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Multitasking and Study Efficiency (studyingforcollege.com)

Are you a multitasker? 

When you study, for example, do you have other things vying for your attention? You know the scene, you are reading your assignment but the television is turned on, you are checking your e-mail, and you are “kind of” holding a conversation with your friends nearby. Multitasking is the engagement with multiple streams of information that are unrelated.

So, does multitasking hurt your study efficiency?  A recent study at Stanford says it does.  The researchers concluded that “people who are regularly bombarded with several streams of electronic information do not pay attention, control their memory, or switch from one job to another as well as those who prefer to complete one task at a time.” In other words “media multitaskers are paying a big mental price.”

The research is clear, if you want to boost your study effectiveness stop multitasking.  

People who are regularly bombarded with several streams of electronic information do not pay attention, control their memory or switch from one job to another as well as those who prefer to complete one task at a time, a group of Stanford researchers has found. 

High-tech jugglers are everywhere – keeping up several e-mail and instant message conversations at once, text messaging while watching television and jumping from one website to another while plowing through homework assignments. 

But after putting about 100 students through a series of three tests, the researchers realized those heavy media multitaskers are paying a big mental price. 

"They're suckers for irrelevancy," said communication Professor Clifford Nass, one of the researchers whose findings are published in the Aug. 24 edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "Everything distracts them." 

Social scientists have long assumed that it's impossible to process more than one string of information at a time. The brain just can't do it. But many researchers have guessed that people who appear to multitask must have superb control over what they think about and what they pay attention to.


1. Are you a multitasker?

What do you think about multitasking?

2. Do you think multitasking is a good thing?

Advantages and disadvantages of multitasking why multitasking?

3. How to focus on one thing?

Ways to improve your concentration?

4. Are you distracted by technology?

Reasons why people can't concentrate?

5. Is smartphone distract our attention?

6. Should people put the phone away when talk a person?

Why you shouldn't bring your Smartphone to the movies?

7.Is it improper etiquette to send text messages while having an actual conversation?


Shut up and eat! (Miami Newsday )
New York foodies flock to restaurant for 'silent suppers' to enjoy food with no yelling or cell phone calls  
For diners who hate loud restaurants and couples who don't have anything to talk about, one New York eaterie is hoping to strike gold with its silent suppers.
Eat, located in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, held its first no-talking, four-course dinner this month and it was a sell-out success.

Nicholas Nauman, 28, the venue's managing chef and events planner, said he was inspired by silent breakfasts he enjoyed while staying at a Buddhist monastery in India.

Don't utter a word: For diners who hate loud restaurants and couples who don;t have anything to talk about, one New York eaterie is hoping to strike gold with its silent suppers
He told MailOnline: 'People's experience of food can be so clouded by noise. Food anxiety is real.
'I wanted to provide people with an opportunity to be quiet and eat. It might be a beautiful time, and the food will be delicious.'
He revealed one of his pet hates is cell phone-use at the table.
Last Sunday night Wall Street Journal reporter, Richard Morgan said that he and fellow guests, coughed up $40 for the pleasure of not uttering a word while sampling plates of calamari and pasta at Eat.
1. What do you think about 'silent suppers'?
Do you think 'silent suppers' a good idea?
2. Is it good to talk while eating?
Why should you not talk while eating?
3. What do you think about noisy restaurants?
4. How to get someone to stop talking loudly on their phone?
Do you have the courage to stop loud talkers in restaurants?
5. What do you think about table manners?
What are the good eating manners?
6. Should cell phones be banned in restaurants?
7. How often do you eat in restaurants?
In your opinion, how to choose a good restaurant?
拜託,一次做一件事就好 (讀者文摘 2013/07/16 )


我們自以為在不同的事情之間飛快來回,就能提高效率 「花很多時間做好一件事的人不會獲得獎勵,我們的社會已變得非常短視。」 





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How to Restrain Yourself from an Outburst

Angry outbursts typically refer to explosive, violent, or loud reactions to events that are either without cause, or out of proportion to the actual event. People of all ages can suffer from angry outbursts, even though they are most often associated with children. Adults with anger issues, or sometimes those suffering from other mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety disorders, can experience these outbursts as well. This can cause significant problems in all aspects of an individual's life, particularly in work and interpersonal relationships. Often, an individual with anger problems will feel as if he or she wants to control the anger, but that it is not possible to do so.

There are some common characteristics that people with angry outbursts will experience each time it occurs. Many people will feel changes in the body that precede an outburst, such as an increased heart rate or shallow, rapid breaths; others will actually feel warmth or heat in the body and face. This is typically due to a rush of adrenaline in the body, often known as the "fight or flight" response. It tends to just make the angry outbursts worse, because physiologically, it is very difficult to control this adrenaline response.

Depending on how a person usually responds to anger, this rush of adrenaline can cause angry outbursts to look different in each person. Some people will respond by yelling or using inappropriate language at someone. Others will behave in a more violent way, sometimes throwing or breaking things or, in the worst scenarios, becoming violent toward another person. Abusive relationships are often characterized by angry outbursts of this nature, which is always unacceptable, regardless of the cause. Sometimes the person experiencing the outburst will legitimately feel as if it is beyond his or her control; at this point, it is time for the person to seek professional help.

Angry outbursts can be caused for a number of reasons. Sometimes people just did not ever learn how to properly express themselves. Substance abuse, particularly alcohol abuse, often contributes to these types of angry outbursts as well. Other mental illnesses such as anger and depression can also cause these events, sometimes because anger is the safest way for an individual to express the way he or she is feeling; in addition, some outbursts can be attributed to ADD or even low blood sugar. Regardless, people who are experiencing this situation in their lives need to take immediate steps to get help and resolve the problem.


1. How to control your temper?

2. What makes you lose your temper usually?

3. Is it healthy ways to lose temper sometimes?

4. Bad temper - ways to control temperament problems?

5. Is your temper costing you friendships/relationship?

6. What are the things to do when you're feeling angry with someone?

Protesters throw shoes at president

President Ma Ying-jeous (馬英九) visit to Yunlin County yesterday was marred by a protest by more than 200 residents, some throwing shoes as the president arrived, because they blame the government for ignoring the countys flooding problems.Yunlin.


1.      What do you think about protests in Taiwan?

2.      What do you think about throwing shoes cases?

Taiwan raises poverty line in some areas, expanding welfare

Taipei, Oct. 2 (CNA) The Ministry of Health and Welfare announced Wednesday that the poverty line in parts of Taiwan will be raised next year, which means that a larger number of low income people will be eligible for public assistance.


1.      What do you think about Health and Welfare in Taiwan?

The Top Hat Bakery

Top Pot originally hit the headlines in late August this year after a customer in Hong Kong charged that the company was adding flavor essences and other ingredients that belied its products’ advertised ‘all natural’ make-up. The false advertising claims led to exchanges for customers who had purchased baked goods from the company even as stories began to emerge about questionable stock movements.


1. What do you think about The Top Hat Bakery matter?

2. What do you think about food safety?

Legislature wiretapping unintentional: Huang

Prosecutor-General Huang Shih-ming yesterday apologized for misinformation concerning a telephone line under the surveillance of the Special Investigation Division (SID) but denied allegations that the SID knowingly wiretapped a Legislative Yuan line. 


1. What do you think about wiretapping?



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