh and are often packed with action and excitement. Moreover, there are many health benefits offered by comedy films especially for those who are experiencing pain and depression. Other than that, there are those who believe that people who watch humorous films are less likely to develop any illness which is related to stress other than the control of conditions like blood pressure, cholesterol issues and stroke.

1. Do you like to watch comedy movies? Why or why not?

2. What are the advantages of comedy movies?

3. How do movies or television influence people's behavior?

4. What's your favorite movie?

What's your favorite movie to make you feel good?

5. Can watching funny movies make you happier?

Can comedy make us happier and healthier?

6. How do movies affect society?

What are the benefits we can learn from movies?
 People lie in caskets at the Coffin Academy, during a controversial seminar that uses death as inspiration for character improvement. Clients pay $25 for a four-hour course that ends with them lying for 10 minutes in a closed coffin. 
Billy 想超級市場 有試吃 麵包店 有試吃 CD唱碟店 有試聽 那 試死?是甚麼玩意呢?
雖然這是個嚴肅話題 各位好友 我們試著以輕鬆的方式來聊聊
生活中要廣開眼界聽聞 不忌諱 不設限各種題材 向各個領域學習
South Koreans experience what it's like to die -- and live again (John M. Glionna)

 Across South Korea, entrepreneurs are holding controversial forums aimed at teaching clients how to better appreciate life by simulating death. They use mortality as a personal motivator.

 People lie in caskets at the Coffin Academy, during a controversial seminar that uses death as inspiration for character improvement. Clients pay $25 for a four-hour course that ends with them lying for 10 minutes in a closed coffin.

 Jung, a slight 39-year-old with an undertaker's blue suit and a preacher's demeanor, is a resolute counselor on the ever-after who welcomes clients with the invitation, "OK, today let's get close to death."
 Jung runs a seminar called the Coffin Academy, where, for $25 each, South Koreans can get a glimpse into the abyss. Over four hours, groups of a dozen or more tearfully write their letters of goodbye and tombstone epitaphs. Finally, they attend their own funerals and try the coffin on for size.
In a candle-lighted chapel, each climbs into one of the austere wooden caskets laid side by side on the floor. Lying face up, their arms crossed over their chests, they close their eyes. And there they rest, for 10 excruciating minutes.
 "It's a way to let go of certain things," says Jung, a former insurance company lecturer. "Afterward, you feel refreshed. You're ready to start your life all over again, this time with a clean slate."
 Across South Korea, a few entrepreneurs are conducting controversial forums designed to teach clients how to better appreciate life by simulating death. Equal parts Vincent Price and Dale Carnegie, they use mortality as a personal motivator for a variety of behaviors, from a healthier attitude toward work to getting along with family members.
 Many firms here see the sessions as an inventive way to stimulate productivity. The Kyobo insurance company, for example, has required all 4,000 of its employees to attend fake funerals like those offered by Jung.
Questions: 1. What would you do if today is your last day on earth?
What are the things to do if you're going to die?
 (ex: who you want to visit/What you want to say)

2. How to write a will? (ex: money/pets/loved one)
3.What are your opinions about the Death in simulation?
It is an inventive way to stimulate productivity?
Can it help perform better in jobs?
4. Do you want to live longer? Why or why not?
5. What do you think is causing the high suicide rate in South Korea?
6. What you think about Korean culture?
Lawmakers object to electricity price hike plan
Several lawmakers yesterday expressed their objections to an electricity price hike by the Ministry of Economic Affairs slated for October.
What do you think about the electricity price hike plan?

韓國「棺材學院」提供模擬喪禮服務 體驗死亡感覺 (e-zone.com)


感謝 各位好友的支持 說吧!英文讀書會 周年慶囉!

這些日子以來 由於每一位好友的支持相挺 使說吧!英文讀書會

得以成長生存 還望您多支持協助

本會 因經費有限 經考慮後 將周年慶活動 分為三次活動

說吧!英文讀書會 將於 915 星期日 下午6:00 舉辦簡單地 聚餐會

會中用餐/小遊戲/ 暨分享英文學習心得

預計每人餐費 250元左右 僅收100 其餘由本會贊助廠商補貼支助

(地點暫定: 艾隆意式麵館  新北市板橋區仁化街32)


另外 預計本年度10月中 舉辦戶外活動一次
及本年度12月前 聚餐交流會一次

各位好友 我們每次聚會 大家討論中 由於時間有限 未進一步交流

此次聚餐會 給大家更進一步認識的機會

希望各位好友踴躍參與  即日起向Billy報名 以便確定座位




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